currently in December

Currently In December

Hi, friends it’s great to be back today and linking up with Jennifer to talk about what we are currently loving, gifting, wrapping, hoping and attending in December.

Currently In December


Currently, I have really been loving reading all the fun blogs about all things Christmas. And seeing everyone’s beautifully decorated homes! This year I have been struggling to get into the Christmas spirit as it has been one heck of a rough year. But as I have been reading so many inspiring blogs full of Christmas cheer. I am starting to feel a shift in my mood.

Usually, by now our home would be completely decorated. And my lights would all be set up in the front garden. And I would most definitely be well and truly on top of my Christmas shopping. This year things are a whole lot different and I am so behind. But that’s ok, I’m learning to be kind to myself and let some things go. I won’t be setting up my lights in the front garden this year but I will set up our tree (soon). I may not decorate the house from top to bottom like I usually do. But I will do the best I can.

thank you sign for currently in December post

So I guess I really want to take the opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has shared their lovely decorated homes, recipes, gift ideas and list of Christmas movies. I also want to thank everyone who takes the time to read my blog! And a huge thank you to everyone who kindly comments….gosh, you guys encourage me like there’s no tomorrow!!

I have really loved reading the fun Christmas posts and I am so grateful to this most wonderful supportive blogging community. You guys have helped me enormously. I think that otherwise I would have been really tempted to just hide this Christmas. Yep, it’s been a rough year.


gifting currently in December

To be honest I haven’t really started gifting anything yet. We are having our staff Christmas lunch this Saturday and I will be gifting then. But please don’t ask me what I’m gifting because I have no clue!! Sigh……I’m all over the place this Christmas time…ugh!! Anyway, we have a budget of $25.00 for our staff’s Kris Kringle gift and I haven’t bought anything yet. HELP!!


Again, if I was on top of things like a champ then I would be wrapping presents by now. I did go shopping on the weekend and I took advantage of David Jones’s free Christmas wrapping service. I was so stressed about being so behind. So I thought that if I could at least have a few presents ready to go then I would feel better.

My lovely friend has said that she can come shopping with me this Sunday and this has lifted my spirits and given me a big dose of motivation!! So hopefully next week I will pull out all my ninja wrapping skills and get back on track with wrapping my presents while I watch Carols In The Domain.


I am hoping that I can focus on the joy of being surrounded by my beautiful family this Christmas. Aaaaarghhhh!!! Grief is so hard all the time! But at Christmas time it is just ….what’s the word…..I can’t even think of a word! Unbearable, awful, blah! It just sucks!!


I am looking forward to attending our staff Christmas lunch this Saturday. We are going to a lovely fancy restaurant in the city. And I am very excited to be spending time with my lovely work colleagues in a grown-up environment and getting all dressed up.

We spend the whole year up to our eyeballs in messy play, paint, glue, sandpit, waterplay and playdough. So our staff Christmas party is a huge highlight for us!

I am also excited to hopefully attend my church’s Christmas eve carol service. It’s been a couple of years since we had a carol service because of covid. So I am really hoping to be able to attend this year. Carols really speak to my heart and I often find myself all choked up with emotion when I sing.

As a family with South American roots, we always celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. So I know that I will be cutting it fine trying to get to the carol service and be on time for my family event. But where there’s a will……there is always a South American family who thankfully doesn’t always run on time haha!!!

Well lovely friends that wraps up this month’s edition of Currently! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and read. I truly hope that you have the best day and I look forward to being back here on graphic

10 thoughts on “Currently In December”

  1. Sometimes life takes us off our usual path. Give yourself permission to decorate less and embrace all the good feelings you can. In the past, I’ve had Christmas where I’ve had to work hard to feel the spirit. It sounds like your doing great dealing with it. I send you a warm hug across the miles. I pray that 2023 is kinder to you.

  2. Hi Ruth,
    I love that you said you’re trying to be kind to yourself. I’m really trying to work on that too. When I catch myself being too critical of me, I’m trying to remember that I’m a work in progress, and give myself grace. It’s tough!

    I was feeling the same as you this year and couldn’t get into the Christmas spirit. I finally just made myself decorate and I think it really helped.

    I hope you have a blessed Christmas!

    (visiting from Jennifer’s link-up)

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Hi Debbie thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I really appreciate it so much. I finally put my tree up last night and it has really helped me too. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas🎄

  3. Thank you for linking up to us and joining us today! I am so sorry you’ve had such a hard year and time lately. You said it best- grief is surprising and sometimes all encompassing. I’ve walked with my best friend through many losses in her family and I’ve seen it firsthand in her life how it can come out of nowhere. I am so glad to read that this blog community has helped brighten your spirit and with getting you into more of the Christmas mood. I think you’re wise to take it easy on yourself and to let some things go. I am glad to hear you have something fun to look forward to soon with your work party! That will be so much fun. Take care, Ruth!

  4. I have heard so many people saying they are struggling to get into the Christmas spirit this year as well as you. I have felt the same but this week I feel a little festive after watching Christmas movies and seeing lots of Christmas blog posts. Sending love and hugs to you.
    I’ve got almost all of the presents bought and haven’t started on the wrapping, that is a job for next week. x

  5. Aw, I think some years you just struggle more with the holiday spirit and it’s totally fine to do a little less those years. I certainly have in the past. Dealing with grief while trying to be joyous and wanting to celebrate are certainly contradictions and it’s completely understandable that the grief is holding you back. Just know that you won’t always feel this way at Christmas. You certainly seem to have the right attitude and I’m sure you’ll somehow manage to get those things done that need to be done.

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