May 2023

what's up Wednesday may 2023

What’s Up Wednesday-May 2023

Hello friends! Wow, I can hardly believe that we are just about to hit the middle of the year! It almost feels as if I blinked and May flew by in a flash. And now here we are again for What’s Up Wednesday, May 2023. This is a fun monthly link-up with Shaeffer and Shay where we get to share a little of what’s been happening during the month. So let’s go ahead and dive right in! What’s Up Wednesday- May 2023 WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK Monday-Meatballs with mashed potato and veggies! I made meatballs on Sunday night and we had leftovers for Monday. Tuesday- Chicken schnitzel, jacket potatoes and sour cream, veggies and lots of gravy Wednesday- We are going out for dinner. Yay! Thursday- Beef stroganoff, rice and veggies Friday- Hopefully, leftovers Saturday- I’m still deciding on the menu for our Cousin Connect dinner. I’m thinking I might make lasagna, garlic bread and salad. WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT The warm weather! Brrrr we are now right into the cold weather and I’m not a fan at all. I know that compared to many other countries our winters are mild. But here in Sydney as soon as it gets under 16°C I pull out my thermal underwear, jumpers, puffer jackets, scarves …..and complain a lot!! WHAT I’M LOVING Eating all the comfort food and drinking endless cups of tea and hot chocolate! The best part about winter is eating all those delicious carbs, not feeling guilty and then saying “Oh I’m hungry and can’t stop eating because I’m so cold”. WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO Steve and I have both been busy with work but still enjoying our regular Wednesday night date nights. Sam is on holiday from uni classes and has just started his student placement at a nearby hospital. He has really been enjoying it and telling me that there’s never a dull moment on the ward he is on. He also says it is giving him a really good picture of what nursing is all about. WHAT I’M DREADING I am booked in for surgery on the 15th of June and so I’m really dreading that A LOT! It will be so good when it’s all behind me. You can read all about what’s been happening here. WHAT I’M WORKING ON A garden to decorate the wall in our preschool classroom! Many of the kids are really interested in insects so we have jumped on this and are in the process of creating a fun collage. The children have been busy adding to it each day and it has become a real draw card for some of our reluctant preschoolers. Term 1 was tricky as we had a lot of new children and some were struggling to settle. But this term our little group is starting to thankfully come together and it’s so great to see progress. The classroom teacher and I high-fived each other today because it feels like we have finally turned a corner! WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT After the 15th of June, I’ll be excited about everything! WHAT I’M WATCHING I really needed a good comedy to take my mind off things. So I have been watching Everybody Loves Raymond. It’s such a funny show and it always makes me laugh. I really should start from season one but I have just been randomly picking episodes. Masterchef started a couple of weeks ago but I only started watching it this week and I am hooked. It was so sad that Jock Zonfrillo, one of the judges on Masterchef died one day before the premiere of the current season. He was only 46. WHAT I’M LISTENING TO Right now I am typing this while I’m on my lunch break at preschool. And I can hear lots of noise from the preschool classroom! WHAT I’M WEARING All the coats and jackets to keep me warm! WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND It’s time for Cousin Connect again! On the first Saturday of every month, my whole family gets together for dinner and this time it’s my turn to host. WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH We have a long weekend coming up on the 12th of June for the King’s Birthday. Even though we don’t have any plans to go away anywhere. I’m still excited about a three-day weekend! But to be totally honest and at the risk of sounding like a broken record. The thing that I am most looking forward to is getting that surgery over and done with! WHAT AMAZON PURCHASE DID I LOVE THIS MONTH This Matcha powder has been great for making delicious and healthy smoothies. This Garnier Olia hair dye is hands down the best! I recently made the big mistake of buying another brand that was half-price at the supermarket. And it left my hair dull and dry. I don’t know why I never thought of buying this hair dye from Amazon before. But I’m so glad that I had a light bulb moment and I ordered it. To top it off, it’s so much cheaper on Amazon than it is from Woolworths. Garnier Olia does exactly what the box says, it leaves my hair soft and the colour is long-lasting. I don’t have the time or patience to go to the salon to get my hair coloured. And at the rate my grey roots grow I would have to be at the salon every three weeks! So I absolutely love Garnier Olia and I use 6.0 light brown. It also comes in a variety of colours and shades. And that just about wraps up a little of what has been happening in May. Thank you so much for stopping by today, I always appreciate you guys reading my blog and I hope you have the best Wednesday!  

