April 2023

a few favourites

A Few Favourites

Hi friends! Welcome back to this week’s Friday favourites. I’m excited to be linking up with Andrea and Erika to share a few favourites from my week. This week has been all about adjusting back to the working week after the term break. And it was a bit of an unusual week because we had a public holiday on Tuesday. But as I’ve mentioned before even though we had one less working day. The week didn’t really feel any shorter! Anzac Day On Tuesday we celebrated Anzac Day, a special day in Australia and New Zealand where we show our appreciation towards the courageous men and women who have served our countries. And we come together to remember their bravery and sacrifice. We usually attend a dawn service but we didn’t this year because Steve has been working crazy long hours. And there was no way that he would have been able to get up so early. To be honest I couldn’t either! I have had some really crumby sleep lately and I think it might be a mixture of feeling a bit anxious about going back to work and also still feeling a bit sniffly from being sick last week. Anyway, our friends who we usually go to the dawn service with sent us a pic of the parade that they went to. Anzac Biscuits In honour of Anzac Day, I bought a packet of Anzac biscuits. Anzac biscuits are more than just a sweet treat, they are actually a symbol of the strength and resilience of our servicemen and women. They were originally sent to soldiers as a comforting reminder of home during World War I. Anzac biscuits are well known for their long shelf life because they are made with ingredients that don’t spoil easily. And they are really yummy, especially with a cup of tea! Warm Autumn Days This week has been really warm and gloriously sunny. And you would almost think it was spring over here. But according to my weather app, it looks like we are headed for a rainy weekend 🙁 Groceries Here is my mini grocery haul. I don’t usually go to the supermarket anymore and just order online. But I have really enjoyed walking up to our new Woolworths Metro. It is about a 15-minute walk and because the days have been so sunny I have loved walking up to have a sticky beak. And I was excited to find some things that were discounted! Tea I usually buy Tetley teabags but I thought I would try this Twinings English Breakfast. And I really enjoyed it too because the tea is extra strong and extra delicious! Date Night Wednesday night date night was fun and we went back to our usual haunt to enjoy the seafood platter. Then we finished with a bowl of gelato-vanilla, apple pie and pistachio. It was a great combo! Tasty Plant Sushi is really loving our new plant for the living room. She was munching on the leaves and I panicked, quickly googling to make sure that it wasn’t toxic. I hadn’t thought of that when I bought it at Ikea last weekend. But luckily the plant is non-toxic and completely fine for pets. Preschool Happenings My lovely colleague is back from maternity leave and I’m excited to be back in the classroom with her. She is so funny, and kind and her enthusiasm is contagious! During the week we have been talking to the kids about Anzac Day. And today we finished off by making Anzac biscuits and the kids had a blast! They were so good at waiting patiently for their turn to pour and mix the ingredients. I burst out laughing when they watched me carefully pour the melted butter into the mixture and they all let out a loud gasp of excitement. It was a chorus of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ and they made me feel like a total baking rockstar! I packaged the biscuits into brown paper bags and popped the recipe inside for their families. They were so excited to take their biscuits home. And that wraps up a few favourites for this week! To be honest, going back to work was a bit tough, but it turned out to be a good one nonetheless. And I’m feeling a whole lot better now that I’ve got week one under my belt. Thank you so much for being here today, I hope that you have all had a fantastic week and are just as excited as I am that it’s the weekend! Happy Friday! In case you missed my previous posts this week Hello Monday- A Recap Of My Weekend What’s Up Wednesday- Monthly Update Monthly Musings- all About Spring!  

