July 2023

My Weekend and Thoughts on The Barbie Movie

Hi everyone! It’s time for Hello Monday with Holly and Sarah. I’m excited to share a bit about my weekend and chat about what I thought of the Barbie movie. Friday night I did a super quick Friday favourites post which was mainly all about my favourite topic – food! Then I went to my aunt’s house for dinner. Two of my cousins were there and Sam joined us later. It was such a great way to spend a Friday night and a fun way to kick-start the weekend. After dinner, we watched a movie based on Stephen King’s book ‘The Mist’. It’s from 2008 and some of the special effects were a bit dated. But the ending, oh my goodness what a twist!! It had one of those endings that leaves you still thinking about the movie days later. If you haven’t watched it and don’t mind a bit of horror-thriller. Then I really recommend it. I’m not much of a fan of horror but I didn’t mind this one. And interestingly, the movie starred five actors from The Walking Dead! Saturday I had been looking forward to Saturday all week long! My lovely friend and I went into the city and we started our day with a late breakfast at The Palace Tea Room in the QVB. It has a cozy elegant vibe that really matches the QVB’s old-world charm. Eggs benedict and a pot of Earl Grey tea. We chatted for a while and then wandered around the shops gradually making our way along George St until we got to the Cinema for the 1.30 pm session. Once we were inside the movie theatre I was so surprised with how many people there were. I don’t think that I have been in a packed movie theatre for years and it felt like pre covid times again which was great. My Thoughts On The Barbie Movie Well, I absolutely loved Barbie and I would watch it again! Even though before I went I had heard comments such as. It was too much about feminism. It was boring. Ken was awful. The movie is not for kids. These comments almost put me off watching the movie. But the only comment that I agree with is the last one. I really don’t think that it’s for kids. While the first part would have been very visually appealing for them. Overall I don’t think that it is appropriate for children. I mean I’m sure that all of the ‘grown-up stuff’ would probably go over their heads. I watched ‘Grease’ as a seven-year-old when it first came out at the movies. My mum loved it so much that she took me twice. It wasn’t until years later, and I mean a lot of years that I realised Greased lightning is not just about car talk! Cringe!! Anyway back to the Barbie movie, the last part of the movie would definitely have been a bit boring for the little ones. And I think that it would have been tricky for kids to sit through a movie with so much dialogue. Unless of course, they were perfectly happy to sit there munching on a big ol’ box of popcorn What I loved About The Barbie Movie The Actors Margot Robbie the amazing Aussie actress was a perfect Barbie. First of all, she has been blessed with Barbie’s DNA and she also played the part beautifully with the right mix of innocence, warmth and wit. Ryan Gosling, well he was just the perfect Ken in my opinion. He was a bit of a ham and he owned the part like a champ. I thought that Gosling played the part so well, he brought Ken’s insecurities to life. I don’t know how you felt about Ken but I was never interested in owning a Ken. He only existed because of Barbie and I could sense Ken’s insecurities even when I was a kid, if that makes sense! The Set The set design of Barbie Land was amazing and I hope that they make a Barbie museum or theme park. Or better still they do Barbie Land set tours! I was completely bowled over by all of the attention to detail with the props. It was like I was watching my Barbie memorabilia come to life. And the visually appealing colours were absolutely spectacular. The set designers deserve an award for this asap. The Wardrobe I have no words! Other than I’m jealous of Barbie’s meticulously selected outfit for every occasion. The Dance Numbers They were just good fun and I want to learn the moves. Gloria’s Monologue I started getting teary halfway through Gloria’s speech about how hard it is to be a woman. And the way the actress America Ferrera delivered it was just spot on. It gave me little choking sobs and goosebumps and the lady sitting next to me was sobbing at this point. It Was Deep Yes, it was deep but just the right amount of deep for me. It wasn’t too one-sided on any subject and you could take it at face value and not get too caught up in political statements.   Overall I think that Barbie was a fun, quirky, girlie movie that men should also see. And judging by the number of guys at the movie on Saturday, a lot of men are going to the movies to watch it. I totally loved Barbie and I laughed out loud so many times. I also cried, which totally surprised me as I guess I just wasn’t expecting it to be the kind of emotionally relatable movie that it was.    