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Wild Lights At Taronga Zoo-Vivid Sydney 2023

Hey there friends! I’m super excited to share with you all about my visit to Wild Lights at Taronga Zoo. It’s that fun time of the year again when Vivid Sydney is back on for 2023. The annual festival of light, music and ideas held in the spectacular city of Sydney, Australia. Vivid Sydney Vivid Sydney is an event that transforms the city into an amazing wonderland full of creative light displays. All around the city, you can find iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge and various buildings throughout the city illuminated with spectacular ever-changing colours and patterns. The whole city comes alive for a truly immersive and dazzling experience. I think that it’s a great way to draw people out of their cozy homes during the cold winter months. I don’t like the cold weather but it’s totally worth braving the cold, bundling up and stepping out for a fun night walking around the city. Wild Lights At Taronga Zoo Last year I went with my lovely friend to see the dazzling lights all around Circular Quay for Vivid Sydney 2022. But this year we went to Wild Lights At Taronga Zoo and I was just in awe the whole time! It really was such a fantastic night. We queued up for about 40 minutes outside the zoo, then as the sun began to set at around 5.20 pm they opened the gates and in we went. The first display I saw was a brightly lit koala right at the entrance. And then we walked along the beautifully illuminated pathways. The lights were just so pretty, it was a feast for the eyes! And I loved how we could hear soft captivating music and animal sounds as we walked along. It looked like the whole zoo was sprinkled with a dash of pure magic for the night. There were so many families with their children but it wasn’t as crowded as it gets in the city. So we got to really enjoy the light displays without bumping into everyone. I found the visit to the wild Lights at Taronga Zoo very relaxing. Magical Jellyfish I think that my favourite display was the underwater wonderland. There was a whole area filled with these amazing jellyfish and they looked like they were floating around all aglow in the most vibrant colours. Illuminated Bugs A giant cicada There were bees and bugs all around in the trees. So Many Native Australian Animal Displays Some kind of native Australian frog. Echidna A Dingo A Goanna It doesn’t take much to scare me and this fly was a bit scary. It made noises when you touched it! Tigers. More native Australian animals. The emu, possum and platypus. Gorillas Me with my mates the Gorillas! The way Taronga Zoo combines outdoor light shows with neon lights is truly one-of-a-kind and quite impressive. Using neon lights as decorations at events really amps up the fun and visual appeal. Imagine customising neon signs with your favourite animals—it’s such a personalised and fascinating way to decorate! These customisations not only enhance the ambience of a home or venue but also showcase individual taste and creativity in a uniquely artistic manner. If you are looking for a magical and illuminating adventure the Wild Lights at Taronga Zoo is an absolute must-visit! I made a short video of my visit to Wild Lights at Taronga Zoo so you can get a better idea of what it was like. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great day!      

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fun faves

Fun Faves

Hi everyone it’s great to be back for this week’s Friday Favourites link-up with Andrea and Erika. I hope you guys had a fantastic week and are ready and excited to say hello to the weekend. I know that I sure am! There are a few fun faves that I’m sharing with you guys today on this very cold and windy Friday. Thanks so much for being here today! Cozy Moccasins First up, I’m so excited that I bought a new pair of super warm sheepskin mocassins. My old ones really needed to go! I love sheepskin moccasins and I wear them around the house all the time. The great thing about them is that they are not only comfortable, soft and warm but I also love that they have rubber soles with good grip. Making them excellent for when I’m doing chores around the house. Golden Gaytime! Even though it’s been really cold, I still enjoyed a Golden Gaytime for dessert on Wednesday night. This delicious biscuit-coated ice cream is simply divine and a real classic Australian treat. It would have to be on the top of my list of favourite ice creams. Oops, sorry about the blurry pic. But here’s a clear one of the box. A Late Easter Bunny I got a surprise chocolate Easter bunny with my online shopping order! They must have had excess stock but I thought it was a lovely treat. Thanks, Woolworths! Pink Grapefruit I bought this really nice Bundaberg pink grapefruit sparkling drink. Nobody else at home is a fan so I guess that I’ll be drinking all six cans. But that’s ok because they are only mini cans. Focaccia Sam’s sweet girlfriend brought us some homemade beetroot and rosemary focaccia for us to try. It was so delicious and a lovely mid-week favourite. A Funny Quote This came up on my Facebook feed and it made me laugh! Crunchy Leaves My walks to and from work are still a fun fave. On Tuesday I found some crunchy leaves on the footpath, so I stopped and crunched them with my shoes a few times just like I did when I was a kid. I used to have to walk through a park in Burwood to get to school. And there were so many crunchy leaves along the way. But we don’t get many deciduous trees around where I live now so this was a real novelty. I think that this might be the only tree in the whole street that is losing its leaves. Why? This is not really a fun fave but it did make me laugh (I must have been in a great mood!). Why Oh why do teens put nearly empty packets back into the pantry or freezer? I found this whole bag of nothing but three little berries taking up space in the freezer! Smoothies I love smoothies and that’s why yesterday I did a whole post on Delicious and Healthy Smoothies. You can find it here. Chloé This lovely perfume I received as a Christmas present last year is really a big favourite! I only just opened it this week and tried it for the first time. I’m really fussy about perfume fragrances and I prefer subtle fresh scents over strong woody fragrances. Chloé is just perfect and I will have to add it to my list of favourite fragrances because I love it so much! I think I love it even more than Chanel Coco Mademoiselle and I never thought that any fragrance could trump that one! AirPods The new AirPods I got from Luke and Sam for Mother’s Day are amazing! I absolutely love them, they fit so comfortably and when I have them in my ears it honestly feels like I’m not wearing anything at all. To top it off the sound is also fantastic. They are so much better than the Jabra ones I bought a couple of years ago which hurt my ears. And they also stopped working properly after about a year or so. I have been listening to Belinda Carlisle on repeat. I especially love Heaven Is A Place On Earth, it’s such a great song that takes me back to my teenage years.  Belinda Carlisle is coming to Sydney in November and I would love to go and see her in concert. I need a friend to come with me!! And that’s a wrap for a few fun faves this week. I’m really excited about this weekend because I’m off to see Vivid at Taronga Zoo tomorrow and I can hardly wait. I’ll be sure to tell you all about it next week. I hope you have a fantastic weekend Happy Friday! This blog post may contain affiliate links. If you click on the link and make a purchase I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting my blog!