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All About Spring

Hey everyone it’s so good to be back again for this month’s fun Monthly Musings link-up with Holly and Patty. This month’s topic is All About Spring. And even though spring is a few months away for us because it’s Autumn over here in Australia. I’m excited to talk all about spring and everything that makes this season so delightful! In addition to the general excitement of the season. Today we are going to chat about favourite spring fashion pieces, delicious meals, spring traditions and a whole lot more. So let’s dive right in! All About Spring Favourite Spring Fashion Pieces I love wearing black and neutral colours. But once the weather warms up I find that I am just itching to wear something light and fresh. I don’t really tend to go for floral patterns. And when it comes to favourite spring pieces I usually like to wear anything that is neutral-coloured and add a touch of soft pink or blush. I also really love my light-coloured jeans. And after months of wearing dark denim and black pants. I am so ready to ditch these items. It’s so refreshing to embrace the lighter and brighter side of fashion in spring. Favourite Spring Scent When it comes to favourite spring scents there is nothing quite like the fresh invigorating aromas that fill the air during this time of the year. Spring is all about the smell of blooming flowers, the scent of freshly cut grass and the zesty fragrance of citrus fruits. All of these scents just scream ‘Spring is here!’ And when it comes to fragrances my favourite one for spring is Ô De Lancôme because it has a perfect blend of all the scents that make springtime so special. Go To Spring Meals Once the weather starts to warm up I get excited to whip up some fresh, colourful salads. I also like to make this very easy quiche which you can enjoy both hot and cold. And this spinach pie is also a favourite because it goes so well with a crispy fresh garden salad. Share A Spring Dessert Recipe I love these simple-to-make peanut butter M&M cookies because they are full of colourful M&Ms. And spring is all about colour! Plus these are great to take to picnics or any fun get-together! Share A Few Spring Traditions I always go to Bunnings on the first weekend of September to buy some colourful flowering plants for our front garden. I don’t have a green thumb at all but I’m getting better at looking after plants. Go me! Best Spring Cleaning Hack I think that my best spring cleaning hack is to declutter my wardrobe. It’s the perfect time to get rid of winter clothes that have seen better days. Or donate the ones that I haven’t worn at all during the colder months. It’s fun and exciting to pack away all the heavy winter clothing and pull out a fresh spring wardrobe. Will You Plant A Garden This Year? I’ve given up trying to grow vegetables. I used to grow tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and zucchini when my kids were little. We had some success and enjoyed gardening together despite my limited gardening skills. Now I just plant flowering plants because they look pretty and don’t need much looking after. Spring Rain…Love Or Hate? I’m not a fan of rain EVER unless I’m tucked into bed and night and I can hear it pouring down softly. Rain just makes my hair go frizzy! Favourite Spring Flower Jonquils because they have a lovely sweet fragrance. Any Spring Travel Plans This Year? No, not really, we don’t have any big travel plans but we do want to go on our staycation to Manly (a beachside suburb) that we missed out on last month. And it’s not much fun going to the beach in autumn or winter so we have decided to postpone it until later in the year.   Even though autumn is in full swing for me right now. It’s still always exciting to look forward to spring. So I’m going to try hard to embrace the autumn vibes while I keep dreaming of the warm, sunny days and bright colourful flowers that await us in the spring!  