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a few quick favourites and favourites recap

A Few Quick Favourites

Hi there everyone! It’s so great to welcome back Friday, isn’t it? I have a few quick favourites from the week that I wanted to share with you. It’s Friday afternoon over here and my aunt texted me not long ago inviting me over for dinner. Impromptu dinner invitations are a huge favourite. And as if I wasn’t already excited about Friday, the invitation from her just took my excitement to the next level! So let’s jump right into some quick favourites before I dash off to get ready! Warm Winter Days It feels like early spring over here and I’m loving it. The last few days we have had very cold mornings (by our standards anyway) and then warm afternoons. We have even reached temps of around 23°C. This is pretty unusual as July is typically a cold month for us. Delicious Snacks This week my friend who has joined our team at preschool on a casual basis has brought some snacks to share with me at work. I already love working with her as she is so fun to be around and to top it off she brings me food. I couldn’t love her more!! These seaweed snacks are so good! I hadn’t had them in forever because when I had all those thyroid issues, my doctor had advised me to stay away from foods high in iodine. So I tried to limit eating things like tuna and seaweed and I also cut back on sushi which I love. She also brought me some macarons and I enjoyed them in the evening with a cup of tea. More Food Favourites Another favourite is eating tinned tuna (now that I can) and salad for lunch at work. Of course some days I wish I had the power to turn my salad into a Big Mac. But most days I’m happy with a healthy salad. I think most of the things on my list of quick favourites are about food! I made some homemade garlic bread the other day and it tasted great! Will definitely go back to making my own instead of buying it from the supermarket. It was easy and convenient to buy but also expensive. $7.00 for garlic bread!! crazy! These zucchini noodles are great. I had plans to just eat them with my turkey bolognese instead of having pasta as a healthier option. But those carbs were calling me so I gave in and mixed the zucchini noodles with the pasta. I couldn’t resist! Steve and I decided to stay home on Wednesday night instead of going out for dinner. It was fun eating dinner in front of the telly. We had leftover turkey bolognese with salad and a glass of really nice red wine. I got this box of fruit and nut mix as part of a Christmas hamper and we devoured it while we caught up on more Blue Bloods. I made a chicken and leek pie on Thursday night and it was perfect for a cold night. Yep, it’s warm days and cold nights at the moment. Longer Days! One final non-food related favourite is that the days are getting longer. It isn’t pitch black at 4.30 pm anymore…hooray! The other day I looked at the clock, it was almost 5.30 and it was still daylight! Spring is coming!   This week has just gone by so fast and I feel like I have been playing catch up! I think that this time around it is taking me longer to snap back into my work routine after the break. I’m really looking forward to seeing the Barbie movie and spending the day with my lovely friend tomorrow. And I’ll be back here on Monday to tell you what I thought of the movie. It’s been out for a few days now and I have heard a few mixed reviews. I have a feeling that it’s going to be a bit different from what I was expecting! Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Friday! Linking up with Andrea and Erika

