September 2021

easy and creamy mashed potato

How To Make Easy and Creamy Mashed Potatoes

I thought today I would share with you the easiest way I know how to make easy and creamy mashed potatoes. Trust me you will want to throw away that old potato masher for good. If you’re like me and love comfort food, creamy mashed potatoes would have to be at the top of the list. There’s nothing like it is there? It’s the perfect side to so many dishes. Additionally, if you have leftovers there are a ton of things you can do with them. There is literally no excuse for ever having to throw any away. With Autumn/Fall happening in the Northern Hemisphere and Thanksgiving coming soon, this mashed potato recipe will for sure come in handy! So Many Types Of Potatoes I have heard that the best type of potato for mashing is the Yukon Gold with its distinct creamy flavour and yellow flesh. Unfortunately, this variety of potatoes are not readily available here in Australia. So here is a list of other potatoes found in Australia that are also good for making yummy creamy mashed potatoes Russet Potatoes- A large potato with brown skin. It is also known as the Idaho potato in the United States. It has white fluffy flesh and is high in starch. Apparently, this is probably the best substitute for the Yukon Gold Potato. Dutch Cream Potatoes -These are large and waxy with a yellow flesh Sebago – A long oval-shaped potato with white flesh. This potato is also great for roasting, boiling, and frying. It’s a great all-round potato Desiree- This potato has red skin and yellow flesh White potato- Another good all-rounder because white potatoes are also great for boiling, frying, and even microwaving. When I make mashed potatoes at home I usually use the good old White potatoes because they make a nice creamy and fluffy mashed potato. Plus they are always available at my local supermarket. Get Rid Of The Potato Masher As much as I love mashed potatoes, they can be time-consuming to make. I always found the potato masher hard work and also not great when it came to ensuring the potato was creamy and lump-free. So I have ditched the old masher and now I use a handheld mixer. That’s right, forget the old masher use a handheld mixer instead!!. Doing this is SO much easier and takes much less time. I just make sure the potatoes are really well cooked and that I heat up the milk before I add it to the potatoes. The mashed potatoes are always free of lumps and they turn out so creamy and fluffy. Seriously a game-changer when it comes to making easy and creamy mashed potatoes. Of course, you can also use a free-standing mixer. However, this means transferring the ingredients to another bowl and more washing up. If you use a handheld mixer, you can mix the potatoes right in the pot.     Recipe 6 Large potatoes suitable for mashing 1/2 cup cream 1/2 cup milk 100 grams butter Salt and Pepper Instructions Wash, peel, and chop the potatoes Add the potatoes to a large pot of cold water. Don’t forget to add approximately 2 teaspoons of salt. Bring the potatoes to a boil, reduce heat then cook the potatoes until they are quite tender. Drain the potatoes Add the warm to hot cream and milk to the potatoes in the pot along with the butter. Use a handheld mixer to mash/blend the potatoes until they are smooth and creamy. Add salt and pepper to taste. Easy Peasy! Just don’t forget to make sure the milk and the cream are warm to hot before adding. For a healthier version, I also make mashed potatoes using one cup of light milk instead of half cup of cream and half a cup of regular milk. They turn out just as tasty but with a much lower fat content. Other Things You Can Add To The Creamy Mashed Potatoes Roasted garlic Bacon Cream Cheese Chives Green Onion   In case you are looking for more recipes You can find a recipe for a healthy and delicious sweet treat here.    

