It’s the weekend! How did the week fly by so fast? I find myself saying this all the time but this week it really and truly did!! I have so many fun things to tell you about. It was a week where I was really blessed with kindness from some of my favorite people.
Number 1
Yes, it’s the weekend but it’s also finally Spring and I am so happy! Spring is my favorite season and I just love how the days are getting longer and the flowers are starting to bloom. There’s a real sense of joy in the air once we hit September.
Number 2
Last Saturday I made some chicken wraps with Mexican corn salad and tomato rice. I really love this Mexican corn salad and I have made it many times before. It’s a real on repeat favorite. Unfortunately, I didn’t have all the ingredients that give this salad its zing! Not going to the supermarket regularly means I am constantly running out of things or I don’t have all the ingredients I need.
This Mexican corn salad needs coriander but I didn’t have any so I had to use parsley from our garden instead. I also didn’t have any red capsicum so I substituted it with tomato. In the end, it was still good but not great. However, we did enjoy it plus I even high fived myself for being creative and flexible. Ha! if it wasn’t for covid I would have been running out to the shops for all my missing ingredients!
Number 3
Sunday was quite cold and we ordered some lunch from ‘The Fish Box’. It’s a small fish and chip shop about ten minutes drive from where we live. I had the clam chowder and so did Steve. It comes with this delicious bread bowl. It was so hot, creamy, and tasty that I didn’t want it to end! Sam had the fish and chips which he thoroughly enjoyed. Lunch from the ‘Fish Box’ is definitely a family favorite!
Number 4
Sunday afternoon I was getting some things out of my wardrobe ready for my fashion and styling blog post when I pulled out this top complete with tags.
I had completely forgotten that I had bought this. How does that even happen? I guess maybe because I haven’t gone out anywhere for so long! Anyway, I was really surprised and happy to rediscover this top and I look forward to wearing it once lockdown ends!!
Number 5
I worked on Monday and it was nice to see the two children who attended preschool. It was a lovely sunny day for the last day of winter and the day seemed to go faster than when it’s cold and miserable. I love the preschool where I work but honestly, it must be the coldest place on earth in winter!!
My friends had planned a trivia game on zoom for the evening but first, my friend surprised me by bringing us dinner. That’s right she brought over dinner complete with entree AND dessert. She’s so kind! Later on, she joined us on zoom and we played trivia with her, her husband, and another friend. It was a fun night even though we lost, I have no clue about Greek Mythology!!

Number 6
On Tuesday Sam had an appointment for his first shot of Pfizer. We headed to the local aquatic center where they have set up a big vaccination hub. The NSW Government is setting up easily accessible venues and doing everything possible to get everyone vaccinated as soon as possible.
The vaccination hub was impressively efficient and so well organized. There was some navy personnel helping out with marshaling and directing. When Sam was finished we walked out and we were given a bottle of water and a chocolate. How nice was that!!
Number 7
Sam received this in the mail from his school teacher. I thought it was such a lovely kind gesture and I was so touched by the lovely note. Sam goes to an independent Christian School and after this year he only has one more year left. I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. It feels like it was only yesterday when he was starting school! sigh. We are very happy with his school and we will be sad when he finishes. My oldest son went there too, so this school has been a big part of our lives for a long time.
Number 8
Look at this!!
I found this on my doorstep, and I was so completely surprised and emotional. It was from a very kind and thoughtful friend and her beautiful daughter who I had the pleasure of having in my preschool class a couple of years ago. This just made my day, I was so overwhelmed at their kind gesture and I got very teary when I read the card.
I really miss them and sadly I haven’t been able to catch up with them because of Covid lockdown grrrrrr. I have such a special bond with my friend’s daughter and am super excited that her little boy will be in my class next year.
Number 9
I was so happy to go to work on Friday, that’s right I was happy because it meant I got to work with my bestie. I hadn’t seen her in nearly two weeks. We are on a roster at work because we have very few kids attending this term so this means I see less of her than I usually would.
She was so kind and was able to get my little cat her favorite cat food from a supermarket close to where she lives. For some reason, I had been unable to buy this saucy cat food (Sushi’s favorite) from my local supermarket.
She also ordered this cool mouse and pad for me. I love how they match and they were super cheap from Kmart. I got to see her and get all my goodies from her on Friday win/win!!
Thank you for joining me for today’s Friday favorites post. It was such a great week but I am so glad that It’s the weekend !! I was so overwhelmed with all the love and kindness I received recently and I really hope and pray you all stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.
For today’s post, I am linking up with Andrea and Erika
Doing little acts of kindness is so fulfilling. I get a real kick out of making others happy through such simple little gestures. The reward is seeing someone’s day lift and feeling their gratitude. I am now hooked!
DeeDee you always brighten all my days!!