March 2023

Weekly Favourites

Hello friends and welcome to Friday! As the week comes to an end, it’s time to link up with Andrea and Erika to share my weekly favourites. It’s been a long week but the great news is that we have made it to the end. And now it’s finally time to unwind, recharge and catch up on some much-needed sleep without that alarm going off! Thriving House Plants First up on my list of weekly favourites is my house plants. I am so excited that my lovely plants are not just surviving, they are actually thriving! Now I know that I have mentioned this before but in fact, I have not been great at looking after my green friends in the past. But since I discovered the magic of a weekly watering schedule everything has changed. I mean, it’s obvious, right? How could I have not done this in the past? Duh! A Fashion Game Changer On my list of weekly favourites is Hollywood fashion tape. See this top I haven’t worn it for ages and the reason is that when I bent over even slightly, you could see all the way down to my belly button. Not good! So the other day I used the Hollywood fashion tape and what a game changer! Now I can wear my top again without worrying about any embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions. A Great Way To Start The Week Monday night my aunt invited us for dinner to welcome a friend who was visiting from Brisbane. It was such a great way to start the working week. I loved knowing that I had a fun dinner to look forward to after work on Monday. Zila A cute favourite was seeing my cousin’s puppy Zila. Apparently, she’s grown since we saw her two weeks ago. Haha, I’m not sure about that as she’s still so tiny! A Sweet Surprise Well, this beautiful surprise gift from one of my little preschool friends tops my list of weekly favourites. I absolutely love Baby Ruth chocolates, and it’s not just because my name happens to be on the label! Date Night Date night on Wednesday night was so fun! We were back at St George Motor Boat Club for some seafood and lovely views. Home Grown Dessert Eating the one and only mango from our tree with a scoop of ice cream was a big favourite. It was so deliciously sweet and refreshing. Crisp Autumn Mornings The mornings are dark and chilly now so the other day I had to snuggle into my favourite soft and fluffy robe. While the cooler weather is not a big favourite this beautiful sunrise was. I went outside to take a photo this time because my kitchen window is less than sparkling and I didn’t want it to mess up the view. Spring Fashion In Autumn Even though it may be Autumn where I am, I had so much fun joining the Monthly Musings linkup to chat about essential spring fashion pieces. I just love all things fashion and spring is such a beautiful season. In case you missed it you can read all about it here. And that’s about it for my weekly favourites. I don’t have any plans for the weekend ao I am really looking forward to doing things like catching up on reading my favourite blogs, getting on top of my own posts and spending time in the kitchen baking something. It’s that time of the year when the cooler weather makes me feel like baking or cooking up some comfort food. And of course, I want to spend some time resting-it’s the perfect recipe for a relaxing weekend! I hope you guys have a great weekend and I look forward to being back here on Monday. Happy Friday everyone! **Please note that some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, which means that I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products and services that I personally use and love. Thank you for your support!**      

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essential spring fashion

Essential Spring Fashion Pieces

Hello and welcome to Monthly Musings! Today’s topic is all about essential spring fashion pieces and we’ll be exploring everything from transitioning our wardrobes from winter to spring to discussing favourite spring colours, accessories and wardrobe items. We have so much to cover, and I’m thrilled that you’re joining me on this fashionable journey. So let’s dive right into the world of spring fashion. Essential Spring Fashion Pieces HOW DO YOU TRANSITION YOUR WARDROBE Layers layers layers! I think that this is a top tip that I like to follow when it comes to transitioning my wardrobe. Spring is the time when I will wear my denim jacket on repeat. Denim is the type of fabric that keeps me warm but it’s not too hot either. Plus denim goes with just about everything and it never goes out of style. FAVOURITE SPRING ITEMS I think that once I start to get towards the end of winter and I can feel that spring is just on the horizon. This is when I really want to ditch the dark-coloured pants and jeans and switch to light-wash jeans. Light-wash jeans still keep me warm when we are in that cool weather period during the early days of spring but they just feel so much lighter. FAVOURITE SPRING FOOTWEAR White sneakers! Transitioning from winter footwear to white sneakers can feel so liberating and refreshing. After months of wearing heavy boots and thick socks, it feels absolutely wonderful to slip on a pair of bright, white, airy sneakers. Additionally, white sneakers have a fresh crisp look that instantly freshens up any outfit. They are just so versatile and comfortable! FAVOURITE COLOURS YOU WEAR IN SPRING Neutral colours are always my favourite all year long and so I will usually just incorporate them into my spring wardrobe. Sometimes I will add a pop of colour to my outfit like these bright shoes that I picked up a couple of years ago. I also like pastel colours such as baby blue and blush pink. These two colours are perfect for spring and they go so well with neutrals such as white, beige and grey. WAYS TO ADD SPRING TO YOUR OUTFIT EVEN WHEN THE WEATHER DOESN’T COOPERATE Sometimes when I have been really keen to wear a spring dress and the weather is just not on board with me. I will wear some tights and ankle boots to keep my legs warm. Then I will throw a lightweight jacket over the top. But this all really depends on the dress because this look doesn’t always work with all types of dresses. DO YOU CHANGE UP YOUR MAKE-UP ROUTINE IN SPRING Not really, I don’t wear a lot of makeup to begin with, and I always prefer to stick to a natural understated look. So my makeup routine is pretty much the same all year-round. That being said I do like to incorporate some spring-inspired elements into my makeup routine from time to time. I do this by experimenting with different shades of my preferred lipstick colour. And I might also invest in a pretty lip gloss. PUFF SLEEVE TREND…YES OR NO Ummmm……no. I didn’t like the puffed look in the 80s and I’m still not a fan. Although I did cave into the puff trend and I bought one white top with puffy sleeves. I have only worn it once and it looked ok but the sleeves annoyed me. But I’m willing to give it another shot and see if I can find the love for that top. DO YOU CHANGE UP YOUR MANI/PEDI COLOURS IN SPRING As I mentioned before neutral colours are always my go-to. They are so classic and timeless plus I love that there are so many variations of neutral shades to choose from. So I will always pick a colour from the neutral family such as soft pink, taupe and soft nude shades. RECOMMEND YOUR FAVOURITE SPRING HANDBAG ETC One of my favourite handbag styles is the crossbody bag and I think that they are just perfect all year round. But when it’s spring then I like to go for lighter-coloured leather or canvas crossbody bags. And that just about wraps up a few ideas on essential spring fashion pieces. Transitioning from winter to spring means that it is a great time to refresh our wardrobes with lighter and brighter fabrics. Or if you are like me and prefer to stick to neutrals, then there’s always something for everyone in the world of fun spring fashion! PREVIOUS POSTS Here are a few articles on fashion and essential spring wardrobe inspiration that you might enjoy. Types Of Bags Every Woman Should Own Spring Outfits Neutral Outfits How To Look Luxe     Linking up with Holly and Patty for the March edition of Monthly Musings.