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healthy and delicious smoothies

5 Healthy And Delicious Smoothies

Are you looking for healthy and delicious smoothie recipes to boost your wellness? Today I have 5 delicious and easy recipes for you! Smoothies are a healthy and delicious way to enhance your well-being. They not only taste great but they also give you a huge range of benefits for your overall well-being. Smoothies are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. And they are also an easy and convenient way to fuel your body. If you are always on the go then smoothies are perfect as they offer a quick and healthy option to nourish your body. In addition, if you find that you aren’t hungry in the morning and are not much of a breakfast eater. You can enjoy drinking a delicious smoothie packed full of nutrients any time of the day. 5 Healthy And Delicious Smoothies Berry Blast Smoothie Ingredients 1 cup of frozen mixed berries(strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) 1 banana 1 cup of oat milk 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds 2 dates Instructions In a blender, combine all the ingredients Blend on high speed until smooth and creamy Pour into a glass and garnish with fresh strawberries and enjoy! This Berry Blast Smoothie is vibrant in colour and rich in antioxidants. Nothing beats the combination of bananas and berries. The oat milk just takes the whole smoothie to another level with its delicious yet subtle oat flavour. The Sunflower seeds have vitamins and minerals that can help to support your immune system. And the dates provide an extra boost of fibre. Tropical Paradise Smoothie Ingredients 1 ripe mango  1 cup of pineapple chunks 1 banana 1 cup of coconut water juice of one lime a handful of spinach a few leaves of mint ice cubes Instructions In a blender combine the mango, pineapple chunks, banana, coconut water, lime juice and mint. Blend on high until smooth and fluffy Add ice cubes and blend again until well mixed. Pour into a tall glass and garnish with slices of lime and mint, and enjoy this refreshing tropical paradise in a glass! Drinking this delicious smoothie will make you feel like you are on vacation at a relaxing fancy beachside resort. The colours of the smoothie are so bright and fresh. It is not only sweet and refreshing but it will also give your body a nutritional boost. Chocolate-Banana Power Smoothie Ingredients 1 banana 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder 1 tablespoon of almond butter 1 cup of almond milk 1 tablespoon of honey Ice cubes Instructions In a blender combine the banana, cocoa powder, almond butter, almond milk and honey. Blend on high until smooth and creamy. This delicious chocolate banana smoothie is perfect if you are aiming to increase your daily protein intake. This full-of-goodness guilt-free smoothie will keep you feeling satisfied for hours. Green Bliss Blend Ingredients 1 cup spinach 1 ripe pear cored and sliced 1/2 cup avocado, pitted and peeled 1/2 cup of cucumber, peeled and chopped Juice of 1 lemon 1 cup of coconut water small handful of mint leaves Ice cubes Instructions In a blender combine spinach, pear, avocado, cucumber, lemon juice, coconut water and fresh mint leaves Blend on high until smooth Add ice cubes and blend again until well mixed Pour into a glass and garnish with fresh mint leaves and enjoy! The powerful nutrient-rich green smoothie is very refreshing and satisfying. The avocado will give your smoothie a creamy texture and provides healthy fats and vitamins. There are so many wonderful vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in this invigorating smoothie! Energizing Matcha Smoothie Ingredients 1 teaspoon matcha powder 1 banana 1 cup almond milk 1 tablespoon honey 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Ice cubes Instructions In a blender, combine the matcha powder banana, almond milk, honey, and vanilla extract. Blend on high speed until smooth and creamy. Add ice cubes and blend again until well combined. Pour into a glass, and sprinkle some matcha powder on top for garnish. Matcha powder is packed with antioxidants and vitamins as well as having some amazing benefits that may give your skin that special glow. Matcha also gives you a gentle caffeine boost that can help you stay focused throughout the day. This smoothie tastes amazing! The combination of naturally sweet ingredients such as banana, creamy almond milk and vanilla results in a lusciously rich and irresistible flavourful blend. There you have it-5 healthy and delicious smoothies. These are wonderful to have as a healthy breakfast alternative to kickstart your day the right way. Or you can have them at any time of the day as a refreshing nutrient-rich drink. The wonderful thing about smoothies is that you can experiment with so many different ingredients and customize them according to your preferred taste. So don’t be afraid to get creative and come up with your own unique healthy and delicious smoothies. Benefits Of Healthy And Delicious Smoothies Healthy and delicious smoothies give your body so many wonderful benefits. Rich in nutrients: Smoothies are full of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that nourish your body and support your overall health. Quick and convenient: Smoothies are perfect for busy people who need a quick nutritious meal or snack anytime of the day. Hydration: Smoothies help you to stay on top of your fluid intake goals. And they contribute to keeping you hydrated throughout the day. Easy digestion: Smoothies are easier to digest than whole foods because all the ingredients are blended. Fibre boost: Smoothies contain fibre-rich ingredients that are good for your digestion and keep you feeling full and satisfied. Energy boost: The natural sugars from the fruits give your body an energy boost. Making them a great choice for a pick-me-up snack or breakfast option. Weight management: You can add ingredients to your smoothies that will support your weight management goals. Skin health: The rich source of antioxidants in smoothies helps promote healthy glowing skin. Variety: You can combine and experiment with any ingredients that you love to create your own healthy and delicious smoothies.