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Monthly Recap

Hi everyone happy Wednesday!! Thank you so much for joining me for today’s monthly recap What’s up Wednesday post where I am linking up with Sheaffer and Shay. Can you believe a whole month has flown past us just like that? We are really getting closer to the end of the year when all the fun stuff happens! Well, we finally have a date set for ‘Freedom Day’. The NSW premier announced that lockdown will officially end on 11th October. I am super excited that I’ll be able to see my family who I have missed so much and it looks like Christmas is all systems go!! Ok let’s recap this month and jump into today’s fun what’s Up Wednesday post beginning with 1. What We’re Eating Hello Mangos! yes, delicious sweet juicy mangos are back. I just love them, don’t you? Plus, every time I see mangos at the supermarket I get really excited. Because to me, seeing them means we are heading into summer, longer days, fun BBQs and end-of-year celebrations! Yes, I love mangos not just because of their delicious flavour but also because of what they represent! Go Mangos!! Sam has really been into ‘Full English Breakfasts’. So most Saturdays this month we have been indulging in scrambled eggs, mushrooms, sausages, bacon, hash browns, and tomatoes. It’s been a real cholesterol fest for me! But oh so delicious!! Smoothies!! we’ve had so many bananas lately given to us from some friends who have a banana tree in their back yard. So we’ve made delicious sweet banana smoothies with low-fat milk, just to make me feel a bit better about the state of my arteries. 2. What I’m Reminiscing About Being able to celebrate birthdays with my family. My mum, who lives with us turned 93 on 15th September and so I made her all her favourite food for dinner and an upside-down pineapple cake instead of a usual birthday cake. But this year it was just the 4 of us and I kept thinking back to last year when we had the whole family together. I’m feeling much more optimistic now though since we have a date set for when we can finally get together. 3. What I’m Loving Cutting my own hair! I know this must sound crazy but my hair was driving me nuts. It grows so fast especially the back. Not knowing when the lockdown was ending back in July I got brave and cut quite a bit off the back of my hair and tidied up the side layers. And guess what! It actually looked pretty good. I even liked it better than when my hairdresser does it. To tell the truth, in all my years I have never, that’s right never found a hairdresser I have been completely happy with. They always cut the sides too short and leave the back too long. They all do this, maybe it’s because I have a weird-shaped head or something. So anyway I trimmed it again last week and now I’m thinking this is the way to go for me. I can just trim it whenever I feel like it without having to wait for an appointment. 4. What we’ve been up to Just the usual lockdown stuff, staying up way too late on the days when I didn’t have to go into work. Watching really fun shows, playing words with friends, and endlessly chatting to my bestie on messenger. Sam has been doing online learning all term and can’t wait to get back to school to see his friends. He is super excited the gyms are opening up soon too. He has his driving learner’s permit so he’s gone back to doing lessons with Steve again. Strict lockdown had us all too scared to even let Sam practice driving in case they got stopped by the police. Now things have improved and some restrictions are easing he’s been back on the road with his dad again. Gulp! Steve’s been working, as usual, nothing much changed for him during lockdown because he works in hospitality. Restaurants were allowed to stay open for pick up and take away only. He can hardly wait for the local swimming pool to reopen. He loves swimming and is part of a Sunday morning swim club. We are very both very different, he likes swimming and sports. I like to be dry and sitting still. 5. What I’m Dreading I’m not really dreading much at the moment. We’ve all had our covid vaccines, Sam has his second dose next Monday. I was a bit anxious about that and glad it’s over. I guess I’m just dreading the frantic pace of life once everything reopens. Don’t get me wrong I am excited that lockdown is ending very soon but for the first time ever I had a chance to see what life was like without having to rush around everywhere. I’m thinking I need to make a few changes, I don’t want that stress-tight neck muscle to come back ever again. 6. What I’m Working On I’m planning a big get-together with my family for later next month. Last year I had everyone over for dinner and to watch a Halloween movie. I bought a cheap but good projector and we had a big-screen experience in the living room. Everyone had such a great time and I’m hoping to do this again soonish. I’ve also been doing things like tidying up and getting rid of unnecessary hair and makeup products from my bathroom cabinet. I’ve done my ensuite but need to do the main bathroom cabinet. I’m just not feeling very motivated at the moment but I am working on it. 7. What I’m Excited About I have to hold on to my heart because Sam turns 17 on Wednesday! How is that even possible. My nickname for him is Little Sam even though he’s over 6 feet tall and towers over me. I called him that in front of

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Benefits Of Sandpit Play

There are so many benefits of sandpit play for children. It is not only fun and engaging it is also incredibly beneficial for children’s development. If you ask most of the children at preschool what activity they like the best, they will usually name the sandpit as their very favourite. Children just love scooping, digging, building sandcastles, mixing sand with water, and cooking. Sandpit play is such a fun open-ended activity that also promotes wonderful developmental benefits. Some of these benefits are Sensory Development Gross Motor Development Fine Motor Development Develops Social Skills Develops Creativity and Imaginary play Language Development Social and Emotional Sensory Development Children can explore their sense of touch by playing with sand. Additionally, they can also learn about important things like temperature. Children will be able to feel the warm sand that has been under the sun compared to cooler sand that has been under shade. Mixing sand together with water means that children are exploring different textures. Firstly they can discover that wet sand is incredibly sticky whereas dry sand will run through their fingers and feels very grainy. Gross Motor Development Movements such as digging, lifting, scooping, pushing, and pouring will give children’s large muscles a great workout. Their little bodies are being strengthened by all these movements. Children will also come to develop an awareness of their own bodies when they are engaged in the sandpit. They will work out how they can use their bodies to achieve certain tasks such as lifting heavy buckets of sand and tipping it over to make sandcastles. Fine Motor Development Children will find controlling a pencil and writing so much easier when they have well-developed fine motor skills. Sandpit play gives children an excellent opportunity to strengthen the smaller muscles in their fingers. Every time they dig with their fingers or manipulate wet sand to form shapes, they are actually increasing the strength in the smaller muscles found in their hands. Even doing little things like adding details such as small stones, gum nuts, or twigs to their creations means they are using their fine muscles. Develop Social Skills Playing in the sandpit is a perfect opportunity for children to develop their social skills. At preschool, we have found that sandpit cooking is a great activity that keeps kids focussed and engaged for a long time. So we provide the children with pots, pans, cooking utensils, and a play stove. The children have such an amazing time mixing the sand and water together to make everything from soups to cakes! While they are busy doing this, children are learning important skills about playing cooperatively. They are exchanging ideas and suggestions as well as learning to share and take turns. Develops Creativity and Imaginary Play Children really enjoy mixing sand and water. This is such a simple activity that is so beneficial when it comes to helping them develop their imaginations and creative thinking. Children can create new structures, find new ways to transport the sand around the sandpit. They can also think of new and exciting ways to use the sloppy sand and water they have so joyfully made. In the sandpit, kids are able to create freely. There is zero pressure to make anything that has a specific result. There is no right or wrong when it comes to sandpit creations. So children will feel a real sense of accomplishment and success no matter what they make in the sandpit. Language Development Children are often chatting with each other when they are busy playing in the sandpit. They might be talking about what they are building or cooking as well as exchanging their ideas. Sandpit play is a great time for educators or parents to jump on opportunities to help children increase their vocabulary. You can ask them questions about what they are doing or building. This is such a fantastic way to open up two-way conversations with kids. Interactions such as these while playing in a relaxed atmosphere such as the sandpit are so important. The reason for this is because it gives kids the perfect opportunity to improve their speech and language development. Social and Emotional One of the reasons why I love sandpit play for children so much is because it can even get the shyest kid to talk. Sometimes children struggle the first few days or even weeks when they start preschool. They are missing their parents and they really don’t know anybody yet. The sandpit will often be a place where they can relax. Children can become so engaged in what they are doing that they start to enjoy themselves. This will often lead them to feel safe enough to open up and start talking to their peers and educators. Final Thoughts Playing in the sandpit provides children with so many wonderful learning opportunities. They will be able to learn many important physical skills as well as social skills. Sandpit play gives children a full-body sensory experience as well as a place to socialize and play with their friends. I hope you have enjoyed reading about some of the benefits of sandpit play for children. One Last Thing If you would like to read about the benefits of playdough in early childhood you can find this here.

