Fun Favourites

Hi, friends welcome to Friday favourites! The week just flew by and now it’s the end of the spring school holidays…boo! I have had a wonderful two weeks off from work and should say that I feel rested and excited to return to work. But no-I’m greedy and would love two weeks more! Anyway, here are a few fun things I got up to during the last week of the spring school holidays.

Kmart Shopping

No school holiday is complete without a shopping trip to Kmart to pick up some cheap storage and home decor.

kmart for fun

Look! Halloween decor! Most of the shops have tons of Christmas decor but I haven’t seen many Halloween things. Those pumpkins look a bit creepy. I prefer friendly-looking pumpkins like the mugs in the other pic.

fun Halloween pumpkins

fun halloween mugs

I spent ages deciding on which pot plant to buy for a plant that I wanted to rehome for the dining room. In the end after going back and forth, I decided on the white one with the black speckles. Choice sometimes stresses me as does lack of choice. Ha!

fun shopping

On the way home I stopped off to water my aunt’s plants. It was such a hot day and I hadn’t watered them at all since she went on vacation. But they are succulents so I don’t think they need to be watered often (I hope). But on a hot day like Tuesday, they were probably thirsty and I didn’t want to risk my aunt coming home to dead plants!


Lunch Catch Up

I caught up with my wonderful friend for lunch. It was fun eating, chatting and hearing about her trip to Melbourne.

a fun lunch

I had the vegetable fritters and my friend had a dish called avocado heaven. They both looked so beautifully presented and colourful!


hot lemonade

I enjoyed the matcha latte and my friend’s hot lemonade looked so pretty with the orange and mint garnish. She gave me a sip and it was deliciously tangy and sweet.

matcha latte

After lunch, we had a quick look around the shops in Westfield Miranda where we spotted some quirky Christmas tree ornaments.

christmas ornaments

Christmas ornaments

christmas ornaments

christmas ornaments

I wondered what a Christmas tree with all these tropical-looking decorations would look like. Very tropical I guess! It would be a perfect fit for our hot Australian Christmas but I prefer traditional Christmas trees with red, green and gold ornaments.

A Trip To The Airport

My cousins landed back home from Europe on Thursday and my other cousins came back from New Zealand today. It’s nice to know that most of my family are now back home. It felt so strange with all of them away! Anyway on Thursday I took two buses to the airport to surprise and welcome three of my cousins who were flying in at 8.15 pm from the last leg of their trip around Europe.

Even if I had access to the car which I didn’t because my husband had taken it to work. There is no way that I would ever try and drive to the Sydney International Airport. It is so busy, congested and just plain frantic. With daylight saving, I felt totally safe catching public transport. I got to the airport before 8.00 pm and it was just starting to get dark.

Sydney airport

Inside it was so busy with people waiting for their loved ones. I felt like I was watching that famous scene from the movie ‘Love Actually’. People were hugging and cheering when they spotted their people. Then there were tears of joy and little kids running towards their grandparents. Husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends hugging and crying. It was really beautiful to watch and I was tearing up every time I saw a reunion!

I waited about an hour and a half and then I finally spotted my cousin and his lovely girlfriend first. I did the big leap, happy dance and ” Hey guys, over here!!”. Then we waited for my other cousin who was further back and wooohoo we were all finally together!!

We caught an Uber back and I heard a few fun snippets about their trip. It felt like a preview to our cousin connect gathering that’s happening tomorrow night. I can hardly wait!

Sam Turned 19

Today is Sam’s birthday and the four of us got together for an early dinner. Sam chose a favourite Chinese restaurant that we used to go to every year for my mum’s birthday. He said he wanted to eat Chinese food in honour of his late grandma. How sweet!

We even ordered all of the dishes that she chose every time. We had lemon chicken, chicken chow mein, sweet and sour pork and boiled rice.

It was a fun time and here they are teasing their dad about something. These two make me laugh when they get together.

fun at the restaurant

We gave Sam a card with some money because he didn’t know what he wanted when I asked him. So now he can buy whatever he likes.

birthday card fun

We came home to sing Happy Birthday and eat cake.

birthday fun

fun birthday cake

It was a great week that went by all too fast (I think that I say that every week). I’m excited about the weekend, especially our family get-together tomorrow night! Next week it’s the beginning of the last term of the school year. As hard as I find it going back to the routine and the early starts. I have to admit that term four is always my favourite. It’s not just because it’s the last term of the year, it’s also because it’s the most fun! Before we know it we will be right into all the Christmas crafts and end-of-year celebrations. Now I just have to remember this when Monday rolls around!!

Have a great weekend friends and I look forward to being back here on Monday.

Happy Friday!

name graphic

Linking up with Andrea and Erika

Friday favourites graphic








7 thoughts on “Fun Favourites”

  1. How nice that you went to meet your cousins at the airport! I m sure they appreciated it so much. Our airport is also so busy that we rarely go inside to pick anyone up, just swing through to get them up outside.
    Such a nice birthday dinner out too!! ❤️

  2. What a fun week! Vacation weeks always go by so quickly. Happy birthday to your son and I hope you have the best time at your cousin connect dinner tomorrow.

  3. Your spring school holidays have flown over! We still have 3 weeks until our Autumn break.
    I love the look of Kmart! Those pumpkin mugs are so cute and I love those Christmas ornaments.
    How lovely for you to surprise your cousins at the airport. It sounds like a great experience. I hope you have a fab time at your cousins connect.
    Happy birthday to Sam!! Eating where you did in honour of his grandma is so sweet.
    What a lovely week. x

  4. Aw, you certainly had a lovely time off work Ruth.
    Happy belated birthday to Sam. I hope he had a fab day. How sweet that you all dedicated the birthday meal to your lovely mum. I bet she was there with you in spirit.
    I hope your first week back at work goes smoothly! xx

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