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Thyroid Nodules-Health Update

Hey friends I thought I’d jump on the blog and give you a health update and share about my appointment that I had today with an endocrinologist to finally get an answer as to what to do about my thyroid nodules. That dreaded appointment has been hanging over my head like a massive weight for a couple of months! Thyroid Nodules But first I’ll backtrack a bit and fill you in. About five years ago I had a really bad cold that I couldn’t shake. I coughed so much that my neck was really hurting badly and so I went to the doctor. It must have hurt a lot because I try and avoid anything to do with doctors as much as possible. Don’t get me wrong, I do all the sensible required check-ups but anything medical always sends me into a real panic. Anyway, the doctor felt my neck and told me should could feel nodules on my thyroid. At this point, I really regretted having gone to see her because she wasn’t meant to find anything! My very thorough doctor sent me for scans and then when she got the results she suggested I get a fine needle aspiration just to check that one of the nodules… nodules…she said nodules!!! Not one, but multiple!! She wanted to rule out cancer. Well, that was the last time I went to see her! (dumb right, I know). A long while later I went to see another doctor who told me what I wanted to hear. Let’s just monitor them and see if they grow. Yes, let’s.. that’s perfect! I’m down for monitoring instead of biopsies. Excellent! So for the next couple of years, I monitored and worried…. a lot. Instead of ruling out cancer with a simple fine needle aspiration. I just worried and consulted Dr Google…great plan. Fine Needle Aspiration Two years later the follow-up scans showed that something in one of the nodules was a bit suspicious and I really should get a fine needle aspiration. I cried, prayed and hyperventilated, I had a panic attack in my car. But I went ahead and had the FNA and the result came back. No cancer….phew! So I was sort of relieved but not really because the nodule at the front of my neck was bigger and obvious. Two more years passed and one ultrasound later showed that the nodules had indeed grown slightly. Sigh! Then one day I was talking to a work colleague and she said “Hey what’s that tumour on your neck?” Holy cow! Not really a great thing to hear. And I really think that maybe some people need to remember to be less blunt! Obsessing Those words “Hey what’s that tumour on your neck” sent me into a spiral of incessant worry and self-consciousness. Every time I looked in the mirror there was the nodule. Every time I walked past a window and caught my reflection there was the nodule. Whenever I was talking to someone I would put my hand over my neck or use my hair to discreetly cover my neck. Some days I was just so tired and fed up feeling constantly worried, obsessing and feeling self-conscious. I got to the stage where I thought why don’t I just go ahead and draw a couple of eyes and a smiley face on my nodule, give it a name and introduce it to my friends as my new twin growing out of the front of my neck! I’ve spent so long hiding my thyroid nodules that I didn’t have a pic to show you. So I snapped a quick one. See that guy in the middle of my neck? I think it looks bigger in real life. I Got Brave……Finally! Then one day this year I finally had enough! So I got brave and went ahead and made an appointment to see an endocrinologist. I waited a couple of months because the doctor was fully booked but finally, today was the day of my appointment. The doctor was efficient and I felt comfortable and confident that he would finally give me a solution. He checked me, asked questions and did an ultrasound on my neck. To my surprise, he told me that the obvious nodule at the front of my neck is not the problem! Nope apparently I have many nodules but there is no cancer. I loved hearing those words ‘no cancer’. I could almost breathe again when I heard him say them. Even though I had been told that the nodules were benign a couple of years ago. Hearing this from the endocrinologist was extra comforting. But he said that I do have a large cyst on my thyroid and that’s the problem because it’s going to continue growing and never going to go away. He said it will cause pain and problems, especially when I get a cold or a cough. Apparently, coughing can cause the blood vessels to burst and make the cyst bleed internally. Ugh! Surgery So he recommended that I have my thyroid removed. Yep hasta la vista thyroid! And do you know what? I have never felt so relieved in my whole life! I have been worried for so many years that now even the thought of surgery doesn’t feel as bad. Crazy right? My husband was with me and he was looking at me all shocked and I was like YES! Let’s do this asap!! So I have an appointment to see the surgeon on the 14th of June and then have surgery on the 15th of June. Both are the first available appointments and I jumped on them! I know that as the day of the surgery gets closer I’ll be shaking like a leaf. The thought of going under anesthesia makes me feel uneasy. I haven’t had surgery since I was 4 when I had my tonsils removed. I am scared. But today for the first time in years I am not