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How to Look Luxe

Looking luxe doesn’t mean you have to be rich or that you need to spend money on designer labels. You don’t need to follow fleeting trends or be flashy. Because luxe is not just about what you wear, it’s also about your frame of mind and how you present yourself. Here are 15 simple tips for how to look luxe. Nails One of the first ways to look really well put together is to make sure nails are neat and tidy. I don’t think they have to necessarily be long and salon manicured. They can look really nice if they are short, neat and healthy. Don’t ruin your beautiful outfit by neglecting your nails. If and when I do wear nail polish, which is not very often. I stick to neutral colours like nude. Nude is a safe colour choice as it will go well with any outfit. Remember to take your nail polish off before it starts to get chipped. Chipped nail polish is a big no-no if you want to look elegant. Makeup If you really want to look luxe consider going for understated makeup that will enhance your natural beauty. It’s a good idea to stick to natural tones. Even going super simple and wearing a bit of BB cream, bronzer and soft lipstick will lift your look and compliment your outfit. Keep Jewellery Simple It might be a good idea to go for less when it comes to jewellery and accessories in general. I like Coco Chanel’s famous saying “Once you’ve dressed, and before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take at least one thing off”. Simple stud earrings and a nice watch always look very sophisticated. There’s an accessory brand I like called mimco. They have a good range of simple pieces and you can often find some nice and more affordable pieces too if you wait for the sales. Go For Neutrals Wearing neutral colours will easily make an outfit look more expensive compared to other colours. Neutral colours are timeless, chic and sophisticated. One of the huge advantages of investing in good quality neutral coloured outfits is that they won’t go out of fashion. I’ve got a post full of neutral coloured outfit inspiration here. Simple Clean Lines Consider looking for clothes that are well cut with clean lines and flattering for your body shape. A Structured Handbag A structured and simple handbag will always look expensive. Try to stay away from backpacks and slouchy styles. Instead, maybe think about a minimal looking bag in a classic colour with not too much hardware. Lustre Have you noticed that ladies who look expensive usually look glossy and shiny? They have a lovely dewy complexion, healthy nails, and of course shiny hair! I have a friend like that and if someone asked me to describe her I would say she glows! Avoid Showing Too Much Modest dressing always looks classier. Keeping hemlines just above the knee is flattering and will make you look stylish. Stick to safe necklines such as round, V-neck, square or boat-shaped. Avoid anything plunging or low cut. Keep Clothes Free Of Wrinkles This is a simple thing you can do to elevate your look. Wrinkled clothing looks messy, so try and spend an extra couple of minutes making sure your clothes are wrinkle-free. Pulling out the iron and ironing board is always such a huge hassle especially when you are in a big hurry. I bought an inexpensive handheld steamer from Kmart last year and it’s made it so much easier when it comes to getting annoying wrinkles out of my clothes. Make Sure Your Shoes Are Clean Your whole outfit might scream luxe but unfortunately, if your shoes are dirty and scuffed it will bring your whole outfit down. Try and make sure your shoes are clean and well maintained even if it means a trip to the shoe repair shop. Wear Proper Underwear Avoid any underwear that shows lines under your smooth skirts and dresses. The same with bra straps, make sure they are out of sight. Avoid Tight-fitting Clothing Wearing flattering clothes that suit your body shape is the way to go if you want to look expensive. So this means staying away from clothes that are too tight. Don’t go to the other extreme and wear loosely fitting clothing either, just find clothes that are well fitted and comfortable. Wear Classic Styles Invest in classic garments and accessories that are stylish and classic. They never go out of fashion and they always make you look luxe. Crisp button-down white shirts, a cute black dress, pencil skirts, slim pants and a good pair of jeans will keep you well dressed and chic for decades. Tuck It In Tucking your tops in will give you an overall much more structured look. You can also add a simple belt to polish off your whole outfit. Wear A Smile It’s great to aim to look your very best, however it is also important to be kind, friendly and well mannered. You can wear your very best outfit and exude luxe but you will be much more beautiful if you remember your smile and kind manners!        

