Friday favourites graphic

End Of A Busy Week

Happy Friday friends. Hooray for the end of a busy week and now let’s bring on the weekend! I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Today I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika to share some Friday favourites with you lovely ladies.


My first Favourite this week is meeting up with some church ladies on Saturday. We got together for our annual women’s conference. Normally this is held in the church building but this year because of COVID we met in small groups in different homes and everyone listened to the guest speaker via zoom.

women's conference programme

bible verse

We enjoyed a really nice morning of fellowship and each of us received a cute little morning tea pack to enjoy during the scheduled break.  A group of kind ladies from the church had spent the previous day putting these together for us.

morning tea pack for end of a busy week post

Inside the pack, we had some really yummy parmesan and fennel biscuits. I’m a real savoury girl so these were my favourite. There was also a chocolate muffin, strawberries, a pink rice bubble bar and a Twining’s teabag. So good!!


I just love a sweet smoothie, don’t you? Usually, I just use normal milk for my smoothies but this time I tried almond milk instead just for a change and it was really delicious. The almond milk gives the smoothie a nice subtle nutty flavour. I added a banana, frozen berries and honey. It was a big hit and so filling. Warmer weather calls for smoothies!!

smoothie for end of a busy week


Speaking of warmer weather. I was complaining the other day about wearing jumpers and jackets because it was still cold. Then on Thursday, we got hit with some very warm weather! It was so hot in the preschool playground.  But I didn’t mind at all because I’m so excited that we are finally heading into Summer for real now!


Look at my shiny little Suzuki. It needed a desperate wash, my friend even commented that the mass of spider webs on the back windscreen wipers would look great for Halloween ha! I couldn’t stand them any longer so I stopped off at the car wash on Monday in the afternoon after work. It’s so nice to be able to see clearly out of the front and back windows.

clean car for end of a busy week post


We went out for dinner for the first time in months!! Tuesday night Steve and I went on a date night to our local club. We shared marinated crumbed squid for an entree, then we each ordered big juicy steaks for our mains. Finishing off with a really silky creme brülée for dessert. We were so happy to be able to enjoy eating out again. Yay!!

squid for dinner for end of a busy week post

steak dinner for end of a busy week post

creme brûlée


I made my family’s favourite quiche for dinner on Wednesday night. It’s super easy to make and just right for a busy weekday dinner. We enjoyed this with a side of chips and salad. Can’t go wrong with a good old quiche!

easy quiche


I know it’s all about Halloween this weekend but at preschool, the kids have started decorating their Christmas bags. Each child gets to take home a portfolio of their work and a gift for their parents, along with a graduation certificate. It all fits neatly inside their decorated bags. We usually start Christmas craft early because there’s always so much to do. It’s such a fun time of the year!

decorating Christmas bags for end of a busy week post

christmas bags


I made a quick dash to The Gamesmen on Thursday afternoon to pick up something my son had ordered. The Gamesmen is a small but very popular family-owned business. They sell new and retro video games, board games, lego and popular culture merchandise.

the gamesmen store

This store is a real favourite because I used to take my boys there when they were little. So it brings back lots of memories for me. The Gamesmen has a really cool room that holds a big display featuring a timeline of the history of gaming.

I guess you could say it’s like a mini-museum! It’s fun to look at all the games and consoles that were popular in the past. I have to admit that I was a bit of a gamer myself back in the day!

This weekend we will be getting together with the rest of my family for Halloween. We will be having dinner and enjoying a spooky movie at my place. So I’m really looking forward to that. It should be lots of fun!!

Happy Friday and enjoy your Halloween weekend!!


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