September 2023

September currently

September Currently

Hi there friends I am excited to be here linking up with Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness. It’s the September edition of Currently! This month we are going to be chatting about what we are loving, experiencing, dreaming, eating and using to decorate. Let’s go! LOVING I just enjoyed another piece of the delicious cake I bought for Father’s Day. Even though I don’t typically have a sweet tooth. I am totally loving this layered cream and jam sponge cake. We had quite a bit leftover from Sunday night, so I decided to indulge again and thought “Why not step up and take one for the team to support my husband on his weight loss journey” Someone has to help out, right? Surprisingly I think I love it even more than I did on Sunday night. The cream has a unique flavour, different from the usual cream fillings –  almost has a hint of yoghurt-like tanginess. This subtle acidity makes the cake taste totally amazing! I’d never thought I’d be gushing about a cake like this. I mean burgers and fries, absolutely! But sweet treats? Not usually my thing. EXPERIENCING I am currently experiencing what I can only describe as ‘term three tiredness’. It’s that time of the year when I am feeling kind of wiped out both physically and mentally. The constant hustle and bustle as well as the emotional demands that come with caring for preschoolers can leave me feeling pretty drained. So to be honest, I’m eagerly counting down to the upcoming spring holidays. I can not wait to have a break from that early morning alarm and squeezing in household chores before and after work. I’m so excited to get a refreshing break and I also want to soak in the warm sunny spring weather! DREAMING I’m pretty sure that this prompt refers to goals, aspirations or desires. But lately, my nights have been filled with some incredibly vivid dreams. They have been so ‘real’ that I have been scaring my husband during the night. I guess that means we’re even now, considering how much he snores. Haha! Apparently the other night I was moaning and talking in my sleep, which according to my husband sounded like a horror movie. He said he was lying there feeling unsure about whether or not to wake me. The next morning he asked about my dream and it took me a moment to remember. Then it hit me – I had dreamt that I was all excited and ready to go on a trip of a lifetime to Disneyland. But when I got to the airport I wasn’t allowed to board the plane because my passport was out of date and I had forgotten to renew it. Now that was a terrifying nightmare, no doubt about it!! EATING During the last few weeks of August, I have been eagerly waiting for spring to arrive. The sunny winter days were so inviting and got me in the mood to visit the Saturday morning farmer’s market. There I bought a rainbow of fresh delicious fruit and veggies and it got me really excited to cook! Over the last couple of weeks, I have also tried to incorporate some meat-free meals into our weekly menu. So I tried a chickpea curry (not spicy!) and a spinach and ricotta lasagna. As I type this, I realize I haven’t planned a meat-free meal for this week. But that’s ok-there are still a few days left so I’ll have to come up with something fast. Maybe a three-bean chilli might be good? USING TO DECORATE Here in Australia, we don’t go all out with home decorations throughout the year, except for Easter, Halloween and of course Christmas. I find it so fascinating to see how this is so different from other parts of the world. I have noticed that in places like the United States and many European countries, there seems to be a strong tradition of decorating homes for various occasions. Such as Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day and even to celebrate the changing seasons. We are pretty laid back over here about home decoration. And that’s a wrap! Thanks so much for hanging out with me and reading along as I share a bit about what has been going on currently in September. I hope you have an amazing Wednesday!

