hello Monday

Relaxing Weekend Recap

Hi friends! It’s great to be back today linking up with Holly and Sarah to share my relaxing weekend recap. Thanks so much for stopping by to have a read!

Friday Night

Last week was my first week back at work and I had a lot of trouble sleeping. My brain was in complete overdrive and buzzing. To top it off, Ā I was also obsessing over the impending alarm and I couldn’t fall asleep. I tossed and turned constantly thinking about how I needed to sleep fast or else I was going to feel tired the whole day and oh no why was I still awake and blah blah blah!

The hot and humid nights didn’t help either. Thankfully our Silvercool sheets kept us much cooler than our regular cotton sheets. They are such a lifesaver! So it wasn’t just the heat that was stopping me from falling asleep. My brain would not shut down! On some days I would finally doze off around 3 am and then the alarm would go off at 6 am. Ugh!

By the time Friday night rolled around, I felt completely exhausted and that night I crashed hard! Waking up on Saturday I felt much more refreshed and so much better. Fingers crossed that this week I won’t be so focused on the darn alarm!

*Update: Last night I fell asleep at 1 am – I’ll take that as a sign that things are improving!


Saturday morning was nice and slow just the way I needed it to be. I caught up with Steve because we are back to mainly communicating by text due to our conflicting work schedules. I enjoyed sipping my coffee slowly, instead of chugging it down. Then I did some blogging, organised my meal plan and placed an online grocery order. I felt like I was winning again instead of playing catch-up!

In the afternoon after Steve went to work, I made a super quick trip to the city. I walked about 15 minutes to the next suburb to catch the train. When I got to the station I was surprised to find a lively Lunar New Year festival in full swing.

Lunar festival- relaxing weekend recap

The whole main street was blocked off and there were people everywhere. I did a quick lap around the food stalls, snapped a few photos, and soaked in a little festive atmosphere before jumping on the train.

Lunar festival-relaxing weekend recap

Lunar festival-relaxing weekend recap

The reason for my quick dash to the city was that I had a $30 reward that I wanted to redeem at Country Road before it expired in the next few days. I knew that I wouldn’t have a chance to get to the shops during the week and there was no way that I wanted to miss out on my reward! But the thing with these reward vouchers is that you can’t buy very much with $30 so it’s easy to get sucked into spending way more.

But I stayed strong and found a cute card and coin wallet that cost $39. So I just added the $9.00 difference and was pleased with myself for not spending much. Go me!

Card wallet- relaxing weekend recap


After church, I went home and made a quick lunch. Finally, Steve, Sam and I sat down to our first meal together all week! Sam is once again very busy with uni and work so we don’t get to see him as much as we did when he was on summer break. He was chatting about his first overseas trip he booked the other day. The half-price deal that was on offer for one day only on Thursday of last week was too good to pass up. So he and two other friends seized the opportunity, booked their tickets and are making plans to head off in late April

As he sat there telling us about all the things he wanted to do in Japan. I had flashbacks to when he was little and would sit in the very same spot at the dining table. Except back then he would talk about Lego and Pokemon. Where did the time go?

I spent the rest of Sunday catching up on this and that. The dream of chore-free weekends is exactly that – a dream! Still, it’s not so bad because I do keep up with the bulk of things during the week. Steve had to go to work for a few hours so I jumped on the computer to do some blogging.

When he came home a little after 8 pm, we opened a bottle of wine called “Sunday”. Very appropriate, no?

wine - relaxing weekend recap

We enjoyed dinner (again the three of us – two meals together in one day. Yay!!)


Then we wrapped up the day with an episode of Vera.

watching TV

All in all, it was a lovely weekend that ended way too fast! How was yours? I hope it was a good one. Thanks so much for being here today – can you believe it’s February?

Have a wonderful Monday.

name graphic

hello Monday graphic






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12 thoughts on “Relaxing Weekend Recap”

  1. It is rotten when you don’t sleep properly! I always feel like that the first week when my youngest returns to college. I hope you get some better sleep soon.
    What fun to stumble across the festival and that is great that Sam got such a good deal for his trip. How exciting! x

  2. I used to have trouble getting to sleep exactly like your description. The more you worry about going to sleep, the harder it is to go to sleep. I hope this week is better for you and you can relax and sleep. #MMBC

  3. The first full week back is always the hardest. I will pray that you wind down earlier. Take a shower to lower your body temp – even just a body shower and don’t wash your hair. Sleep in very little. Use some lavendar shower gel and pillow spray. I also started taking Goli Ashwagandha right before bed and it really helps me!

  4. Glad you got caught up on a few things. That’s neat the Lunar New Year festival was going on while you were there. And cheers to some good wine on Sunday.

  5. Oh I hate when I’m watching the clock and calculating how much sleep I could get if I just feel asleep… now, only to do the same calculations 30-60 minutes later. I started putting a water bottle and lotion bottle in between me and the clock so I can’t see it as easily now (sadly, that doesn’t really work either!). It sounds like you stumbled upon a fun little festival and found a really cute wallet.

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