cheese bard for this weeks fun favourites

This Weeks Fun Favourites

Hi friends, as usual, I am linking up with Andrea and Erika for today’s Friday favourites. Thank you so much for stopping by to read about my week and some of this week’s fun favourites. It honestly feels like I blinked and we went from Monday straight to Friday!

I’m sure you will all agree with me that the days are just flying by so fast. And I can hardly believe that it will be Christmas in only a few short weeks. I hope that you have all had a great week and that my friends in the U.S.A had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m really looking forward to reading about everyone’s fun Thanksgiving blog posts! But first here are a few of this week’s fun favourites that I am excited to share with you.

End Of Year Parent Comittee Dinner

We had our end-of-year parent committee dinner at our local club. This is when the preschool staff and the parents from our management committee get together and enjoy a lovely dinner to celebrate the end of another preschool year. The amazing parents do a wonderful job volunteering on the committee. They take on various important roles that help our preschool to run smoothly. It was a really nice evening and I was so happy to have the opportunity to chat with some of the lovely parents.

Even though all the covid rules and restrictions have been abolished in NSW. At preschool, we are only just starting to let the parents on the premises. So sadly this year we haven’t had many opportunities to get to talk to the parents when they come to drop off or collect their children. When I reflect on this I realise that this is another way that sadly covid has robbed all of us yet again. It’s been two years of not being able to build proper relationships with our preschool parents. On a brighter note, I think that next year things will be different. And we will be returning to the good old days when parents were free to come in. I’m really looking forward to this a whole lot!

A Fun Cocktail And A Delicious Meal

At the dinner, we enjoyed a deliciously refreshing watermelon cocktail.

water melon cocktail for this weeks fun favourites

It was so sweet and delicious but it was packed with ice. My throat is still sensitive and the cold just sends me into a fit of coughs. So I was forced to drink this super fast before it got too cold hahaha!! Luckily it really wasn’t a strong cocktail so I didn’t feel it go straight to my head.

I ordered the pork belly with sweet potato mash, gravy and salad. It was a delicious meal and we had a very fun time.

pork belly diner for this weeks fun favourites

Time For New Hairbrushes

hairbrushes for this weeks fun favourites

I was excited to find some hair brushes in the exact same size that I was looking for in T.K maxx the other day. My other brushes were looking pretty old and a bit icky.

Date Night

Another one of this week’s fun favourites is that Steve and I enjoyed a date night on Wednesday night. We had a delicious meal and then finished off with a cheese board. I often prefer to finish a meal with a cheese board instead of a sweet dessert.

cheese bard for this weeks fun favourites

On the way home, I snapped a pic of the pretty sunset.


Preschool Concert

The children have been rehearsing for their end-of-year concert. It’s been two years since we have had a concert where the parents have been allowed to come into the preschool to watch their children perform. So it will be really lovely to feel like things are finally back to normal this year. Although in saying that, we are now in the middle of another big covid wave. But I can’t see us ever going back to any restrictions or lockdowns ever again.

This is one of the songs that the children have been practising.

Friends this is the cutest song ever! And I don’t even mind that this song is stuck in my head on a constant loop. It is just so cute!!  So if you have little ones I really encourage you to show this song to them. I guarantee they will love it and you will too. Some songs drive me insane especially when I can’t shake them out of my head (hello…..Baby shark!!) but this one is a firm favourite for sure!

A Dash To The Mecca Store

This afternoon I did a mad dash to Mecca for some eye shadow and lipstick. We are going to our friend’s son’s wedding tomorrow and I needed some make-up. Well, confession time I didn’t need make-up because I do have some BUT it was a good excuse to get some fresh new products.

make for this weeks fun avourites

It has been ages since I updated my eye shadow palette. I’m keen to do a smokey-eye look so I have been watching a few YouTube make-up tutorials. Fingers crossed I get the look right because the last thing I want to look like is a racoon!

I don’t wear a lot of makeup even when I go out. I always like to keep everything subtle and I’m a firm believer that less is more. But I have always wanted to try a smokey eye look and right now I’m feeling a bit more daring. After all, if it looks bad I can always wash it off, right? Hmmm….we’ll see.

Getting Ready For A Fun Weekend

I picked up some chicken chow mein for dinner tonight because I knew that I wouldn’t have time to cook. And Sam was so excited because we don’t get takeaway very often.

chicken chow mein

But there are quite a few things that I need to get done tonight like colouring my hair and packing for our overnight stay after the wedding.

The church and the wedding reception are both about an hour or so from where we live. So we thought that it would be a fun opportunity to make the whole event a weekend away too. We are staying at a lovely hotel that is nearby to the wedding on Saturday night. I’m so glad that we made this decision because the wedding ceremony is at 1.15 pm but the reception isn’t until 6 pm. That’s a lot of hours to kill in between! So it will be great to be able to go back to the hotel, have a bite to eat, relax for a bit and then go back for the reception later on.


I guess that wraps up this week’s fun favourites! I am very excited to be going to the wedding this weekend. It’s been ages since I have been to one. And I am so looking forward to our overnight stay too. I’ll be back here on Monday and I will tell you all about it then. I hope that you have the best weekend!

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2 thoughts on “This Weeks Fun Favourites”

  1. This whole year is flying over! I realised today that it is December next week.
    The parent committee dinner sounds lovely and the cocktail and food looks delicious.
    How nice to treat yourself to some new makeup. I have never been able to do a smokey eye, good luck. Have a lovely time at the wedding. x

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