gingerbread man decoration for December post

The First Weekend In December

Hey friends it’s so great to be back for this week’s Friday Favourites. Wow, so it’s the first weekend in December. Can you believe it? I know that I can’t! This week has flown past in a flash and I’m sure that the next few weeks will be exactly the same. Because December is just such a busy month!

I don’t mind December being so busy because it is just such a fun month of planning, prepping and catching up with friends and family. Yes, it really is my favourite month of the year! As usual, I am linking up with Andrea and Erika today. Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me share with you a few of my favourites from this week. 


I mentioned last week that I bought some new make-up for a wedding that I went to. I tried to do a smokey-eye look but I’m not sure how successful I was. I’m always very conservative when it comes to using makeup. But anyway I was happy with how my makeup turned out. And I’m sure that if I applied more than what I normally wear for special occasions then I just wouldn’t have felt comfortable anyway.

I bought this lovely NARS eyeshadow palette from our local Mecca store. It has all of the earthy brown colours that make my heart sing! The bottom row of colours also had some nice shimmer. I was happy with all of the colours and how soft they were to blend together.

first weekend of December

I hadn’t bought any makeup for myself in ages. Because my mum used to love using Estee Lauder products. And she would always stock up on her face creams etc when they had gift pack offers. Then she would give me the gift packs which came with eyeshadows, lipstick, mascara and even sample-sized jars of eye and face cream.


I also bought an Hourglass eyeliner. Except for this time I went with a brown colour instead of the black colour that I normally use. As I’m getting older I think that black eyeliner looks a bit too intense and harsh on me.

eyeliner in December


I have been really happy with the Chanel lipstick that I always wear. But the bright dazzling lights in the Mecca store had me in a trance I think. Because I splurged and bought myself a new Hourglass lipstick (which looks very similar to the colour I already own 😬). The good thing about this lipstick is that I’m pretty sure that it can double up and be used as a self-defence weapon. Because look at the lid…….it’s super pointy!!

lipstick for December post

lipstick in December


I went out to the front of the house to put the rubbish out and I spotted this big beautiful pink rose. It smelled so lovely too. It’s funny that I hadn’t really noticed it before but that’s probably because I don’t often put the rubbish out. That’s Sam’s job but he’s away until Monday.

rose in December


I used the pledge grab-it duster to dust my blinds.

It did an amazing job of picking up a lot of dust. Look at how grey and yucky the duster looked when I had finished.




Thursday night my bible study group got together for our end-of-year dinner. Our lovely hostess made us the most delicious cocktails. It was such a lovely evening!

cocktail in December

We started with an amazing cheese platter.

cheese platter for December post

Then for mains, we had a  delicious fall-apart lamb with a variety of salads and sides.


Then we finished off with a cheesecake and ice cream.



I was in Bed Bath and Table the other day and I saw this cute gingerbread man decoration. I nearly bought six for the tree but I was in one of my indecisive moods and I didn’t buy any. Then when I went home I couldn’t stop thinking about how cute they were and how I wished that I had gone ahead and bought them.

gingerbread man decoration for December post

Anyway, I was telling my friend this story and the next day she messaged me to say that she had found the last two at the shop and she had bought them for me. How sweet was that? So I’m very happy to have two of these cute gingerbread men. And next time I won’t be so indecisive!!

I guess that wraps up my seven favourites for this week. As soon as I finish this post I’m going to get ready for our monthly family dinner at my cousin’s house. Then tomorrow I am so excited to spend the day with my bestie.

We are heading into the city for the opening of the new building at The Art Gallery Of NSW. Then we are going to have a look at The Rocks Christmas markets. Going to a Christmas market is number one on my December bucket list. So I’m happy that I get to tick this off the list so early. I’m looking forward to a fun weekend and I hope that you have a great one too.

Happy first weekend in December and Happy Friday!

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friday favourites graphic

6 thoughts on “The First Weekend In December”

  1. Have a lovely weekend!! I have a weakness for ornaments and have to physically stop myself from buying more! This week I went to Canadian Tire (like a department store for home goods, automotive, leisure equipment, and tools) and they had so many beautiful things, plus a line they did with Jillian Harris (one of the former Bachelorettes, Canadian, and designer) that was all so cute. But I only bought extra lights and tissue paper so I did okay 😉

  2. Those gingerbread men are so cute… I tend to be the same way about household/ decor items like that too. I am usually pretty decisive about gifts and things for others but rarely for anything I want for myself. Glad you at least get to have 2 of them!

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