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Friday favourites graphic

It’s the weekend!

Hi everyone, happy Friday!!  Yes, It’s the weekend and isn’t that great?  Thank you so much for stopping by today and joining me for today’s Friday Favorites post. I’m super excited to share with you guys a few of my favorites for this week. 1 First up I have to tell you I’m not just excited that it’s the weekend, I’m also happy that it’s the end of term break! I’ve been off work this week and I’m off next week too. I have to say that the last term at preschool has been so strange with all the staff on a part-time roster and hardly any children attending. Normally everyone is really pumped for the holidays and the last Friday before term break is always a flurry of excitement. Not so this time, it was a very low-key end to the term. But being on holiday from work is definitely a huge favorite. 2 We made a scarecrow during the last week of preschool! My lovely teacher friend had a great idea to make a scarecrow! We have so many Ibis living in these huge palm trees right outside preschool. They are actually becoming a big problem but there is nothing we can do because Ibis are protected in  NSW. Not that we would want anything awful to happen to them. It would have just been good if our local council could have been able to relocate them to the wetlands, where they usually live. After many enquiries, our preschool has been told that there is nothing to be done about them. Our solution to the problem was to make a scarecrow!! Although I have a feeling that he is too friendly looking to scare anything or anyone. Ha!, what do you guys think? 3 Sam received his Year 12 jacket in the post. I really love the design and it fitted him so well. But seeing him wear it made me happy and super sad all at once. I’m actually feeling teary just writing about it now. How did the time go so fast?  It feels like just yesterday that he was at preschool with me. It feels like five minutes ago he was starting Kindergarten and now he’s going into his final year of school. Waaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! 4  Being in lockdown for now nearly 14 weeks is not so bad, especially when kind friends bring you scones! I had another friend drop these yummy, soft, fluffy scones complete with whipped cream and strawberry jam. 5 I am both a tea drinker and a coffee drinker and I am yet to pick a side because I can’t love one more than the other.  The Moconna brand is my favorite when it comes to instant coffee. I tried this one for the first time, instead of the usual one I buy and I really enjoyed it.  It tastes creamy plus I liked the fact that I bought it for half price!! 6 Look what all the staff got on the last day of term! A beautiful bouquet of flowers for each one of us!! Our preschool’s parent committee arranged to have these delivered as a surprise. They wanted to say thank you for just having finished off a very challenging term due to Covid lockdown. What a lovely gesture!! I must say that the preschool where I work not only has great staff but we are also lucky to have such a kind and super supportive parent committee. 7 My kitty cat is always a favorite. Here she is meowing at me, she’s been very vocal lately. maybe she is excited that it’s spring just like the rest of us! I can see she is losing some fur all over the floor too. 8 I was tidying up my bathroom cabinet and I found this I forgot I had bought this hair mask a while ago. I’ve mentioned before how much I love the Argan oil shampoo from Aldi. Well, this Aldi hair mask is just brilliant! Leaves your hair even softer and feeling healthier. I can’t remember if this was a special buy or they always sell it. It’s been ages since I’ve shopped at Aldi. But I will return once lockdown is over. 9 I had to run to Woolworths to pick up my online grocery order and I got to wear a dress!! It was a little cool and windy but definitely dress weather. It was so good to get out of track pants and my old T-shirt. I don’t really like posting pictures of myself but I have to show you because I was so excited. 10 Look at this!! I am so excited about this! I know, I know it’s a little crazy because my kids are too old but Mumma is collecting! Every time you spend $30 at Woolworths you get a little bag with bricks to make a Woolworths supermarket. That’s right a mini supermarket made of bricks!! I even went out especially this morning to buy the walls. I’ve got big plans to put this together tonight! 11 I found a Kit Kat wrapper completely sealed with no Kit Kat inside. I didn’t know whether to laugh or be sad that I missed out on a piece of my favorite chocolate!! That’s ok the bag comes with 17 more pieces and it really was funny. At first, I thought Sam was playing a trick on me. We both had a good laugh when I showed him. That’s All For Now I’m sure you are all as happy as I am that it’s the weekend. Even during lockdown weekends are still special and Friday nights are great for relaxing with the family. Steve is at work till late so I’ll put my little bricks together then when he gets home we’ll probably watch an episode of Good Girls. Please take care, stay safe, and enjoy your weekend! Linking up with Andrea and Erika

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How To Pack A Sustainable Lunch Box

