My least favourite activities graphic

Least Favourite Activities

Hi friends, it’s time to link up with Adrienne, Dara, Jen, Joanne and Sarah for this month’s edition of Share Our Lives. The topic for August is our least favourite activities. Yep, it’s the perfect chance to get a few things off my chest, have a bit of a vent, and then find my Zen. I’m looking forward to sharing what really makes me groan. Thanks so much for stopping by!

My Least Favourite Activities

Filling The Car With Petrol

I don’t have to deal with this much anymore since I walk everywhere now, and I’m absolutely loving it! But lining up to fill up the car really had a knack for ruining a good day. I know, it sounds a bit dramatic, but honestly, it’s one of my least favourite activities! I don’t like dealing with the fiddly fuel cap, and I get really stressed if the petrol pump isn’t on the right side of where my car is parked.

Another thing that gets to me about the whole petrol station experience is when people seem to take forever to get back to their cars. They pick out snacks, sort out their indecisive kids, take ages to pay, examine their receipts, adjust their sunglasses, check their lipstick, and chat on their phones—all while the line of cars keeps growing. Aaaargh! I know everyone’s busy, but it can feel like forever!


It’s tax time over here, and I tackled this yesterday – phew, now that’s over I don’t have to think about it for another year! Yay!

Setting Passwords

Just take my identity already because I’m done setting and remembering passwords!

Unclogging Drains

Any hair in the drain, even if it’s my own, just makes me gag…ugh! I’ve just turned green.

Going To The Doctors

I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I really dislike and have a strong aversion to seeing the doctor. If I have a health concern, I stress myself out, convincing myself that when I finally walk into the doctor’s office, they’re going to tell me I have three months to live. So what do I do? I put it off, Google (big mistake), and lie awake fearing the worst. Then, I make that dreaded appointment.

Going To The Dentist

I’m not scared…….ok, I’m scared.

Cleaning The Oven

We’ve got a self-cleaning oven… Hallelujah! But I still have to take out the racks, scrub them, and tackle the glass, so it still makes the list of my least favourite activities. The first time I cleaned this oven, I couldn’t remember how to put the glass back, and it just wouldn’t click into place. I may have ended up sitting on the kitchen floor and crying.

Putting Flat-Packed Furniture Together

I was totally ok with this and would knock together anything from Ikea. Until the dreaded Hemnes bed, we got for Sam. It had the most confusing instructions with a gazillion screws. I have never felt so overwhelmed and may have cried over this too. In the end, I MacGyvered a few things together and hoped for the best. So far, it’s still standing, but none of us can figure out what the aluminium stick that keeps falling off is actually for. We just put it back and don’t talk about it.

Cleaning The Cat Litter

Two cats double the…… fun. You thought I was going to say poop didn’t you?

Taking Off Or Putting On The Sandpit Cover At Work

least favourite activity - sanpit cover

Sometimes, I wonder how many times I have done this least favourite activity over all the years I have been working at preschool…lots! It’s a two-person job because it’s heavy, especially if it’s been raining and it always feels kind of icky, so I wear plastic gloves when I have to touch it. Many times, we hear parents say how lucky we are because we get to play all day long and how they wish they had our fun, relaxing jobs. Hmm, that’s not always the case. But I guess it’s the same when I wish I could wear lovely clothes and stylish shoes and sit in a relaxing air-conditioned office. I’m sure office jobs are stressful too.

Packing Away Christmas Decorations

Not only is packing away Christmas decorations one of my least favourite activities, but it’s also a bit of a downer! I absolutely love Christmas, and, like a kid, I look forward to it all year. Once Father’s Day is over in September, out come the decorations in the shops, and I get so excited! But even though I love decorating for Christmas, come January 1st, I usually pack everything away. Because when it’s over, it’s over, and you have to rip it off like a band-aid. Oof, that sounds a bit harsh, doesn’t it?


I used to iron everything–even teatowels. Ha! I must have had rocks in my head. Now, I fold like a champ, and whenever something needs ironing, I pull out my steamer or my cheap Kmart iron and tiny Ikea ironing board. But the steamer usually wins because it’s quick and easy!

I’m sure I’ve forgotten a whole bunch of other least favourite activities, but here are a few that come to mind and it sure feels great to share them. It’s almost like a therapy session!

If you’d like to find out about a few other things that get me ruffled you can read all about my pet peeves and fashion pet peeves too.

I hope you have an amazing week, and may your least favourite activities be few and far between!

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13 thoughts on “Least Favourite Activities”

  1. We have 1 full service station in the town next door that will fill your gas tank for you and 99% of the time I try to time it so I can fill up there as I too hate pumping gas into my car! You have a great list of least favorite activities here and I am the same way with doctors!! I should be but I totally am. I don’t mind going to the dentist though; I don’t love it but I don’t dread it nearly as much as a doctor visit. But good lord these password requirements are going to do me in!

  2. I just realized how much I make my husband do my least favourite activities — dealing with hair and cleaning the oven! But we don’t clean our oven all that often, which is a problem, and it’s not self-cleaning. I also HATE setting passwords — why are there so many hoops to jump through?!?!?

  3. Setting passwords for me isn’t a problem, it’s remembering them which I have issues with. lol
    Ahh! I am the same when it comes to going to the doctors, I always think the worst and Google really doesn’t help!
    Ironing isn’t a thing like it used to be, I remember ironing everything but now I only do if something is really creased. x

  4. I feel the same about most of your least favorites. I love putting up a Christmas tree, but I hate taking it down and putting it away. I hate to iron and rarely do. The same for cleaning the oven. I know we live in the age of conveniences but some things just aren’t fun. #MMBC

  5. A few of these are the same for me too – I hate putting away the Christmas decorations too, our house always looks so sad and empty. I’ve just stopped ironing, if something is truly wrinkly, I will throw it in the dryer for a couple of minutes with a wet sock.
    I do love putting together IKEA furniture though!!

  6. I hate getting gas at Sam’s club. it always seems to take forever and everyone is starring at you. it is always busy like 5 cars deep. and their system is slow. But it is worth saving the 40 cents off a gallon if not more.

  7. Oh my – packing away the Christmas decorations! Totally agree. And that season will be here before we know it!! Ugh. And password management…another ugh!!:)

  8. I hate thinking of new passwords too! I drag my feet putting Christmas decorations away…and when I finally do, I usually leave my house “as is” for a week before putting regular decor back out. Thanks for joining our link up.

  9. There are a lot of my least favourite activities here too! I hate remaking the beds after washing the sheets and duvet covers.
    I’m also relieved when taxes are done too! xx

  10. Many years ago, my sister and I managed to almost get two Ikea storage beds assembled, but without power tools our hands couldn’t hold up to the amount of screws. And yes, many tears were shed as we found ourselves up past midnight trying to assemble the beds. We had guests arriving later that day who would need to sleep in those beds that night! I ended up paying for Ikea to send a man and his son and their power tools and heavy-duty hardware over to finish the job.

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