blue skies

Getting Back Into Routine

Hi friends, I really hope you all had a great week and are as excited to see Friday as I am! For me getting back into routine again and being back at work means that the days just seem to fly by so fast. Seriously feels like it was Monday only five minutes ago! I just hope time slows down over the weekend!!


I’m actually happy to be at work and back into a routine again. Having had so much time off from work during term one meant that I hadn’t met some of the children in my class yet. Others I had met briefly only for a week or so. Anyway, it’s been really nice to get to know all the kids during the last couple of weeks.


It’s been all about this super fun sensory activity at preschool this week. Our classroom teacher programmed slime as one of this week’s activities and I found a really easy recipe. All you need is cornflour and handsoap! Smells so good and a lot of the kids have had the best time playing with it.

sensory play

It’s funny, some kids stay far away and can’t stand the mess. Others love this activity and can’t get enough of it. We had one little boy get so excited while he was playing that he started shaking his hands around making big slimy swirls in the air. Well, you can imagine what happened next…yep it went everywhere. The walls, the floor, one of the teacher’s hair! EVERYWHERE!! Haha.

sensory play for back into routine post

Look at my pants and shoes!! You should have seen my colleague’s entire black outfit. She was covered in white blotches. I meant to take a photo but we were so busy I forgot. We both had a good laugh though!

messy sensory play


Another huge favourite of the week is this hair care remedy. I caught up with a friend one afternoon and I commented on her beautiful glossy hair. She really has the best hair! So she put me on to this egg remedy by “too cool for school”.

egg remedy hair pack

If you have been reading along you’ll know about my constant battle with frizzy hair ugh!! I have tried many different products for frizzy hair with varying degrees of success. Anyway, this egg hair product smells really nice (not like egg at all) so I am giving it a go.

So far so good, but I have to say that we have recently had some very sunny dry days this week. So my hair has been behaving itself because it hasn’t been very humid. But this weekend we are back to rainy miserable weather again. Hopefully, this new product will work a miracle. Watch this space!


I have been loving my lunch box from Kikki. K!! This gorgeous lunch box was in a beautiful care package that I received from my lovely work colleagues. I have really been enjoying eating my salads every day at work in this cute bento lunchbox!

Kikki.K lunch box for getting back into routine

salad for getting back into routine


My thoughtful, kind cousin gifted me this lovely pink mug from one of my favourite clothing and homeware stores, Country Road. It was a Mother’s day gift for me. She knew this year’s Mother’s day was going to be tough. So she dropped in with her lovely family and surprised me with this lovely gift a couple of weeks ago. It was so great to see them and they really cheered me up. I used it for the first time on Tuesday night and enjoyed a delicious steamy Moccona cappuccino coffee.

coffee cup for getting back into routine post


I enjoyed meeting up with my Gospel team on Wednesday night and our group leader made us these bible verses. I’m going to cut them out and stick them in my planner.

bible verse for getting back into the swing of things!


Another big favourite is this…

new room

I finished painting my Mums room and we have now converted it into a fun spare room where Sam can hang out with his friends. It’s not a very big room, and I guess you could call it cozy. But He’s super happy and I am too. It’s so much better than having the door closed all the time. I just felt so sad every time I walked past it. Now it feels like a whole new space and that makes me feel better.


Seeing the sun has been absolutely glorious!! We’ve had endless days of rain over the last few weeks. This has meant that at preschool we’ve been stuck inside all day with the kids. However this week we have all been enjoying the sun in the playground. Recently the weather has turned super chilly and I can definitely feel that winter is coming. But it’s been lovely to have the sun shining brightly for at least a couple of days this week.

blue skies


I guess that’s it for this week’s Friday favourites. I am so tired, it’s like my body has to get used to being back at work full time again. Wishing you all the best weekend and I look forward to “seeing” you back here on Monday!

Happy Friday!

name graphic

friday favourites graphic

Linking up with Andrea and Erika for today’s post




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7 thoughts on “Getting Back Into Routine”

  1. This is why I love daycare/preschool so much!! The kids get to play with messy things so we don’t need to do that at home!! Thank you teachers 🙂
    I love how you’ve converted your mom’s room and made it something you are excited about. Enjoy your weekend 🙂

  2. Oh what a fun activity! My son would have had a field day with it. He would be that kid to get it all over the place. I don’t need a lunchbox yet but when I go back to work I am definitely packing my food. I love this one you featured. Those Bible verses are perfect! I should make some to put in my organizer or all around my computer area. Wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead!

    Maureen |

  3. Oh boy; what a fun week at work. I can understand why you are so exhausted. I used to work in day care/ preschool and I loved those messy projects… when the didn’t cause a ton of extra clean up.

  4. This past week has flown over for me too. It sounds like you are glad to be back in a routine and back at work.
    The slime does sound like fun. My youngest would have loved it and my eldest wouldn’t have gone near.
    What a lovely room for Sam to hang out. x

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