July 2024

Recapping July-What’s Up Wednesday

Hi friends! It’s the last Wednesday in July, which means it’s time to link up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday. I’m sharing a bit of this and that and recapping what happened in July. I’m so glad you’re here! Just a heads up—this post contains affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase through one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support! WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK I’m constantly hungry, and I blame the freezing cold weather! Salads for work lunches just don’t cut it anymore, so this week, I have been having soup and toast. This is what our dinner menu looks like for the week. Monday – Mexican chicken Tuesday – Tuna patties with rice and green salad Wednesday – Salmon pasta with string beans and garlic bread (the half that I made and froze the other day) Thursday – Hopefully leftovers and I’ll make a zucchini slice as well Friday -turkey burgers and homemade chips Saturday – ?? WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT Sunny, blooming flowers! Everything feels so dull and grey at the moment, and I’m really longing for the brightness and freshness of spring. WHAT I’M LOVING The pure wool socks I bought from Costco a while back. They keep my feet so warm in the freezing cold preschool playground, and I couldn’t love them more. Bless my socks!! WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO Sometimes, I have trouble remembering what I did five minutes ago. So luckily, I can look back on some photos to jog my memory about some of the things we’ve been up to in July. Here’s a snapshot. We saw Boney M in concert and had so much fun singing along and dancing to some pretty cool disco classics My winter school holiday break was a fantastic mix of getting stuff done around the house and enjoying some much-needed downtime. Our short trip to Gosford was a highlight. We had a fantastic stay at The Hotel Gosford! We loved the cozy atmosphere with its blend of heritage charm and modern comforts. Figuring out how to use the heritage lift was interesting and almost a bit scary at first, but we soon got the hang of it. I painted and reorganised our small walk-in closet. Now I don’t mind leaving the door open anymore because it looks so neat and tidy. I enjoyed a few trips to IKEA, and on one of those trips, I bought a new rug for the living room. The cats had made a mess of the other one, and despite using every cleaner, disinfectant, and freshener, as well as scrubbing away like crazy, I couldn’t save it. Although nobody else at home could smell “it,” I definitely could. This new rug is machine washable, and I’ve also had some strict words with the cats! So, fingers crossed that they listen. One of the best things (along with a million other best things) about being on school holidays is having the time to get a bit creative! I made some prints to hang in our dining room with the Canva website and used lots of Bauhaus inspiration. We celebrated Christmas in July I got my passport, and we bought our Disneyland and Universal Studios tickets online on Saturday. We’ve also sorted our accommodation for LA and Hawaii and hired a van to drive from LA to Las Vegas and then on to Zion National Park. Aaaahhhh! It’s all getting so real now! Steve had another procedure on his knee—manipulation therapy—to help with his range of motion. We were a bit down about this setback, expecting more pain and a longer recovery. But he actually did way better than we expected, with not much pain after the procedure, and I see improvements every day. Good job, Steve! He’s got physiotherapists coming to the house a couple of times a week and is also doing his own exercises at our local pool, walking up and down in the water to strengthen his knee. They weren’t kidding when they said it would be a long recovery! July was a pretty good month, with the usual mix of fun moments and a few of life’s surprises to keep us on our toes and remind us to be grateful for the ‘ordinary’ times. WHAT I’M DREADING I’m not really dreading anything at the moment. Hmmm, maybe I’m dreading a little something. I’m up to the second part of my study journey, and I’m procrastinating badly. I have to respond to a few long assessment-style questions to see if I’m eligible for any credits, and it’s been hard to get started. I know that once I get going, I’ll be ok. It’s the get-going part I’m having trouble with! WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT August is the final month of winter. It doesn’t get much more exciting than that!! WHAT I’M WATCHING We were hooked on Crossing Lines and loved it until we reached the end of season 2. I totally understand why the show only lasted three seasons! They ruined the ending of the second season and offered a pitiful explanation about what happened to three of the main characters. It was so disappointing that we decided to give up on it. Last night, we started watching DI Ray, a British police series. I was really enjoying it, but then I woke up and saw the first episode had finished. Why can’t I stay awake?! I’m keen to see more, so I’ll definitely be rewatching it and catching up! WHAT I’M LISTENING TO The airconditioner keeping us warm. I wonder what our electricity bill will look like in August…hmmmm?? WHAT I’M WEARING I remembered to take a couple of photos this month! This is my favourite wool jumper. It’s so warm, and I love that it has a zipper on the front, so I have the option of leaving it down or zipping it all the way up

