seafood for 2023

First Week Of 2023

Hi friends, it’s great to be back today. Can you believe that the first week of 2023 just passed? I know that I can’t as it feels like we only just finished celebrating Christmas! I hope that you all had a fantastic New Year’s Eve. Mine was really low-key and exactly what I needed. I spent some time with special friends and then I got home early to watch the fireworks on TV. You can read all about my New Year’s Eve here.

Well like I only just said the first week of 2023 has just flown by. And a big challenge for me is that I have to keep reminding myself to write 2023 instead of 2022 and stop myself from saying ‘next year’ because it is next year! Anyway, I guess it’ll take a little while and then I’ll get used to it.

So this past week was just wonderful. Gloriously boringly wonderful!! Apart from one fun outing, I have just been at home all week doing all the mundane tasks and loving every single minute. It is just the best feeling to not have to be anywhere or do anything. I have been cooking, decluttering and organising as well as watching some of my favourite movies and TV shows.

The Finale

So let’s begin this week’s recap and talk about one of my all-time favourite shows……

I had to say goodbye to The Doctor on Monday night when I watched the final episode ever. The ‘Doc Martin Christmas Special’🥲. I won’t give away any spoilers but I will say that I loved how it ended. It was just perfect….sigh. If you haven’t watched this show you really should. It’s a brilliant combination of drama and comedy.

I only started watching it a few years ago. It never interested me when I used to see it advertised on TV and I remember thinking that I probably wouldn’t like this type of show. I couldn’t have been more wrong! Then I think one night my husband was flicking channels and started watching it while I was playing Candy Crush. I was obsessed with this game at the time. And it sparked my interest because something funny happened. So we both started watching it from season one and we have been huge fans ever since. I think that I will go back and start watching it all over again from season one. I just can’t imagine my weeks without my favourite doctor!

Afternoon Treats

After decluttering and organising I have been rewarding myself with little treats like this

treats for 2023

Oh, it’s so good to sit down and have a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll.

Late Breakfast

On Tuesday morning I made everyone pancakes for a very late breakfast. I have been going to bed late after enjoying some TV. One of my big goals is to go to bed early but that goal starts when I go back to work! So on most days, I have been eating breakfast after 10 am which is when I usually start to feel hungry. I always skip breakfast on work days because I feel sick just thinking about food any earlier than 10. After that then food is pretty much all I think about all day long!


We had our pancakes with Queen Pure Canadian Maple Syrup which was incredibly delicious. But I can’t say that it’s any better than the usual Woolworths home brand that I buy. The only difference is the price. This one was $9.00 and the home brand is $6.00. I bought the other one to try but because they taste the same I’ll just get the cheaper one again next time I shop.

maple syrup for 2023


Steve and I went out to enjoy a big seafood dinner on Wednesday night.

seafood for 2023

The seafood was amazing but the weather was pretty bad so this was the view from the restaurant. Cloudy and rainy again.

rainy view for 2023

We were going to order dessert but there was nothing on the menu that we were keen on. So I suggested we just go home, watch a show and have some apple pie that I had in the freezer. So we did just that. I popped the pie in the oven and then when it was cooked we all enjoyed hot apple pie and ice cream. Nom nom!

apple pie for 2023

Shopping In Bondi Junction

I caught up with my bestie on Thursday and we spent the whole day in Bondi Junction wandering around the shops. We visited Williams Sonoma, West Elm and Pottery Barn. You can only find these shops in Bondi and Chatswood here in Sydney.

I bought a packet of blueberry muffin mix and I am excited to make them soon. It’s been raining and cold the last couple of days so it’s perfect baking weather.

muffin mix for 2023

We then went to look at the shops inside Westfields and I convinced my friend to go inside Louis Vuitton and Chanel. Haha! I have only been inside these super high-end shops a couple of times just out of curiosity. We looked at some small card wallets and they ranged in price from $800-$900.

Chanel wallets

Then we went and had a look at some of the clothes.

Chanel clothes

This jacket was priced at a cool $16,000

It was funny visiting these stores because there was no way that I was going to buy anything. To be honest I can’t say that I even liked the products in Chanel. They are just so over the top with all the embellishments and not my style at all. Which is a very good thing considering the prices!


Afterwards, we went to the food court and enjoyed some lunch. It was so fun eating and chatting. I love my friend!


We both ordered the avocado, pesto and goat’s fetta toastie. It was really delicious.

More Shopping

Then we went to Zara and tried on a few things. I ended up buying a really nice pair of grey pants.

clothes in Zara

We looked at some cute puppies in the pet shop



browsed through a whole heap of other shops and stopped for a coffee before we went home on the train.



In the evening I made some nachos with rice and salad for dinner.


And then watched the final episode of ‘Bodyguard’ on Netflix when Steve got home from work.

This has been a really great show that we both liked. It’s a political thriller and the first season only has six episodes which is really good. I like short seasons where things get resolved at the end.


And that’s about all that happened this past week. The first week of 2023! I love Fridays and I am happy that it’s the weekend. But because I’m on school holidays I really want the days to go by s-l-o-w-l-y! Luckily I still have plenty of time for lazy weeks like this past one because I don’t start work until the end of January.

Thanks so much for stopping by today. I hope that you all had a great first week of 2023. I am hoping to get as much blogging done as I can over the next few weeks because It’s something that I really enjoy doing. But I always run out of time to post more than I would like to when I am back at work. So I might pop in over the weekend. If not then I will definitely be back here on Monday.

Have a great weekend


Happy Friday!

name graphic

Linking up with Andrea and Erika for today’s Friday favourites

friday favourites graphic


7 thoughts on “First Week Of 2023”

  1. What a lovely week! We watched Bodyguard when it first came out, we love those British crime dramas, but we often need the subtitles to catch their accent!

  2. This past week has flown over. I have spent the week painting so I’ve been busy.
    I always think of you when I see Doc Martin on the TV. I have never watched it but did catch the end of the last episode. I should really give it a try.
    Ohh! Yum, I love afternoon treats like that.
    I am starting on Monday to go to bed earlier. I am rubbish at eating breakfast early too then think about it all day. lol Those pancakes look amazing!
    I love going in those really expensive shops just to look, not to buy. Some of the prices for things are crazy! I can’t say I’d wear any of those clothes, I dread to think how much they’d cost.
    Ohh! Bodyguard is a really good show!! I loved it. x

  3. That shopping trip sounds like so much fun… but yikes! Those prices. LOL.. and I agree that I don’t much like the styles of the really high end products either as I find them just a bit too much for me. Its been rainy and cold here too and I did a bit of baking myself yesterday; made some chocolate chip banana bread.

  4. Happy New Year Ruth! What a lovely week.
    I am soooooooooo sad that Doc Martin has finished, it was such a lovely series.
    I don’t think I’d wear the Chanel clothes either! Too sparkly for me. Give me a pair of jeggings and a high street top any day haha.
    Have a lovely week. xx

  5. Great week with so much fun. I’m way past high fashion in my life – being retired in Florida means lots of shorts, tees, and sandals to me. I loved Doc Martin and will miss it. #MMBC

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