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monthly update

Monthly Update

Hey, there friends! Can you believe another month has come and gone already? It feels like only yesterday we were gearing up for the start of the month, and yet here are, ready to dive right into this month’s edition of What’s Up Wednesday. I love joining in this fun monthly update with Shay and Sheaffer where we get to take a peek at what we are eating, loving, watching, wearing and a whole lot more. So let’s get started. What We’re Eating This Week Monday- Cottage pie Tuesday- fish with lentils rice and salad. Wednesday- We’re going out for dinner Thursday-Meatballs Friday- Chicken pie, mashed potatoes and peas Saturday- Ravioli and garlic bread What I’m Reminiscing About I just had two weeks off from work and already it feels like a lifetime ago. So I guess I’m reminiscing about all the time that I got to hang out at home with my family (when they were home!). The fun times catching up with my friends and binge-watching TV shows till my eyes nearly went square. Apart from being sick the first week, it was still a fantastic break from the usual hustle and bustle of daily life. What I’m Loving This gorgeous candle! I got it for my birthday from Sam and I lit it for the first time this week. It’s a beautiful floral scent and I love that it’s soft and subtle. Some floral scents can be a bit too much for my nose but this candle is just a lovely perfect balance. What We’ve Been Up To Now that I’m back at work we are all into the usual routine of everyday life. Sam has exams for uni this week and he has been making sure that he knows all the steps involved in measuring blood pressure. The other day he was practising on me and looking for my pulse. I didn’t know that I had a pulse in the middle of my arm. I’m learning new things too! What I’m Dreading Sigh! I have a couple of doctor’s appointments this month and I’m already anxious. Ugh, I don’t even want to talk about them! If there is one thing that sends my anxiety through the roof. It’s medical stuff. What I’m Excited About We have our monthly family get-together on the 6th May and I always look forward to these. I thought that I was going to miss out on this month’s dinner because I have tickets to go and see a band on the same night. But my sweet cousin changed it to lunch instead of dinner. So I can go to both yay! Vivid Sydney is an annual light festival that runs from 26th May to 17th June. They have so many interesting lights displays all around the city of Sydney. And this year my fun friend got us some tickets to go and see the lights at the zoo. I’m really excited because I haven’t been to the zoo in years and it sounds like it’s going to be a very fun night. What I’m Watching I can’t stop watching 9-1-1 and I have also started watching 9-1-1 Lone Star. Oh my goodness, I am loving both. Rob Lowe was my teenage crush and now he is my middle-age crush. What I’m Listening To Chilled 80’s on Spotify. It’s no secret that I think 80’s music is the best and this playlist is great when I want to have some soft music playing in the background. If I play all the upbeat 80s favourites I find that I get distracted and just want to dance around the house. Which is great but not when I’m trying to concentrate on getting things done. What I’m Wearing I’m wearing my denim jacket on repeat. Because we are transitioning from Summer to Autumn it’s hard to know what the weather will be like during the day. Sometimes it’s cool in the morning and then it gets warmer during the day. This denim jacket is such a great transitional wardrobe item and perfect for this time of the year. What Amazon Purchase Did I Love This Month   A new school term is a great reason to buy a new lunch bag for work. That and the fact that my previous plastic one broke. I love that this insulated lunch bag is not too big yet it’s still spacious enough to fit everything that you need. It also comes with an adjustable strap and has a few pockets for things like your phone etc. There’s a whole range of colours and patterns to suit any style and taste. I like this one with the cute white hearts and I also think that it would make a really great practical Mother’s Day gift! And that just about wraps up my monthly update for April! Thank you so much for being here today, I hope that you have a wonderful Wednesday and I hope to ‘see’ you back here tomorrow!

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Recap Of My Weekend

Hey friends! Hope you are all doing well. I’m happy to be back here today linking up with Holly and Sarah for a recap of my weekend. I had a pretty relaxed weekend, just soaking up the last of my holidays. I didn’t get up to anything too exciting but it was a nice relaxed one and I loved every minute of it! Saturday Saturday I just slept in and then I spent most of the day leisurely catching up on a few bits and pieces that I needed to do around the house. It has been wonderful not having to rush around getting things done or playing catch-up for the past two weeks. Banana Bread I grabbed a couple of things from Williams Sonoma when I went shopping at Bondi Junction on Friday. And one of them was this banana bread mix. I love banana bread because it tastes great and we always seem to have very ripe bananas that I need to use asap. It was so easy to make and I just added some crushed walnuts on the top before I popped it into the oven at 15o°C for 50 -55 minutes just like the instructions said. I ended up having to put it back in the oven for a further 30 minutes because it was still raw in the middle when I took it out. But it was perfect after cooking it for 30 minutes longer. I had a slice with a nice cup of tea on Saturday night. Then Steve had some for brunch with plain yoghurt and strawberries on Sunday morning. Sunday My last bit of holiday fun was a shopping trip to Ikea on Sunday. I needed a new lithium cell battery for our remote control for the under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen (our whole kitchen is from Ikea) so I thought that this was a perfect excuse to go. Well, it turned out that they didn’t have any in stock. But I still ended up leaving with a trolley full of this and that. Funny how this always seems to happen whenever I go to Ikea! I bought another plant for the lounge room to try and hide the ugly cables under the TV cabinet. And I also got a little plant for our ensuite. Since I have been much better at looking after the plants that I already have at home. Im feeling confident that these new additions are not destined for doom. A few other things I bought were a coffee plunger, candles, containers and a new clock for my bedside table. This new school term I am determined to make sure that I get out of my cozy bed once I hear the alarm go off. I usually use the alarm on my phone but it’s just too tempting to keep pressing snooze. I find it such a struggle to get out of bed in the cooler months! The new Ikea clock doesn’t come with a snooze button so that’s a good thing! Even though I went to bed at a reasonable time I didn’t sleep well at all. I seem to struggle to get a good night’s sleep on Sunday nights during school term which is super annoying! I must be jittery about going back to work. Monday It was a pupil-free day today and we had an emergency response training session in the morning. It was a fun and informative refresher course. The trainer, a seasoned firefighter, kept us all engaged from start to finish. And we even got to try out a fire blanket and an extinguisher, those extinguishers are so heavy! It was great to revisit the basics and brush up on our skills. After the training session, we had a long meeting and then a delicious lunch which was provided by the preschool. Then we finished off the day by getting the classrooms set up for the children who start back on Wednesday. Tomorrow is Anzac Day so it’s a public holiday. Anzac Day is a day of remembrance for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and all servicemen and women who have served in wars. It is nice to have a public holiday but it kind of feels strange going back to work for one day and then have the next day off. Even though it will be a shorter working week, weeks like this never really seem to feel any shorter. I wonder why that is?? Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by to read a recap of my weekend. All in all, it was a nice relaxing one. I’m excited to have a day off tomorrow for Anzac Day and I look forward to being back here on Wednesday. Happy Monday!    