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a sweet and simple weekend

A Sweet And Simple Weekend

Hey there friends welcome back to ‘Hello Monday’ hosted by Holly and Sarah. It was a really sweet and simple weekend where I enjoyed spending time at home getting a few things done around the house. As well as getting out to do a few things that I enjoy to keep myself distracted. I have been in a bit of a fog last week and I think I’ll be the same until I get that dreaded specialist appointment out of the way this Wednesday. Ugh! I wish I could be all zen about it but I’m not. Anyway, I’m trying hard to stay focused on the moment and not letting my brain take me to places that I would rather not visit. So a sweet and simple weekend was exactly what I needed. Friday! Friday afternoon after work I made a quick dash to the Woolworths metro for some Friday night treats. I was really excited to find a bag of chips for half price! All the grocery items have increased ridiculously! Packets of chips are between $4.00 to $6.00. Which I think is a lot of money for a snack item, even though I do love salt and vinegar chips! Look at the price of tomatoes! It’s been so cold and so that’s a perfect excuse to cook up some comfort food. And nothing beats a huge lasagna, creamy potatoes and a big guilt-relieving salad. I made it on Friday night and it kept us fed and warm all weekend long! Saturday We had planned to go out for breakfast on Saturday morning. But I had a feeling that there was no way we were going to make it. It was Steve’s turn to close the restaurant on Friday night and he didn’t get home until 4.00 am. So on Saturday, he had a very much-needed sleep-in. And instead of going out, we stayed home and drank hot chocolates and enjoyed ham and cheese croissants for brunch. To be honest, after the week I just had I was also more than happy to stay home warm and cozy in my robe and pyjamas for the whole morning! Hourglass Face Tint Saturday afternoon I went to our local Westfield just to have a wander around (keeping distracted). I bought some face tint from Mecca that I was running low on. The sales lady told me that they are discontinuing that particular item and I was lucky to get the last tube. Sigh! I’ll have to find another product that matches my skin tone once I run out. But first I’m going to make sure that I scoop out the very last drop of tint from this old tube! A Very Cheap Iron I don’t own an iron and just use my handheld steamer when I need to. Would you believe that back in the day I used to iron everything, even tea towels! I clearly must have had rocks in my head!! Anyway, sometimes I find that I do need an iron so when I spotted this one in Kmart for $7.50 I grabbed it. I won’t be using it very often but at that price, I really hope that it doesn’t explode or something! I also bought a cute top from Witchery and when I walked out of Westfield it was getting dark even though it was only 5.20 pm. And by the time I tuned into my street after a fast-paced 20-minute walk, it was nighttime. Even though our area is pretty safe, I still don’t love walking home when it’s dark. It was a freezing cold night and I was craving soup! I threw together some two-minute noodles, snow peas, slices of rotisserie chicken and an egg. It didn’t look as pretty as I had envisioned but it tasted delicious! Then I spent the rest of the evening watching some favourites and drinking lots of cups of tea snuggled up under a soft blanket. Sunday Sunday morning I went to church and even though it was sunny and the sky was bright blue. It was so cold and windy! Haha! I was wearing a super warm alpaca scarf and I had to take a pic of my hair going everywhere so you could see what I meant by windy. Even a good spritz of hair spray didn’t do much to help! After church, I stopped off at a small local cafe called’ Stevies’ where they have so many delicious fresh produce, gourmet food items, artisan bread and ready-made meals. I wanted to pick up something for a quick lunch to take home and share with Steve before he had to go to work in the afternoon. When I walked into the cafe I was so surprised to see some of our friends having coffee! I love these guys and I have known them forever. I stayed for a chat before I headed off home with some goodies. We had some olive sourdough, with beef ragu and shared a very filling salmon pattie. It was nice to taste some of the food from the cafe and I think that I will get some things from there more often to enjoy after church. Sunday afternoon I got my shopping delivered. Then it was time to meal plan, blog, and get my head around the fact that the weekend went by in a flash. It really was a very sweet and simple weekend which I am very grateful for. Thanks so much for stopping by today and letting me share with you a few of the things that I got up to. I really love and appreciate this wonderful blogging community! Have a wonderful Monday!