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Hello Monday graphic

Weekend Moments

Hey friends! It’s time to link up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and dive into our weekend moments. I hope you all had an amazing weekend and are feeling pumped and ready for the last week of July. Can you even believe that it’s the last week of July? The days are just flying by so fast! Friday Night Friday night, Steve and I went out for an early dinner at our local club. We ordered the seafood platter, which was delicious, although a lot less generous than the ones we used to enjoy at the Motor Boat Club. It seems times are tough in the restaurant world these days! The generous platters we used to enjoy have now doubled in price, so we thought we’d try this new venue. We are mindful of the fact that we are planning a big trip next year. So we are eating out less these days and trying places that offer better value. This place wasn’t one of them, but we enjoyed the night anyway and may have stopped off at McDonald’s on the way home for a burger and fries. Haha! Saturday Saturday was a day for pottering around, getting this and that done. One of the tasks was a sewing chore. Sam bought a Sloppy Joe online, and when it arrived, it had a gap on the sleeve where the overlocker must have missed. He emailed the clothing company for an exchange, but they refunded him the cost price and he got to keep the sloppy Joe. A few stitches later, and it was all fixed. I caught up on some blogs, and in the afternoon, my cousins came over to book more things for our trip to the USA next year. Steve put together a quick cheese board for us to munch on while we bought Disneyland and Universal Studios tickets. We also scoured the internet for accommodation. I’m giddy with excitement about our big adventure, though I can’t help but feel a bit nervous too (especially with my fear of flying—gulp!)! While we were sorting out the details, I had to face the fact that the exchange rate wasn’t in our favour. It seemed much better when I was doing ‘girl maths’ in my head. But we’re still super excited and looking forward to our trip! 23 weeks, 5 hours, and 23 minutes to go! Sunday Sunday, I went to my aunt and uncle’s house for lunch. I hadn’t seen them for a few months, and it was so good to catch up with them. We were so busy chatting and eating, and I forgot to take any pics. My aunt is an amazing cook, and we had the most delicious tender and juicy roast pork with vegetables and other sides. In the evening, I went to my other aunt’s house, and we watched some of the Olympic events. This time, I’m just not as into them as usual; I usually get really excited about the Olympics. Steve, on the other hand, watched the four-hour-long replay of the opening ceremony on Saturday. I only saw a few glimpses and wasn’t particularly impressed with some aspects of it. Did you guys watch it? What did you think? Some of my cousins were visiting as well, and I caught up with our fur cousin Zila in her fancy outfit. That wraps up our weekend! And of course, it was back to work today. I had a feeling that last week’s spring-like temps wouldn’t last long, and I was right. It was freezing cold today, and I’m sure it’s snowing somewhere because the wind is strong and the chill is biting, brrrrrr! Thanks so much for stopping by today and I hope you have a wonderful Monday morning or evening wherever you are! I look forward to being back here on Wednesday for What’s Up Wednesday. See ya!

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Friday Favourites

Hi friends! It’s time to link up with Andrea and Erika to share some recent favourites. Well, it was back to work for me on Monday. Even though I had an amazing break, when Monday morning rolled around, it sure felt like it had gone by in a flash. Fun, relaxing times always seem to go by so fast! I shouldn’t complain because my winter school holidays were pretty terrific. I got quite a lot of things done around the house that I wanted to do. Things like painting and reorganising which I never have much time for when I’m at work. Plus, I spent time with friends and family and a fun time away in Gosford was also a highlight. Our first day back at work was a pupil-free day. We started the morning with a team meeting, followed by morning tea—fruit bun, strawberries, and blueberries, compliments of the preschool. Then it was time for a workshop called “Understanding Yourself and Others.” This session was all about getting to know different personality styles and how these differences can either lead to conflicts or foster cooperation. We also did a personality self-assessment, which was very insightful and reminded me of all those quizzes I loved as a teen from “Dolly” and “Cosmopolitan” – “Are You His Type, Take This Quiz and Find Out! We also explored practical ways to encourage respectful communication and teamwork.  And it was honestly one of the most interesting workshops I’ve ever attended. I’ve been to so many that are a sure cure for insomnia, but I was wide awake for this one and learned so much. After the workshop, it was time for lunch, again kindly provided by the preschool. We had delicious BBQ chicken with salad, pickles, and chips. I added a big dollop of garlic sauce—enough to keep the vampires away for the rest of the year! I’m back to walking to and from work, and it feels great. It’s definitely a huge favourite. Another big bonus this week has been the amazing weather. With temps hitting as high as 23ºC, it almost felt like spring on Thursday and Friday. I’m so excited that soon we’ll only have one more month of winter, then it will be spring, and all will be right with my world again. I’m so happy with my SILVTJÄRN glass jar from IKEA (I wish I spoke Swedish). I swapped out the pineapple container that you can see at the back of the photo. I used to keep my hoop earrings and a few bracelets inside the pineapple container, but I never loved it as it looked a bit odd on my dressing table. I’m much happier with this new container; I think it looks much nicer. It was only $8.00! My lovely cousin flew in from her holiday in Switzerland, and her mum picked her up from the airport so they could join us for our Cousin Connect Christmas in July. Since it was her birthday while she was away, we had a surprise birthday cake waiting for her. My aunt baked it, and doesn’t it look nice with the macarons on top? Another recent favourite is dessert! It’s a special treat since we don’t often have dessert, but this week, I made caramel bananas for Wednesday night. We’re all still enjoying homemade garlic bread over here.  I’ve been buying bread from the fruit shop near my place and making my own garlic butter. It’s a bit of extra work, but it tastes great, and I split it in half and freeze it for later—win/win! I used to steam my zucchini because, you know, we need to eat veggies for health. But they never tasted great. These days, I roast them in the oven and sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese on top. Mwah! Delicious! Even though the days have been warmer, the evenings are still cold. Dunking these almond biscuits from IKEA in my steamy cup of tea is a winner! Olive oil is so expensive right now! The European heatwave and drought have sent prices through the roof due to a significant drop in production. We use a lot of olive oil, so I was excited to find this bottle at a slight discount. My mum always used to say, “Use all your special things whenever you can and don’t save them only for a special occasion.” I love this thinking and try to follow it. So yesterday, I pulled out this Corningware that my mum and I brought back from our visit to see my uncle in New York way back in 1984. We carried the set as part of our hand luggage, and I still don’t know how we managed it—it’s so heavy! But back then, this Corningware wasn’t readily available here in Australia, and it was quite the sensation at our dinner gatherings. Fast forward to yesterday, and I used the big dish to make a pot roast. I had heard a while ago that this set was going for thousands, and I didn’t think much of it. I just Googled it, and— no way, that can’t be right, can it?   By the way, the pot roast turned out delicious, but it made a bit of a mess of the dish. Don’t worry—it came out perfectly clean in the dishwasher. Now I’m wondering if we might be sitting on a gold mine. Who on earth would pay so much for a Corningware set? Seriously?? That’s a whole lot of trips to Disneyland! Hmmm… On that note, I’m going to list my Corningware on eBay – just kidding! I’m having a shower and getting ready to go out for dinner. Hooray for the weekend!! Happy Friday, and thank you so much for stopping by!              

