salad for what I eat in a week post

How I Keep Healthy

Hi friends, I am really happy to be linking up with Shay and Erika for this month’s edition of “Let’s Look”. Today we are talking about how we all keep healthy. Thanks so much for stopping by to have a read, I always appreciate each and every one of you! And I am always so grateful for your comments. So let’s jump right in and look at how I keep healthy!

Eat Healthy Food

Thankfully I am not a fussy eater and I can pretty much eat anything. I love food and if I’m not eating, then I will probably be daydreaming about my next meal. Like I’ve said before I try to keep my diet pretty healthy during the weekdays. But then on the weekends, I am more than happy to indulge in some yummy (not so healthy) treats.

During the week I will usually pack myself a salad for my work lunch. Then add some protein like tuna, grilled chicken breast slices, or a boiled egg. I also like to eat avocado and salmon because….hello high cholesterol!!

salad for what I eat in a week post

avocado with Vegemite on toast

I also have a piece of fruit in the mornings at around 11 am. We have a pretty strict healthy eating policy at preschool for the children. So I will always eat a piece of fruit with the kids when they have their morning “fruit break”. Doing this sets a good example for them and it’s healthy for me. Plus they always get very excited when they have the same fruit that I have!! They’re so cute!

For dinner, I like to cook meals (usually from scratch) that will always include either a salad or vegetables.

salad for staying warm and cozy post

meatloaf for June post and how I keep healthy

We don’t eat much take-away food and I am always conscious of nasty hidden additives and preservatives in ready-made sauces etc. That’s not to say that I never buy them because I do. Working full-time means that it’s a good idea to have a plan B. So I will keep a jar of some kind of ready-made sauce in the pantry just in case.

I Keep Company With Good People

I don’t like drama or gossip! So I make sure to stay well away. I have a few very good, kind, and treasured friends. I keep healthy by spending time with these friends, they make me laugh, we have fun, share similar interests, and we can count on each other during the hard times too.

I Have The Necessary Check-Ups

This one is a hard one for me as I DO NOT like going to the doctor. But I do go to get the necessary check-ups and yearly blood tests. Ugh!!!

Self Care

I really try hard to incorporate some self-care into my day. Whether it’s something small like taking time to enjoy a cup of tea, stretch or do some breathing exercises. If I am able to then I really like to set aside some time to indulge in things like doing my nails or spending twenty minutes on the lounge with a face mask on. Self-care is definitely one of my favourite things I do to keep healthy.

manicure for summer holidays post

Stay Active

Working in a preschool means that I am active all day long! Which is a good thing because I don’t go to the gym. I used to do Zumba which I absolutely loved but I don’t anymore because our fun instructors stopped holding the classes about two years ago.

I can’t seem to sit still for very long and I am always doing something around the house. I like to have music playing when I’m doing my chores. If I’m home alone then I like to bust out and do some dance moves while I’m cleaning. Haha, but that’s only if I’m home alone!!

Last term I started walking home from work. But that was only out of necessity because we were down to one car after my husband had an accident. I’m on winter break at the moment but I think that when I go back to work I will make sure to walk there and back more often. It’s a good twenty-five-minute walk and I found that I did enjoy it a lot last term.

Be Sun Smart

I also keep healthy by making sure to wear sun protection. The children at preschool have to wear a hat when they are playing in the playground and so do the staff. I wear a wide-brimmed hat, apply sunscreen and try to remember to wear my sunglasses all year round. I really want to avoid harmful UV light that can lead to nasty things like cataracts and macular degeneration.

Drink Water

I try really hard to make sure that I drink enough water! It’s a challenge and some days I am better at it than others. But I do try!

water for how I stay healthy post

I Brush And Floss

Nothing feels better than a nice fresh mouth with clean teeth. I make sure that I brush morning and night as well as floss daily. Up until last year, I had no cavities and I was very happy with myself. But then a dentist check-up revealed that I had one small cavity…boo!!!


These are some of the things that I do or try to do to keep healthy. I’m sure that I could do plenty more. There is always room for improvement and I look forward to hearing any suggestions or comments. I really hope you have a great day and stay healthy! 😊


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2 thoughts on “How I Keep Healthy”

  1. I like the idea that your preschool sets a culture of healthy habits — that is great!
    Like you, I prefer to eat at home so we don’t have “additions” to our food that we are unaware of.
    Keep walking to work if you can!! It’s a great way to get in some steps while doing something necessary. I would love to have that option 🙂

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