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sleep patterns and styles

Sleep Patterns and Styles: Night Owls Vs Morning People

I have always been really interested in one fascinating aspect of human nature – our sleep patterns and styles. Some people have the knack and enthusiasm for greeting the light of day with joy and energy. While there are others (like me) who thrive at night when all is still and quiet. I guess you could almost say that it’s like we have two sleep teams: morning people and night owls. I have often asked myself. Why does this happen? So I have been doing a bit of reading on this topic and this is what I have come up with. Sleep Patterns And Habits The Internal Clock Ok so apparently we all have an internal clock called the circadian rhythm. This helps our bodies know when it is time to be awake and alert and when it is time to rest and sleep. It follows a 24-hour cycle and affects things like our energy levels and body temperature throughout the day. This rhythm helps us to stay in sync with the natural day-night cycle. We get sleepy at night and feel more active during the day. You could describe it as having a timekeeper inside of us that guides our sleep and wake-up schedule. This internal timekeeper has some flexibility so this accounts for why we have different sleep styles. Genetics Interestingly our genes also play a huge role in determining whether we are morning people or night owls. It’s in our DNA! So if you have early risers in your family then chances are you might be carrying the same wake-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn genes. Lifestyle Another interesting point is that the environment and daily habits also shape our sleep style. For example, work schedules, social commitments and daily routines can influence whether we become morning people or night owls. Society’s Influence Our ancestors had it easy because they were able to maintain a more natural sleep routine. Their sleep aligned with the rising of the sun and the setting of the sun. But in today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, our sleep patterns have become quite irregular. And this is due to the constant availability of artificial light and the demands of a busy lifestyle. Finding Balance With Adequate Sleep Now it’s important to address something important – sleep! It really doesn’t matter if you’re a night owl or a morning person. What is crucial for our well-being is that we get enough sleep. Adequate sleep helps us stay focussed, alert and healthy. So go ahead and embrace your unique sleep habits guilt-free but just remember to get enough sleep. And consider the following tips to make sure that you get optimal sleep regardless of whether you are a morning person or a night owl. Stick to a Routine: Be consistent with your sleep schedule so that it aligns with your internal clock, promoting healthy sleep patterns. Wake Up Happy: Begin your day with a peaceful morning routine as it will set the tone for the rest of the day Sunlight Exposure: Get some natural sunlight in the morning to help regulate your natural sleep patterns. Sleep Environment: Make sure that your bedroom is cool, dark and quiet. You really want your bedroom to be conducive to sleep. Gradual Adjustment: If your commitments or work schedule change and you have to adjust your bedtime or wake-up routines. It’s best to do this gradually for a smoother transition. Respect Your Rythm: Whenever you can, listen to your body’s natural sleep style and let it guide your daily plans to perform at your best. Why I Embrace My Night Owl Vibes Recently I decided to just go with it and embrace my night owl tendencies. But it wasn’t always this way for me. I used to feel guilty about not being a morning person but now I have just let go of the guilt. I stay up late being productive and then I sleep like a champ. Who knows maybe one day this will change. But for now, I am totally ok with being on team night owl and I’m enjoying the magic and serenity of the night. So no matter what sleep style you embrace, remember to prioritise adequate sleep – it’s a real game changer for better sleep patterns!  