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everyday life updates

Everyday Life Updates

Hey, friends welcome back to this month’s edition of ‘What’s Up Wednesday’. I’m excited to be joining this monthly link-up with Shay where we are sharing some everyday life updates. We are going to chat about fun things like what we are eating, watching, wearing, and doing. As well as a whole lot of other bits and pieces of our everyday lives. So grab a cup of something delicious and let’s get going! WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK Monday- Dinner at my aunt’s house Tuesday-Meatballs, mashed potato and veggies Wednesday- leftovers for Sam. Steve and I are going out for dinner. Thursday- Pan-fried fish with chips and salad Friday- Dinner at my aunt’s house for our monthly ‘cousin connect’ Saturday-Roast lamb, potato wedges and salad Sunday- Leftover lamb in wraps with salad WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT As the days have been getting shorter and the weather is starting to cool down, I find myself reminiscing about those long, lazy summer days. The days are still quite warm but I know that soon enough I will be looking for warm sunny spots to sit in the preschool yard during outdoor playtime. But I have to remember that Australia doesn’t get unbearably cold in winter compared to other countries. So this means that there are still plenty of opportunities to get out and about. Having just typed this I still firmly believe that 14°C is freezing!!! I guess it just comes down to what your body is used to. WHAT I’M LOVING As a homebody, I love stepping through the door after a long day at work. There’s just nothing quite like the comfort of being at home. But before I can truly relax, I always do a few chores around the house. Then once I’m done and dinner is cooked, I can finally settle in and enjoy the cozy comforts of being at home. I love to light some candles and put on some soft music to create a relaxing atmosphere, and if I can manage to stay awake then I might even catch up on some TV shows. I always like to make sure that I complete some everyday household tasks first though. Because that way they won’t pile up for the weekend. And I have discovered that once I’ve taken care of my chores and feel like I’m on top of things then I can truly relax because these tasks are no longer playing on my mind. WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO Steve and I have been busy with work and Sam has been busy with work and studies. But we have also managed to sprinkle in a few fun events which is really nice. Because we don’t want to be all work and no play. In March we enjoyed beautiful views when we went out for dinner. Fun times with friends enjoying yummy food. And some bright summery cocktails. It’s been a great month! WHAT I’M DREADING Nothing that’s coming up next month thankfully WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT The upcoming school holidays!  It’s been a challenging term working to settle some of the little ones into preschool. I honestly think that this year might just be one of the most challenging years ever and I have been doing this for a whole lot of years! Anyway, I am so happy that the school holidays are just around the corner. And I’m looking forward to a well-deserved break and spending time with family and friends. I’m excited to come back to preschool with a fresh perspective and renewed energy. Yep, it’s been quite a term! WHAT I’M WATCHING I’m still watching Blue Bloods at a snail’s pace. Steve and I always like to have a show that we watch together and we picked Blue Bloods. However, the trouble is Steve works such crazy long hours so this means that we don’t get many chances to watch it. I started watching a Netflix mini-series called ‘Safe’ and I’m really enjoying it. I’m planning on watching the last episode tonight. After finishing ‘The Last Of us’ recently, Sam is now keen to watch ‘The Walking Dead’ with me. I didn’t think that I would ever enjoy watching shows about zombies. But the first episode was really good and I liked it way more than I thought I would. WHAT I’M LISTENING TO Right, this minute I’m listening to the dryer. It’s been a bit rainy and humid this week so it’s almost impossible to get the washing to dry properly. I usually try to hang the washing on the line as much as possible when the weather is good. WHAT I’M WEARING I’m still wearing summer clothes and I’m loving it! WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND I’m really looking forward to our scheduled monthly family ‘ cousin connect’ dinner and this time my aunt is hosting. Apart from that, we have nothing else planned. I have been having so much trouble sleeping lately. And I seem to get hot and sweaty one minute then I’m freezing the next. Could be to do with you know…..ahem….hormones ugh! So I hope that I am able to get some good rest and sleep this weekend. WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH As I mentioned before, I’m excited that it will be the school holidays. So I’m looking forward to a few fun outings. We are also in the process of planning some Easter festivities as a family. Oh yes, I nearly forgot. Steve and I are planning to get away on a mini staycation to Manly. I’m excited to visit a few bars, cafes and restaurants in that lovely beachside suburb. Fingers crossed that the weather is still warm in a couple of weeks. So I guess that wraps up a few everyday life updates. Thank you so much for joining me today and I really hope that you have the best Wednesday. I look forward to being back here tomorrow for ‘Monthly Musings’. See ya! Here is my Monday post in case you

