flowers for favourite moments from this week

Favourite Moments From This Week

Hi everyone It’s so good to be back today sharing with you some favourite moments from this week. As usual, I am linking up with Andrea and Erika for today’s fun post. Thanks so much for stopping by I always appreciate each and every one of you! It’s a quick 10 favourites for today, so let’s jump right in.


My number one favourite this week is that we have finally hit spring! It’s so good to see the flowers starting to bloom and feel the days starting to warm up. Oh, it’s just so wonderful I feel like skipping!!


flowers for favourite moments from this week



Last Saturday was super relaxed and I spent the whole day at home wearing my favourite top that pretty much summed up my day.

favourite top for this weeks favourite moments post


I tried a new candle and I am loving it. Best of all it was half price and I got it from Woolworths when I did my usual online shop.


I had never tried this scent before but I gave it a go and I am so glad that I did. It’s really lovely and subtle. Best of all it was discounted from $25.00 to $12.50.


Another one of my favourite moments for this week is sharing dessert with Steve while binge-watching some TV. This was his creation and it tasted great. Ice cream, chocolate-covered peanuts, crushed cookies, and caramel syrup.

dessert for a few of this weeks favourite moments


On Monday I blogged about my weekend shopping trip to the city. I picked up a father’s day present as well as a couple of things for myself that I couldn’t resist.

Sydney Tower for a few of this weeks favourite moments


I had my eye on this cute leather hand sanitizer case from The Daily Edit (tde) for ages. So I went ahead and bought it. I got my initials monogrammed on the case as it was all included in the price. The lady in the store laughed when I told her that I wasn’t sure about my initials because unfortunately they could quite easily be read as RIP. Haha!!

tde hand sanitiser case


These pastries from David Jones are just the best. So I bought one for each one of us. I was very popular when I got home and presented these goodies to my family.

pastries for a few of this weeks favourites


On Thursday I shared about some sustainable beauty products from my friend’s online shop Aroma Of Earth. This body scrub is just amazing and I can’t stop telling everyone about it! My knees and elbows get very dry, especially during winter and this scrub is working a miracle on them. If you check out their website you’ll find that it’s full of gorgeous handcrafted beauty products.

body scrub a sustainable beauty product


I bought my favourite chocolate bar for my weekend treat. This bar is full of delicious nuts and Cadbury chocolate is just the best!



A preschool favourite for this week- During our music group time, we often end with this beautiful song called ‘I am Australian’. The children form a circle and link arms as they sing along. I really wish that I could show you our preschool kids doing this.

It’s just so special and I get all choked up every single time. I have linked the youtube video that we sing along to below for you to see. It’s only very short but I just love the lyrics and the music. Oh my goodness I’m getting emotional typing this!

I guess that just about wraps up my favourite moments from this week. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. And I look forward to being back here on Monday.

Happy Friday!

name graphic

friday favourites graphic



5 thoughts on “Favourite Moments From This Week”

  1. OH that ice cream dessert does look yummy! Happy spring! We have a couple more week before the first official day of fall here… but our mornings are already getting crisp and we’ve seen lots of steam rising off the lake each morning. It’s so pretty and peaceful this time of year.

  2. Changing of seasons keeps life interesting. Spring is my favorite time of year. Love your bright dandelions. Did you know that when settlers left Europe to go to a new world like North America or Australia they brought dandelion seeds with them? It was used for folk medicine. Is that a rosemary bush with the pretty little flowers? We’re going into fall here and after incredible heat and humidity for months, I am ready for cooler weather. Keep sharing spring photos please. I love spring all year long. #MMBC

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      I didn’t know about the dandelion seeds being brought from Europe or that they were used for medicine. How interesting! We do have a rosemary bush and I will take a photo next time. But that bush is a lavender bush and the little flowers were just starting to peep through.

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