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what's up Wednesday

What’s Up Wednesday July 2023

Hi there friends and Happy Wednesday! Welcome to the July edition of What’s Up Wednesday hosted by Sheaffer and Shay. This is a fun opportunity to spill the beans on what we have been eating, loving, watching, looking forward to and a whole lot more! So let’s get started! WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK It’s still all about cozy winter comfort food over here. Monday- Lamb with roast veggies Tuesday- Turkey Bolognese and homemade garlic bread Wednesday- Leftover bolognese because I made plenty Thursday-Chicken pie, veggies and mashed potato. Friday- Burgers and wedges Saturday- Chicken casserole and rice WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT The winter break almost feels like such a distant memory now. I am reminiscing about being able to stay up super late and then having the luxury of enjoying a sleep-in. But now that I’m back at work I still stay up pretty late but it’s nothing compared to those holiday nights. Right now I am in the middle of writing a post about early risers and night owls. Let me tell you, I am definitely on team night owl! WHAT I’M LOVING I am currently working with not one but two of my besties! There is a temporary change with our staffing arrangements and a good friend of mine has joined our team for three days a week at preschool for most of this term. These two lovely ladies light up my days!! WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO During the winter break, I enjoyed a fun trip to stay at my friend’s house at Avoca Beach. We celebrated Christmas in July with my family. During the July school holidays, I loved having the time to work on my blog and write posts about my favourite topics, like why the 80s was the best decade. For the last couple of weeks, I have been getting back into the usual routine of work and Sam started back at uni this week after a super long mid-semester break. Steve and I are also enjoying our regular date nights and now that he also has Sundays off from work. We have been catching up with friends who we haven’t seen for a while. It’s so nice having him home for two nights of the week. WHAT I’M DREADING I’m not dreading anything and I am extremely grateful! WHAT I’M WORKING ON Lately, I have been on a mission to incorporate some much-needed stretching into my daily routine. It’s a small change that is really making a difference in how I feel. Whether I am at work sitting on those teeny tiny preschool chairs, doing daily chores or working on the computer. I’m making a conscious effort to pause and stretch those muscles. It not only helps with any stiffness, but it also helps my posture. win-win! WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT I can’t think of any big plans that we have that I’m excited about. It feels like we are all just going with the flow. However, I am looking forward to August since it marks the end of winter, and that’s something that I’m really excited about! WHAT I’M WATCHING I started watching ‘Succession’ but I can’t say that I’m loving it because most of the characters are so mean. I have been rewatching old favourites like Gilmore Girls, Law and Order and Everybody Loves Raymond. But I’m looking for something new to watch, any suggestions? WHAT I’M LISTENING TO Right now I am listening to the dryer. Did you know that we only bought a dryer last year and I honestly don’t know how we ever got through so many winters without one! WHAT I’M WEARING I’m still layering up because it’s cold! WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND I’m super excited because on Saturday I’m going to the city with my lovely friend. We have plans to enjoy a late breakfast at The Palace Tea Room at the QVB and then we are going to see the Barbie movie. We thought about getting our nails done in hot pink before the movie. But then we decided not to because we will probably not have enough time. WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH We have our usual Cousin Connect dinner and I always look forward to those! Then it’s my husband’s birthday in the middle of August so I’m sure we will do something fun that involves food. WHAT AMAZON PURCHASE DID I LOVE THIS MONTH Bio-Oil – This is an incredible product that I love using as part of my regular skincare. The good news is that it is also a game changer for my scar-healing journey after my thyroidectomy. It’s going to take about 6 months before my scar is less visible but after using Bio-Oil regularly I can tell that it already feels smoother. And that’s a wrap for the July edition of What’s Up Wednesday! Thank you so much for stopping by to have a read and I hope that you all have a wonderful day! See you back here tomorrow.  