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Weekend Wrap Up

Hi friends I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend! I am really sad to see the weekend end so fast but I am very excited that we are now in the countdown for the end of term break. We finish term one on the 5th of April and then we are off for Autumn break until the 24th of April. I can NOT wait! Anyway, I am so glad that you are here today where I am linking up with Holly and Sarah to share my weekend wrap-up. FRIDAY Friday seems like a distant memory now but I just wanted to show you the beautiful sunrise from my kitchen window. Please excuse the not-so-clean window oops! The days are getting shorter now that it’s Autumn and I can’t say that I’m a big fan. When I wake up it’s quite dark and it also gets darker much earlier in the evenings. Daylight saving ends the following weekend which will leave me so confused for about a week or more! On the flip side, I am really happy that the days are still very sunny and warm. You gotta look at the positives! SATURDAY Saturday was election day and we all had to vote for an NSW Premier. Steve and I decided that we needed a bit of motivation to get us to the polls. So he suggested that we vote first and then go to the Ramsgate farmers market aferwards. We went to our local polling place and I honestly expected the lines to be super long. But luckily it wasn’t very busy which was a lovely unexpected surprise. So that meant that we were easily in and out in about ten minutes. Ramsgate Farmer’s Market Afterwards, we went to the market and bumped into our friends Marianne and Daniel as soon as we got there. We hung out with them for a while and had something to eat. I have known my friend Marianne forever, and she makes me laugh so much. We always say we need a proper agenda every time that we meet up because we have so much to say and our conversations are usually all over the place. We start by saying one thing and then digress to another bunch of topics. In the end, we totally forget about what we were talking about in the first place! Lunch Steve and I shared some Vietnamese noodle soup called Fuh which I’m never sure how to pronounce properly. We also had some prawn and pork spring rolls followed by a custard tart and coffee. After lunch, we said goodbye to our friends and had a browse around the market. I just love looking at all of the food stalls. Chicken Pie I found my favourite pie stall and bought the last family-sized chicken pie. Sadly I totally forgot about buying the jar of honey that I wanted. Oh well, I’ll just have to go back again next weekend hehe. A New Premier For NSW Saturday evening I watched the election results on TV and we said bye bye to the current NSW premier. and hello the newly elected one. A New Mini-Series After I had enough of watching all the political stuff, I started watching a new miniseries on Netflix called Safe. Steve came home from work just after midnight. I filled him in on what he had missed and he was totally engrossed in the next episode that we watched together. It truly amazes me how he can so easily get right into any show and it doesn’t matter to him how much he has missed. I always need to start from the first episode and work myself in. SUNDAY Some of the kids at preschool have been coming down with coughs and colds. I have been really motivated to remember to take my vitamins because I’m determined to try and stay healthy for the holidays. It’s easy to drink this Vitamin C effervescent tablet first thing in the morning because it is so refreshing. Hello Sushi what are you doing there? She knows that she is not allowed on my bed but she always tries hard to ignore this rule! Mid-morning I had a nice piece of raisin toast and a cup of coffee. A Fun Catch-Up In the afternoon I caught up with my lovely fun friend and we had a delicious lunch at a place called Japanese Kitchen. The food was so delicious and incredibly filling. Yum, I love Japanese food! Then we spent the rest of the afternoon strolling around the local shops. After watching ‘The Spice Trails’ together on TV last week we were keen to explore some of these global foods and spices. I took her to a local shop that has an amazing variety of spices and food products mainly from South America.  It was an interesting shop and I liked the infectious music they were playing which reminded me of my zumba days. We also walked around the shops inside our local Westfield and I spotted this card. Haha, my friend agreed that this totally described me. I’m on a constant quest for smooth hair so I bought these products which were half-price at Priceline. I walked home and I was really glad that my ankle felt pretty good afterwards. It was a bit tender after the long walk but nothing compared to how sore it was a couple of weeks ago. As I turned into my street I spotted a pretty tree. I have no clue what kind of tree it is but I really liked the purple flowers. And that’s my weekend wrap-up! I hope that you guys had a great weekend and are feeling ready for a brand-new week. Now as the school week gets underway, I can’t help but feel a little distracted. The school holidays are just around the corner, and it can get a bit tricky for me to stay focused and motivated when such an exciting break is

