Friday faves

Friday Faves!

Hey there friends! It’s time to link up with Andrea and Erika and share some Friday faves!

Last Saturday I caught up with my former boss at a nearby café. She used to be the director at the preschool where I work. I vividly remember when she announced her retirement at a staff meeting: we were all completely taken aback, thinking, “You’re joking, right?” Needless to say, we were all pretty sad to see her go. But fast forward 10 years and I think it’s pretty cool to be able to call your ex-boss your friend, isn’t it?

Gosh! Time just flew and before we realised it, four hours had passed without us even noticing because we had been chatting nonstop! We had met up at 10 and ordered a coffee with something sweet – I had a delicious blueberry friand and we completely missed lunch! Never mind, I guess we’ll just have to catch up again for lunch another day.

Friday faves - blueberry friand

It was a beautiful and very hot Autumn morning at Oatley Baths. Yep, it was another fun Sunday morning watching my husband race at the swim club.

Friday faves - Oatley baths

I spotted a cute duck family of four. Cute duck families are a big favourite!

Friday faves- Oatley baths, ducks in the water

After the races, it was time for a BBQ lunch. Yummo!

Friday faves

We grabbed an early dinner at Allawah Pub on Sunday before heading into the city to see FIVE perform.

Friday faves - chicken schnitzel dinner

Double gravy for me!!

When we got off the train I noticed that it’s getting darker a lot earlier these days even though it’s still so hot. Hmmm, I’m not really excited about shorter and cooler days that are just around the corner.

Friday faves - the city, Sydney

FIVE performed at the Metro Theatre in the city, and Steve and I had the best time! I think everybody there knew all of the words to all of the songs. So the crowd pretty much drowned out the band! Haha, I had so much fun singing and dancing along with everyone else. By the time we left, I could hardly hear or talk and we were so sweaty!!

watching the band FIVE at The Metro in Sydney

On the way home on the train, my Apple Watch told me that I had doubled my move goal. I wasn’t surprised!!

Apple Watch

Fun moments at work are always a favourite. One of the best things about working at preschool is that even on tough days, we will always find something to laugh about, like this gingerbread man. The other day the kids from the other class made gingerbread men and this little guy looks as if he came out of the oven dancing.

Friday faves - gingerbread man

Good-looking avocados are a favourite! Wednesday night it was time for nachos and more guacamole.


A box of Favourites for Friday faves!

Favourites chocolates

The chocolates were a thoughtful gift from a kind preschool parent to say thank you and well done on surviving A&R!

I’m excited to get together with my family tomorrow for our March Cousin Connect. Then on Sunday, I’m going to my aunt and uncle’s for lunch. The last time I visited them was back in November last year, so it will be great to see them! I also want to catch up on some of my favourite blogs. There are never enough hours in the day and I’m always behind. Then to top it all off, this year I am also doing further study. But I’ll share about that another day – It’s Friday night over here and now it’s time to relax!

Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you have the best weekend!

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Friday favourites graphic

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9 thoughts on “Friday Faves!”

  1. All great things! I took a day off yesterday and it was 74 and sunny and that did something really good for me! I spent hours on my patio. I love our weather from now until July when it gets too hot to sit outside unless you are by a body of water.
    I love seeing a slice of your life and you take great food photos. I can’t wait to see what you have for Cousin Connect.
    Are you celebrating St. Patrick’s Day there?

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      We have a couple of Irish families at our preschool and we’ve been talking to the kids about St Patrick’s Day. I think there is also a parade in the city tomorrow, which I would have liked to have gone to. I’ll have to make sure I go next year as it sounds fun!

  2. I’m just like that when I meet up with old friends or even family members for lunch; we can sit and talk and talk forever and not notice the time slipping away. I LOVE that. And how wonderful to call your old boss your friend now. That dancing gingerbread is so cute and it sounds like you had a great time at the concert. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. It sounds like you had a lovely time with your ex-boss! It is good that she is now a true friend.
    What delicious looking food, especially at the races.
    It sounds like you had a great time seeing Five!! x

  4. I haven’t seen my ex boss as she moved to another city but I do meet up with my old workmates who I haven’t worked with for 20 years. One of them still works in the same place! I love the dancing gingerbread man, how cute and how nice to receive a Cadbury gift box, we are off to Cadbury’s (the actual original factory) on Thursday for our Easter Eggs. It’s no biggie though, we only live five minutes away. How fabulous to see Five too, I’ve not been to a gig since I got sick, but my new pleasure is theatre and ballet and they are really wheelchair friendly. I’ve also recently discovered Stand Up comedy so I might be adding that to my list. xx

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