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A Few Fun Events

Hi friends, I hope you are all well and were able to enjoy a great weekend. They always seem to go by so fast, don’t they? I am happy to report that I am feeling well again. The antibiotics have done their work and my sinus infection is gone. My head feels clear and I no longer need a tissue box stuck to me. Yay!! I felt so much better on Friday and I was super relieved that I didn’t have to miss out on a few fun events that we had planned for the weekend.

A Trophy!

Ha! not a trophy for me but a trophy for my husband. From October to March, he swims with an amateur swim club. This year he won a trophy for the 50m freestyle championship and the presentation night was on Friday night.

A trophy for a few fun events

Because Steve had to work he wasn’t able to go so I went to collect it on his behalf. He was relieved that by Friday evening I was well enough to go to the presentation night. He was just itching to get his trophy home and place it in his special trophy cabinet. Yep, he has a trophy cabinet.

I have never won a trophy in my life and if you know me you’ll know that I am the least sporty or competitive person ever. Steve is the complete opposite, hence the trophy cabinet! Anyway, it was fun collecting it for him.

 Two Birthday Parties on Saturday!

My Uncle’s 80th

Saturday I was so happy to go to my uncle’s 80th birthday lunch. Although we are not blood-related, my uncle’s mum and my grandmother were besties all the way back in the 1930s.  The bonds of friendship have lasted down three generations and now we regard each other as family. He and his lovely wife who I refer to as my aunt have children around my age and we all call each other cousins.

My uncle is such a sweet, kind, and gentle man. So it was really lovely to be with the family and celebrate. My aunt is an amazing cook and so we had a really delicious lunch!

lunch table for a few fun events

We finished off with a really yummy birthday cake filled with caramel and fruit.

birthday cake for a few fun events

My Aunts Birthday

After my uncle’s party, I raced home and quickly changed for the next party which started in the evening. This party was to celebrate another aunt from another side of the family. Again more fun, more food, and more cake! I really should have fasted for three days before so that I could have eaten more!!

A few fun events

This aunty loves to dance and so that’s what we did for most of the night. We danced until my feet were sore and it was such a fun night of salsa and conga lines!! I wish that I had remembered to take more photos.

We stayed until almost everyone except the immediate family had left. We pitched in and did a bit of cleaning up and then didn’t get home until 1.30 am.

Sleepy Sunday

After such a festive Saturday we all just slept in. I got up a bit earlier than everyone else and did a few chores. With such a busy couple of days, I hadn’t done much laundry. So I got onto that because I’m sure you all know that the laundry can quickly snowball into a huge mountain if you miss a couple of days! Here was one of my big piles that needed folding.

washing to fold

We skipped breakfast like we sometimes do on a Sunday and I didn’t make it to church. But we enjoyed lunch together and then Steve went to work. Sam did some school work and I pottered around the house doing a few things.

In the evening I made a beef casserole for Monday night’s dinner.

beef casserole

After a big Sunday lunch, we didn’t feel very hungry for dinner so I just made ham, cheese, and tomato toasties. Yum, a hot toastie is always so good on a cold night!


I am so happy that I made the beef casserole and won’t have to cook on Monday night. I feel like a hero when I am ahead with a meal!!

My meal planning has completely gone out the window! I started off strong this year then life went haywire and now I’m off track. It’s my goal to get back to planning my weekly meals because it does make life so much easier!


That’s All Folks

Well, that wraps up my weekend. Saturday sure was a fun one!! We have two more weeks left of preschool before the winter holidays. But who’s counting? 😉. I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for a brand new week. Thanks for stopping by to have a read, I always appreciate you taking the time to do so!

Happy Monday friends!

Linking up with Sarah and Holly

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6 thoughts on “A Few Fun Events”

  1. So fun! I love that we can celebrate again! I love party food and cake! I’m so glad you are better and you will get your meal planning mojo back.

  2. Our meal planning has done the same thing… just in the last two weeks but still. It sounds like a fun week of parties. We just saw my uncle last night; he moved several years ago to Florida and hadn’t seen him in nearly 6 years. It was so fun to catch up!

  3. This past weekend flew over. I am glad you are feeling better! Hooray!
    Well done to your husband and that trophy looks fantastic. Happy birthday to your uncle, he sounds like a wonderful man and happy birthday to your Aunt too. What a lot of fun.
    I had a mountain of washing to fold today. Ugh! I left it piling up all weekend. x

  4. What a busy and wonderful weekend. Your activities are packed with family and love. Glad you’re feeling better. Sinus infections can really deplete your energy.

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