
January-What’s Up Wednesday

Hey everyone it’s so great to be back for the first ‘What’s Up Wednesday’ ย in January 2023! I am linking up with Shay and Sheafferย to share a bit about what’s been going on in my little corner of the world. And today it’s all about what we’ve been eating, watching, listening to and wearing. Plus a whole lot more and I am so happy that you have stopped by!

January-What’s Up Wednesday

**Disclosure: The links provided in this post are affiliate links. I will be paid a commission if you use these links to make a purchase

Let’s start with

1. What We’re Eating This Week

I have been really enjoying doing lots of cooking during January. It’s been so great not having to rush home from work and hurry up to get dinner ready. Instead, I have been taking my time and enjoying the whole process. So far this week we have had

Turkey Bolognese on Monday

turkey bolognese for January post

Tuesday we had chicken and chickpea casserole with cashews and rice.

chicken and rice

Tonight we are having quiche


Teriyaki Salmon with rice and Asian salad are on the menu for Thursday.

teriyaki salmon for January post

Friday we’ll probably get takeaway because it will be my first day back at work and it will be a nice treat to look forward to.

2. What I’m Reminiscing About

Christmas! Wow, it almost feels like months and months ago when we were all prepping and then celebrating Christmas. We had such a fun Christmas Eve eating way too much delicious food and playing crazy fun games. In case you missed it you can read all about ourย Christmas Eve here.

Although I don’t go back to work until this Friday. I’m already reminiscing about the wonderful time I spent at home during my summer holiday. It’s been such a great January and even though we didn’t go away anywhere. I still enjoyed heaps of fun day trips, hanging out with my family and a couple of fun overnight staycations. Yep, there’s a lot to reminisce about.

3. What I’m Loving

Staying up late and waking up late! I have thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of having time to enjoy every day in January.

4. What We’ve Been Up To

Lots and lots of lazy days at home.

5. What I’m Dreading

Going back to work. Now I must say that I am lucky to have a great job in a wonderful preschool with a fantastic team. BUT going back to the working routine is so hard….boooooo!

6. What I’m Working On

Mindfulness! I declared mindfulness as my word for the year. So I have been really conscious about making sure to stay in the moment. Because life is just way too short!

Mindfulness in January

7. What I’m Excited About

Going back to work…..haha! No only kidding!! I’m actually very excited about squeezing in one more bit of fun before I start back at work on Friday. My lovely friend and I are treating ourselves to a long lunch in the city at a lovely restaurant tomorrow. Yes, there will be cocktails for sure!

8. What I’m Watching

I have been exploring shows on Binge and watching lots of episodes of ‘The Sopranos’. Which I am thoroughly enjoying.

We are also watching ‘Blue Bloods’. I have always really enjoyed this show on TV. But we only ever caught episodes here and there. Now that we have subscribed to Binge we have started from the very first episode. And finally, storylines are making more sense.

9. What I’m Listening To

music for January

Eve St. Jones on Spotify. I have loved loved loved listening to her Jazz and bossa nova renditions of popular songs. Some of her songs are very current and others are classic contemporary favourites. She has such a beautiful smooth voice and it’s so relaxing to have her music playing softly in the background.

10. What I’m Wearing

Some days I’ve been wearing shorts when it’s been really hot.

wearing shorts for January post

Then other days when it’s been cooler I’ve been wearing jeans.

wearing jeans for January post

The weather has been so weird this summer.

11. What I’m Doing This Weekend

I am getting together with my family for lunch on Saturday and on Sunday I’m going shopping with a friend.

12. Favourite Amazon Purchase This Month

DVD Case

I have been doing a lot of decluttering in January. And I still had way too many DVDs in their original covers which take up so much space. So I bought this fantasticย DVD case on Amazon.

DVD case for January post

And now I can fit the rest of my DVDs neatly inside. I like to keep my DVDs because some of them are old favourites that I can’t always find on streaming services.

DVDs for January post

Yep, I love those old cheesy Danielle Steele movies!

Grooming Brush

Our cat Sushi loves to laze about leaving her black fur behind on the furniture. So I thought that I would give this cat/dog grooming brush a try.

grooming brush for January post

Oh my goodness what a great buy this was! I was able to brush out a lot of her loose fur. And one of the best features of this brush is that you press the button at the back and it ejects the fur. PERFECT!

grooming brush

Sushi loved it so much and I don’t think that I have ever heard her purr so loudly as did this time when I brushed her fur.

grooming brush

grooming brush

When I finished she followed me and was all like……why have you stopped. Funny girl!

cat for January post

If you have a furry friend then I thoroughly recommend this brush.

That wraps up January! It’s been a fantastic month and thank you so much for stopping by to read about some of the things we have been up to.

Take care


I hope that you all have the best Wednesday

name graphic


14 thoughts on “January-What’s Up Wednesday”

  1. What you have been eating looks so good, especially the chicken and chickpea casserole.
    Christmas does seem like it was ages ago not just a month ago.
    Good luck with the return to work. It’s always so hard to get back into a routine after time off. x

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Thanks Kim. I wish we could have started on Monday as starting on Friday kind of killed the week. But I’ve had so many weeks off I shouldn’t be so greedy ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Haha, they are such a great read! The movies are like the Hallmark movies we have now. Except with more drama ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  2. I canโ€™t believe your break is almost over. How is your school year structured? Do you have a few bigger breaks throughout the year? I am always intrigued by school calendars that are different than the one I grew up with and teach in now. Have a great time at lunch with your friend! I had no idea that there were movies of Danielle Steel novels. I bet they are fun to watch. Have a great day!

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      The break just went so fast! Our school year begins a day or so after Australia day which is actually today. We have four terms in the year from January to December. And each term is about ten or eleven weeks. Then we have a two-week break at the end of each term. Except for the last term of the year which ends around the 20th of December. And then it’s the summer holidays! Yay! I find it so interesting that you guys start school in the middle of the year. But it makes sense because that’s after your summer break.๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. Hi Ruth
    Just caught up on your blogs!โ€™
    We keep talking about going to Wendy Whiteleyโ€™s secret garden! – looks so good!
    I need to check out those candles from Kmart!
    Happy Anniversary to you and Steve!
    Glad you had a great holiday! All the best for new school year!

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