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Gosford getaway

Gosford Getaway

The first weekend of the winter school holidays, I went away to Gosford for a two-night getaway with my husband. Even though it wasn’t that long ago, now that I’m back at work, that relaxing and fun weekend almost feels like a distant memory. Fun times sure go by so fast, don’t they? Anyway, I’m here today to share a recap of our trip and some of the highlights we enjoyed. Thanks so much for stopping by! Where is Gosford Gosford is on the Central Coast of NSW, just an hour and a half from Sydney by train. Even though it’s technically a city, it’s often called a town because it has that cozy, small-town feel. The waterfront views are absolutely stunning, and there are so many parks and cute cafes to explore. Big developers have definitely taken notice—construction is everywhere! High-rise apartments are popping up all over; clearly, they are making the most of those beautiful water views. While it’s exciting to see the area grow, it’s also a bit sad to think that skyrocketing property prices might change the character of this cute and charming place where life feels less hurried. On Saturday, we caught the train from Kingsgrove Station, changing at Central Station for the scenic hour-and-a-half ride. It’s such a relaxing way to travel, and the views get more beautiful as you approach Gosford. Hotel Gosford We stayed at Hotel Gosford, which is a short six-minute walk from the station. The hotel has a heritage facade, and with its recent refurbishment, we found the perfect mix of old-world charm and modern comfort. It was so warm and inviting! The hotel has three stories and a staircase with a beautiful wooden handrail. In fact, there is wood everywhere, which I love. We decided to take the lift, and would you believe it—it was a heritage lift! I’m so impressed with how they’ve chosen to preserve treasures like this from the past. It says a lot about their respect for the hotel’s history and commitment to maintaining its unique character. Steve and I fumbled around a bit, trying to get the lift to go up. There were two doors—one was a folding steel gate (I think it’s called a cage door) that had to be closed before the lift would move, and the other was a glass door. We also had to make sure to insert the room key, turn it, and press the button to go up. It took us a moment to get the sequence right, but once we figured it out, we were all set. By the time we checked out two days later, we were experts! Our Accommodation We stayed in a room with its own bathroom. Since it’s a pub, many of the rooms don’t have private facilities, so you might end up using a shared bathroom. I’m really glad we chose to pay extra for a room with a private ensuite! The room was compact but very clean and comfortable. The bathroom looked newly renovated, with modern fixtures and a sleek, fresh design. The walk-in shower was particularly nice, with a rain-head showerhead that had the right amount of pressure and felt very luxurious. I even took some photos of the space and might have said, “Quick, don’t touch anything until I get the pictures!” When we booked, the website warned us that it gets noisy on Saturday nights because they have a DJ in the pub. And boy, were they right! Haha, it was definitely loud, but the DJ played so many fun hits that I was itching to go downstairs. Steve, still recovering from his knee replacement, wasn’t keen—he’s not much of a dancer anyway, so it was a convenient excuse. But I went with it. He’d better be prepared for the next time we stay because nothing is going to stop me from hitting the dance floor! The hotel had kindly provided earplugs on the bedside table, which we only discovered the next day. Duh! Earls Kitchen The first night we stayed, we booked a table for dinner at Earl’s Kitchen, which is located downstairs in the pub. What an amazing meal we enjoyed! My mouth is watering just thinking about it. If the accommodation and atmosphere in Hotel Gosford weren’t enough to convince us to come back for another visit, the dinner absolutely sealed the deal! Earl’s Kitchen is such a gem! We both loved the modern yet cozy vibe. The decor blends stylish elements with a touch of rustic charm, and the warm lighting made everything feel so comfortable and inviting. The restaurant has an open-plan layout with a variety of seating options, from intimate tables for two to larger communal tables. Our table was located near the bar, on the edge of the main dining area. Next time, I’d prefer to sit closer to the centre, near the kitchen, where you can see all the action and soak up the lively atmosphere. It’s always fun to watch the chefs at work creating magic and feel the buzz of the place. Dinner It was a cold evening, and we were both craving something comforting—what better solution than to go for carbs? We started with a warm cob loaf topped with delicious melted confit butter. For mains, we ordered smoked beef cheek, garlic mash, and heirloom Dutch carrots. The whole menu was packed with delicious options, including gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan choices. We spent a while trying to decide because everything sounded so good. In the end, we both chose the same dish to avoid dish envy, haha! For dessert, we shared the steamed dark ale pudding with praline and salted caramel ice cream—it was a mouthwatering finish to our meal! And let’s not forget the wine: we had a brut cuvée that made us feel extra festive and bubbly. Second Day Exploring Gosford The next day, I was craving a pie so badly! After a sleep-in, as a result of the late-night disco, we went out