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food friends and fun moments

Food Friends And Fun Moments

Hi friends! Thanks so much for being here today for another Friday Favourites link-up with Andrea and Erika. It’s time to kick back, relax and embrace those Friday feels. While I’m excited that it’s the weekend, my head is almost spinning because the week has just flown by so fast. I had a really great week and it was all about food, friends and fun moments. And after such a lovely week, I have to admit that I don’t feel quite ready to go back to work on Monday hmph! Nevertheless, I need to focus on the positives and be grateful for the two weeks’ holiday that I just had. I am so happy that you have stopped by to have a read so let’s jump into a quick recap and a few favourite moments from the week. Resting Up! I spent Monday at home watching more 9-1-1 and resting after feeling unwell on Sunday. Thankfully the strong antibiotics did their thing and I woke up feeling almost back to my normal self on Tuesday! This was a good thing because a friend of mine invited me to have lunch with her at St George Sailing Club. I was so happy that I felt well enough to go out and actually enjoy the day pain-free! If you have ever had a sinus infection you’ll know what I mean. They are no fun at all! A Long Lunch It was fun catching up over cocktails, a delicious lunch and some pretty stunning views of the water. Afterwards, we went for a nice walk along the promenade admiring the views and the huge mansions. It must be nice to wake up to those views every morning! After I said goodbye to my friend I was going to catch an Uber home. But it was such a lovely afternoon that I decided to keep walking. Despite the hour-long trek, I felt really energized as I made my way home, enjoying the glorious sunshine and feeling grateful for the beautiful autumn day. Date Night Wednesday Steve and I went to The Continental Bar and Bistro in Newtown and it was such a delightful place. It had a warm, cozy, inviting atmosphere and the staff were so friendly. I love places like this where you feel so instantly welcome the minute you walk in. We shared a charcuterie board and it did not disappoint. From the variety of cured meats to the selection of cheeses and artisanal bread, every bite was such a treat. I was blown away by how creative and innovative their menu is and I think that this is what sets it apart from other eateries. I loved how they serve up their signature cocktails straight from a can. And I enjoyed a seriously good mar-tinny with just the right balance of vermouth and gin. For dessert, we ordered a flan in a can haha! which was really good. We had such a great night and we really enjoyed the fun and playful vibe of the bar. I thought that it was a really cute and unusual way to enjoy food and cocktails. Who knew that eating and drinking out of cans could be so exciting and delicious? I can’t wait to go back! Shopping And Lunch Wednesday I met up with my sweet bestie for a fun day out for lunch and shopping in the city. We had a nice long lunch at a Mediterranean fusion cafe. After studying the menu for ages because we couldn’t decide what to eat. I decided on a  delicious hearty bowl of pasta and my friend ordered the chicken skewers. We looked around the shops for a bit more after lunch and we ended the day at one of my favourite shops called Muji. Where I bought a few more cleaning supplies and then we caught the train home. I had such a great time with my sweet kind friend, she has such a thoughtful kind nature. And I just love hanging out with her. When I got home I think that I must have been inspired after buying some cleaning things at Muji so even though it was late I decided to clean the oven. Believe me, it really needed a good cleaning. I put on a movie on my Ipad to listen/watch and went to work scrubbing until it was sparkling clean and when I finished I felt like a total hero. I didn’t think to take a before photo of the oven and I only took a pic of the gross glass so I would remember how it fitted properly. It has some tricky clips on the side that gave me grief when I cleaned the oven for the first time when it was brand new a couple of years ago. Even though it’s a self-cleaning oven you still have to scrub the racks and the glass by hand. It’s only the inside that cleans itself. Oven cleaning is not a favourite but a sparkly one sure is! More Shopping Today I caught up with another lovely friend and this time we hit the shops at Bondi Junction. This bubbly friend of mine is a total cosmetics guru and she’s an absolute expert when it comes to beauty products. I always love learning new tips and tricks from her. Plus she is so much fun to be around. We’ve known each other for over twenty years, and even though there have been periods of time when we haven’t seen each other, we always manage to pick up where we left off. I had a really great week and it was so much better than last week when I was feeling sick. It felt amazing to get out and be well enough to enjoy some fun things and try new places to eat. But what truly made this week special was hanging out with some wonderful friends. Having friends who lift you up and make life more enjoyable is one of the