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Weekend Recap

Hey there everyone! Welcome back to another edition of Hello Monday hosted by Holly and Sarah. I hope you guys had an amazing weekend filled with fun, great company, and a sprinkle of relaxation to help recharge your batteries. I’m so happy that you are here today as I share a recap of my weekend. Friday Night Friday night we had plans with some friends to go out for dinner and trivia at our local club. We were all looking forward to a night of fun and friendly competition. But when we got there surprise! The club wasn’t hosting trivia anymore! We were all a bit disappointed but we didn’t let it ruin our night. Instead, we went and explored another nearby restaurant and rooftop bar. After some initial confusion about where to go, we decided to try a rooftop bar that is just a few minutes from where I live. I had been wanting to go there for ages as I had seen it featured on a show called ‘Sydney Weekender’. I was glad we chose to go there because we all really loved it. The decor and atmosphere were great and we all agreed that it felt like we were in the city somewhere and not in our own small suburb. It had some really pretty views in the outdoor area. They had lounges and blankets as well as cosy a cosy fire pit but it was just too cold to sit outside. Instead, we sat inside but I’m really looking forward to going back in the summer. There was a restaurant next door to the bar so we had dinner there. But you know when it gets so late and then you’re not that hungry anymore. Well, that happened to me and when I looked at the menu I just couldn’t decide. Everything sounded a bit too fancy and complicated and I was kind of just craving something simple. So after studying the menu for ages I just ordered a small serving of fish and chips. Ha! I was in such an indecisive mood! We got some focaccia to share. And finished off with a parfait with a super long name that I can’t remember. Yuzu, matcha something ?? Saturday I woke up on Saturday morning and I felt inspired to organise and declutter. There were clothes in my wardrobe that were bringing me no joy. So I bundled them up to give away. I also tackled my ensuite cabinet which had gotten messy and I got rid of a whole lot of things that were taking up space. It’s interesting how things just seem to eventually pile up over time. I feel like I tidy and organise pretty often, yet there are always still areas to declutter! Then it was time to get through a few boxes of things that belonged to my mum. Sigh….that was tough. She used to love doing ‘Find A Words’. But gradually her eyesight got really bad and so she couldn’t do them anymore. I found a whole lot of these books that she never got a chance to do and it made me sad. Hopefully, someone else will enjoy them. Saturday night I went to bed really early. Usually, I wait for Steve to get home from work and we stay up late watching ‘Blue Bloods’. But I was tired from being so emotional clearing out some of the last of my mum’s bits and pieces. And I knew that I would be no fun to be around so I thought that it was best if I went to bed. And I’m so glad that I did because I woke up feeling so much better on Sunday morning. Sunday Sunday I went to church and then in the afternoon Steve and I caught up on a few episodes of ‘Blue Bloods’ that we didn’t watch on Saturday night. Then it was time to get together with some friends who we hadn’t seen in ages for dinner. We met up at a pub nearby and we enjoyed a cozy meal on a cold wet night. It wasn’t too late when Steve and I got home after dinner so we decided to watch a movie on Netflix. We watched ‘Mrs Harris Goes To Paris’. Have you seen it? You probably have because it’s been out for a while but if you haven’t then you totally should. It was just such a lovely feel good movie and it was a perfect way to end a lovely weekend. And I guess that brings me to the end of another weekend recap. I’m still getting used to being back at work after the long break and I can’t believe that it’s nearly the end of July. How??? Anyway, I can’t complain because that means that we are heading a bit closer to spring and I can NOT wait! I look forward to being back here on Wednesday for What’s Up Wednesday. See you guys then. Happy Monday!      

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Top 10 Favourite Self Care Tips

Hi friends It’s Friday! Everyone throw confetti!! After my first week back at work, I’m beyond excited to celebrate the weekend! I thought that for today’s Friday Favourites post, I would share my top 10 favourite self-care tips. Because as you all know life can get super hectic and it’s easy to lose sight of looking after ourselves. And I will be the first one to admit that I sometimes forget about self-care amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. So, let’s kickstart the weekend by diving into the world of self-love and pampering. Let’s go! Hydrating Face Mask Nothing feels better than a super hydrating face mask. The best part is that when I treat myself to one it also means that I have to lay down and relax! Aromatherapy Candle Aromatherapy candles are my go-to solution for unwinding after a long day. Lighting a scented candle with subtle warm fragrances makes me feel instantly happier and my home feels cozier. Especially now that it’s winter and some nights are so cold! A Cup of Tea I like herbal teas such as chamomile with a splash of honey or any fruit-inspired blend. English Breakfast and Early Grey are also a couple of my favourites. A cup of tea in my favourite teacup and saucer after a long day is just so comforting and soul-soothing! A Soft Warm Blanket I definitely prefer summer over winter but if there is one thing that I do like about winter is that I get to wrap myself up in soft cozy blankets at night when I’m watching TV, reading blogs or playing Words With Friends. Stretching The simple act of stretching is amazing for helping to get rid of that annoying knot in my neck. But I’ve realised that I should do it more often and not just when I’m in pain. Jade Roller I often forget to relax my facial muscles and sometimes I have a full set of baggage under my eyes. Rolling the cool stone over my face is very therapeutic and great for reducing puffiness. Inspirational Planner My lovely friend gifted me a beautiful planner full of sweet illustrations and inspiring quotes. It’s kind of my substitution for a journal. I use it as a planner and I also jot down memorable moments and things that I am grateful for. Lavender Essential Oil I’ll admit that I used to be sceptical about the claims that lavender essential oil reduces stress. But I was wrong, it really does work! Healthy Snacks This week I have been back on track with eating healthier. While I was off from work after surgery and then on holiday from preschool. I was snacking on all the wrong things like there was no tomorrow. But now I have gone back to eating healthier snacks such as fruit and nuts. I do feel much better for it but I can’t lie….I would much rather munch down a bag of salt and vinegar chips any day! Laugh Often I’m a total softie and will cry easily but I definitely love to laugh often. Laughter is a natural mood booster and can reduce stress levels. I’m super lucky to have wonderful friends and family who still love me even when I ugly cry. And they also love to hang out with me for a good laugh! I hope you find my top 10 favourite self-care tips as helpful and rejuvenating as I do. Thank you so much for stopping by today to read my blog! Remember that self-care is all about embracing those little moments that make life brighter. Have an amazing weekend and I look forward to being back here on Monday. Happy Friday! Linking up with Andrea and Erika  

