favourite things for Friday

Favourite Things From The Week

Hi friends, it’s that time of the week again –  Friday favourites! I hope you have had an amazing week and are all ready.. set..go for a wonderful weekend! Today I’m sharing my top favourite things from the past week. So let’s get going and dive into some Friday fun!

On Monday night we got together with our friends for dinner at our local RSL club. We met these friends when my husband was involved in a campaign to have our local pool rebuilt many years ago. The council wanted to sell the land where the old run-down pool was. Then turn the site into a block of apartments. After years and years of dedicated effort, persistence and endless meetings the council eventually gave in to community pressure and agreed to rebuild a brand-new pool.

Fast forward to today and we are still friends with this lovely group of pool supporters. We meet once a month for dinner and I am a firm believer that if you want to keep in contact with friends or loved ones. Then organising a once-a-month date and sticking to it is a must! Otherwise, life gets in the way and catch-ups never seem to happen.

For dinner, I ordered my usual favourite steamed barramundi with broccoli and rice. One of my friends from the group also orders this same meal every month. We always say we are going to order something different and then we don’t. It’s just too good!

favourite barramundi dinner

my favourite jacket from Zara

This jacket from Zara is a big favourite and so are my silver hoop earrings that match the zipper, ha! It’s been a strange spring so far with the temps being all over the place. So this is the perfect jacket for those nights when it’s a bit on the cool side. I wore it to dinner on Monday night.

We still had leftover pork and southwest salad from our cousin Connect dinner on Sunday night. So I used these mission wraps and made lunch on Tuesday for Sam and I. That’s the beauty of having leftovers for days…you can turn them into amazing lunches!

favourite protein wraps

favourite lunch

Another big favourite was walking to work in the sunshine instead of the gloomy cloudy days we’ve been having lately.

walking to work in the sun for favourite things post

This battery-powered automatic spray with essential oils was a favourite for about five minutes.

Battery operated essential oils spray for favourite things post

I love my home to smell amazing and so I am always looking for ways to do so. I burn candles, make stovetop potpourri from time to time and like to use room sprays. When I saw this automatic room spray on sale at half-price while I was doing my online grocery order, I snapped it up.

I put the contraption in my living room and expected to be dazzled by the gorgeous scent that would spray out automatically every half hour or so. Well, the darn thing scared me to death over and over!! It has the worst sound you can imagine. It’s not subtle at all, instead, it cranks up this deep creaking sound and then it makes a loud SWOOSH noise and it’s not a dainty swoosh, it’s an almighty SWOOSH!

It scared the cats, me and the rest of the family. So I put it in the bathroom thinking that we wouldn’t be able to hear it anymore. But now when it goes off it still scares me because I think someone is trying to break in through the bathroom window. I’m not winning with this one and I think that I’ll either be dead soon because my heart has stopped or I’ll eventually get used to it. Stay tuned.

my favourite nougat

I treated myself to my favourite Christmas nougat. This is the nougat that I love to find in my Christmas stocking. But before Christmas, I need to make sure that I have sampled a bar every week just to make sure that I still love it when I open my stocking on Christmas Day hehe.

Huskee cup-favourite reusable coffee cup

I bought this Huskee coffee cup from Amazon a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been meaning to share it with you guys. It’s my favourite reusable coffee cup ever. Last year I got a cute Frank Green cup in pink which was very pretty. But after a while, I discovered that it was not practical. It was difficult to keep clean as you had to pull the inside of the lid apart to give it a proper wash. Then do you think that I could ever manage to put it back together again easily…nope!

The Huskee coffee cup is the best! The reason is – it’s just simple! With a snug lid that is so easy to wash, it has great insulation that maintains the temperature of your coffee and it’s comfortable to hold. These cups are made from repurposed coffee husks, reusable and dishwasher safe. I also love its sleek minimal design and with Christmas just around the corner, it’s the ideal gift for any coffee-loving friends!

I made it to date night! Despite feeling sick with sore glands and congestion around my eyes and forehead on Wednesday. I managed to plough on and get through a busy day at work. Then in the evening, we enjoyed a lovely dinner out even though I could feel that I was going downhill fast.

dinner for favourite things post

I took Thursday and today off from work because I ended up getting a throat infection as well as conjunctivitis in my right eye. Now I’m on antibiotics and eye drops. I’m not surprised that I ended up sick as all sorts of bugs have been going around at preschool. The joys of educator life!

I installed some updates on my computer (took hours!) and now I have an amazing new moving screen saver. It’s so cool!

favourite screen saver

I feel congested and my eye keeps weeping which is super annoying. But I don’t feel sick enough to stay in bed all day. So it’s been really lovely to have had a couple of days off from work. It’s been great to be able to catch up on some of my favourite blogs as well as write today’s post without rushing. Being at home is my ultimate favourite even if I am feeling under the weather.

Taking the last couple of days off from work has made me stop and realise that I have been pushing myself too hard. There are still five weeks and two days (but who’s counting??) to go until the end of the school year and they are usually the busiest. Fun, but super busy! So I better start listening when my body is saying enough already…give me a rest!!

So I guess that’s what I plan to do over this weekend – get some much-needed rest! Thanks so much for being here today and reading about a few of my favourite things from the week. I hope you have an amazing weekend.

Be kind, stay real and live the fun everyone!

name graphic

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.

Friday favourites graphic

7 thoughts on “Favourite Things From The Week”

  1. Feel better! I tend to really push myself during the last two months of school when my body would benefit from me scheduling a couple of days off within that time period. Why do we do this? Ha!
    Try to take a day to yourself sometime in the next 5 weeks – maybe at the halfway point. I also think that it matters how much we do on the weekends. Sometimes we just need a day of total rest.
    The educator job takes every ounce of mental, physical, and emotional energy and no one else can understand if they don’t do the job!

  2. Hey Wondertwin!!
    I treated myself to the same nougat too!
    Glad you finally found a new keep cup, looks so cool, I’ll check it out!!

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon! Your meals out look delicious. We enjoy dinner leftovers for lunch too; sometimes we even eat them for breakfast.

  4. I love that you still meet with your friends you met through getting your local pool rebuilt. It sounds like a lovley evening.
    I love wraps, you can put just about anything into them.
    Ahh! It is lovely to see some blue sky! We have had a few bright days here which have been nice but it’s still been cold.
    I hate updates on my laptop but try to keep on top of them so they don’t take too long. x

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