Friday favourites

Friday Favourites

Hi friends, it’s time to share some of my favourite things for this week! I hope you all had a good one. Didn’t this week just zoom by in a flash? But that’s okay because now we can welcome back the weekend—Amen!

This week started off cold and gloomy. The clouds and wet, rainy weather lingered on after a very wet weekend. It’s hard to feel upbeat when the weather is like that. But thankfully, things shifted, and by the end of the week, the sun was shining brightly again. Yes, it was cold, but it was warm in the sun, and seeing the blue skies always makes everything so much better! Sunny days are my favourite!

When I walked into the kitchen this morning and saw the sun shining brightly, I knew instantly that it was going to be a good day! Then as I walked to work, even though it was extremely chilly, the clear blue skies and golden sunshine made me happy. I’ll have to keep this moment in mind because I checked the forecast, and yes, it will be raining all of next week. Sigh!

favourite week - a sunny day

Speaking of walking to work, well, I haven’t done as much of it as I’d like lately. My husband is home, which means the car is home, and that in turn means I’ve given in and driven to work. Aaaargh!! My goal for next week is to pretend the car isn’t available and walk! I love walking, and I feel so much better on the days that I do.

Funny story though, the other day I forgot that I had walked, and when I left work, I was looking for my car. For a second, I thought, “Oh no, it’s been stolen!” Ha, who would want to steal such a teeny tiny Suzuki? It took me a little while to realise that, duh, the car was at home!

Anyway back to more favourites.

This olive sourdough is the best and that’s probably why it’s usually sold out by the time I get to the fruit shop after work. But I got lucky this week and I nabbed the last loaf.

favourite week - olive loaf

I’m not much of a breakfast eater during the week. But on the weekends, I do enjoy a very late breakfast. The other day, I was craving porridge, so I bought these sachets. They are easy to make and deliciously creamy. Healthy too, if you ignore the amount of brown sugar I added… shhh.

favourite week - porridge

This raisin toast is my favourite.

favourite week - raisin loaf

These mini flakes are for me but everyone at home thinks I like to share.

favourite week - flakes

Washed and ready-to-grab fruit is a favourite of mine. Whenever I get my grocery order, I make sure to wash everything to save the hassle of doing it later. Good looking fruit, huh?


I always feel like I’m winning whenever I need cream for a recipe and I have the long-life version in the cupboard!

long life cream

The other night I made Mexican street corn salad to go with our nachos. It’s so crunchy, cheesy and zesty. It’s full of our family’s favourite ingredients like corn, parmesan cheese, feta cheese, mayonnaise and red onion.

Mexican street corn salad

This made me laugh and I couldn’t agree more!


Hahaha! Here’s hoping the weekend goes by real slow.

Thank you so much for stopping by today and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

name graphic

Linking up with Andrea and Erika

Friday favourites graphic





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4 thoughts on “Friday Favourites”

  1. That is so funny that you forgot about the car and thought it was stolen… I’ve done something similar before. Blue sunny skies always make me feel better too no matter the time of year.

  2. I did laugh at you forgetting you had walked. I have moments like that. Especially when I park in a big car park and then forget where I left the car when I return! And you try not to look lost as you scan through the rows of vehicles and pray your car is in one of them! Hehe.
    I love blue skies too, they are good therapy!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend Ruth. xx

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