spring flowers September2022

Things I Am Thankful For This Week

I just wanted to start by acknowledging the loss of our lovely Queen Elizabeth II. On Thursday night there was a statement from The Palace expressing that they were very concerned about her health. Friday morning I woke up to the very sad news that she had passed.

I have always admired the Queen’s grace and dignity, her commitment to serving her country, and most of all her faith. Today is a sad day and marks the end of an era. Rest In Peace, Your Majesty.

This sweet picture came up on my Facebook feed.

After such a sad loss I am feeling a bit flat. I guess for me, today’s post will not just be about favourites but also about the things that I am thankful for this week. Life is short and precious, and I want to always appreciate all the blessings that I have experienced throughout the week whether they are big or small.


The first thing I am thankful for this week is our lovely Monday night dinner with friends at our local club. I think a designated monthly get-together is probably one of the best ways to stay connected with friends. We’ve been catching up once a month with this group of fun friends for quite a few years now. I’m so glad that we do otherwise, we might have easily lost contact with them because life just gets so busy!

We usually like to drink sparkling wine during our dinner. My friend who I was sitting next to ordered a Canadian Club. I remember that I had tried one earlier in the year and really liked it. So I decided to have one too, it’s really smooth, sweet, and low in alcohol which I really like.

Canadian Club for things that I am thankful for this week post

I had my usual steamed barramundi with rice which I love! I always think about ordering something different. But then I don’t because this is just too delicious!

steamed barramundi

For dessert, we had a super moist orange cake served with ice cream. It was so good!!

orange cake for things I am thankful for this week


I bought this fold-up shopping bag during my shopping trip to Ikea last weekend. This bag is the best because it comes with two handle options. You can use the short handles to carry it like a normal shopping bag or you can use the long handles to carry your things over your shoulder.

shopping bag for things I am thankful for this week

shopping bag

It folds up super thin and I can carry it in my small cross-body bag. The NSW government banned single-use plastic bags this year which is a good thing. So I always like to have a fold-up shopping bag with me just in case I need one. Haha, funny how a small practical thing like this can make me so happy!


Steve and I went out for dinner on Wednesday night with another couple who we have been friends with forever. They are more like family than friends and we enjoyed the best seafood platter! Each gigantic platter was for two so we had two of these towers on our small table for the four of us. It was a great night and we had no problem at all getting through all of that seafood.

seafood platter

seafood platters


After such a lovely meal we just had to have dessert!



It was Educators Day on Thursday so one of our thoughtful colleagues brought some delicious sweets to celebrate! I had an almond biscuit with a nice cup of tea during my lunch break. It was exciting to have something other than playdough and vegemite in the staff fridge! Haha

sweet treats for educators day


I have been buying this sourdough from the local fruit shop that I walk past every day. It’s so delicious and I find that when I eat it I don’t feel bloated like I do sometimes when I eat regular wholemeal bread.



I am trying to have at least one meat-free meal during the week. So I made a very easy lentil pasta on Thursday.

lentil pasta


A nice reader asked for some more Spring photos. So I was more than happy to snap some pics of all the lovely flowers that I have been spotting on my walks to and from work. I just love all the colourful flowers that are popping up everywhere.

spring flowers

spring flowers

spring flowers

spring flower for things I am thankful for this week

spring flowers for things I am thankful for this week


Friday afternoon when I was walking home from work the sky went dark and the thunder started to rumble. I had to grab a few things from the fruit shop along the way. Luckily I made it inside the shop just before the rain poured and the thunder came crashing down.

So I grabbed a few things that I needed and by the time I came out which would have been maybe 15 minutes later, the sun was shining and there was even a rainbow in the sky.

rainbow for things I am thankful for this week

I snapped a photo of the rainbow and sent it to my lovely friend. Ever since my mum passed away earlier this year. My sweet, kind friend sends me a photo of a rainbow whenever she spots one. She lost her beloved mum many years ago and she shared with me that when she sees a rainbow in the sky it’s like a sign that her mum is sending her love from Heaven.

I love this so much and it always makes my heart sing when I get a rainbow photo from her. And so now we say that both our mamas are sending us love all the way from Heaven. I am truly thankful for being so blessed with friends like her in my life.

She sent me this photo of her adorable little boy with a beautiful rainbow a few months ago. It’s so special and I am so happy that I can share it with you today.

rainbow photo for things I am thankful for this week

Isn’t he just the cutest? My friend also has two other children and I love them so much!!


I guess that wraps up eight things that I am thankful for this week. I can hardly believe how fast this week has flown by. Thank you so much for stopping by to have a read. Yes, I am always so thankful for each and every one of you! I really hope that you have the best weekend.

Happy Friday!

name graphic

Linking up with Andrea and Erika

friday favourites graphic




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8 thoughts on “Things I Am Thankful For This Week”

  1. What beautiful rainbows and flowers! We were talking about the queen and how fit and spry she remained right up until the very end– we should all be so lucky. It looks like you had a delicious week.

  2. Thursday was a sad day here with the passing of the Queen. It feels so strange here at the moment. Everything feels different. Things like this really make you thankful for the little things and what we have.
    You always seem to have the best food. Your meals out look so good.
    It looks like spring has sprung for you. We have had a lot of thunder and rain this past week, it doesn’t last long but long enough to get soaked if you are out in it. x

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      It really has been a sad few days and so hard to imagine the world without the Queen in it. I hope you have a lovely week Kim xx

  3. Well, if I just hadn’t eaten dinner, your food pictures would have made me hungry! I just recently ate barramundi for the first time- we are big fans of it now! I bought some frozen fillets at my local Costco- a warehouse type grocery store. I’m not sure if you have those in Australia, which is why I gave a description. I love the pictures of the flowers as well and the rainbow…I always feel like God Himself is smiling down at me when I see a rainbow. I’m glad you found my blog- and that you commented! Thanks for that, I promise to do the same and I will add you to my bookmark tab now. I hope you had a great weekend!

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment Jennifer and also for adding me to your bookmark tab šŸ˜Š. We do have a Costco but I don’t have a membership because it is too far from where I live. My aunty does though so I usually go with her during the school holidays. I love shopping there and I am always amazed by the size of the jars and packets. I am excited to go back soon in the upcoming Spring break. I’m running low on the peanut butter pretzels!! Hope you have a great week.

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