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A Mellow Weekend

Hey there friends! How was your weekend? I hope that you all had a good one. Mine was pretty mellow, but sometimes those are the best kinds right? I spent most of my time at home, doing a whole lot of things that I totally enjoy but don’t usually have the time to do during the busy school term. And boy it was such a treat! Saturday For the past few weeks, I have been really keen to find a show that I can binge-watch on my own. Currently, I’m watching Blue Bloods with Steve and The Walking Dead with Sam and I’m loving both. Although The Walking Dead sometimes scares the living daylights out of me! But I like to have a show that I can watch at my own pace. And I found one that I’m totally loving- 911 on Disney Plus! It’s so good with just the right amount of tension, drama, and possible romance. I managed to tear myself away from the umpteenth episode to make dinner and I think this was my biggest achievement on Saturday! Spare It was pretty late in the evening and after watching TV all day I almost felt like my eyes were going square so I decided to jump into bed and start reading Prince Harry’s book, Spare. I’m pretty late to the party and it seems like almost everyone has already read it. But I was determined to wait patiently for it to become available from our local library. Now I have to admit that I had heard so many details about the book that I thought that I might not find it interesting anymore. But I was wrong and I’m so glad that I was wrong because I absolutely loved it and could not put it down! So here are a few thoughts. I’m going to try and stick to a few thoughts because I could probably go on and on! No Time To Grieve Right from the first few pages I was hooked and as I read it I could almost hear Prince Harry’s distinct voice in my head. The book starts with Harry describing that horrible time when he was a young boy and he learnt of his beautiful mother’s death. Prince Charles came into his room, told him the news and then pretty much left. No hug, no comfort, nothing. Then the next day it seems that it was business as usual. Even after the funeral, it seems that nobody talked about the tragedy. Not his family, his school friends. No one. Remembering That Fateful Day It made me think about what I was doing when I first found out that Princess Diana had been killed in a car accident. I remember it was a really cold afternoon and we were living in the tiny flat that we were renting. Steve was getting ready for work and I was playing playdough with Luke who was nearly four years old at the time. Funny how some details stick in your head! Anyway, I turned on the TV and there it was. Every channel was reporting this terrible news and I literally could not believe my ears! I wanted it to not be true. How could this possibly be true? I was so sad, and I remember calling my mum who hadn’t yet heard the news. After I called her I called other relatives and then friends. We were all stunned and very very sad. I cried watching the funeral and seeing that letter on the coffin that said ‘Mummy’ just about broke my heart. It seemed that everyone was talking about Diana everywhere. I know that I was. I guess my point is that it almost feels like everyone else in the world had the opportunity to grieve the loss of Diana, Princess of Wales. And we didn’t even know her personally. Yet Harry and I’m sure this includes William didn’t. It sounds like they just had to carry on. So it’s no wonder that all of this has taken a huge emotional and mental toll on Prince Harry. And maybe this book is part of his grieving and healing process. A Great Read I have read some comments about Spare being a book full of whingeing and complaints, but it’s not like that at all. Prince Harry’s story is laid out in raw detail. And it’s all about him finally having the voice, to tell the truth- even if it’s incredibly uncomfortable! The book highlights the enormous struggles and challenges that Prince Harry has faced throughout his life. Yes, he is a Prince and so comes from incredible wealth and privilege, but he is also human. And what comes across clearly is his desperate plea for awareness and change in regard to the press and tabloids. As I read the book I often found myself shaking my head in disbelief at how reporters can make up such blatant lies. And then get enormous financial rewards for selling these lies! And it really makes me sad that people can be so unkind. I really like Harry and Meghan and I hope that they can have a long and happy life together with their children. And I really wish for the day when I open up my Google home page and I don’t see yet another mean story about them. Sunday The only downer to my mellow weekend was that I started to feel unwell again on Sunday morning. Remember that annoying head cold that I told you about last week? Well, it turned into a sinus infection. My face was aching so badly that I ended up going to the doctor in the afternoon and he prescribed some strong antibiotics. I’ve been taking Panadol for the pain and I’m hoping the antibiotics kick in fast and do their thing to get rid of the infection. So I didn’t really do much on Sunday other than blow my nose, watch more 911 and read Spare which