How to Pack a sustainable lunch box- There are many things to consider when packing your child’s lunch for preschool and school. Firstly, you want to pack something they will eat happily. Then, you also want to make sure that it’s nutritious and healthy. Plus it’s always nice if it is presented in a way that is appealing for your child. To add to this list there is also another very important issue. That is the importance of reducing plastic wrapping and packaging. Unfortunately over the many years of working at a preschool, I have seen some lunchboxes containing more plastic packaging than actual food! Recently the Government Of Western Australia conducted some research with astonishing results. They found that a child’s lunch box containing ordinary food items, pre-packaged food and snacks creates approximately 3 Kg of waste per child every year. That is an incredible amount of waste that is going to landfill!! However, there are many practical eco-friendly things we can do to reduce waste. And we need to remember that small changes can mean a big difference when it comes to looking after our precious earth. How To Pack A Sustainable Lunch Box So What Can We Do? The Lunch Box Lunch boxes are usually made from plastics. For the sake of the environment consider using sustainable products instead. There has been a huge explosion in the variety of lunch boxes available on the market. These days it’s quite easy to find lunch boxes made from stainless steel or bamboo. Both of these materials are a much better and healthier alternative to plastic. Bento Boxes Many children come to preschool with large, fancy, and super expensive bento boxes. While these can be a good idea, children don’t need to have these overwhelmingly big bento boxes. They really aren’t necessary and parents shouldn’t feel the need to fork out so much money for these. It seems that parents try and fill every one of the compartments with a different type of food. In our experience at preschool what ends up happening is this. The children feel so overwhelmed by the quantity and variety that it actually ends up turning them off their lunch and they don’t want to eat. We’ve had children in tears sitting there in front of these huge bento boxes. Please consider the size when you are purchasing your child’s box. Bento boxes can be easily and affordably found in department stores and supermarkets like Kmart, Big W, and Aldi Alternatives to Bento Boxes Of course, it’s not necessary to have a Bento box at all to pack a sustainable lunch box. You can easily use any lunch box and divide it up yourself. I have seen this done very effectively by using things like silicone patty pan cases. In order to reduce food waste, it’s also a really good idea to separate your child’s lunch from their morning tea or recess. So instead of having everything in one huge overwhelmingly scary lunch box, provide two smaller ones. This makes it so much easier for your child to manage and know what to eat. You can also use beeswax wraps and silicon or fabric snack bags. These are not only environmentally friendly but they are really a whole lot easier for little fingers to unwrap than the sticky plastic wrap. They don’t call it cling wrap for nothing!! Thermoses are also great to use and you can go to town with the delicious things you can give your child in a thermos. Think about those yummy leftovers that they can have for lunch the next day. Lunch Bags Remember to choose lunchboxes that can fit into an insulated lunch bag. By adding an icepack you will also ensure that your child’s food is maintained at a safe temperature. How To Save Money And Reduce Waste With The Foods You Purchase For Lunches When we go to the supermarket we are constantly bombarded with a huge variety of pre-packaged snacks. These snacks are usually covered in unnecessary plastic packaging that will ultimately end up in landfills. Have you taken the time to actually consider the cost of these convenient pre-packaged foods? Trust me, if you do you will be horrified. Take for example the cost of cheddar cheese. A 250-gram block of cheddar cheese costs around $4.00- that’s $1.50 per 100 grams. A pre-packaged cheese and crackers pack costs $1.60 that’s $3.20 per 100 grams. Interestingly, I have noticed that many children don’t even like the cheese in these pre-packaged snack packs. They will happily eat the crackers and yes you guessed it. THEY THROW THE CHEESE OUT! An individual yoghurt pouch costs $1.20 per 100 grams or a 900-gram tub costs 64 cents per 100 grams. Now if you are buying the occasional yoghurt that may not seem very significant. But if you are purchasing a pouch every single day per child for school lunches, this ends up costing you a significant amount over the course of the whole year. Now, this is just the cost to your pocket but think about the environmental cost when you add up all those millions of yoghurt pouches and lids being thrown out every day. I buy my snack foods in bulk sizes and package them myself into eco-friendly lunch boxes and containers. I save a lot of money doing it this way and I am also doing my part in reducing waste to help the environment. What To Pack It is incredibly important for children to develop healthy eating habits from a young age. There are so many negative health consequences from eating foods that are high in fat, sugar, salt, and additives. Children also need good healthy natural food that will fuel their bodies ensuring that they are ready to focus and learn. While children are at school or preschool, they are spending long periods of time away from home. It is so important that they are consuming nutritional foods. Foods such as fruit, vegetables,

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How To Make A Home Feel Cozy