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one favourite thing a day

One Favourite Thing A Day

Hi, friends welcome to this week’s Friday favourites. Today is all about my week-long journey of discovering one favourite thing a day. I was feeling a bit down on Monday so I decided to focus on the little things that bring me joy. So today I’m going to be sharing one specific thing that sparked happiness each day of the week and why it made my day brighter! Monday I pretty much limped through the door on Monday afternoon after a long and tiring day at work. Guys, I’m not exaggerating it wasn’t a pretty start to the week! I injured my ankle last week and it was so sore that I was literally limping! The good news is that I wore ankle support all week and today is the first day that I’m completely pain-free. Yay! Anyway as I dragged myself home, I spotted a beautiful couple of pink roses in my front garden. It was almost as if the roses were there just waiting for me to notice them. Usually, I race in the front door and obviously miss some good stuff. The roses were so pretty and it really made me stop and take notice of how something as simple as a flower can brighten up even the toughest of days. Tuesday After getting a solid night’s sleep on Monday, I woke up feeling better on Tuesday. My favourite thing for Tuesday was watching a TV show called ‘The Spice Trails’ with my bestie. We watched the show at the same time, from our respective homes and had fun texting each other throughout. Wednesday Steve was off from work and so my favourite thing for Wednesday was hanging out with him. We watched about four episodes of the show ‘Blue Bloods’ while we enjoyed cheese and crackers with a glass of wine followed by pizza for dinner. Thursday I made Mediterranean couscous as a side dish for Thursday night’s dinner. Adding a variety of vegetables to the couscous made me very happy. Friday I love how the plants that are growing on my shelves in the kitchen are friends. Firstly I am really excited that I haven’t killed them and secondly, a huge favourite is that they are growing towards each other. It almost looks like they are holding hands. One Overall Favourite I managed to post articles this week about a couple of my favourite topics. Wednesday I posted all about Learning Through Play and Thursday I blogged about some Simple Cleaning Hacks. It’s not always easy for me to find the time to write blog posts during the busy preschool term. So I was really happy that I achieved this goal! A Favourite Quote For The Week And this quote just about sums up this week perfectly! Focusing on one favourite thing a day this week has really shown me how important it is to intentionally seek out joy and gratitude. It’s amazing how finding the good in every day can have such a positive impact on my overall well-being. Ugh, I have to admit that sometimes catastrophising and anxiety seem to come effortlessly to me. But I am learning that focusing on the good can really make the world of difference! Thank you so much for being here and reading along. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. Happy Friday! Linking up with Andrea and Erika    