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Happenings And Highlights

Hey there friends, welcome back! Can you believe that another week has already passed by? And here we are again for today’s Friday favourites. Personally, I have mixed feelings about how fast this week went by. On the one hand, I’m thrilled to be here with you to share my latest happenings and highlights. But on the other hand, I’m on term break right now and I don’t want the holidays to end so fast! Nevertheless, I’m so glad that you have stopped by today, so let’s dive right into this week’s recap shall we? Happenings And Highlights Good Friday It was so great to get together with my family for lunch on Good Friday. We had so much yummy food and spent lots of time chatting, taking turns cuddling our favourite puppy and we even watched a movie together. This was a huge highlight and I was so glad that I got a chance to see my family on Friday because on Saturday I woke up sick! A Cold Can you believe that I got a cold over the weekend? Just in time for the first few days of my much anticipated holidays!! It wasn’t a terrible cold and it was mainly just my head and sinuses aching as well as feeling generally bleh. But it was still so annoying! So I stayed home over the rest of the Easter weekend. And I drank lots of cups of warm cozy tea with lemon and honey. Binge Watching   And I also binge-watched ‘The Stranger’ on Netflix. It’s an eight-part British mystery thriller based on the Harlen Coben novel. I haven’t read any of his books but I sure am enjoying all of the limited series on Netflix that are based on his books! So far I have also watched ‘Stay Close’ and ‘Safe’ and I can recommend them all. I love a good limited series with a nice twist at the end! A Fun Performance Steve and I had plans to go to Manly for a few days. And We were both really looking forward to it. But he ended up not being able to get the time off from work as another one of the workers had a family emergency and had to go overseas. So we are hoping to get away another time. Anyway, that meant that I was free on Tuesday night and so I went along to see my friend perform at a bar called The Gasoline Pony. She has such a lovely voice and I really enjoyed her performance. We both go to the same bible study group and it was so encouraging to see most of the group there also supporting her. Burgers! On Wednesday Steve had the day off from work. So we went into Circular Quay to try out some burgers at Wahlburgers. We had a fun time and the burgers were delicious. This cheese sauce was divine. I have never tasted anything so deliciously cheesy before! We shared a choc-strawberry milkshake because I love strawberries and Steve loves chocolate. Then we finished off with this huge dessert made up of doughnut strips, bananas, ice cream and caramel syrup. Yum! I enjoyed looking around the restaurant at the photos of the Wahlberg family and some other memorabilia. When we left the restaurant the sun was setting and Sydney harbour looked so pretty. Rainbows Thursday I walked to our local Woolworths metro to pick up some cinnamon for a gluten-free pear cake that I wanted to make. On my way home I spotted some pretty rainbows and I sent a photo to my lovely friend. She sends me rainbow pics when she spots them too and they always make me so happy. We both say that they are signs from heaven and our mums saying hello to us. I like that a lot so I said hello back to my mum. It was so cloudy on the other side of the street but I could still see the rainbow! After I bought the cinnamon and admired the rainbows on the way home. I stepped into the house and suddenly it started to rain. The sound of the rain was so soothing and I loved listening to it as I made the cake. With the smell of cinnamon and pears wafting through my home. It truly felt like the perfect autumn day. Gluten-Free Pear cake The cake was really delicious too and we had it with a nice creamy dollop of vanilla ice cream on the side. It’s full of some nice wholesome ingredients and I love that the recipe is very simple. I don’t like complicated recipes so this one is perfect! It got big thumbs up from Steve and Sam so I will be making it again for sure. You can find the recipe here. Spare This morning I went to pick up a copy of Prince Harry’s book ‘Spare’ from our local library. Because I finally got an email from them saying that it was available. I had been on the waiting list since it was first released. So I’m really excited to read it over the weekend. Even though I was battling an annoying cold. I still managed to enjoy a couple of nice outings. But to be honest I have also really loved being at home. It is just the best treat to be able to enjoy my days without having to feel the pressure of the working routine. I have to keep reminding myself that I have time and I don’t need to get this or that done right this very minute. It often takes me a while to relax and stop acting like I have a schedule chasing me! I hope that you guys also had a great week and are excited about the upcoming weekend. I don’t have any big plans. So I guess it’s still more cozy days at home for me. Hope to ‘see’ you back here on Monday! Happy Friday! Linking