Let’s look at 5 quick and simple tips for how to make a home feel cozy. It’s been cold again here in Sydney. We had a couple of weeks in August when it was unusually warm, hot even! September came with all the glorious promises of warmer weather and longer sunnier days. Then boom we got hit with some gloomy blustery weather. I can’t complain though, or rather I shouldn’t because Sydney really does dazzle with bright blue skies and sunny days even in winter. Back to Cooler Weather Since it went back to being cold I brought out our warm soft throw blankets for last night’s movie night with the family. We watched ‘In Bruges’ which was an interesting black comedy/drama, certainly didn’t leave me feeling warm and fuzzy but I did enjoy it and it was fun being with the family. I have also been lighting candles and went back to sipping lots of warm drinks. I think it’s usually around mid-October when we finally end up getting consistently warm weather. So for the last few days, the word cozy kept coming into my mind. I love a cozy home and feeling cozy, reading cozy books, and lighting cozy candles. The word cozy itself I guess sounds very cozy. I associate cozy with autumn and winter.  There is absolutely no desire to be cozy in the summer months here in Australia. It just gets so unbearably hot! The recent sharp snap back to winter weather has left me wanting to experience cozy all over again. I am happy to have a few more days of cooler weather so I can get snuggly and warm before the season ends. I also know that many of my friends live in the Northern hemisphere and they will soon be right into enjoying all the cozy things like warm socks, soft blankets, flannel sheets, and pumpkin spice! Ha!! I’m almost jealous. So How Do You Make A Home Feel Cozy? Thankfully it’s not that hard and it shouldn’t be expensive to create a cozy comfortable and inviting home. Most of the things we need we probably already own. Have a look at the things you might already have lying around and get creative. I have put together a list of 5 easy tips for creating a cozy home and I hope you find them helpful. 1. Good Lighting Is So Important I think that good lighting is probably the most important thing when it comes to creating a cozy home. Try and avoid any harsh single overhead lighting. Years ago we needed new lighting for our very old kitchen. We didn’t want to spend much money as we knew we wanted to renovate in the not too distant future. So we chose a cheap fluorescent lighting panel and I HATED it! Ugh!! every time I went into the kitchen I felt like I was walking into an operating theatre. My eyes hurt and it was just awful. Thankfully our kitchen is now renovated with beautiful under-cupboard lighting and much nicer and warmer downlights. So if you can, definitely try and stay well away from cold harsh lighting. Fairy Lights Fairy lights can be used in bedrooms and living rooms. This kind of pretty lighting makes rooms look so magical and inviting. Lamps Go for desk lamps, table, and floor lamps. They give off lovely warm lighting for your home. The bonus is that you can fit these with energy-saving light bulbs. This will hopefully also mean savings on your electricity bill. 2. Make Your Home Smell Nice There are so many ways to make your home smell nice. There are candles, melts, reed diffusers, and flowers just to name a few. Go ahead and find a scent that makes you happy. After trying so many different scents I have finally settled on French pear from Ecoya and bought both the reed diffusers and the candles. I really love the range of candles and diffusers that Ecoya has available. 3. Fresh Flowers Fresh cut flowers are just so beautiful and really lift the level of coziness in a home. I am lucky enough to have a whole lot of lavender growing just outside my front door. In the spring when it is in full bloom, I always make sure to cut some and display it in my favorite vase on my small entry table. 4. Greenery  Plants will instantly liven up any living space and I don’t think it really matters whether they are real or fake. I have a mixture of both in my home and I think they look great! There is now such a huge range of faux greenery that it’s almost hard to tell that it’s not real unless you get up really close. Sprinkling some greenery around your home using a variety of vases and pots makes a home look very inviting. 5. Art Work There are many affordable prints you can find at places like Kmart or Ikea. These can look really nice and add a lovely vibe to your living areas. You could even create your own! Bare walls can be pretty boring so try and find some artwork that you enjoy looking at. Choosing artwork for your home can also be a great way to add a touch of your own personality to your home. You don’t always have to buy it as you could even create your own! Having a favorite photo or poster framed also makes fun unique artwork for your home. Artwork for your walls doesn’t have to be limited to paintings or prints. Juju hats and wire wall art can make your home look very stylish, inviting, and cozy! I hope you enjoyed looking at some simple ways for how to make a home feel cozy and don’t forget, small changes can make a big difference to the level of coziness and comfort of your home. Have a look around, what things could you add or change? Have fun and enjoy making

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making friends

Making Friends

Making friends is one of the most rewarding experiences that can happen for children when they go to preschool. Having that one special friend or a group of friends makes the preschool years so much fun. I have to say that one of the nicest things about working with children is seeing them make friends over the course of the preschool year. I remember one particular sweet little girl who was yet to make a special friend. She had been coming to preschool for well over a year and her mum was a bit worried that she was yet to find a friend. Sure enough, she ended up being good friends with another little boy after playing a fun game of chasing. They played chasing for weeks and weeks until they were finally firm friends. These two had known each other for a long time. But it took that one game of chasing to form a connection. Interestingly, one of the most common questions I get asked by a parent after their child’s very first day at preschool is “Have they made any friends”. I get it, as a parent myself we all want our kids to form good fun friendships and be happy. What Do Children Need To Make Friends? However, forming friendships takes a whole lot longer than one day at preschool. To form friendships kids need Time Social Skills Good Role Models Children Need Time To Form Friendships Young children need time to learn what friendship is. They have to work out what it means to be and have a friend. Once they have an idea of the complexities of friendships, they then need time to cultivate and nurture these friendships. Just like we do. Even though we are adults, we still need time when it comes to making friends. Maybe it’s helpful to try and put ourselves in our preschoolers’ shoes. When we go to a social function where we may have never met one single person there before. Do we leave that function after one night with a best friend? Not usually. We may have clicked with some people more than others. We might have even made plans to catch up with these new potential friends. But we probably couldn’t really say “Hey I made a friend today” after just a few short hours. So why do we expect our children to? Children Need Social Skills To Make Friends As children play with others they will learn and build skills that will help them make friends now and in the future. They need to learn super important skills like sharing, turn-taking, listening to others, cooperating, and how to resolve conflict. That’s a lot of skills!! Not long ago PJ Masks was the big ‘thing’ at preschool. A lot of children were right into pretending to be the PJ Masks characters, running around fighting crime in the playground. But every day there were arguments because everyone wanted to be Catboy. I had no idea who this Catboy was because my own kids are much much older and I’m still stuck back in the late ’90s and early 2000’s when it comes to kids’ popular culture. Ask me anything Pokemon and I’m all over it. But Catboy ??? not at all. All I knew about him was that he was causing a big fuss in the playground for us. I had to google who this Catboy was. Anyway, my point is that not everyone could be Catboy. The kids had to learn to take turns being Catboy and they had to work it out with help and encouragement from the teachers. The kids had to be willing to negotiate and listen to the cries of unfairness from their peers at not being given a turn to be Catboy. They had to understand, show empathy and finally agree to take turns.  It’s hard to be friends with a bossyboots or children who don’t take turns, so learning skills such as these are so important. Good Role Models Parents are their children’s greatest role models. Children will learn and copy everything you say and do. It is so important to show children through your words and actions how to interact appropriately and how to treat others with kindness and respect. Parents and educators need to teach children the skills they need to make friends. This could be done by using puppets or toys to do role plays explaining and demonstrating skills such as listening, cooperating, and sharing. Have discussions with children about how to make friends. Suggest to them the language they can use if they want to play with someone. Teach them to say “Do you want to play?” sounds simple enough but often kids need to learn important phrases like these so they can initiate play with other children and eventually make friends. If kids don’t have the language necessary to get along with others and make friends they might sometimes do inappropriate things. I’ve seen kids shove other children as a way to get attention and hopefully get them to play with them. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work, kids need to learn what to say to other children if they want to play with them. But Why Does My Child Have No Friends? One of the reasons why you’re preschooler may not be forming friendships is simply because they may be too young. As adults, we have so many years of experience when it comes to the art of making friends. Yet a little preschooler is at the very beginning of their lifelong journey of forming friendships. They have yet to learn so many skills that will equip them to make friends. Sometimes kids might have all the necessary skills to make friends but still, you find that they struggle with forming friendships.  This is sometimes the case and a source of worry for parents. But we need to remember that all children are unique and different just as we adults are too. Different Personalities Some