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simple cleaning hacks

Simple Cleaning Hacks

Keeping a clean home can be an overwhelming task, but with these simple cleaning hacks, you can conquer those tasks in a flash! These tips are effective and super easy to follow and they also add a touch of fun and creativity to your cleaning routine. These cleaning hacks are perfect for tackling those annoying little chores that are easy to forget about. From cleaning grout in your bathroom to dusting those hard-to-reach places. These cleaning hacks can help you keep up with those smaller cleaning tasks that can snowball and become overwhelming if you leave them “for another day”. These tips can help you smash out these tasks quickly and efficiently, leaving your home looking and feeling clean and refreshed. So go ahead and give them a try and see how you can make your cleaning routine a breeze! SIMPLE CLEANING HACKS USE BICARB (BAKING SODA) TO CLEAN YOUR OVEN If your oven needs a good clean and you are looking for an eco-friendly alternative to those nasty sprays which are full of chemicals. Then try this simple cleaning hack. First, remove the oven racks and soak them in hot soapy water. Then mix bicarb and water to make a paste and spread it over the inside of your oven. Let it sit for a few hours or better still leave it overnight. Then simply wipe it away with a damp cloth. Finally, spray vinegar on the inside of the oven. Wipe it down again to get rid of any remaining residue. CLEAN YOUR SHOWERHEAD WITH VINEGAR Have you noticed that over time mineral deposits can build up on your showerhead? This build-up can be really annoying because it causes the water to spray in all sorts of weird directions. A simple way to clean it is to fill a plastic bag with vinegar. Then tie the bag securely around the showerhead. You just need to make sure that the head is fully immersed in the vinegar. Then leave it for a few hours and run the shower to rinse off the vinegar. Your showerhead will be free of mineral deposits and good to go for a whole lot more refreshing showers. USE A DRYER SHEET TO CLEAN BASEBOARDS (SKIRTING BOARDS) Skirting boards can be big dust collectors and difficult to clean. One simple cleaning hack is to use a dryer sheet to wipe them down. The sheet will pick up the dust and an added bonus is it will leave behind a nice fresh fragrance. USE A TOOTHBRUSH TO CLEAN SMALL SPACES Don’t throw away your old toothbrushes. Instead, give them a good wash and keep them for cleaning small spaces like the grout between the tiles, or the corners of the windows. If you also use a cleaning solution like vinegar or bicarb then this will help to loosen the dirt. USE A LEMON TO CLEAN YOUR MICROWAVE We all know that microwaves can become dirty really fast. Get rid of the splatters and food smells with a lemon. Simply cut a lemon in half and place it in a bowl of water. Then microwave the bowl for about 3-5 minutes. Let it sit inside the microwave so that the steam does all the work of loosening any grime and dirt. Finally, use a cloth to wipe down the inside of the microwave. And the result will be a clean, shiny and fresh-smelling microwave. USE A LINT ROLLER TO CLEAN LAMPSHADES Lampshades are one of those things that can be awkward to clean. But with a lint roller, you can quickly and easily remove any dirt and dust. Simply roll the lint roller over the lampshade and it will pick up any debris. USE A VINEGAR SOLUTION TO CLEAN YOUR DISHWASHER Dishwashers can get really dirty and smelly over time. To clean your dishwasher, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Then spray the inside of the dishwasher, making sure to get into all the nooks and crannies. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and then wipe it down with a damp cloth. USE A MICROFIBER CLOTH TO CLEAN ELECTRONIC SCREENS Electronic screens can get smudgy, dusty and dirty very fast. But with a microfiber cloth, you can get it sparkly clean in no time. Simply dampen the cloth with a tiny bit of water and then gently wipe the screen in a circular motion. This is the gentlest and most effective way to clean electronic screens. If you use chemicals then you run the risk of damaging or scratching your screen. USE VINEGAR TO CLEAN YOUR KETTLE The inside of kettles can go brown and unsightly after a while. But with vinegar, you can get your kettle looking like new in no time. All you have to do is fill the kettle with equal parts vinegar and water. Leave it overnight and in the morning rinse the kettle several times to remove any vinegar. USE A TOOTHBRUSH TO CLEAN YOUR KEYBOARD Have you ever looked at your keyboard and then been horrified by all the crumbs, dust and debris? Just use a toothbrush dipped in rubbing alcohol. Gently scrub but always make sure that your keyboard is unplugged first. For a more thorough clean, you can also use compressed air to really blow away any remaining dust. You can buy compressed air at many office supply stores, electronic stores or hardware stores. USE BICARB (BAKING SODA) AND VINEGAR TO CLEAN DRAINS Ugh, clogged drains can just about ruin your day! But there’s a simple solution to this problem. Simply pour a cup of bicarb down the drain followed by a cup of vinegar. Let the mixture sit for at least 30 minutes then flush it down wth boiling water. This can help clean any debris and leave your drains smelling fresh. CLEAN YOUR BLINDS WITH A SOCK Cleaning blinds can be so frustrating and time-consuming. But there’s a simple hack that you can use to get your blinds clean in next