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Winter School Holidays

Hey friends! It’s great to be back here today linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday. I only took a week off from the blog world, but it feels like I was gone forever. I missed you!! Well, just like I expected, the winter school holidays have come and gone in a flash, and today was my first day back at work (sigh). But I’m super happy to say that they were nothing short of fabulous, so that’s a good thing! Today, I thought I’d share a roundup of the things that made my break so special. Let’s go! 11 Favourite Things I Got Up to Over The Winter School Holidays Catching Up With Friends It was so fun to catch up with friends for shopping and lunch dates! I felt like a real grown-up carefree person and it was fantastic! A Quick Getaway Steve and I managed to get away for two nights in Gosford. It was a perfect mix of fun and relaxation. I’ll share more details in a later post, but this mini-escape was definitely a highlight of the winter school holidays! Closet Overhaul I gave my small walk-in closet a complete makeover. Decluttering and organising everything, plus giving all the walls and shelves a much-needed coat of white paint, was incredibly satisfying—hello, more space! We now have so much empty shelf space that the cats think we’ve created a new high-rise apartment just for them. I’ve had to shoo them away a few times, but it looks like they’ve finally gotten the memo that I’m not their cat property developer! DIY Home Projects I painted the doors and doorways white, and wow, what a difference! Although they were already white, they had become a bit dull and dingy, so they definitely needed a fresh coat. I love everything white—it’s like having a clean slate, and it’s so much easier than choosing wall colours, which always feels overwhelming to me. When we first moved in, I was young, inspired, and brave, so I went with a colour called “Grand Piano,” a safe neutral stone shade (that’s as brave as I could get). The living room still features that colour because, no, I didn’t get around to painting it white during these winter school holidays. Aaargh! The thought of moving the lounge and TV really puts me off— I know my big boys would help with that, so it probably won’t be as bad as what I’m building up in my head. Maybe I’ll tackle it in the next school holidays! Anyway, I’m really happy with the switch to all white for the other spaces (except Sam’s room, which is grey). It suits my love for the minimalist Scandi look perfectly! Creating Art Inspired by Bauhaus, I recreated one of its classic designs on Canva (I love Canva) and used that as a springboard to create an original print of my own. Then I had them printed at Officeworks and bought two frames to display them in. It was a fun and inexpensive way to juju up our home. More Art I finally hung up a print from the Matisse exhibition we saw two years ago. I took down the poster featuring Penelope Cruz in Volver—Penelope needed a break. I’m really enjoying the new white frame and Matisse print; it’s a beautiful reminder of that day and looks perfect on our wall. Relaxation and Self-Care I focused on relaxing my neck and face muscles. Face masks helped, and so did lying on the yoga mat to stretch out my neck. Self-care for the win! TV Show Binge I watched some favourite TV shows and steered clear of stressful ones like Baby Reindeer. After two episodes, it was a hard no for me. Trying to keep things light and enjoyable over here! Ikea Adventures I had two fun trips to Ikea. The first was a solo to pick up some storage items, and the second was with my cousin and her kids. We went last Friday for the half-price lunch offer, and on top of that, we got a $25 discount voucher that could only be used if we spent over $100 that day. So, I picked up a few knick-knacks as well as a rug for the living room—since the cats had made a mess of the old one (bleh). My little (not so little cousin, he’s 14) joked, “Come for the meatballs, leave with a trolley full!” Hehe. Walks With Steve Oh my goodness! You cannot believe how happy I am with Steve’s progress since his knee replacement; we both are! He has really turned a corner (so to speak) and is walking so much better now! Over the break, we went on regular walks around the neighbourhood and we did a lot of walking while we were away in Gosford. He also has two physiotherapists coming to the house. One to do regular exercises and the other to retrain him to walk without limping. Poor guy has walked with a limp for over ten years, and now his brain is slowly adjusting to a new way of moving. Christmas In July We had a late Cousin Connect gathering on Saturday since some of the cousins were away over the school holidays. This time, it was all about Christmas in July, and we kicked things off with an amazing charcuterie board. One of our cousins is definitely a Charcuterie board master! We had delicious turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, roast carrots and pumpkin. Followed by the usual banter, jokes, board game and an all-around fantastic time! To top it all off, my youngest cousin even put the tree up with some twinkly lights. It was a brilliant night, and we have all decided that Christmas in July is now a permanent yearly tradition. Yay! That wraps up my 11 favourite things I got up to over the winter school holidays. Winter is not my favourite season, but I loved these school holidays a whole bunch!