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How To Dress For Your Age

How to dress for your age. Hmmmm. Sometimes, especially around my birthday, I find myself googling ” What to wear if you’re over___”. I then start to wonder if my tops might be too tight or if my shorts are the right length and the same with my skirts. Not that I am now or ever was into wearing anything short, too tight, or revealing. Even in my 20’s, I was always I guess you could say a conservative dresser. I was firmly brought up to “not dress like a crazy” as my mother would say. Aging As each year passes by, instead of whinging about getting older and my cheeks sliding down off my face. I am trying to be more thankful for aging and the fact that I get to celebrate another year of being alive. But with that being said, anybody who is close to me will tell you that I do a lot of whingeing with each approaching birthday, but I am trying to change! My super kind friend does helpful things to help me when I am carrying on about getting older. She sends me text messages with photos of gorgeous-looking celebrities who are my age. Last year I got photos of Jennifer Lopez and I instantly felt better! Thank you, lovely friend!! But what exactly is age-appropriate dressing? Sometimes age doesn’t have anything to do with how we should or should not dress. Because I tend to think some styles are just not really very flattering no matter how old you are! Things like wearing see-through leggings as pants. This is not a good look EVER!!  Or what about those super frayed teeny tiny short shorts. Unless you’re Daisy Duke, this is probably a very risky fashion choice. Aging itself can be challenging enough as it is. So to limit yourself when it comes to fashion is just downright depressing. Why should we be told that you shouldn’t wear this or that? But How exactly do we dress for our age? Maybe we need to cut ourselves some slack. Instead of just focussing on our age when it comes to how we dress. Maybe we can focus on other important things like body type, dressing for the occasion, and the quality of the clothes in our wardrobes. Body Type As we age our bodies change so it’s important to work out the cut and style of clothing that suits our body shape the best. It’s a good idea to find the style of clothes that actually flatter the shape of our bodies the most. Dressing For The Occasion It’s important to consider that what you are wearing suits the occasion. In addition, once you have worked out the fashion styles that work well for your body type it might also be worthwhile to look at whether or not your clothes compliment your lifestyle. Quality of Your Clothes It’s better to have quality rather than quantity when it comes to clothes. Stick to good quality basic pieces rather than having a wardrobe full of cheaper clothes that go out of fashion and don’t last long. Focus On Classic Style Instead Of Passing Trends I think it might be better to stop worrying about what exactly is age-appropriate fashion and instead focus on classic fashion style regardless of how old you are. Classic fashion is a style that will last for much longer than one season. It’s a style that will last for many years and you don’t have to worry about looking dated. I’m referring to a simple black dress, a classic white button-down shirt, or slim black pants. All these simple elegant pieces will be totally fashionable year after year. Maybe the safest way to incorporate trends into a wardrobe might be to accessorize using colors that are “in” rather than buying a whole outfit made up of that particular trending color. I remember many years ago hot pink was very ‘in’ for about one season. I was so relieved to have only bought a pair of hot pink slip-on shoes because sure enough as is the case with most trends, this one was very short-lived! Dress Confidently This I feel is the key! Once you know what suits you and you love it, wear it with confidence! Think of Iris Apfel, a fashion icon and interior decorator who is 100 years old. She has got such a fantastic bold style. She dresses in bright colors, loud patterns, and lots of accessories. Her style is not necessarily a style I would be comfortable wearing but she just looks amazing. Her wardrobe suits her and she wears it full of confidence. Another fashion icon who dresses beautifully and confidently is Anna Wintour. She is 71 years old and has served as Editor-in-chief of Vogue since 1988. Anna Wintour seems to steer very clear of passing fashion trends and has adopted her own signature style made up of elegant well-cut basic pieces with a bold dash of color and fun. Have Fun With Your Wardrobe When thinking about how to dress for your age, I think it is liberating to focus on what suits you the best instead of worrying about how old you are. Wear what makes you feel and look good and what makes you feel confident. Try and stay away from negative limiting advice that focuses on what you can’t or shouldn’t wear. Just have fun finding your own signature style. By doing this it won’t matter how old you are because you will always be wearing clothes that make you look and feel fantastic. One Last Thing If you would like to see some of my favorite outfits in neutral colors, click here.  