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Learning Through Play

As parents, caregivers, and educators we all want to ensure that children receive the best possible start in life. One awesome way to make sure of this is by learning through play! Play is such an important part of a child’s development. And research has shown that it can have a major impact on their cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. Learning Through Play What Is Learning Through Play? Learning through play is an educational approach that promotes both learning and development. It emphasises the importance of play in the learning process. And it involves creating a play-based environment where children can freely explore, experiment and discover the world around them. Learning through play is a powerful learning tool because it allows children to develop cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills in an organic and engaging way. Learning through play is all about sparking a child’s natural curiosity and creativity. By providing fun and engaging opportunities for exploration, children can develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive both academically and personally. Plus, when learning feels like play, it’s more memorable and enjoyable and this can help children stay motivated and eager to learn more! The Different Types Of Play In the context of learning, there are different types of play that can be used to help children develop important skills while they are having fun. Here are some examples: Imaginative Play Also known as pretend play or role-playing. This is where children can let their imaginations run wild as they take on different roles. Constructive Play Children can get creative with building blocks, legos or clay. Physical Play Children can burn off some energy and enjoy fun physical activities such as running, jumping, climbing and playing sports. Games with Rules These are great for teaching children about following instructions, taking turns and fair play. Some examples of games with rules are board games, card games, or sports games. Social Play Involves interacting with others, such as cooperative play, where children work together towards achieving a common goal. This is perfect for practising teamwork and communication. Another aspect of social play is dramatic play where children take on different roles and act out scenarios together. Exploratory Play Involves exploring and discovering new things. Children can investigate objects or use scientific experiments. Sensory Play Sensory play is all about engaging children’s senses, like touch, taste, smell, sight and sound, through fun activities like sensory bins, water play or messy play. It’s a fantastic way to help children learn and explore the world around them. The wonderful thing about learning through play is that you can mix and match different types of play to achieve different learning goals and cater to the unique needs and interests of children at various ages and stages of development. Benefits Of Learning Through Play 1. Develops Social Skills Play provides children with the opportunity to interact with others. Therefore this helps them to develop important social skills such as communication, cooperation, empathy and self-regulation. Through play, children learn to express their emotions, form relationships and interact with others in a positive way. All of these are critical for building a strong sense of self. Play also teaches children sharing and turn-taking skills. As well as the importance of working together to achieve a common goal. 2. Enriches Creativity Play inspires children to use their imaginations and be creative in the way they problem-solve. This helps them to flex their minds and think outside the box! 3. Builds Physical Skills Learning through play gives children the opportunity to develop important physical skills such as balance, coordination and dexterity. From running around in the sunny park to playing with fun construction toys. Play activities can help your child to develop their physical abilities and build a strong foundation for lifelong health and well-being. 4. Improves Cognitive Skills Play can help to improve cognitive skills such as memory, attention, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and imagination. When children engage in play activities, they are constantly learning and processing new information. Play can also help children to develop their language and literacy skills, as they engage in conversations, storytelling and imaginative play. 5. Fosters A Love Of Learning Children who are fully immersed in a play activity are much more likely to retain information than when they are passive learners. Therefore when learning is fun and engaging, children will be able to learn at their full potential and embrace a lifelong love of learning Tips For Encouraging Your Child To Learn Through Play: Make Education Fun and Engaging! Follow Your Child’s Lead Let your child choose the play activities that they are interested in and go with it! This will guarantee that they will be thoroughly engaged and super motivated to learn. Provide A Nice Variety Of Materials Offer your child a variety of play materials, such as blocks, puzzles, art supplies and outdoor equipment. This will give your child plenty of opportunities to explore and discover amazing new things. Don’t Sit Back Make sure that you don’t sit back instead join in the fun too. Play with your child and this will strengthen your bond with them. In addition, it will give you the opportunity to model positive social behaviours. Make Learning Fun When you are playing with your child you can do things like ask questions and provide challenges. This incorporates learning into play activities. And don’t forget to give lots of praise and encouragement too! Create A Safe And Supportive Environment Make sure that the play environment is safe, welcoming and supportive. This can include making sure that there is adequate supervision, and clear rules and expectations. Ready, Set, Play! In conclusion, learning through play is a fun and effective way for children to develop new skills and reach their full potential. When you encourage your children to learn, you are helping them to become happy, healthy and successful individuals. So, let’s get creative and explore all the amazing ways we can use play to help

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Good Times With Friends And Family

Hey there, welcome back to another week! I hope that you had a fantastic weekend filled with plenty of rest, relaxation, and maybe a little adventure too. As for me, I had a really nice couple of days enjoying good times with friends and family. I’m so glad that you have stopped by and as usual, I am excited to be linking up with Holly and Sarah to share some of the things that I got up to on this very hot and sunny weekend. Friday Night I got a call from my friend and her husband inviting me over for an impromptu dinner. I was really happy to accept as I didn’t have any plans for Friday night. Steve was at work and Sam was out with his girlfriend. So it would have been just me and my cat Sushi at home. My friend whipped up a quick pesto pasta and some pizza. For dessert, we had good old Maltesers with ice-cream. Yum! Everything was so delicious and it was so lovely to sit around eating and talking. I have known these guys since I was about 14 years old and they are more like family than friends. Then after dinner, we just sat around listening and singing along to our favourite music from back in the day. It was such a fun and unexpected night which I was really grateful for. Saturday I had a nice low-key Saturday. We got up later than usual and I made some scrambled eggs for a late breakfast. I also made some more smoothies. Steve commented that this smoothie tasted even better than the ones that I usually make. I totally agreed and I know that it’s because I have been using different honey. Normally I just use honey that I buy from the supermarket. But the last few times that I have made smoothies I have used honey that I bought from the farmer’s market. It’s all-natural raw Australian honey and it tastes so much nicer. I’m planning on making a trip to the farmers market next weekend. So I’ll make sure to grab another jar of this sweet goodness! A Trip To The Hairdressers And Some Shopping Later in the afternoon, I went to the hair salon to get a much-needed trim. I hadn’t been to the hairdresser since around December last year. It was so nice to have my hair washed, cut and blow-dried. I always think it’s so funny how a few inches of less hair always makes my whole head feel lighter. Here’s a pic that I took in the evening of my fresh trim. Why can’t I ever blow dry it the same way they do at the salon? After my haircut, I went to Westfield to buy a birthday present for Sam’s girlfriend who is turning 18. I bought her some pyjamas from Peter Alexander. I picked out some cute pyjama shorts with birthday cakes all over them and a light blue pyjama top to match. Sunday Morning Sunrise It was so hard getting out of bed at 6.30 am on Sunday morning to go to Steve’s swim club. But there are only a few more weeks left until the season ends and it was the second last social event. When we arrived at 7 am we got to see the most beautiful sunrise. So it was totally worth the early morning start. All of the races were finished by about 9 am which is very quick compared to other times when they have gone on until 11 am. We all enjoyed a BBQ breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms, onions and bread rolls. Yum! It was such a nice relaxing morning and I was so glad that I didn’t give in to the temptation of staying in my cozy bed. A Whole Year Late Sunday afternoon, my whole family got together for an early dinner at Oatley pub. It was a bittersweet day because Sunday marked a whole year since my mum passed away. It’s hard to believe how quickly time has passed, and yet it feels like an eternity since we last saw her. I miss her so much. It was a special time when we enjoyed a meal and then spent hours talking and just being together. In the end, I really felt a sense of comfort knowing that we are always there for each other, even on the toughest days. All in all, I really enjoyed the good times that I shared with my friends and family this weekend. But today I am feeling a bit down and emotional. I’m sure that tomorrow will be better and I am grateful for the memories of the last couple of days…….So here’s to brighter days ahead! And I hope you all have a great rest of the week.        