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Hey friends! It’s time to link up with Andrea and Erika to share some favourites! I can’t believe how fast the week has flown by, taking the first week of my holidays with it! But I can’t complain because it really was a good one! First up, I got to hang out with my lovely friend and spend a day shopping at Chatswood with her on Monday. What a brilliant way to start the winter school holidays! We work at the same preschool, but we don’t get much of a chance to talk during the week because we’re always so busy! As soon as we got out of the train station, we looked for a place to have brunch and found a little café inside Westfield. We did wander around for a while like two lost sheep because Chatswood shopping centre is so huge and neither of us visits often. We both had smashed avocado on sourdough with poached eggs, and I forgot to ask for no chilli! Luckily, it wasn’t too spicy. I moved all the chilli bits to the side of my plate just to be safe (chilli be gone!). Phew! It was actually one of the nicest smashed avocados I’ve ever had. It came with an avocado dressing that had a delicious flavour. I bought my favourite concealer because I had run out and concealer is my best friend these days. Steve had manipulation therapy on his leg on Wednesday. I waited for hours at the hospital cafe and caught up on reading blogs. I could have gone home because the hospital is a five-minute drive from home. But I didn’t mind waiting. I also went for a walk around the block and it was a nice sunny day. The good news is that all went well and Steve wasn’t in much pain afterwards. Now he’s on a mission to improve his walking. After 13 years of walking with a limp, it has become a habit, and he can’t shake the protective walking technique. So he’s retraining his brain to walk without limping. Now that I’m off from work, I’m his walking coach. I emptied out our small walk-in wardrobe and painted it. I’m feeling so good that I got onto this task this week and didn’t leave it until the next. It’s amazing how much stuff we had and how much stuff I have bundled together to give to charity. Prepping for a paint job is not a favourite but I did find two Kit Kats while I was gathering my paint supplies. One of the fun things about pulling everything out and going through boxes is finding treasures like my Lulu doll. Ha! I’ve had her since I was five and I love her so much. She’s lost her hair ( she used to have two plaits) and she’s wearing one of my creations I sewed for her when I was about ten. I also found Snoopy who always has trouble keeping his jeans up! My uncle gave me this Snoopy when I was about nine. Then there are the photos!! Don’t laugh, ok go ahead and laugh, I sure did!! This is what I had to wear to my cousin’s ex-wife’s second wedding. We were super close, and even though she divorced my cousin, she wanted me to be her bridesmaid. I remember not loving the huge outfit she chose for me. Can you believe that even though it was the 80s, those sleeves were not a criminal offence? Here is the finished closet. I went to Ikea and Kmart and bought clothes hangers, shoe boxes, and other storage boxes. I have another closet in the spare room where I keep my clothes, and this one is mainly for Steve’s clothes. I’m so happy with how it turned out because the shelves, walls and ceiling needed a big refresh! I’m excited for this weekend! Steve and I are going away to Gosford for a couple of days. It will be fun to get away for a short trip. I’m not sure when I’ll be back here next week, as I might take a little break. But then again, I may not—I’ll see how it goes. I hope you all have an amazing weekend and thank you so much for stopping by!    