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Gluten-Free Pear Cake

If you’re looking for a tasty dessert option with healthy ingredients. Then look no further than this delicious gluten-free pear cake. This cake is a perfect sweet treat made with almond flour and pears. Not only is this cake gluten-free, but it also contains some wholesome ingredients that your body will thank you for! Almond flour is a fantastic alternative to wheat flour because it is high in protein as well as healthy fats. And the juicy pears are full of fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants. This gluten-free pear cake is seriously delicious. And the beautiful combination of almond flour, pears and cinnamon gives it a warm cozy flavour that is perfect for Autumn. It is also very easy to make because it contains a handful of ingredients and only a few easy steps! So if you are craving a tasty and healthy dessert option. Give this gluten-free pear cake a try. It’s sure to delight your sweet tooth and leave you feeling happy and satisfied. Enjoy! Gluten-Free Pear Cake Ingredients 2 cups almond flour 1/2 cup coconut flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted 1/2 cup honey 3 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 3 medium pears, peeled and chopped 1/4 cup sliced almonds Instructions Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°c). Grease a 9-inch cake pan and line the tin with baking paper. In a medium bowl, mix together the almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. In a large bowl, beat together the melted coconut oil and honey until smooth. Add the eggs and vanilla extract, and beat until well combined. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until just combined. Fold in the chopped pears. Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin and sprinkle with the sliced almonds on top. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the pan for 20 minutes, then transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool completely.   Some More Gluten-Free Recipes Apple And Berry Gluten-Free loaf Gluten-Free Orange Cake  

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pet peeves

Pet Peeves

Hi friends it’s so great to be back here today with Shay and Erika for this month’s edition of Let’s Look. And today we are going to talk about some pet peeves! This is such a relatable topic, isn’t it? We all have those little things that drive us nuts and some pet peeves are pretty funny. But of course, there are other pet peeves that are just plain annoying. So let’s vent, relate and explore the funny (and sometimes frustrating) world of pet peeves together! Pet Peeves People Who Talk During Movies- My husband is one of them and so now we call him ‘Captain Commentary’. When the last of the toilet paper gets used and doesn’t get replaced or gets replaced like this. People who are constantly unpredictable and hard to read- I get very stressed around moody people. Especially those who are friendly one day and then give you the cold shoulder the next day. People who bring down the energy of a room with their negative mood- I get it that some days are hard but I’m a glass-half-full kind of person and constant negativity is such a drain! Not covering the mouth and nose when sneezing- This happens every day with the kids at preschool. Thankfully I have developed some pretty good ninja skills and can usually duck for cover. People who drive with their high beams on and blind me at night. People who constantly sniff- blow your nose already! Stepping on or kneeling on a Lego brick ….ouch! When I do a load of laundry and someone has left a tissue in their pocket that then goes all over the clothes-that someone is usually me and I want to yell at myself. When you say a bright sunny good morning to someone and they totally ignore you. Dealing with rude people makes me sad. Cracking knuckles sends shivers down my spine Stating you look tired- when someone says that to me I want to wear a paper bag over my head for the rest of the day. People who lick their fingers to turn a page-ugh! When customer service says” Your call is really important to us” but you still have to wait forever. Shampoo always runs out before the conditioner so I have tons of bottles of conditioner and sometimes I forget to buy the shampoo. Why can’t they run out at the same time? When kids pick their noses- I usually tell them that their legs might fall off if they keep doing it but they know I’m joking so they still keep right on picking. People who spit in public places- I’m heaving just thinking about it. Opening a door to come into a room and then leaving it open when they leave- I always want to yell out” Do you live in a tent!” But I don’t because I don’t want to be rude and rudeness is one of my pet peeves. Being unkind to others is one of my biggest pet peeves. Choosing kindness is the way to go and it can make a world of difference! When you let a car cut in front of you and they don’t say thank you. Hair in the drain-It’s always my hair but it still makes me gag every time that I clean the shower drain. Bleh!! Gee, I didn’t know that I had so many pet peeves! But it sure feels good to get them off my chest!! Thank you so much for being here today. I really appreciate you guys stopping by to have a read. And I hope that you have a fantastic Wednesday!  

