Hi friends! Welcome back to this week’s Friday favourites. I’m excited to be linking up with Andrea and Erika to share a few favourites from my week.
This week has been all about adjusting back to the working week after the term break. And it was a bit of an unusual week because we had a public holiday on Tuesday. But as I’ve mentioned before even though we had one less working day. The week didn’t really feel any shorter!
Anzac Day
On Tuesday we celebrated Anzac Day, a special day in Australia and New Zealand where we show our appreciation towards the courageous men and women who have served our countries. And we come together to remember their bravery and sacrifice.
We usually attend a dawn service but we didn’t this year because Steve has been working crazy long hours. And there was no way that he would have been able to get up so early. To be honest I couldn’t either! I have had some really crumby sleep lately and I think it might be a mixture of feeling a bit anxious about going back to work and also still feeling a bit sniffly from being sick last week. Anyway, our friends who we usually go to the dawn service with sent us a pic of the parade that they went to.
Anzac Biscuits
In honour of Anzac Day, I bought a packet of Anzac biscuits.
Anzac biscuits are more than just a sweet treat, they are actually a symbol of the strength and resilience of our servicemen and women. They were originally sent to soldiers as a comforting reminder of home during World War I. Anzac biscuits are well known for their long shelf life because they are made with ingredients that don’t spoil easily. And they are really yummy, especially with a cup of tea!
Warm Autumn Days
This week has been really warm and gloriously sunny. And you would almost think it was spring over here. But according to my weather app, it looks like we are headed for a rainy weekend 🙁
Here is my mini grocery haul.
I don’t usually go to the supermarket anymore and just order online. But I have really enjoyed walking up to our new Woolworths Metro. It is about a 15-minute walk and because the days have been so sunny I have loved walking up to have a sticky beak. And I was excited to find some things that were discounted!
I usually buy Tetley teabags but I thought I would try this Twinings English Breakfast. And I really enjoyed it too because the tea is extra strong and extra delicious!
Date Night
Wednesday night date night was fun and we went back to our usual haunt to enjoy the seafood platter. Then we finished with a bowl of gelato-vanilla, apple pie and pistachio. It was a great combo!
Tasty Plant
Sushi is really loving our new plant for the living room. She was munching on the leaves and I panicked, quickly googling to make sure that it wasn’t toxic. I hadn’t thought of that when I bought it at Ikea last weekend. But luckily the plant is non-toxic and completely fine for pets.
Preschool Happenings
My lovely colleague is back from maternity leave and I’m excited to be back in the classroom with her. She is so funny, and kind and her enthusiasm is contagious!
During the week we have been talking to the kids about Anzac Day. And today we finished off by making Anzac biscuits and the kids had a blast! They were so good at waiting patiently for their turn to pour and mix the ingredients.
I burst out laughing when they watched me carefully pour the melted butter into the mixture and they all let out a loud gasp of excitement. It was a chorus of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ and they made me feel like a total baking rockstar!
I packaged the biscuits into brown paper bags and popped the recipe inside for their families. They were so excited to take their biscuits home.
And that wraps up a few favourites for this week! To be honest, going back to work was a bit tough, but it turned out to be a good one nonetheless. And I’m feeling a whole lot better now that I’ve got week one under my belt.
Thank you so much for being here today, I hope that you have all had a fantastic week and are just as excited as I am that it’s the weekend!
Happy Friday!
In case you missed my previous posts this week
Hello Monday- A Recap Of My Weekend
What’s Up Wednesday- Monthly Update
Monthly Musings- all About Spring!
How special to make Anzac biscuits with your students! I love that they were so impressed with your baking skills. Speaking of which, I have the ingredients to make that pear cake you posted about but now I think the pears have turned. I’ll see if I can salvage any of them to bake it this afternoon.
The pears I used were on the soft side too and the cake still turned out great. Hope you’re able to salvage enough pears to make it too 🙂
We have 3 public holidays in May which I am looking forward to, they will make the week shorter.
Anzac Day sounds like a nice way to remember those who have served your country. I have heard of Anzac biscuits but didn’t know what they were.
Send some of that sunshine this way will you! It’s been chilly here and not feeling like spring at all.
I always think of Twinings being a very fancy tea, I don’t drink it as it costs a lot more than our usual brand. It is really nice though.
I am so glad the plant that Sushi was munching on wasn’t dangerous for her. I saw seeds yesterday for cat grass, something you grow for cats to eat. I had no idea it was even a thing. x
The gelato looks good and thanks for sharing about Anzac day!
What a perfect end to the week! We tried making Anzac biscuits when we studied Australia in our homeschooling unit– I say try because golden syrup doesn’t exist here so we swapped that out with either corn syrup or maple syrup (I can’t remember which).
I love the idea of Anzac biscuits they sound really yummy and I’m glad you got to opportunity to make them with your students. The ice cream from date night also caught my eye! I hope that the return to work gets easier from now on. Your weather is still much better than ours!