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a day at preschool

A Day At Preschool

Hi friends welcome to a day at preschool! Today I’m sharing a glimpse of what an ordinary day in our little world looks like. It’s all about the moments of play, learning and discovery that make up a typical day at our preschool. A Day At Preschool The kids arrived with big smiles ready to jump into term 3 after the two-week winter break. Some of the parents made me laugh when they commented on how happy and relieved they were because preschool was open again. It must have felt like forever for them! A Busy Morning During Indoor Play It was pizza time in the home corner which we transformed into a pizza restaurant, complete with a pizza oven, felt bases and toppings. I made the pizza oven two years ago and I think it’s lasted quite well so far. This morning I had to repair the oven door with sticky tape. And it also needs a new light but overall it’s surviving quite well considering how often it gets used. This is what the pizza oven looked like when I first made it. It’s looking a bit more tired these days. After a busy morning filling so many orders, the pizza chefs made a big mess of their workstations. I had the pleasure of ‘tasting’ many of their creations. Some kids worked on tricky puzzles. Others practiced their cutting skills. Lots of rolling and squishing playdough. Some kids totally nailed their box construction game as they created impressive-looking robots. Morning snack time. Look at these delicious lunch boxes! The children from the other class made pancakes during their morning activities. Instead of maple syrup, they poured Blue Agave syrup on their pancakes and they loved it! Although I must say that anything sweet is usually a guaranteed winner! I tried some of the leftovers and they tasted great! Well done teachers and children!! This week we are celebrating NAIDOC week and we watched a video about traditional aboriginal dances. Then it was lunchtime for me and outdoor playtime for the kids. All the staff have to tag team lunch breaks to make sure that we meet our supervision ratios. We get a 50-minute break and this is when I also grab the opportunity to get some blogging done. After my break, it was time for music and movement followed by lunchtime for the children. After lunch, it was relaxation time. The kids each picked a fidget toy. Then settled down on pillows for about 30 minutes. Today no one fell asleep but sometimes we might have one or two children drift off for a little nap. When relaxation time was over the kids packed away their toys and pillows and it was time for more outdoor play until pick-up time. Afternoons are always a flurry of activity at preschool, with packing away and cleaning as well as getting things ready for the next day. Trust me, there’s never a dull moment! It’s like a built-in workout and who needs a gym membership when you’ve got this much physical activity? Getting my steps up is a breeze, and it’s definitely a great way to stay active. So, that’s a day at preschool- a mix of fun and hard work every single day. As an educator, I’m grateful to be part of these little ones’ lives as they learn and grow. I have to admit that keeping up with their endless energy can be tough on this not-so-young body. Not to mention all the setup and cleanup we do all day long. But it’s a very rewarding job and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Except maybe on rainy days when we are stuck inside. On those days I might let my mind wander and briefly daydream about switching careers hehe!

