hello Monday graphic

Hello Monday

Hi friends it’s time to link up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for stopping by today!

Most of our preschool team kicked off the school holidays with a great night at the Intersection Tavern on Friday night.


wonderful weekend post- dinner table

The food was delicious and so were the apple martinis!

wonderful weekend post - apple martini

The fantastic thing about celebrating where we did was that they not only had half-price cocktails after 8 PM, but they also had a DJ starting at 9. So, we hit the dance floor like there was no one watching (and I sincerely hope no one was watching, haha). It was so much fun, and my Apple Watch congratulated me for exercising so much! Saturday morning, I might have taken a couple of Panadol because, oh my legs!!


Around mid-morning we went for a quick trip to the farmers market. It’s been raining so much there’s a pond in the middle of the park with little ducks swimming around! The same thing happened last year.

wonderful weekend post - park

Lot’s of delicious fresh produce.

wonderful weekend post - markets

Look what I found!! The mandarins I had been searching for! The same stall that sold them last year had them again this year, and they are the sweetest mandarins ever. Last time we went to the market, I bought some from another fruit stall, hoping they would be sweet, but they turned out to be worse than the ones from the supermarket. They were horrible. They’re still in the fridge, and I want them to disappear. I don’t want to eat them, yet I don’t want to throw them away because I hate wasting food. But they really are not nice. Maybe I should bury them in the front garden when nobody is watching.

wonderful weekend post - mandarins

I picked up some nuts to chomp on, along with dried paw paw and dried mango for making granola. Now I need to make sure that I make more granola in the next few days before I eat all the dried fruit; it tastes like candy—yum!

wonderful weekend post - dried fruit and nuts

I chopped up the mushrooms I also bought and cooked them to go with our late Saturday morning breakfast.




Sunday was a lazy day, and our biggest achievement was finishing all the episodes of ‘Attack on Titan’. Now, we only have two movie-length episodes left, and it’s over. I never thought I would enjoy anime so much! Next up, we’re planning to watch Fullmetal Alchemist, which, according to Sam, is just as good.

For dinner, I made roast pork with vegetables and lots of gravy. Steve was home, so he made the crackling, it turned out so crunchy! Whenever I make it, I tend to mess it up and it turns out rubbery. This time, I paid attention to the secret of good crunchy crackling: leave the skin uncovered in the fridge for an hour or so until it dries, then add salt and no oil! Most recipes I’ve searched suggest rubbing oil, but it never worked for me. It’s a mystery.

pork crackling

That wraps up some of the things we got up to this weekend. I just got home from a really lovely day out with my bestie. We shopped, chatted, ate, and shopped some more. I’ll be back sometime this week to tell you all about it. I’m also hoping the days go by slowly so I can savour every minute of the school holidays—fingers crossed!

Take care, and I’ll see you soon.

Happy Monday!

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5 thoughts on “Hello Monday”

  1. Yay for the school holidays and what a great way to start them. It sounds like a really fun evening.
    The farmers market looks great. Mandarins are really hit and miss. I buy the same one’s most weeks and sometimes they are delicious and other times they are awful!
    Your breakfast looks so good. I love fried mushrooms and that pork looks amazing! x

  2. I love your farmer’s markets there- I need to find one here- you are inspiring me Ruth- I cracked up at how your legs were sore from dancing- that must have been a heck of a workout- I would need to take something after too- ha!! 🙂 Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

  3. The food at the work get-together looks good. Now I’m hungry! The farmer’s market looks wonderful too. I love a good farmer’s market. #MMBC

  4. That sounds like such a wonderful start to your break! I love thinking of you all dancing it out on the dance floor. That farmer’s market looks incredible.

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