
Refreshed And Ready

Hi friends hope you all had an amazing weekend and are refreshed and ready for a new week ahead.  As usual, I am linking up with Holly and Sarah for today’s Happy Monday post. It was a great weekend and I was able to enjoy some really fun times. But it wasn’t super busy so it was a great opportunity to do some things just for myself. I think it was a perfect balance for me this weekend.

Friday Night

I made some fun Friday night plans for myself and I think that I will do that from now on. Over the last couple of months, I have kind of felt a bit lost on Friday nights. I’m happy that the working week is over but then I start to feel melancholy because I usually find myself home alone. Sam is often out with his lovely girlfriend, Steve is at work and I miss my Mum. On Friday nights we would often watch something on television together because I was less busy.

Anyway, this Friday my plan included a shower by candlelight! I know, I know!! I should have had a spa bath but I just can’t quite bring myself to sit still for that long yet so a shower it was and it felt great.

shower by candlelight for refreshed and ready post

shower by candlelight for refreshed and ready post

Then I had dinner by tealight in front of the TV. It was a cold night and I really enjoyed my pork knuckle roast, mashed potato, veggies, and gravy. With a fancy can of coke of course!

dinner for ready and refreshed post

While I ate I watched “The Devil Wears Prada”. Such a fun movie that I have seen before but not for a while. I love Meryl Streep in every movie and this one is no exception!

movie for refreshed and ready post

After dinner, it was time for a steamy cup of hot chocolate with a pink marshmallow and a cream biscuit. Oh so delicious!

hot chocolate for refreshed and ready post

I finished off the evening with a face mask in bed while I did a guided meditation on Youtube. Ha! I felt like I had a date with myself on Friday night!


Saturday morning I woke up and there was my little cat looking at me! She was hungry for her breakfast.


At midday, I headed out to my lovely friend’s son’s birthday party. He turned four and he had his party at a play centre near my home where my own kids celebrated some of their birthdays when they were little.


It was all about Spongebob and my super clever and creative friend organised THE BEST party decorations I have ever seen!! She transformed that party room into something truly spectacular!!


spongebob party

spongebob party


party bucket

Look at these amazing party favors!! If I was four and received one of these I would have just about lost my mind with excitement!!

There was even some delicious food for the grown-ups and I seriously could NOT stop eating!!

party food

I love these two so much! Here I am with the gorgeous birthday boy and his sweet sister. It was such a fun party and I had the best time.


Saturday afternoon I dropped in to visit my aunty and we had a chat over a cup of coffee and some wafer biscuits.

coffee for refreshed and ready post

Then I went home to make some chicken schnitzels. I pounded the chicken and was about to organise the egg, flour, and breadcrumbs. But when I went to the fridge there were no eggs. Not a single one. Sigh!!

no eggs in fridge for refreshed and ready post

I quickly drove to the local petrol station and picked up some eggs. Isn’t it annoying when you are committed to making a dish and then you find yourself short of an ingredient!! Grrrrr !!!!

Anyway, it was worth it in the end. The schnitzels were delicious but they were a lot on the chunky side. I need to pound much harder next time.

chicken schnitzel for refreshed and ready post


Brrrrr I woke up on Sunday and it was really chilly. The sky was a beautiful radiant blue but it was so cold and windy.

blue sky for refreshed and ready post

I went to church for the 10.30 am service but I didn’t get home until 1 pm. It was such a lovely morning and so I just stayed chatting for ages.

I got home and had lunch with the family, then Steve and I watched an episode of “The Office”. We are up to season 8, It’s still funny but I miss Steve Carrell in it. Steve went to work and I tackled this mountain of folding before heading out for a pedicure. I have only had three pedicures in my life but now I am completely hooked. It’s such a treat!!

washing for refreshed and ready post

I got home at around 6 pm and then my Woolworths shopping arrived. I packed it all away, had dinner, and watched the final two episodes of “Anatomy Of A Scandal” Are you guys watching this? It’s really good and it has such a cool twist that I did not see coming. If you haven’t watched it yet, you really should!

I guess that just about sums up my fun yet relaxing weekend. Thank you so so much for stopping by to have a read. I really appreciate it! Hope you all have a fantastic week.

Happy Monday Friends!name graphic

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12 thoughts on “Refreshed And Ready”

  1. Ruth I just love Sushi, think I might catnap her someday!!! Your pics all look amazing! Think you are doing some great self-care activities. I’m feeling tempted to have a pedicure now too!!

  2. The party looks so colorful and fun for small children. Your weekend sounds wonderful and it’s hard to beat a soak in the tub. #MMBC

  3. It was such a treat to have you at TK’s party! Thank you for spending the afternoon with us. So lovely you were able to pamper yourself over the weekend, too. You deserve it! xx

  4. It sounds like a perfect weekend. I’m a bit jealous. I love the Sponge Bob party decorations, they look fantastic. I don’t think I could manage a kids part now but I used to love them so much when my kids were little. Your Friday night routine sounds great, it’s hard when you are missing someone but a little self care can help a lot. I’ve never seen The Devil Wears Prada, I may have to watch it and I haven’t watched An Anatomy of a Scandal, that will have to go on my list too. Have a lovely week. #mmbc

  5. Your Friday night sounds like pure bliss to me- nothing like cozy alone time and an awesome movie like that. I am so much like you when it comes to the tub/shower- just so much easier to do the shower- totally agree- so funny!

  6. What a lovely weekend! Your shower by candlelight sounds fantastic, so relaxing. I love The Devil Wears Prada. It is such a fun film.
    The decorations for the party are so good and the cupcakes are so cute.
    The The schnitzels look so tasty even if you say they were on the chunky side. x

  7. That does sound like a good weekend; I love all those party details. I used to love planning out everything like that for my boys’ parties.

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