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naidoc week at preschool

NAIDOC Week at Preschool

After the winter school holidays, we are back at preschool and kicking off by celebrating NAIDOC week. What is NAIDOC week? NAIDOC week is an annual event held in Australia and the acronym “NAIDOC” stands for “National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee”. During this week, Australians come together to honour and celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC week is all about colourful festivities, cultural performances, and art exhibitions. As well as a variety of activities that showcase the contributions of indigenous Australians to our nation. NAIDOC week typically falls in the first full week of July each year. NAIDOC Week At Preschool Celebrating NAIDOC week at preschool is important as it’s a special time when the children can learn about the history and culture of Indigenous Australians. We get to hear stories, do arts and crafts and learn about their traditions. By doing all these activities we show respect and kindness to our First Nation friends. And it’s also a great way to learn and appreciate their heritage better. Today we had an Aboriginal performer come along to the preschool and she introduced us to her culture. She shared some songs and traditional dances. It was interesting to learn some words from her language and she even brought along some tools used by her ancestors for hunting, gathering and preparing meals. At the end of the performance, the children had the opportunity to get their hands painted with an emu symbol. And interestingly, the paint she used was made from a special rock called Ochre. Ochre is the natural pigment that has been used for thousands of years by indigenous Australians in their traditional art and ceremonies. The children were curious and attentive throughout the show, which was great to see because they can get easily distracted. After all, they’re only four and five years old! Their endless energy and eagerness to explore means that their focus can easily shift from one thing to another in a matter of seconds. So I thought they did a great job of sitting still and following along. I enjoy having incursions at preschool because apart from them being so much easier to organise than excursions. They are also a fantastic opportunity for our preschoolers to learn about different cultures and traditions. And each experience is valuable as it helps the kids to appreciate and understand how others live.  

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school holidays

The End of The School Holidays

Hi there everyone, Happy Monday! It’s great to be here today linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday. You know, I made sure to soak up every minute of the weekend because, well it’s back to work for me this week. And let me tell you, when that alarm went off this morning, finding the motivation to get up and get going was a serious struggle. But hey, here I am, ready (sort of) to tackle a new week. Now let’s jump right in and dive into a recap of the last few days of the school holidays. More Beach Time! Last Thursday we went to check out a new cafe called Ramsgate Beach House. It’s right on the water with spectacular views. We ordered the oh-so-yummy fish tacos, and I gave the Aperol Spritz another shot. I remember trying it years ago but it was really bitter and I didn’t like it. This time the mix of flavours was spot on and now I’m totally won over. I will definitely be sipping on these more often especially in the summer time as they are so refreshing. I snapped this pic and I love how pretty the drink looks against the view. It almost looks like I applied a fancy filter but nope no filters here. Just nature and Aperol Spritz teaming up to create an amazing combination of colours! Then we went for a walk along the esplanade. I think that I have spent more time at the beach these last couple of weeks in the middle of winter than I did the whole of last summer! Mama Mia I went to the Lyric Theatre with my lovely friend to see Mama Mia. It was such a fun production and I would be perfectly happy to go and see it again. The final two numbers when everybody was invited to get up and dance was such a blast! Have I told you before how much I love to dance? The Weekend Saturday was just a lazy morning and I loved it. Once I peeled myself out of bed I hopped on the computer to catch up on my favourite blogs. Then the day just drifted by as I did some housework and laundry. My usual cleaning and meal-planning routine has taken a backseat for the last four weeks. I really needed to hit that reset button and get back on track! Dinnertime called for a chicken stir fry loaded with veggies to make up for all the naughty snacks I have been devouring over the school holidays. Then it was time to catch up on some episodes of MasterChef that I had missed. I wanted to be up to date with all the episodes because the final was on Sunday night. So Saturday night I watched the semi-finals and was sad that my favourite contestant got eliminated. Sunday On Sunday we had fun celebrating my cousin’s birthday at Oatley Pub. The pub has a really nice family-friendly atmosphere and delicious food. I ordered the chicken schnitzel with gravy. I just love gravy so much and I ended up needing a top-up because those schnitzels were big and I needed extra gravy! Berry cheesecake for dessert. I absolutely loved spending Sunday lunch with my awesome family. We never run out of things to say, and we’re always teasing each other in the most fun way possible. One of my cousins has the most contagious laughter ever, and it’s like a domino effect-we always end up laughing so hard! In the evening we watched the Masterchef grand final. My friend and I were texting each other the whole time and It felt like we were watching it together which made it extra fun! Well, friends I guess that’s a wrap on the last few days of the school holidays. I can hardly believe how fast the days flew by and It sure was a fun two weeks! Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog and I hope that you guys have a great week. Happy Monday!        

