the rocks Sydney

First Week Of Spring Break

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well! This first week of spring break has flown by just way too fast. But that’s always the way when you are on holiday right? Anyway, it is so lovely to be off work and not have to worry about schedules and timetables. I did all the usual fun things like staying up super late and sleeping in. I’ve been binge-watching shows and also had a couple of really fun outings.


I was in Tk Maxx earlier this week (I think it’s called TJ Maxx in the U.S) and I found an entire stand full of Sand & Fog candles! I was really excited because they haven’t had a great variety of candles lately. It’s been a case of slim pickings.

candles for the first week of spring break

Now usually I love to buy Ecoya candles but they really are on the pricey side. A 400g candle usually costs $44.95 when it is not discounted. And I only ever find them discounted 20% at the most. These 340g Sand & Fog candles were only $12.99 so I grabbed a few. I have been at home a lot this week so it’s been so lovely to have them burning nearly all day. They give off a really nice subtle scent and they have made my home smell amazing!


A Lunchtime Catch Up

Sam went to the gym on Tuesday and when he finished. Steve and I met him at a cafe in our local Westfields. There’s been a lot going on since he graduated. He’s had celebrations with friends as well as an overnight stay on a friend’s farm to celebrate an 18th birthday. We felt like we hadn’t had a chance to sit down and have a proper chat.

So it was really nice to catch up and hear about all the fun things that he had gotten up to in the last few days.  He told us all about how he learnt to drive a manual in an old truck. He went dirt bike riding and also rode in the back of a ute (he assured me it was a very slow drive). It was lovely to hear all his stories. Sam was super hungry after a big workout at the gym so he had a chicken schnitzel wrap with chips. Steve and I had already had lunch earlier so we just had some delicious taro lattes.

tarro lattes for first weekend of spring break

A Beautiful Sunset

In the evening we went back again to the St George Motor Boat club for the seafood platter. We love it so much and I think that this is the third or fourth week in a row that we have been! Sam was going to join us but he had to do something online for uni at 6 pm.

seafood platter

I took a photo of this beautiful sunset as we were walking toward the club. See the sun through the clouds, it looked so pretty.

sunset for first weekend of spring break

Krispy Kreme Doughnut Decorating

Krispy kreme decorating for first week of spring break

My sweet cousin Jessie invited me to join her and her two kids along to a Krispy Kreme doughnut decorating school holiday event on Thursday afternoon. We had the best time! I used to take my boys to fun school holiday activities like this one when they were younger. It was so great to hang out with my cousin and her kids were so funny. You should have seen how much icing they poured over their doughnuts !! In the end, I think that they had more icing than doughnuts!!

doughnut decorating

We got two doughnuts and some containers with lollies. They had the icing in tubes on the table and we just helped ourselves to the different colours.

doughnut decorating

doughnut decorating for first week of spring break


I also bought four neatly and professionally decorated doughnuts to take home.


The Krispy Kreme store we went to is in Mascot which is about a 15-minute drive from my place. They make hundreds of fresh doughnuts there every day. I loved watching the whole process so I took a video! I’m always fascinated by how things are made.

Museum Of Contemporary Art

I had never been to the Museum Of Contemporary Art before and neither had my lovely friend. So we decided to go for a visit. This museum is right near Circular Quay station so we didn’t have far to walk which was a good thing because it was raining on and off quite heavily.

raining for the first week of spring break

The museum is full of works by contemporary artists from Australia and around the world. I have to admit that I didn’t really love any of the art. Most of it was very strange and some exhibits were downright disturbing! But anyway it was fun to visit with my bestie and we had a great time wandering around.

first week of spring break post

visiting the museum of contemporary art for the first wee of spring break post

art for the first week of spring break

art for the first week of spring break

These works of art were ok to look at.

art for the first week of spring break


But then see what I mean by disturbing! I have no clue what this was all about and there were a few exhibits like this one. In all honesty, I thought that the best part of the museum visit was the gift shop.

gift shop

They had so many cool, original and funny things. Like this “Self Help Book”…….take a look at what was inside bahahahaha!!!!!

self help book

self help book

The Rocks

the rocks Sydney

harbour bridge Sydney

After visiting The Museum Of Contemporary Art we wandered around ‘The Rocks’. We found the shortest street in Sydney called Atherden st.

shortest st in sydney


We also visited another gallery called the Billich Gallery. This gallery is inside a three-storied historic building which was once the home of naval sailors.


We had a look inside the British Lolly Shop and I bought some peanut brittle.

lolly shop

lolly shop

peanut brittle for the first week of spring break post

By then it was lunchtime and we were starving so we went to a little Italian restaurant and enjoyed some pizza and pasta.

Italian restaurant



So many things on the menu but I couldn’t resist some good old bolognese. It was delicious and saucy just the way I love it!

Just before we left The Rocks we stopped to have a look at a shop called ‘sticky’ where you can watch how they make lollies.


lolly making for the first week of spring break post

We left The Rocks and started making our way to the Station. Before that, we walked through the Strand Arcade and went inside a shop called Gewürzhaus where they sell every spice you can imagine.

spice shopper the first week of spring break post

Then all my dreams came true when I spotted this…..

everything bagel for the first week of spring break post

I have been hearing about the famous Everything But The Bagel seasoning for years. We can’t get it in Australia and I have been dying to try it!! According to the shop assistant, her American customers have claimed that this one is better. Who knows??? I have nothing to compare it with but I am just so excited to try it. I’ll let you know what I think.

Wow! That was a lot of photos!! It has been a really fun first week of spring break. Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me share with you a few of the things that we got up to this week. I really hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

Happy Friday!

name graphic

Linking up with Andrea and Erika for today’s Friday Favourites post

friday favourites graphic


8 thoughts on “First Week Of Spring Break”

  1. Oh wow! You have certainly been making the most of your break! So many fun things packed into your post. Can’t wait to hear what you think about the Everything seasoning. I got some last year and it’s pretty good, but I often forget to use it. Ha! Great pictures! Continue to enjoy your break.

  2. It sounds like you have had a good first week of spring break.
    I find is fascinating how many of the same shops and things as you and we have here in the UK. I love TK Maxx, they always have so many bargains.
    How lovely you had a catch up with Sam. It sounds like he’s been having a great time too.
    The doughnut decorating looks like fun. x

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      I love seeing shops and grocery items from other countries. How funny that we are so far away yet we have so many in common. Have a great weekend Kim xx

  3. Wow, you’ve really made the most of your first week of spring break. What lovely places. My two would love the doughnut decorating, although I think they would be eating them as they go along haha!
    Your candle scents sound lovely. I love burning candles but I’ve been using wax melts lately and have a few favourites that I keep using.
    The art museum looks interesting and I see what you mean! I’d love to know what they are thinking when they come up with stuff like this! Or maybe not hehe.
    I think I need one of those self-care books. 😉
    Have a lovely weekend Ruth. xx

  4. Alexandra Hurbis-Oshima

    Hello Ruth
    Just need to let you know “everything but the bagel”is available!!!!!I have been waiting for it too….it’s delicious on everything-I love it on salmon or salad but even by itself it is so simple but yummy….I can’t seem to add a photo here but will send you one somehow.
    Enjoy the rest of these a-bit- too-rainy-for-me holidays 😘

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      NO WAY!!!! I only ever saw it on Amazon and it cost a small fortune! I bet it will be sunny and beautiful next week when we are back at work 😂. Hope you have a great rest of the holidays too. Here’s hoping the next few days go by super slow 😘

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