weekend events

Weekend Events

Hello friends and hello Monday! I hope you all had an amazing weekend and are now geared up for the new week ahead. I’m back today linking up with Holly and Sarah to recap the latest weekend events. Let’s jump in!

Friday Night Movie

Have you seen ‘Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody’? It had been on my list of movies to watch for a little while, so I watched it on Friday night. I had read some of the reviews which said the movie wasn’t great. But I thought it was a good movie that showcased Whitney Houston’s amazing “once in a generation” voice. Boy could she sing! I spent most of the weekend singing right along with Whitney Houston and now I feel like I should go and apologise to all my neighbours for my dud voice!

Saturday Morning At The Farmers Market

We caught up with some friends at the Ramsgate Farmers Market on Saturday morning.

It was such a sunny morning even though the temp was around 16°C which is low for us Sydneysiders. We grabbed some coffee and snacks and found a good spot to sit which had just the right amount of sun for me because I’m always cold. And just the right amount of shade for Steve who can’t handle getting too warm. It was nice to sit around chatting and eating.


The time flew by so fast and we could hardly believe that we had been sitting there for over two hours! We then went for a walk around the market and there seemed to be more stalls than usual. Probably because the weather was so beautiful.

farmers market

The flower stall was full of gorgeous colourful flowers which made me so excited because it’s another sign that spring is on the way!


flowers-weekend events

Here is my farmer’s market mini haul.

I love exploring the markets and bringing home fresh colourful produce.

Soccer Semifinals

Saturday evening we got together at our friend’s house to watch the semi-final of the women’s world cup soccer. We sat around the TV eating and our friends spoiled us with so much delicious food.

pizza-weekend events

spanakopita weekend events

halloumi cheese-weekend events


After church, I came home and tackled a few nagging tasks around the house that had been bothering me. I cleaned the washing machine filter, organised my cleaning caddy, tidied up the laundry, and made sure the remaining odds and ends of laundry were folded and put away.

cleaning caddy

Despite having a cleaning routine, these little jobs were necessary and had been on my mind. They didn’t take much time, and once they were done I felt so relieved. Small victories can feel so good!

My reward for all my effort was a steamy pot of apple tea and then I sat down to do a bit of blogging.

tea-weekend events

Dinner with Friends

In the evening we had a fun dinner outing with our friends, another lovely couple, and we enjoyed a wonderful time together. We tried a restaurant called Vecino that serves up an interesting fusion of Korean and Mexican flavours.

vecino restaurant-weekend events

We got a kick out of the table water being served in a tequila bottle. It was a fun touch that made it seem like we were chugging down endless glasses of tequila!

tequila bottle-weekend events

nachos-weekend events

Steve and I ordered the beef nachos each and I was relieved that it wasn’t spicy. The beef had a hint of sweetness to it, which I guess comes from the Korean influence. I much prefer sweetness over spicy!

After dinner, we made it home in time to watch the last few minutes of the Women’s soccer final. Our cat Sushi was only interested in cuddles.

our cat

And that’s it for my weekend events. Here’s to carrying those good vibes into the week ahead. Take care, everyone!

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Hello Monday graphic


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7 thoughts on “Weekend Events”

  1. Ages ago my youngest and I saw the trailer for the Whitney Houston movie while we were at the cinema and I forgot all about it until now. I will have to watch it.
    It sounds like you had a lovely time at the farmers market. It looks like a great haul.
    It sounds like you had a productive day on Sunday! I did very little yesterday. x

  2. your farmers market looks great, I really should make an effort to go to ours more often, it’s even in walking distance. I do find them a bit pricy though. It would be nice day out though. Those roses look so pretty. You have such wonderful foodie weekends, I feel quite jealous. I watched the football in the mornings!

  3. That sounds like such a fun weekend! I much prefer sweetness to spicy too. I used to love Whitney Houston’s singing.

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