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Highlights From The Past Few Days

Hey friends I hope that you all had an amazing week. It’s unbelievable how quickly time flies, especially during the fun school holidays and now it’s time for Friday favourites! Thanks for stopping by today as I share some highlights from the past few days. 1 It’s been so warm and sunny with temps as high as 22°C and I’m loving it! It’s almost hard to believe that we are in the middle of winter. 2 I had an amazing couple of days staying with my friend at her home in Avoca Beach. We were spoiled with the most amazing blue skies and sunny weather. When we went for our walks along the beach it was still cool and so I wore layers and a jacket. But when we sat in the sun it was so lovely and warm. 3 Another big favourite was going with my friend to visit her dad who lives in a nursing home. It’s so hard not to get emotional when I visit as we share so many lovely memories and we are all more like family than friends. We went for a walk, had lunch and then played a few rounds of dominoes when we got back to the home. He is as sharp as a tack and would call out the scores in a flash. Whereas I had to use my fingers to count, numbers are not my thing! 4 I love this sunscreen spray my cousin gave me and I have been using it all week. It’s so easy to use because it sprays like a fine mist and leaves my skin feeling great. It has SPF 50+ which is perfect. 5 I had a fun night catching up with some friends over snacks and drinks. We went to a place called Miss Celie’s and listened to live music. 6 Luke and his lovely fiancee came over for dinner. Having my family together for a meal is always one of my favourite things! I cooked so much food that we had leftovers for the next two days. Ha! I definitely take after my mum, she would always do the same! 7 Sanding the door frames before painting is not really a favourite. But finally starting a project that I have been putting off for months is a favourite. I was listening to/watching MasterChef on the Ipad as I worked to make the job feel less tedious. Sushi our cat was keeping me company and when I turned away she decided to roll in the dust! 8 My cousin dropped by to give me some empanadas that she had made with her mum. My aunt makes THE best empanadas. She even makes the pastry from scratch…YUM!! 9 Our pillows were as flat as pancakes and we really needed new ones. I couldn’t resist taking advantage of Amazon’s Prime sale to order some plump cozy pillows. 10 I went to Aldi for the first time in months and I picked up these prawn, scallop and lobster bisque pots. We had them for dinner last night and they were so delicious! I loved them so much that I went back today to pick up some more. I also bought some Chinotto which I used to drink often and then forgot all about. Chinotto has an interesting taste which I really like, it’s sweet and bitter at the same time. 11 When I went to Bunnings to buy the sander to use for the door frames I also picked up some pretty Daisies. I’ve put them outside the front door because they need full sun and our front door gets lots of sunshine. The ones that I bought last year didn’t do very well in our shady courtyard. And that’s a wrap for some of my favourite highlights. As I said before I can hardly believe how fast this week has flown by and just like that my four weeks off from work have ended 😢. But I’m not going to think about that until 6.30 am on Monday morning when that dreaded alarm goes off! Instead, I’m going to savour every minute of the weekend! I hope you guys have a great weekend too! Happy Friday Linking up with Andrea and Erika    

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