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weekly recap

Weekly Recap

Hey friends! I’m so happy to be back here again for another weekly recap. Where I am sharing some of my favourite moments. I hope that you guys have had a great week! And I’m pretty sure that you must be just as excited as I am that it’s the weekend!! Thanks so much for being here today and let[‘s jump right in and take a look at this week’s first fave. Farewell Dinner We had an absolute blast bidding farewell to our lovely colleague over dinner! Our destination of choice was a fabulous Greek restaurant called ‘Meet The Greek’. Oh my goodness I just love Greek food so much! We started with salads, pita bread and an amazing variety of dips. For my main, I picked lamb skewers with pita bread, tzatziki and hand-cut chips. It was so good, especially those chips! To finish off we had some delicious sticky sweets compliments of the restaurant! Oppa!! There was live music featuring the Greek instrument called the bouzouki. Despite the fact that the restaurant was quite small without a designated dance floor. A few of us couldn’t resist the infectious beat of the Zorba music. Before we knew it we were up on our feet weaving in and out of the tightly packed tables. And we must have bumped into a few waiters but we couldn’t help it. The music made us do it! Colourful Tomatoes On Monday I mentioned that I went to Costco with my aunty on the weekend. There wasn’t anything that I really needed. But I can never say no to a trip to Costco and I also love hanging out with my aunty. I did buy a big tub of my favourite colourful and bright tomatoes. A big bonus is that the big tub is about the same price as what I pay for a tiny tub from my local supermarket. Bright Smoothies This week I made myself some more smoothies. But this time I used oat milk and now oat milk smoothies are my favourite. I added a banana, frozen berries, dates and honey to this smoothie. So colourful, sweet and tasty! A Mango Look a mango!! I don’t know how I had not spotted this one and only mango growing on our mango tree. But I saw it for the very first time on Wednesday. We have lived in our house for 22 years and I didn’t even know that the tree in our front yard was in fact a mango tree. Until about 4 years ago when about twenty mangos just suddenly started growing. Then after that, we haven’t seen any more until this one. Mango trees are a mystery! Date Night Steve and I went to Newtown on Wednesday night. I love Newtown because it has such a vibrant eclectic atmosphere. It has a fantastic food scene with lots of restaurants, cafes and bars. As well as a thriving nightlife. During the day the shopping is really great too. There is a range of independent boutiques and lots of interesting vintage shops. We went to a restaurant called Pistou and the food was really delicious. The servings were on the small side but it was full of big flavours. The Pinot Grigio was divine and we enjoyed a really fun night together. The only lowlight happened just before we went into the restaurant. I felt something prickly crawling on my face. I swiped it off and it turned out to be an ugly black beetle. UGH!! Why me?? I let out a very small composed scream and it probably helped that Steve quickly grabbed me and gave me a big cuddle. Now that I look back on the moment. I don’t think that he was just trying to comfort me. I’m sure that he was probably more intent on smothering me to stop me from screaming loudly LOL!! Summer Continues And the hot weather continues! Yay! Groceries Getting my groceries delivered is a huge favourite! Ice Cream I ordered these KitKat ice creams to have on the weekend. I’ll let you know next week if they are a favourite because I haven’t tried them before. Lost Wallet Sam had a hard day last Friday. He got stuck on a train for two hours on the way to his part-time job in the city. Apparently, some wires had come down over a train in another suburb causing massive delays. On top of that, he lost his wallet either on a train or at the station which contained all of his ID and bank cards. I’m happy to say that there is a happy ending to all of this. He didn’t lose out on any pay as his boss said that he could make up the lost hours. And a very kind person handed his wallet in. Sam had filled out a lost property online form with City Rail. And he received an email on Wednesday saying that it had been found! He collected it yesterday and all of his contents were still in his wallet including the small amount of cash that he had. So this is a huge favourite. And thank you to the very kind and honest person who handed his wallet in. Wherever you are! It’s so nice and very encouraging to know that there are still many honest people in the world 😊. So that brings me to the end of my weekly recap highlighting a few of my favourite moments. I hope that you have the best weekend and I look forward to being back on Monday. Happy Friday! Linking up with Andrea and Erika    