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Snapshots From My Week

Hi, friends it’s great to be back today linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week’s Friday Favourites. I’ve got a few favourite snapshots from my week to share and I’m so glad that you have stopped by today! Food Snapshots I had lunch with one of my favourite people and we tried a new cafe called Urban Jungle. I thought this was a cool sign for a Jungle-inspired cafe. I was in one of my indecisive moods and was so unsure of what to order when I looked at the menu. In the end, I chose the fish tacos which tasted amazingly good! Fish tacos have gained popularity here in Australia in recent years but they are not as widely known as the good old regular beef tacos. Australian cuisine is a real fusion of flavours from all over the world. All sorts of delicious food from other countries eventually makes its way to us. But I’m still waiting for lobster rolls to become popular!!! Here’s a pic of the menu so that you can see what I mean. It’s no wonder that I took forever to decide with so many interesting choices! My lovely friend ordered the salmon topper scrumpet Colourful Drinks The fresh Watermelon Crush was however an easy decision. It was so refreshing and those popping pearls were the best! They were full of berry-flavoured juice, so good! My friend chose the pretty looking Pink Lemonade, Lychee and Rose Tea A delicious, creamy and very sweet taro latte is always a big favourite. Have you heard of tarro latte before? I hadn’t until a couple of years ago. It’s made from taro root and it’s got a really lovely purple colour with a nutty kind of flavour. I hadn’t had one in ages and so it tasted extra delicious. More Sweet Treats Steve brought home a sweet pastry treat for me on Tuesday. A Fun Movie Wednesday Steve and I caught the 6.00 pm session to see Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3. We decided that for my sake it was better to see the earlier screening and have dinner after instead of the other way around. This way I could almost guarantee that I would stay awake! No matter how fantastic and action-packed a movie is. If you put me in a dark cozy movie theatre any later than 8.00 pm then it’s nighty night for me. Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 was absolutely brilliant and we loved it! But it was quite long so when we walked out of the cinema, all the restaurants and food outlets were closing for the night. The only one still taking orders was KFC, so chicken it was! I didn’t mind, I mean, I would have preferred to eat at a cozy restaurant. But chicken, chips and gravy are delicious any day! And that wraps up a few favourite snapshots from my week which were all mainly food related. I’m keeping it short today because it’s been a week, folks! I am so glad that it’s Friday night and I have big plans to eat all the carbs and binge-watch some favourite shows. I hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to being back here on Monday! Happy Friday! I didn’t blog much this week but I did blog yesterday. It’s all about some simple things we can do to make our homes comfortable and happy! Here it is in case you missed it. Ten Happy Home Essentials      

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happy home essentials

Happy Home Essentials

Hi and welcome! Today I am sharing with you ten happy home essentials that will turn your living space into a cozy haven of joy and tranquillity. A happy home is not just about its physical structure and layout. It is also a place that nurtures our well-being, provides sanctuary and uplifts our spirits. With these fabulous essentials, you can create a warm environment that is welcoming and provides you and your family with comfort and positivity. Ten Happy Home Essentials Natural Light And Fresh Air One of the best ways to lift your mood and energy levels is to open up those windows, blinds and curtains to let all the glorious natural light and fresh air into your home. You will not only feel instantly happier, but you will also improve how your living space looks. A great way to ensure that your home isn’t in constant darkness is to opt for sheer curtains that still provide privacy but don’t totally block out natural light. Or you could install skylights, but if this is not really an option then try placing mirrors in strategic positions around your home. Mirrors do an amazing job of reflecting sunlight making your home feel light and airy. In addition, remember to ventilate your home (even in winter) to ensure that fresh air circulates getting rid of germs and musty smells. Greenery And Indoor Plants Your home will feel instantly brighter if you add a touch of nature and bring plants into your indoor environment. There are so many amazing benefits to houseplants. They purify your air and also create a sense of balance and serenity. Go for low-maintenance plants such as spider plants, peace lilies, monstera, pothos and succulents. Indoor plants are a wonderful way to elevate the visual appeal of your home and they also have the added benefit of contributing to your wellness. Comfortable And Cozy Spaces If you want a comfortable and relaxing environment that promotes a sense of contentment then make sure to create some cozy nooks and comfortable spaces in your home. Think of adding some soft luxurious cushions and blankets. Invest in furniture designed to support your body and promotes relaxation. In addition, make sure to incorporate a cozy area where you can unwind and recharge after a long day. You deserve it! Organisation And Storage Clutter can cause a real sense of stress and anxiety. So if you want to create a happy and organised home then a good way to go about achieving this is to be very thoughtful when it comes to storage solutions. You can use lovely baskets and boxes to store all of your belongings and keep them both organised and easy to find. Less clutter equals an aesthetically appealing setting and that’s a real winner! Relaxing Scents And Aromatherapy Our moods and emotions are strongly impacted by scents and aromas. Therefore it’s a great idea to fill your home with scents that will make you feel calm and relaxed. Such as lavender, chamomile and bergamot. You can use scented candles, natural room sprays, essential oils and stovetop potpourri to create a calming and soothing ambience. Experiment with different scents that resonate with you and create an atmosphere of calmness and relaxation in your home. Colours And Patterns If you love vibrant colours and bold patterns then incorporating these into your home decor is a sure way to create a living space that reflects life and vitality. Just like aromas and scents impact our mood, so do colours. Cheerful tones such as bright yellows, serene blues or refreshing greens are happy home essentials for lovers of all things bright and sunny! Adding interesting patterns to your rugs, cushions or artwork will also transform your home into a lively and uplifting sanctuary. Personalized Touches Incorporating touches to your home that are meaningful to you will also create a joyful and happy environment. Adding mindful displays such as family photos or souvenirs from fun trips is a fantastic way to inject your own personality into your home decor. You don’t need to clutter all your surfaces with items and memorabilia. However, carefully displaying a few thoughtful and treasured items around your home is a wonderful way to ensure that your home has your own unique touch. Create Social Spaces Arrange your furniture and decor so that it promotes social connection and interaction. We all know that good solid relationships are vital for our well-being so creating spaces in your home that encourage entertaining, family gatherings and get-togethers is so important. Think comfortable seating, dining areas and cozy living rooms. You don’t have to live in a large home to have these designated spaces that will promote fun times full of laughter and lots of lively conversation. Comfortable And Cozy Spaces If you want to make sure that your home feels relaxed. Then consider creating some cozy nooks and comfortable spaces. Be inspired by the Danish concept of Hygge which embraces a warm and comfortable atmosphere to promote a sense of calmness and well-being. Incorporate natural elements such as wood and glass into your home decor as well as soft textures and warm lighting. This will give your living spaces a sense of coziness and contentment and make them a haven where you can relax, unwind and feel safe. Add Some Fun Elements Adding some fun and playful elements to your home will create an enjoyable atmosphere that inspires happiness and entertainment. Find your inner child again and have some board games handy so you can join in some spontaneous family game nights. Hang a swing or hammock in your backyard or balcony and create a playful retreat. If you are creative and enjoy arts and crafts then a dedicated space or area for this is essential.  Adding these fun elements will create a happy and inviting home. Conclusion These 10 happy home essentials will help transform your living space into a comfortable sanctuary where you can look forward to escaping after the hustle and bustle of