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shows I binge watch

Shows I Binge Watch

Hey there, friends! It’s time to link up with Erika and Shay for the July edition of Let’s Look. Today, I’ll be sharing some of the shows I binge-watch—these are the series that have me hooked and glued to the TV until my eyes go square! And when they’re over, I get the post-series blues until I find another show that gives me that fix. Shows I Binge-watch Drama Stranger Things Stranger Things is a masterpiece that combines 80s nostalgia with jaw-dropping sci-fi twists. While I binge-watched the last season, I was on the edge of my seat, hiding behind a cushion because it does have some horror (which I’m not usually a fan of, but it’s totally acceptable in this show). I love the characters and the trip down memory lane with the brilliant 80s music, fashion, and small prop details that sends me right back to my favourite era. I can’t wait for the final series! The Crown I fact-checked everything through all the episodes of The Crown and was amazed at some of the things I had no clue about (I should have paid more attention in History class). I loved all the seasons except for the last two, which kind of missed the mark for me. Downton Abbey This series set in 20th-century England about the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants is just the best! All the characters were so likable—especially the Dowager with her funny, dry, and witty one-liners. What a character! The finale wrapped up the storylines so well that I haven’t felt the urge to watch the latest movie, especially since I didn’t love the first one. The final scene is beautiful —  It’s Christmas and snow is softly falling while everyone sings “Auld Lang Syne.” It was such a satisfying ending. Unlike Lost, which I binge-watched and obsessed over, only to find its series finale the worst! That’s why I haven’t added it to this list (can you tell I’m still not over the disappointment?). The Time of Our Lives This is my favourite Australian drama series, and I was sad when it got cancelled after the third season due to ABC budget cuts. The series offers a relatable look at the lives of a diverse group of friends and family. It’s currently available on iView, and I often have it playing in the background while I do chores. Comedy Gilmore Girls This fast-talking mother-daughter duo is famous for their witty banter and quick comebacks. I was watching it the other day, and for the first time, I thought to myself, ‘Maybe Lorelai has ADHD!’ ADHD has been on my mind lately due to a close family member’s recent diagnosis. I digress—yes, I love this show, and I wish I lived in a town like Stars Hollow. Seinfeld A classic show about nothing that has everything! There are so many laugh-out-loud moments and quotable lines. I binge-watch a few episodes every night and fall asleep happy. Everybody Loves Raymond This sitcom about the ups and downs of family life is a gem. Ray Romano stars as a sports writer dealing with his overbearing parents and brother, who all live just across the street. As I get older, I find myself sympathising more and more with Marie—she’s always just trying to be helpful, right? Action/Thriller Cobra Kai I’m a huge fan of The Karate Kid (the original version) and love Cobra Kai! It’s packed with so much nostalgia and action! The series is all about Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso as they reignite their old rivalry while training a new generation of karate students. Sometimes I’m Team Johnny and sometimes I’m Team Daniel—I can’t wait to see how they wrap up the final season. Foreign The Shift This Danish drama series explores the personal and professional challenges faced by midwives. It’s an engaging portrayal that highlights the strength and compassion of these unsung heroes. I’ve heard there’s a second season coming out. But I’m not sure about the release date or which channel will air it. I stumbled across this series on SBS on Demand. Bonus Family (Bonusfamiljen) This Swedish dramedy explores the complex world of blended families with so much humour and heart. ‘Bonus Family’ follows the lives of Lisa and Patrik as they navigate the challenges of merging their families after previous marriages. It was my latest binge-watch, and I loved it. However, I’m disappointed that I can’t track down the finale, which was a movie-length episode. It was originally on Netflix, but by the time I finished the series, they had taken the movie down—boo! Now I can’t find it anywhere. The Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel) This Spanish series, set in early 20th-century Spain, holds a special place in my heart because it was the last series I binge-watched with my mum. ‘The Grand Hotel’ (Gran Hotel) is a period drama full of mystery, romance, and intrigue. The series follows a young man who goes undercover at a luxurious hotel to investigate his sister’s disappearance. It’s filled with so many twists and turns, as two of the best-looking couples on TV fall in love. I can’t help but laugh when I remember how Mum and I would crack up over needing subtitles to understand European Spanish—being from Latin America, those ‘th th th’ sounds always tricked us! Money Heist (La Casa de Papel) Money Heist is a thrilling ride from start to finish. “Money Heist” (La Casa de Papel) is all about a group of clever criminals pulling off elaborate heists, led by the mysterious mastermind known as “The Professor.” We would often have to hit the pause button to catch our breaths during those frequent tense episodes. This is another Spanish series that captivated audiences worldwide with its clever plot twists and dynamic characters. I loved it so much that I even dressed up as one of the heist crew for Halloween last year! These are just some of the shows that I binge-watch.