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laundry stain removal hacks

Laundry Stain Removal Hacks You Need To Know

Today we are going to look at some super effective laundry stain removal hacks that will make your life easier. One of the most frustrating parts of doing laundry is dealing with stubborn stains that won’t come off. Whether it’s grass stains on your child’s pants, coffee stains on your favourite shirt or a greasy stain on your t-shirt compliments of a juicy burger. It can be a real challenge to get rid of them. But fear not! There are plenty of effective laundry stain-removal hacks that can help you tackle even the toughest stains. So let’s jump right in and look at some great tips for dealing with nasty laundry stains. Laundry Stain Removal Hacks Act Fast The first and most important laundry stain removal hack is to act fast. Because the longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove the stain. So make sure that you treat it as soon as notice it. Don’t Rub The Stain It’s so tempting to rub the stain vigorously with a cloth or sponge when you are in a panic and trying desperately to stop your clothes from being permanently ruined. In fact, rubbing can cause the stain to spread and embed deeper into the fibers, making it difficult to remove. Instead of rubbing, gently blot the stain with a clean cloth before you treat it with the appropriate stain remover. Check The Care Label Before you do anything, always make sure to read the tiny writing on the care label of the garment. The last thing that you want to do is damage the fabric by using the wrong cleaning method. Identify The Stain Remember that different types of stains require different treatments. So before you try and remove the stain always make sure that you know what kind of stain you are dealing with. And that way you will use the appropriate treatment. For example, a grease stain will require a different treatment than a red wine stain. Use The Correct Detergent You need to make sure that you use the correct detergent. Because it will make a big difference when it comes to how successful you are in removing that annoying stain. So look for a detergent that is made especially for your type of stain and fabric. Use Hot Water Hot water can be helpful in removing some stains. The reason for this is that hot water can help break down and remove certain stains. Again, make sure to identify the stain and check the care label to make sure that hot water won’t ruin the fabric. Use Vinegar Vinegar is an amazing all-purpose natural cleaner. And it can also be very effective when it comes to stain removal. Mix equal parts vinegar and water then apply to the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes before washing. Use Baking Soda Baking soda is also another natural cleaner that can help to remove stains. All you need to do is mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a little water to make a paste. Then apply it to the stain and let sit for a few minutes before washing. Use Lemon Juice Did you know that lemon juice is a type of natural bleach? It can be very effective for removing stains if you apply a little to the stain and then wash as usual after a few minutes. Use Dish Soap Dish soap is amazing when it comes to removing grease and oil stains. Just apply a little bit of dish soap to the stain and leave it on for a few minutes before washing as you normally would. Use Salt Salt is fantastic for removing red wine stains. Pour a good amount onto the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before washing. Use Soda Water Soda water is good for removing coffee and tea stains. Pour some soda water onto the stain and leave it on for a short while before washing as usual. Use Cornflour Corn flour can be used to remove grease and oil stains. Sprinkle some onto the stain and after a short while brush the cornflour off and wash as you normally would. Use Rubbing Alcohol Rubbing alcohol is perfect for removing ink stains. Just apply some onto the stain before washing as usual. Soak Stained Clothes For stubborn stains try soaking your garment in water and laundry detergent before washing. Use A Brush Some tough stains need to brush gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush. This can loosen the stain and make it much easier to remove in the wash. Don’t Dry Clothes Until The Stain Is Gone If you can still see the stain even after you have washed your garment. Then make sure not to let it dry because this will make it so much harder to remove the stain. The last thing you want is for the stain to set. Here Is A List Of Possible Stains And Laundry Stain Removal Solutions Coffee/tea stains: First soak the stained area in cold water and then blot with a solution of white vinegar and water. Rinse with cold water. Grass Stains: Make a paste with baking soda and a small amount of water. Apply the paste to the stain and let sit for approximately 15 minutes. Then scrub with a soft-bristled toothbrush before washing as usual. Wine Stains: Blot up any excess wine with a clean cloth. Then cover the stain with enough salt to absorb the liquid. Rinse with cold water and apply a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Lastly, rinse with cold water again. Oil Stains: Apply a small amount of dish soap to the stained area and let sit for at least 10 minutes then rinse with hot water and wash as usual. Blood Stains: Soak the stained area in cold water. Then apply dish soap, let it sit for 10 minutes and rinse with cold water. Grease Stains: Apply a solution of white vinegar and baking soda then

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