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favourite moments from the week

Favourite Moments From The Week

Hey there friends welcome back to this week’s Friday favourites! I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika and it’s time to catch some of my favourite moments from the week. On Monday I didn’t blog about my weekend. Instead, I joined the Not Just A Mom link-up and I shared some of my Fashion Pet Peeves. It was a fun light-hearted look at some of the things that I find a bit peculiar when it comes to style and fashion. I have really enjoyed sharing my personal pet peeves as well as my fashion pet peeves. There was something very satisfying about getting them off my chest and I also had a great time reading all about other people’s pet peeves because they were very relatable! So here are a few weekend favourites that I didn’t get to share with you on Monday. 1 I made a super quick dash to the farmers market on Saturday morning because I wanted to get some roasted nuts. They have a stall with every nut imaginable and they are always so fresh and crunchy. I got some walnuts, cashews and almonds. We all love to eat nuts as a snack and sometimes I will throw some in a salad or stir fry for that added crunch element. 2 It was nice to see the flower stall with some pretty bunches. 3 I got some Gozleme to take home for Steve’s lunch which he totally loved and devoured before he went to work. 4 It was around midday when I got home so I quickly got ready to go to my favourite monthly get-together with my family. It was time for Cousin Connect again! Seeing almost everyone was a real treat. Some of my family couldn’t make it this time but there’s always next month to look forward to. We started with delicious snacks and refreshing Hawaiian punch my youngest cousin made for us. Followed by smoked brisket, corn, macaroni and cheese balls and corn on the cob. Yum! 5 We all sat around chatting for ages and one of my cousins brought her instant camera to show us. Ha! I remember the original ones from the 70s where the photos were often fuzzy and the colours were off. But this new version produced some really nice clear and sharp pics. In addition to taking instant photos, you can send photos from your phone and the camera prints them! My sweet cousin printed a photo for me of Sam on his first day of school. 6 Then in the evening, it was time for me to go and see a band with some friends. We had dinner first and then enjoyed the music. The band played a whole lot of hits from The Eagles and the lead singer had an amazing voice. I always love live performances, there’s something so special about the energy and atmosphere. While the band was on I snuck a peek at the coronation ceremony on my phone. Because I didn’t want to miss the live broadcast completely. 7 A delicious Sunday favourite was a nice cup of coffee and a ham and cheese croissant. I love the combination of melted cheesy goodness and the flaky pastry. Such a treat! 8 In the afternoon we caught up with Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2. We want to go and see Vol 3 next Wednesday so we thought we better watch Vol 2 first. 9 This made me laugh! I was in the middle of writing all about my fashion pet peeves on Sunday evening and at the top of my list were socks and sandals. When I spotted Sam wearing his socks and Adidas slides! 10 The beginning of the week was so cold! And there is nothing more satisfying on a cold day than sausages, mashed potato, onion and lots of gravy. We don’t eat sausages very often but I sure do love them! 11 Another one of my favourite moments from the week was drinking this calming Chai tea. My lovely friend gave me a sachet to try and it was so good. I drank it from my favourite happy mug. And I was happy and calm at work for the rest of the day! 😉 I’ve got a couple of preschool favourites this week. 12 It was such a busy time at the craft table! We made crowns to celebrate The Coronation. And we are also very busy making Mother’s Day cards. As well as threading tiny beads to make key rings for the mums. By the end of the week, I was just about going cross-eyed helping the kids with their threading and I will happily not look at a bead again for a long time! We made Mother’s Day posters and asked the children what they loved about their mums. Isn’t this response just the sweetest? When it was time to pack away I saw this work of art at the playdough table. So funny! 13 And this was another one of my very favourite moments from the week. My husband texted me this lovely pic of a rainbow he saw when he was on his way to work the other day because he knows how special they are to me.   And that wraps up some of my favourite moments from the week! Thank you so much for stopping by today and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I look forward to being back here on Monday. Happy Friday!

