word of the week

Word Of The Week-Fast

Hi everyone I’m so glad that I can join in this week’s Word Of The Week link-up. My word of the week is FAST. Because this week has just gone by so fast! I think that I have been feeling super conscious of the days flying past because my summer holidays are coming to an end. Waaaaahhhh!! And I’m pretty sure that the working weeks never ever go by as fast as holiday weeks do!

word of the week

End Of The School Holidays

I mean it only feels like a minute ago that I was wishing my work colleagues a happy summer holiday. And now next Friday I will be back at work again. The summer break really did go by so fast! Even Christmas and New Year feel like distant memories now.

Is it just me or does time seem to go faster the older we get? I remember when I was little. Waiting for fun events like birthdays felt like an absolute eternity. I wish for those days back because now I feel like my birthday comes around so soon.

A New Job

I think that a big reason why this week felt like it sped by particularly fast. Is because my younger son Sam got a part-time job and he is so excited. In fact, we were all excited for him! He had been waiting to hear about a job that he interviewed for last week. Monday and Tuesday went past and he hadn’t heard anything so he assumed that he was unsuccessful.

Then on Wednesday, he found out he got the job. After that everything seemed to go by super fast. He had another meeting with the boss Wednesday afternoon. And then three hours of online training on Thursday. The next thing he received his uniform as well as his roster and he started work on Friday! I think all our heads were spinning by the end of the week.

He also got his tax file number in the mail which was really lucky because he needs it now that he is working. He had been told that it could take up to 28 days to arrive in the mail. So I’m glad that it arrived much faster than expected.

I think that we all got caught up in the frenzy that goes along with starting a new job. The excitement of the last few days made the week feel like it sped by even faster than usual. So now I have exactly five more days until term one of preschool begins. And I would really like those five days to go by really slowly! Fingers crossed!!


Word of the Week linky



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5 thoughts on “Word Of The Week-Fast”

  1. I think I have used the word ‘fast’ a few times. You have those times that just speed by and you don’t know where they’ve gone. Time definitely goes faster when you are older, when I was a child school holidays lasted ‘forever.’ Well done for getting the job, I hope he enjoys it. They certainly did move fast in employing him.

  2. Ahh! The last weeks of the summer holidays always seem to whiz over.
    Congrats and well done to Sam with the job.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend and it doesn’t go too quickly x

  3. Holiday weeks definitely go by more quickly and I’m with you on thinking that time goes faster as we get older. Well done to Sam on getting the job. Hope that all has gone well for him with starting his job and that you enjoy your last few days of summer break. #WotW

  4. Time does go faster when you are older. I always find the kid’s school holidays come around fast. I’m sure they took forever to get there when I was at school. That’s great news about your son’s job. It sounds like it did move very quickly. I hope he is enjoying it #WotW

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