Family Weekend Highlights

Hello there friends. It’s time to link up with Holly and Sarah for today’s edition of Hello Monday! And today I’m sharing all of my family weekend highlights.

August Cousin Connect

I always look forward to the first Saturday of every month. Because that’s when we get together for our cousin connect dinners. This Cousin Connect dinner will be our last one until October because most of the cousins are heading to Europe for an amazing holiday next month. I will miss them so much but I’m sure that they will have a wonderful time. And I’m really looking forward to hearing all about their adventures when they get back home.

Look at this delicious charcuterie platter, courtesy of my lovely cousin!

family weekend highlights. Charcuterie board

It was full of dips, soft and hard cheese along with a variety of crackers and bread sticks. Yum!

For dinner, she treated us to pizzas and we all got to choose our favourite toppings. We had pepperoni, supreme and ham and pineapple pizzas. But I think pepperoni won hands down as the most requested choice.

pizza for family weekend highlights

Then it was time to play our favourite family board game and boy did we get loud! My voice was hoarse from all the fun. We always joke that we’re glad the neighbours don’t call the police with so much noise going on!

board game for family weekend highlights

We got home late and Luke decided to stay over because his fiancee had a night shift. Having our big boy stay the night was a huge highlight! He lives with his partner about 40 minutes drive away so we don’t get to see them as often as we’d like, especially with her demanding work hours.

We clearly weren’t ready for the night to end because instead of going to bed. We snuggled into beanbags and the sofa to watch ‘Don’t Look Up’ with Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo Di Caprio. It was a mix of comedy, drama and disaster. We ended up going to bed super late because – hey, we are a family of night owls for sure!


Sunday we slept in and I made everyone a late breakfast. We had scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, hash browns, fried mushrooms and tomatoes. It was so good!

We sat around the table chatting for a while and then everyone pitched in to help clean up. It was a rainy Sunday and it was so nice being at home together. I really miss the days when Luke was still living at home. I mean I’m really happy that he has a lovely fiancee who we all love and they have their own place. But I still miss the days when my kids were little …sigh!

Anyway, I’ll stop being melancholy and get back to the family weekend highlights! Yes, where was I? Oh yeah, we decided to watch another movie. This time after taking ages to decide what to watch, we picked ‘The Martian’ with Matt Damon.

It was a great movie but it got so intense in the last thirty minutes. My heart was pounding and I don’t know why I get so emotionally invested in movies but I do! In the end, there was about five minutes left before the movie finished. But I couldn’t cope so I discreetly googled the ending. It didn’t spoil it for me, it just meant that I could relax and enjoy the last few minutes.

The weekend with my family was amazing. We had so much fun and I didn’t want it to end! I’ll certainly treasure these memories until our next fabulous family gathering. Thanks a million for being here and reading my blog. I look forward to being back here on Wednesday.

Have a great Monday!

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Hello Monday graphic

8 thoughts on “Family Weekend Highlights”

  1. Your cousin connect dinners sound fantastic. Oh no, that’s a shame you won’t get another until October but I hope your cousins have a great trip!
    How lovley to have both of your boys home even if it was just for one night.
    I love that film, The Martian. x

  2. I love The Martian, we watch it all the time! Space Cowboy, hahah.
    How nice to have your boys home for a sleepover! I know the time goes by so quickly!

  3. That’s too bad you’ll have to skip your cousins dinner next month but I bet they’ll have great stories to share in October! I don’t think I’ve ever seen Don’t Look Up. I often google to see the end of shows or movies and will even flip to the ends of book sometimes to relieve some of that intense pressure of needing to know how it ends!

  4. That breakfast looks amazing – the perfect treat after a lie in on a Sunday! šŸ™‚ Family time, especially with cousins is so important, as super close to one of mine, he is more like a big brother… I need to mention pizza nights, we need them! Sim x Hopping over from #MMBC

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