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hello Monday graphic

Hello Monday

Hi friends it’s time to link up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for stopping by today! Most of our preschool team kicked off the school holidays with a great night at the Intersection Tavern on Friday night.   The food was delicious and so were the apple martinis! The fantastic thing about celebrating where we did was that they not only had half-price cocktails after 8 PM, but they also had a DJ starting at 9. So, we hit the dance floor like there was no one watching (and I sincerely hope no one was watching, haha). It was so much fun, and my Apple Watch congratulated me for exercising so much! Saturday morning, I might have taken a couple of Panadol because, oh my legs!! Saturday Around mid-morning we went for a quick trip to the farmers market. It’s been raining so much there’s a pond in the middle of the park with little ducks swimming around! The same thing happened last year. Lot’s of delicious fresh produce. Look what I found!! The mandarins I had been searching for! The same stall that sold them last year had them again this year, and they are the sweetest mandarins ever. Last time we went to the market, I bought some from another fruit stall, hoping they would be sweet, but they turned out to be worse than the ones from the supermarket. They were horrible. They’re still in the fridge, and I want them to disappear. I don’t want to eat them, yet I don’t want to throw them away because I hate wasting food. But they really are not nice. Maybe I should bury them in the front garden when nobody is watching. I picked up some nuts to chomp on, along with dried paw paw and dried mango for making granola. Now I need to make sure that I make more granola in the next few days before I eat all the dried fruit; it tastes like candy—yum! I chopped up the mushrooms I also bought and cooked them to go with our late Saturday morning breakfast. Sunday Sunday was a lazy day, and our biggest achievement was finishing all the episodes of ‘Attack on Titan’. Now, we only have two movie-length episodes left, and it’s over. I never thought I would enjoy anime so much! Next up, we’re planning to watch Fullmetal Alchemist, which, according to Sam, is just as good. For dinner, I made roast pork with vegetables and lots of gravy. Steve was home, so he made the crackling, it turned out so crunchy! Whenever I make it, I tend to mess it up and it turns out rubbery. This time, I paid attention to the secret of good crunchy crackling: leave the skin uncovered in the fridge for an hour or so until it dries, then add salt and no oil! Most recipes I’ve searched suggest rubbing oil, but it never worked for me. It’s a mystery. That wraps up some of the things we got up to this weekend. I just got home from a really lovely day out with my bestie. We shopped, chatted, ate, and shopped some more. I’ll be back sometime this week to tell you all about it. I’m also hoping the days go by slowly so I can savour every minute of the school holidays—fingers crossed! Take care, and I’ll see you soon. Happy Monday!    

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Friday Favourites

Hi friends, and welcome to Friday Favourites! As usual, the week has just flown by, and here we are again, ready to share some favourites. I’m so happy you’ve stopped by today—thank you for reading along! I always think the last week of term is my favourite because everyone is in high spirits, counting down the days until the holiday break. Well, the staff are, maybe not so much some of the preschool parents. We’ve had a few groans and comments like, “Oh no! Two weeks!!” Haha, yes sir, two weeks indeed! Backtracking to Monday night, we caught up with our friends for our monthly dinner catch-up. We didn’t join our group for the June dinner because Steve had only just had knee surgery. Six weeks post-surgery he is much more mobile and now walking with one crutch. Steve ordered the Laksa and shared some with me. It was full of flavour but too spicy for me! It was too spicy for him too, but he battled through the watery eyes and runny nose—good for clearing the sinuses! I ordered the safe grilled chicken burger. My English friend with amazing Greek cooking skills shared some cheese and pickle-flavoured chips with me. They were good! Hooray! My passport arrived by registered post! Thursday was s mix of favourite and not-so-favourite moments. We went to see the knee surgeon for another follow-up appointment and we didn’t get the best news. Even though Steve is much more mobile and he is making progress. The doc isn’t happy with the range of motion in Steve’s knee. So it’s back to the hospital next Wednesday for a quick but painful-sounding procedure. Steve’s having manipulation therapy where the doctor will bend his knee and break the scar tissue (ouch! My eyes are watering just thinking about this). He will have this done under a light anaesthetic and should be home within a few hours. Hmph! When we got home from seeing the doctor, we were both a bit down and took a minute to process the news. Steve is much better at focusing on the moment; I’m usually seven days ahead and imagining the worst! I didn’t want to be a downer, so I shook off my worries and put on my big girl pants. Ha! I’m not even the one having the procedure, and Steve was comforting me! I just want him to be well… fast!! Luckily, we had tickets to see Boney M at the Enmore Theatre that night, which helped take our minds off things. Before the concert, we had dinner at a Thai place just four doors down from the theatre. Enmore was so busy that night! The restaurants and pubs were packed, and everyone seemed to be having the best time. I was surprised by how lively it was for a cold winter weeknight. We shared a mixed entree and a super mild beef curry. Then it was showtime! We had seats, but I was on the dance floor in a flash with Steve’s blessing. He knew there was no way I could just sit and watch! Even though dancing isn’t his thing, he would have joined me if it weren’t for his knee. Oh my goodness, what a performance! Boney M. was amazing, and dancing along to all the disco favourites I grew up hearing was surreal! Their original performer, Maizie Williams, was there that night, and you would never guess she’s 73 years old! I want to be just like Maizie when I grow up and groove to disco for as long as I can! And that was the week! I’m keeping it short and sweet because I have to jump off and get ready to go out with my work buddies to celebrate the end of the term. I hope you have an amazing weekend and I look forward to being back here on Monday! Linking up with Andrea and Erika   