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Father's Day weekend

Father’s Day Weekend

Hey there, everyone and welcome to a recap of our fantastic Father’s Day weekend. A big shout out to my friends who enjoyed the long Labor Day weekend. I hope you had an amazing time with your loved ones! Friday Night Friday night was all about checking off one of those fabulous movies from my list that I recently shared in my Cozy Solo Movie Nights post. And I decided to kick it off with “Amelie”. It was a really charming, quirky and visually appealing French film. Full of vibrant colourful costumes and scenery. I enjoyed this cute and heart-warming movie about Amelie who makes it her mission to bring joy to others. It was a perfect start to my cozy solo movie nights! Saturday On Saturday morning my friend and I were texting and we both needed to go to the shops and do some Father’s Day shopping (yeah last minute, I know!) And she suggested we hit the city together. It was so fun to be spontaneous and having a friend like her who is up for instant plans is gold! I didn’t snap many photos because we were on a mission with a clear plan of what we needed and where to find it. Also, we didn’t arrive in the city until 3.30 and the shops were closing at 6. But we both found what we were looking for in a flash. Sunday Sunday was Father’s Day and the four of us went to our favourite Italian restaurant to celebrate Steve big time! And Luke’s lovely fiancee joined us back at our place later on. Making it even more of a fun gathering! We started with mouthwatering grilled octopus and prosciutto pizza. The star of the show was definitely the huge tomahawk steak served with the most scrumptious Diane sauce and potatoes cooked to perfection in olive oil, garlic and lemon. It was a feast! Building A Computer Over the last few weeks, we have been getting all sorts of different-sized boxes and packages delivered to our house. Because Sam had big plans to build his own super-powered computer. Lucky for him, Luke and his tech-savvy fiancee had already tackled the same projects themselves by building their own computers. So Sunday evening was the perfect chance for them to team up and dive into this computer-building adventure. Steve and I sat in the lounge room watching episode after episode of Blue Bloods while ‘the kids’ joyfully geeked out on assembling the ultimate computer setup. I loved hearing them have so much fun together. We capped off our fun Father’s Day weekend with a scrumptious layered sponge cake I picked up. It was full of delicious fresh cream and jam in each layer, topped with sweet strawberries. After the kids finished building the computer. We all tucked into this sweet treat and it was the perfect way to end a great day! Thanks so much for joining me today and I hope you have an amazing Tuesday! Linking up with Holly and Sarah

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My Favourite Month!

Hello September! Ahhhh my favourite month is finally here and I can hardly contain my excitement! I’m practically channelling my inner Maria from The Sound of Music and ready to twirl a mountain top. Because friends, the hills really do feel alive! So let’s kick off this week’s Friday favourites by talking about my favourite month, a few other favourites and of course my favourite season-spring!! Now, I know some folks might be gearing up for pumpkin spice lattes in other parts of the world, but down here in the southern hemisphere, we’re rolling out the floral carpet and embracing the magic of spring! 1 I love seeing the pretty flowers coming alive in the front garden. I also get excited seeing the kaleidoscope of colours in other people’s front gardens as I walk to and from work. 2 September has only just begun, but I’m already loving the longer days – no more pitch-black mornings as I roll out of bed. And I’m just so excited that I can enjoy more than just a mere half hour of daylight after work. September, you give me so many reasons to love you!! 3 On Tuesday my special friend surprised me with this beautiful gift. A gorgeous Snoopy Halloween mug! Isn’t it just the cutest? I love how September marks the beginning of some fun celebrations and the shops begin to sell Halloween decorations and goodies. 4 Onto some other favourites for this week, these brioche buns were amazing! I mentioned on Wednesday that I ordered hamburger buns. But they were substituted with these instead when I got my grocery order delivered. So I made pulled pork and coleslaw rolls. The change of menu plan was a real winner! 5 We have been making healthier snack choices over here because my husband is on a mission to lose weight. So I have stopped buying chips and dips. Instead, we have been snacking on things like dark chocolate, nuts and fruit. And we have been careful with the amount of healthy snacks we eat too because you know….calories. I’m being very supportive but I don’t know how long I can last before I make a sneaky solo trip to McDonalds for a Big Mac, fries and a strawberry thick shake!! 6 A tidy and organised fridge is a big favourite that makes my heart sing. So I made sure to give the fridge a good clean before I put my groceries away. 7 I love these small avocados! They’re a perfect size because I can eat a whole one instead of eating half of a big one. And I don’t have to deal with the other half turning brown or potentially going to waste. 8 Honey in my tea or drizzled over creamy Greek yoghurt is my favourite. And let me tell you, this particular honey I bought from the farmers market is exquisite! 9 This week at preschool we have been busy making Father’s Day gifts for this Sunday. The kids used bold colours for their handprints. We asked them questions about their dads for their special cards and some of their answers were just downright funny! They also drew on special shrink paper to make unique keyring decorations.   And that about sums up my favourite things for this week! The weekend is here, and I’m excited. It’s time for some well-deserved fun and relaxation. I’m ready to make the most of it and I’m sure you guys are too! Happy Friday! Linking up with Andrea and Erika  

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