My Top 10 Sweet Tooth Cravings

Hi friends! It’s time to join the Share Our Lives link-up and chat about sweet tooth cravings! When it comes to cravings, I’ve always considered myself more of a savoury girl. I can tuck into a platter of cheese, olives, salami and crackers like a champ! I am usually more than happy to choose savoury treats over a slice of cake (especially chocolate cake) any day!

But I have to admit, there are a few sweet treats that I can’t resist. Because even this savoury snacker has more than an occasional sugar craving. So, here are my top sweet cravings from someone who’s in denial about being a sweet tooth!

Top 10 Sweet Tooth Cravings

1. Chocolate 

I can’t resist Cadbury hazelnut chocolate or any chocolate that has nuts in it. If I’m going to enjoy some chocolate, it definitely needs to include a nut—whether it’s hazelnut, cashews, or peanuts—yum! But I also have a couple of non-nut chocolates I love and these are Flakes and Cherry Ripes. Oh yes, and I love Dark Chocolate too (with red wine!)

sweet tooth cravings- hazelnut chocolate

2. Créme Caramel

I absolutely love crème caramel, and it’s my go-to dessert whenever I see it on a menu. My aunt, who lived to be 104, gave me a simple recipe for it years ago. I don’t make it often, but I really should because it’s not that hard. In true South American style, the recipe calls for a dash of this and that, but it lacks clear measurements and cooking times, so I always have to take a few chances. It usually turns out delicious, but I often leave it in the oven too long, which makes the consistency not as smooth as I’d like. Figuring out the recipe properly is definitely on my to-do list!

creme caramel for holiday favourites and sweet tooth cravings

3. Creamy Rice Pudding

My mum used to make the best creamy rice pudding (again with the dash of this and that method). I’ve tried to copy it, but I’ve had no luck. Earlier this year, I discovered Wicked Sister Creamy Rice Pudding when I accidentally received a small bag from someone else’s online shopping order. Since we can’t send back wrong orders, I decided to give it a try, and I’m so glad I did!

That order also had a couple of other sweet things, like frozen yoghurt, which we now buy regularly as well. Whoever ordered it had good taste and a serious sweet tooth because everything was so good! Now, I buy rice pudding occasionally as a treat, and it tastes very similar to my mum’s, which is surprising, especially since it’s not homemade.

4. Frozen Yoghurt

Thanks to the online shopping mix up, I also love frozen yoghurt. It’s lighter than ice cream and has just the right amount of sweetness. If I’m going to enjoy something sweet, I definitely like it to be really sweet!

sweet tooth cravings-frozen yoghurt

5. Apple Pie and Ice Cream

This classic combo is pure bliss, whether it’s winter or scorching summer. Who cares about the weather? I can eat apple pie and ice cream any time of the year!

apple pie and ice cream for favourite highlights and sweet tooth cravings

6. Snake Lollies

My favourite ones are from the Natural Confectionary Company because they’re healthy—only kidding, they just taste better than the other brands.

7. Whipped Coffee

Coffee with a thick, creamy layer of whipped goodness on top? Yes, please! I love the combination of strong coffee and the sweet, fluffy texture. So good!

Sweet tooth cravings - Whipped coffee

8. Nougat

It’s almost that time of year when Aldi starts rolling out all their Christmas sweet treats! Any day now, I’ll be able to grab some of that delicious cranberry, pistachio, and cherry nougat. It’s been a long eleven months without it!

sweet tooth cravings - my favourite nougat

9. Iced Doughnuts

I’m all about the strawberry iced doughnuts. I don’t mind the chocolate ones, but nothing beats that pink strawberry glaze! Every time I have something with strawberry flavouring, it makes me feel like a kid again.


10. Strawberries Dipped In Chocolate

Hmmmm, the way the sweet, ripe strawberry bursts in your mouth once you crunch through the layer of Cadbury (it has to be Cadbury) chocolate is just heavenly!

chocolate dipped strawberries for some Friday favourites

And there we have my top 10 sweet tooth cravings! Sticky, sweet, and downright delicious treats that somehow always tempt me, even though I think I’m a savoury girl at heart.

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Linking up with Adrienne, Dara, Jen, Joanne and Sarah.



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6 thoughts on “My Top 10 Sweet Tooth Cravings”

  1. I said Creme brule but yes if Creme caramel is on the menu, I will order it too, although it doesn’t seem that common here. I also used to think I hated rice pudding but as an adult I do enjoy it.

  2. Ohh! Yum, yum! I love chocolate but I’m not so keen on nutty one’s. My fella is a big fan though.
    I don’t think I have never had crème caramel before, I think I need to but I love rice pudding! That is something I always eat when I am feeling under the weather. It’s a nice treat and filling too. x

  3. no, no, no, I’m not reading any more of these sweet posts, I’m craving chocolate so much now. Hot apple pie with ice cream is one of my favourites. I’d never tried chocolate coated strawberries until my daughter got into High School Musical and we made them for her birthday party. I couldn’t believe how yummy they were.

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