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Friday favourites graphic

My favorite Things

Twelve Favorite Things Hi all! So that you might get to know me better I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite things for today’s Friday favorites post. My Favorite Food I have to start with my favorite food because food in general, is my favorite thing to dream, think and talk about. Oh, how I love Spaghetti Bolognaise, it is my absolute favorite. I could 100% have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and I’m not exaggerating. I even like the tinned version. Unfortunately, something went terribly wrong and NO ONE in my family shares my love for spaghetti, in fact, it’s at the bottom of the list for them. What is wrong with them, How are we even related ??? Now you might be thinking that this is because I cooked it too often but that is definitely not the case. I rarely make it because I know they don’t like (hate) it. Sigh! My Favorite Movie That would have to be ‘Volver’ with Penelope Cruz. I have watched this movie so many times I have lost count. I just love love love it. There is even have a framed poster of the movie in my living room. If you haven’t seen it, you definitely should. My Favorite Place to Go Mitchell Rd Antiques and Design Centre. This is a huge warehouse in Sydney and inside you can find a huge variety of independent stalls. In these stalls, you will find your childhood. It is full of things from all the decades. So much retro stuff like furniture, clothes, shoes, toys, and all the glorious 70’s home decor which I love to look at!! We go to Mitchell Rd Antiques sometimes on weekends and I could quite easily spend hours there but I don’t because I usually go with my husband. He likes it too but he can’t spend hours in there as I could. So as soon as lockdown is over this is where you will find me for the next three days. My Favorite Drink I love Bundaberg ginger beer. It has to be the Bundaberg brand, I’ve tried all the brands and this one is hands down the best! My Favorite flavor Strawberry!! I’m not a chocolate person, well I do like chocolate but not as a flavoring in milkshakes or ice cream. It’s strawberry all the way for me! My Favorite Thing To Do Dance, I love dancing. A couple of years ago I used to do Zumba and that’s where I got my weekly dancing fix. Sadly those days are over as the instructors finished their classes for good and moved on to do other things. I haven’t really looked around for any other classes near me but I might once things get back to normal. For now, my poor family just has to deal with me busting out some moves at home. Sorry guys! My Favorite thing to do With My Friend Shopping and High Tea- This is what I am so looking forward to once lockdown is over. My lovely friend and I are together on this and we are both excited. We’ve got big plans to hit the shops hard then enjoy High Tea at the Tea Rooms in The Queen Victoria Building like we did last year. The Queen Victoria Building is a beautiful old building in Sydney that was lovingly restored many years ago. I think there were plans to demolish it at one stage, but thankfully it got restored instead. Inside the QVB, as we call it you will find the most gorgeous designer shops as well as cafes, bars, and restaurants. It’s such a luxurious place to visit and at Christmas time they put up this huge tree that goes all the way from the last floor to the top of the third floor, smack in the middle of the building. Truly amazing. My friend and I had the best time chatting over High Tea the last time we went. We got served the most delicious dainty sandwiches, savory pastries, and scones with clotted cream. All this with our choice of tea served on the most exquisite china. So good!! I can’t wait to go back and this time I’ll make sure to take photos! My Favorite Comedy Show This would have to be Seinfeld. I have been a huge fan since the show started way back in the ’90s. I had just had my first son and we were home alone in the evenings as my husband worked night shifts.  After I had fed and bathed my little Luke I would put him to bed and be in time to catch Seinfeld on TV. I still laugh just as much now as I did then when I first watched it. Sometimes I use Seinfeld quotes in general conversation and I always know when I have found a Seinfeld fan. They get what I say. My favorite Comedy Drama Series Gilmore Girls- This is such a great show, I recently watched all the seasons and was so sad when it ended. Lorelai Gilmore always has me in stitches, she is just so funny and I really wish I could talk as fast as she does. I would also very much love to live in Stars Hollow. My Favorite Nail polish Color This would have to be Nude by Revlon. I hardly ever wear nail polish and if I do it’s usually in Summer. I do try other colors but I love nude the best. My Favorite Lipstick I was just thinking the other day that it has been months since I have even worn lipstick! I used to wear it every day but since we are in face masks all day every day and even at work. There is no chance or reason to wear lipstick. How sad, I can’t wait until life gets back to normal. I have enjoyed spending time at home during lockdown but now I need to get

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