
February 2023

February 2023-Hi friends! February is such a short month! And when I checked my planner the other day I could hardly believe that it was already the last Wednesday of the month. It sure crept up so fast! Anyway, I’m here today linking up with Shay for the February edition of ‘What’s Up Wednesday’. And we are looking at what we’ve been up to during this very short month. So let’s dive right in.

What We’re Eating This Week

I’m happy to report that I have kept up with my weekly meal planning! Yay, go me! Now I just have to be consistent for the rest of the year.

  • Monday- Chicken pie with mashed potato and veggies
  • Tuesday- Grilled Barramundi with chips and salad
  • Wednesday- Lamb cutlets with vegetables and jacket potatoes, sour and chives.
  • Thursday- Turkey bolognese with garlic bread and salad
  • Friday-leftovers because I’m going out
  • Saturday- Roast chicken with baked potatoes and salad
  • Sunday-Teriyaki salmon with rice and vegetables

What I’m Reminiscing About

My super fun birthday weekend which you can read all about here. My sweet colleague whose birthday was the day after mine (but she is decades younger!) has declared this week as birthday week too. She inspires me happy all the time. So I think I might do the same 😊

I’m also reminiscing about when Sam was little. It feels like only yesterday that he was wheeling around the house in his plastic car. And now after passing his driving test he is looking to buy a real live car with a motor and everything!

What I’m Loving

We have been having some really hot days this month! Summer arrived late this year so hopefully, this means that it will also leave late. I just love the hot weather so much. The only thing that I dislike about the hot weather is the bugs and the spiders! Thankfully I haven’t had any major run-ins with giant cockroaches this summer. But I nearly walked into a huge spider web that sprung up overnight.

Isn’t it massive!!

february 2023

Luckily I sprayed the awning where the web was hanging from and ran inside the laundry. Sure enough, I heard a scuttling sound and then this dropped down. I think it’s a huntsman spider which isn’t deadly. But it could surely scare me to death!! It doesn’t look huge in the pic because it’s all shrivelled up from the bug spray. But believe me, it was BIG !!

What We’ve Been Up To

Just the usual things like work but with lots of fun times spent with family on the weekends eating delicious food. Ha! I guess this is why I called my blog play, work, eat, repeat. 🤗

What I’m Dreading

Thankfully I’m not dreading anything at the moment.

What I’m Excited About

I’m going to the Ed Sheeran concert on Friday night with my bestie!

What I’m Watching

I’m still watching The Sopranos and I’m up to Season 2. I haven’t had a lot of time to watch much else. Although I’m really enjoying The Sopranos, I would really love to watch a feel-good show. I need a good viewing balance so if you have any recommendations I would really love to hear them.

What I’m Listening To

Right now I’m listening to the rain and thunder. It was a really sunny day until this afternoon and now it’s all humid and rainy. I checked the weather forecast and it looks like we are in for some much cooler days ahead. Oh well, I guess Autumn is coming.

february 2023

What I’m Wearing

Here is a recap of a few things that I have been wearing this month. It’s been all mainly about summer clothes!!

february 2023

february 2023

february 2023

What I’m Doing This Weekend

I’m going to a surprise birthday party on Sunday. Don’t worry the person who is being surprised doesn’t read my blog so I haven’t spoiled anything.

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

Sam starts uni next month and he has chosen to do a Bachelor of Nursing. So I’m excited for him and praying that he likes his course, is able to keep up with juggling part-time work as well as study and that he can cope with the commute. The uni he will be going to is one hour by car or nearly two hours by train. He doesn’t need to go in every day which is a good thing!

What Amazon Purchase Did I Love This Month

I found these fantastic grey microfiber cleaning cloths that I use only for the kitchen. They are amazing for cleaning up any spills, they are also super absorbent and they wash really well. I really like having neutral-coloured cloths and dish towels for the kitchen so these are perfect! I also bought these coloured ones for the bathrooms, laundry and other messy areas. They are fantastic and they leave my bathrooms all fresh and shiny. Plus I love that they are all different colours because that means that they will never be confused with the kitchen ones.

We bought Sam a new gaming monitor as a combined Christmas and high school graduation present. He had been researching the best value-for-money monitor for the longest time and he decided that this one was the best. So far he has been so happy with this monitor and he tells me that his gaming experience is out of this world!

So I guess that just about wraps up this month’s edition of ‘What’s Up Wednesday’. Thank you so much for stopping by today. I hope that you have the best day!

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12 thoughts on “February 2023”

  1. This month has flown over.
    Well done with the meal planning, it sounds like a great week of meals.
    We have had some nicer weather here over the past couple of weeks but there are rumours of snow next week. Eek!
    OMG! That spider!
    Have a fab time seeing Ed Sheeran, I do love him and his music.
    Good luck to Sam with Uni. The course does sound interesting. x

  2. I don’t typically mind spiders or other critters, but I would definitely be running the other way if I saw that one! I love your summer clothes. And I love that your son has chosen nursing, what a great profession! I wish him well. Also, first year university is so fun!!

  3. That is one thing I do not envy about living in Australia… it seems like you have GIANT (and often deadly!) bugs and insects. Best of luck to your son juggling his studies and his job.

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