Some days staying positive can be much easier than other days. You might do all you can to start your morning with a positive frame of mind. Then you find that your first interaction of the day, whether it is with a family member, work colleague, or even a stranger sets you off. Bam! Your positive bubble pops and you feel deflated, annoyed and the whole day is a struggle. So what are some things you can do to avoid this from happening to you? Here are a few tips for how to stay positive. Even on those days when you find yourself surrounded by negativity.
11 Simple Strategies For How To Stay Positive
1. Choose To Be Positive
Positive thinking is a choice. Therefore we can choose to be positive in any given situation or moment. But firstly, we need to rewire our brains and make it a habit to respond in a positive manner whenever we are faced with negative situations or challenges. It is impossible to control everything in our lives and really the only thing we can control is how we choose to respond. We can choose to get down and pessimistic or we can choose to be calm, and optimistic.
2. Limit The Amount Of Negative News In Your Life
Staying up to date with what’s happening is important, but try not to spend too much time on the news via TV, radio, or the internet. These days, scary, attention-grabbing headlines are everywhere and can rattle even the most resilient and positive people.
3. Surround Yourself With Positive And Loving People
Make sure to surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up and bring comfort and joy to your life. Try and minimise contact with those who are always in a bad mood, gossiping about others, or looking at the negative in everything. Negativity is contagious and unfortunately, if you spend any length of time with people who are like this. You will catch their negativity too.
4. Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude has so many benefits. Being grateful makes you feel positive emotions such as happiness. It improves your health and helps you build strong long-lasting relationships. As well as reducing stress and anxiety. You could get into the habit of taking the time each day to stop for a moment and think about the things that you are thankful for. Or you could have a gratitude journal where you jot down daily three things that you are grateful for and why. It is almost impossible to be negative if you have a grateful attitude.
5. Look For The Positive In Life
Life can be challenging and messy. It is very difficult to be positive when you are facing obstacles and problems. However, try and focus on the blessings in disguise no matter how tiny they may be. Do take time to process your thoughts and feelings about the challenges you are facing. Once you have done this then it will be easier to find positive opportunities from these adverse situations.
6. Laugh
If you have had a particularly tough day try and stay positive and upbeat by turning to laughter. It is easier to leave behind the worries of the day when you get lost in humour. You could watch an episode of your favorite comedy. Maybe ring or message a friend who is sure to bring a smile to your face. Laughter is great therapy as it reduces stress and anxiety. It will instantly boost your mood and help you cope better as well as helping to improve your self-esteem!
7. Practice Positive Self Talk
Self-talk refers to the thoughts that are constantly running through your head. If your thoughts are constantly negative then the way you view life will probably be quite pessimistic. However, if you can control the negative self-talk and replace it with motivating and productive self-talk then your confidence will increase making it easier to wipe away any negative feelings. Remember to talk to yourself as you would talk to a friend. With kindness, compassion, and encouragement!
8. Have Something To Look Forward To
Having something to look forward to acts like ammunition to fight against negativity. Thinking about something positive that you are excited about will diffuse the negative effects of a bad day. It’s fun to look forward to big weekend plans. But if you find that you don’t have any then looking forward to something simple is just as beneficial. For example, you could think about having a nice warm bath or shower at the end of the day. Followed by reading a good book or curling up in front of the TV. Think of anything that makes you happy and takes the focus away from any negative vibes.
9. Practice Self Care
Practicing self-care by exercising, eating, and sleeping well will have a huge impact on how you deal with any negative situations that you may come across in your day. It is much easier to think clearly and have a more positive outlook when you are well-rested and not “hangry”.
10. Don’t Take Things Personally
Sometimes people who behave in a controlling, negative manner are in fact feeling anxious, fearful, and insecure themselves. They may be dealing with difficulties in their personal lives or they may even be struggling with health issues. It is so hard not to take their behaviour personally, but it’s important to remind yourself that the way they act towards others is really about them and has nothing to do with you.
11. Be a Good Citizen Online
Stay positive and make a real difference by being a good citizen online, just like you are in real life! Join online conversations with kindness and encouragement. Your uplifting words can change the tone of debates and set a new, positive standard for everyone.
Great internet services, like nbn® Home Fast, keep you connected, but what really matters is how you use them. By bringing respect and positivity to your online interactions, you can improve the online community and support people who often feel unheard or left out. Small acts of kindness online can make a big impact and help everyone feel included. Let’s make the internet a better place together!
In Conclusion
Staying positive takes determination, but it’s totally worth it for your physical and mental health. These 11 strategies will help you shine in a negative world. Plus, staying positive is fantastic for your appearance! With a positive mindset and a beaming smile, you’ll radiate a lovely, glowing energy. Keep smiling and stay bright!
I love #1. Positivity is definitely a choice. It’s howI I stop a bad 5mins from ruining my entire day.