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simple ways to freshen your home

Simple Ways to Freshen Your Home

We all crave a home that feels like a cozy retreat where we can unwind and relax. The way you decorate and furnish your space plays a huge role in creating that emotional connection. That’s why it’s so important to infuse your personality into your home decor. After all, you’re the one who’ll be living in and loving it every day! Achieving a fresh, clean look for your home doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Here are some simple ways to freshen your home, to give your space a noticeable update. Simple Ways to Freshen Your Home Declutter Your Spaces Decluttering is the perfect way to kick off your decorating and furnishing journey with a clean slate. A cluttered home can be frustrating and counterproductive, making it hard to see the potential beauty beneath the mess. Tackle decluttering one room at a time instead of trying to do the whole home in one go. This approach makes the task less overwhelming and lets you focus on each space thoroughly. Spend as much time as needed in each room, ensuring every nook and cranny gets the attention it deserves. With a good declutter, you create a blank canvas to visualise how you want the space to look. Get the whole household involved to make the process easier and more fun. Together, you can transform your home into a more organised and inviting haven. Spruce Up with Soft Furnishings Your soft furnishings play a big role in shaping the look and feel of your home. From the blue cushions on your sofa to the curtains dressing your windows, each choice contributes to that fresh and clean appearance you’re aiming for. For a clean and fresh look, consider using materials like linen and opting for light colours such as creams and whites. These choices can instantly brighten up your space and make it feel more inviting. Remember, while the choices you make with soft furnishings are important, they’re also easy to change. Unlike painting floors or installing new carpets or tiles, switching out cushions or curtains is a quick and budget-friendly way to refresh your space. So, go ahead and have fun with your soft furnishings, knowing you can always mix things up whenever you want a new look! Conquer Kitchen Chaos: Do the Dishes and Put Them Away Keeping your home clean can feel like a never-ending task, but staying on top of the housework, even the monotonous chores, is key to maintaining a tidy space. While some people find housework therapeutic, tackling household messes after a long day can be mentally exhausting for anyone. One simple yet effective tip to freshen your home is to do the dishes and put them away immediately. Instead of letting them pile up in the sink or on the drying rack, dry them off and place them back in their designated spots right away. This small habit saves you from a bigger job later and instantly makes your kitchen feel cleaner and more organised. Imagine the satisfaction of seeing a sparkling clean kitchen with clear countertops and no lingering mess. Whether you’re enjoying a morning cup of coffee or preparing dinner in the evening, a clutter-free kitchen sets a positive tone for the entire home. It also gives you a mental boost, knowing you’ve efficiently tackled one of the day’s necessary chores. Embrace the simple joy of a clean kitchen—it’s not just about tidiness but about freshening your home’s atmosphere and creating a more inviting space for yourself and your family. Brighten Your Space: Let in the Natural Light Natural light is crucial, especially for rooms that don’t have a lot of light and tend to feel dark or closed off. Sunlight has the power to make any space feel more open, airy, and inviting. Start by evaluating what might be blocking the natural light from entering your rooms. Sometimes, simply rearranging furniture or removing bulky objects from window areas can make a huge difference. Trim any overgrown plants or bushes outside that might be casting shadows. Clean your windows inside and out to maximize the light coming through. Consider swapping heavy curtains for lighter, sheer ones that allow sunlight to filter in while still providing privacy. If you have blinds, open them up during the day to let the sunshine flood in. For rooms with limited windows, strategically place mirrors to reflect light and create the illusion of a brighter, more spacious area. Remember, natural light not only enhances the aesthetics of your home but also boosts your mood and well-being. So, embrace the sunshine and transform your living spaces into bright, welcoming retreats. Letting in the natural light will freshen your home and breathe new life into it, making it a more joyful place to be! Freshen Up with Regular Vacuuming and Mopping Maintaining cleanliness means staying on top of vacuuming and mopping floors as needed. Especially in a household with kids, daily vacuuming is often a must, not just a weekly chore. The accumulation of dust and debris can quickly make a home feel less tidy, so it’s important to tackle it frequently. Stay proactive with vacuuming and, when mopping is necessary, have a mop and bucket of soapy suds ready after dinner to swiftly clean up any spills or foot traffic marks. Regular upkeep not only maintains your floors’ pristine appearance but also ensures your home exudes a consistently fresh and inviting atmosphere. By making these tasks part of your routine, you’ll effortlessly maintain a clean environment that everyone can enjoy. So, grab that vacuum and mop, and keep your floors looking their best! Discover Your Home’s Signature Scent For those who adore the finer details of home decor, why not embark on a quest to find your home’s new signature scent? Whether you prefer the subtle aromas of wax melts, the convenience of plug-in air fresheners, or the cozy ambience of scented candles, there are countless ways to infuse your space with a delightful fragrance. Choosing a new

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