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hair care mistakes to avoid

Hair Care Mistakes To Avoid

Are you tired of dealing with dull, damaged hair? It could be that you are making some common hair care mistakes. By learning about what these hair mistakes are then you can help to keep your hair looking at its very best. Hair Care Mistakes To Avoid Washing Your Hair Too Often I struggle with this one because I love squeaky clean hair. And working in a preschool with all sorts of things flying around the air. Well, it just makes me want to wash my hair every day! But unfortunately, over-washing your hair can strip it of its natural oils. And then this means that your hair will be dry and brittle. Therefore making it prone to breaking easily. So try to limit your hair-washing routine to every 3 days. And if you can, then try and stretch it to every 4 days. Using Heat Styling Tools Too Often All heat styling tools can cause damage to your hair. And don’t be fooled by the ones that promise to be ‘safer’ for your hair. This is not really true because any heat styling tool such as flat irons, curling irons and hair dryers can still damage your hair. The best way to avoid heat damage to your hair is by using heat styling tools less often and by using a heat protectant spray. I have been using the  Hask 5-In-1-Leave In Spray that you can find in this bundle. It’s really made a huge difference in regards to avoiding heat damage. Even my hairdresser noticed that my hair was in better condition since I have been using this leave-in spray the last time I went for a trim so that’s a huge positive! Using The Wrong Hair Products It’s important to use products that are specifically formulated for your hair type, whether your hair is curly, straight, thick, fine, oily or dry. Using the wrong hair products for your hair type can risk damaging your hair or leaving it looking dull and lifeless. Skipping Regular Haircuts The best way to get rid of those unattractive split ends is to go for regular trims. Even if you are trying to grow out your hair. Regular trims are essential for preventing split ends, and breakage. As well as for promoting healthy hair growth. Similar to how trimming dead or damaged leaves from a plant promotes healthy growth and allows new leaves to thrive! Therefore it’s essential that you don’t skip those trips to the salon for a trim every 6-8 weeks. Tight Hairstyles Try to avoid wearing your hair in tight styles such as braids, buns and ponytails every day. Because these hairstyles cause too much tension on your hair which may lead to breakage. Brushing Wet Hair When hair is wet it is more fragile and can break very easily. So be careful to avoid running a brush vigorously through your wet strands. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb or a detangling brush. Then very gently work out any tangles. Towel-Drying Your Hair This is a very common hair care mistake and one that I used to be guilty of! When I was in a hurry to get my hair dry I would rub the towel over my hair vigorously. Unfortunately, this is one of the most damaging things for hair. Because the rough texture of a towel actually creates friction on your hair and this causes breakage, split ends and even worse…the dreaded frizzy hair. The best thing to do to remove excess water from your hair is to very gently press it with a microfiber towel or even an old cotton t-shirt works well. Washing Your Hair In Very Hot Water Hot showers especially in winter are wonderful, however, they are not great for your hair. The reason for this is that hot water can strip your hair of its natural oils and this can lead to dryness and breakage. It’s best to wash your hair in lukewarm or cool water instead. Neglecting Your Scalp A healthy scalp is essential for healthy hair so don’t forget to give it some attention. When washing your hair use your fingers to massage your scalp and this will help to remove any build-up and promote blood flow. Using Too Much Product Overloading your hair with too much product can cause it to build up and weigh it down. Making your hair appear oily, greasy and dull. Instead, use a small amount of product and make sure to work it through your hair evenly. Skipping Conditioner Conditioner helps to restore moisture and nutrients to your hair leaving it feeling soft, sleek and healthy. Another benefit of using conditioner is that it helps to detangle your hair making it easier to manage. Choose the right conditioner for your hair type and remember to focus on the ends of your hair where it tends to be the driest. Not Using A Hair Mask Another one of those common hair care mistakes is neglecting to use a hair mask. Hair masks give your hair nourishment because they are made to deeply condition and hydrate your hair. This helps to improve your hair’s texture and shine. If you use heat styling tools or colour your hair then using a hair mask regularly is a must. Not Protecting Your Hair From The Sun UV rays can be harmful to your hair and cause it to become dry and brittle. Wearing a hat will give you great sun protection for your face as well as your hair. Using The Wrong Hair Ties Using the wrong hair ties can cause damage to your hair. Hair ties that are too tight or have metal rings can cause damage to the hair shaft and breakage. Elastic hair ties can also be damaging, especially if they are too loose because they can cause your hair to get tangled and knotty. Go for hair ties that are made of a soft, stretchy material like the old phone cords. Scrunchies and hair clips are also

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