Hello! Welcome to the November edition of Monthly Musings with Holly and Patty. This month we are exploring How We Holiday and sharing some favourite holiday traditions, recipes, treats, holiday fashion tips and a whole lot more. Thanks so much for being here.
How We Holiday
I love putting the Christmas tree up with my family on the first weekend in December. My kids are all grown up and one flew the nest a few years ago. So it’s just the three of us now. I can’t say that we still have that childhood excitement about decorating these days. I wish I could go back and bottle up all the excitement from when my kids were little and all living under one roof. Those days go by way too fast!
But I do love that my husband and son are happy to decorate with me. Sam gets the honour of putting the star on the tree and these days I don’t even have to lift him up to reach.
I can’t say that I have favourite fashion items or accessories. We don’t do ugly Christmas sweaters or matching flannel PJs because it’s summertime over here. Although I don’t have any particular favourite holiday fashion items. I do love that this is the time of year when I get to dress up the most. We have a few holiday parties during this season so it’s the perfect opportunity to wear some of the things from my wardrobe that I don’t normally wear during the year. If I don’t shop my wardrobe then the holiday season is also the perfect excuse to go clothes shopping!
My favourite holiday recipe is my fall-apart roasted pork leg as it’s super easy to make and tastes delicious. I usually make it for Christmas Eve and if I am entertaining a crowd any time during the year then it’s also the perfect recipe.
I like to make some festive drinks to share on Christmas Eve and this year I will be making some pretty-looking White Christmas Margaritas!
We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. The whole Cousin Connect crew get together for a night of feasting. We have a big turkey, ham, and pork with all the delicious trimmings. Then after we eat so much that we can hardly move we get into some hilarious minute-to-win-it-style Christmas games.
We usually go out and see the Christmas lights. It’s a bit of a hunt when it comes to finding suburbs in Sydney where homes are decorated with lights. You don’t really find entire streets filled with light displays. But there are some pockets of neighbourhoods and suburbs in Sydney that are very impressive. You just have to find them! There is a house near where we live that has an amazing light display so we usually stop there for a look.
Some years I like to go all out and add decorations to every room of the house. Other years I keep it low-key, it depends on my mood and energy levels. I’m not feeling the decoration vibe this year so I will probably keep things minimal. That’s the plan at the moment but I may change my mind and get enthusiastic. Here is a 2021 Christmas home tour.
Definitely fake all the way! The only time we ever got a real tree was when we were first married and living in a tiny unit. Once Christmas was over we didn’t know what to do with the depressing dead tree. I think we had to wait for ages until the next council clean up and I vowed that I would never get a real one ever again.
Definitely nougat, egg nog and shortbread biscuits!
Ummm no……sorry Mochi and Sushi.
I think my number one tip is to try not to get caught up in making everything perfect. Instead, enjoy the time with your family and friends because life is too short to stress over the small stuff. Hosting Christmas Eve in our small home used to stress me out as trying to squeeze everyone in was a challenge. But with a few adjustments and following some tips for entertaining in a small space, we made it work.
When I think back on those gatherings, I highly doubt any of us remember the nitty-gritty details. We just remember the joy, fun and laughing until our stomachs hurt playing those crazy Christmas games.
Happy Holidays!
I wasn’t really feeling like decorating this year either (after going all out and getting 2 more trees last year!). I know that perhaps next year or the year after I’ll be right back there decking the halls and anything else that stays still long enough so yeah, decorating is definitely dependent upon my mood at the time.
Yes, what do we remember — the laughter, the joy, the fun, and yes, the mishaps! That also helps me focus on how to be less stressed during this time.
You know what Ruth? That IS perfect advice- thank you
Love your Christmas Tree- looks so real!
Ok this is why I love our Monthly Musings community. You sharing Christmas in Australia is so cool. Thanks for joining us and sharing your traditions.
Your tree is beautiful, and so is that holiday table of delicious looking food! I forgot about egg nog when I listed holiday treats – how could I?! I had little interest in decorating last year because we had just moved, and I was depressed and overwhelmed. I did some and it actually made me feel better for the most part, so I’m hoping to be more motivated this year . . . but we haven’t started yet! Wishing you very happy holidays this year!
Thanks Kym
You are correct, it’s mostly the big happy memories that everyone remembers. I know this time with little kids at home goes by quickly and I’m enjoying it all!
I love December and everything Christmas.
One of my favourite things about Christmas is the matching pj’s that we get. I suppose pj’s aren’t a big thing for you with it being summer!
I love the sound of the White Christmas Margaritas! Yum, yum!