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Favourite Cleaning Hacks

Hi there friends! I’m excited to be back today linking up with Adrienne, Dara, Jen, Joanne, Lauren and Sarah for Not Just A Mom. Today we are going to be looking at Favourite Cleaning Hacks. As someone who loves a clean home, I am always on the lookout for new and easy ways to keep my space looking nice and tidy. So I really love exploring new cleaning hacks. Because let’s face it who doesn’t love a good easy hack that makes cleaning less of a mundane chore? Why Are Cleaning Hacks Great? My favourite cleaning hacks always offer creative ways to tackle everyday cleaning tasks to make life a whole lot easier. They save me time and money and a big bonus is that they use simple household items that I usually already have at home. Cleaning hacks also help me to become more efficient and effective in my everyday cleaning routine. By learning new and alternative methods of cleaning. I can reduce the amount of time and effort needed to smash out certain tasks. And I love this because it gives me more time to get onto doing other things that I would much rather spend my time on. Cleaning hacks aren’t just great for getting things done in a flash, they also save my sanity! Because they give me a sense of control and accomplishment and this helps to reduce anxiety and stress. Yes, I sure love a good cleaning hack! I recently wrote a Simple Cleaning Hacks post. And in this post, I listed a whole lot of easy, quick and eco-friendly ideas to make your cleaning routine a breeze and you can find this post right here. But today I also wanted to share my favourite big cleaning hacks that bring together all the little tips and tricks into a complete and thorough cleaning routine. Cleaning Hacks Declutter Regularly Regularly organizing and decluttering your home makes cleaning so much easier and way more efficient. Get rid of all the stuff taking up space that you no longer need and then find a place for everything else. Create A Cleaning Schedule If you plan out a weekly or monthly cleaning schedule that includes all the necessary tasks then you won’t miss anything and you’ll be able to stay on top of your cleaning game! Use A Cleaning Checklist I used to dislike checklists because they reminded me of school assignments but now I’m a total convert!  I think that making a list of all the cleaning tasks that need to be done is a fantastic guide. And  I don’t have to waste time trying to remember what needs to be cleaned or worry about missing something. I have discovered that checklists are quite friendly and helpful. Furthermore, it’s also very satisfying to tick off all the tasks as I go. Have All The Right Equipment In One Place Having all the right cleaning tools and equipment in a cupboard or a caddy can make all the difference. It saves you time from trying to find what you need and you can get right onto knocking those cleaning tasks off your list. Clean As You Go This is such a top tip! Instead of waiting until the house is a mess, clean as you go throughout the day. Wipe down surfaces, put things back where they belong after using them, and tidy up as you move from one task to another. Cleaning can be a pain but it doesn’t always have to be. These cleaning hacks and tips have transformed my cleaning routine from a major chore to a more manageable and satisfying task. If You Are Looking For Some Extra Cleaning Motivation You Might Find It Here How To Keep A Clean House Negative effects Of Clutter And How You Can Change It How To Get Motivated To Clean And Organise How To Make Your Home Smell Amazing      

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