Friday Favourites

Hi friends, and happy Friday! It’s time to link up with Andrea and Erika for some Friday favourites. I’m so glad you’re here!

On Monday, I blogged about my Sunday reset routine, so I didn’t get around to sharing about our weekend. Here are a few pics from our Cousin Connect dinner on Saturday.

Let’s eat!


I snapped a pic before we all sat down. This month, it was my turn to host. Since a few cousins couldn’t make it, we managed to fit around the table in my small dining room. I added Sam’s old Ikea table—the one he used as a desk before he bought a height-adjustable, ergonomic one. I threw a white tablecloth over it, and voilà—extra seating! When you live in a small space, you need to get creative.

It’s 2025, so it’s time for the cousins to try a new game! I ordered Taboo from Amazon and thought it would be fun to switch things up from our usual board game.

I played it years ago with friends, so I knew it would be fun. It’s simple, with easy-to-follow rules—perfect for me because games that involve too much strategy and complicated instructions make me feel the same way I do when I open flat-packed furniture.

It was a hit with everyone — so many laughs!

board game

The leftovers from our cheese board made the perfect Sunday snack.


Another favourite this week was a spur-of-the-moment trip to Ikea after work on Wednesday. It was so quiet—nothing like the weekend crowds.


Steve wanted to get a frame for a Father’s Day card our oldest son had drawn for him. He’d been meaning to frame it for ages.


While we were there, we also looked at dining tables because we’d love to upgrade to a bigger one—it’s not an urgent need, but it’s definitely on our wish list.

When we bought our furniture ages ago, I chose darker colors, but now I’m leaning toward something lighter. The dilemma is whether it will go with everything else. I’m not a fan of everything matching exactly, but I also don’t want things to clash.

This oak coloured one extends, which is what we’re looking for.

dining tables

But I think the white table would look better. No rush, though—we’ll keep looking, and I’m excited for more Ikea trips until we decide. Haha, not sure Steve’s as keen as I am—he’s not the biggest fan of Ikea shopping. He prefers to get in and out as quickly as possible, while I love to take my time and wander around.

white table

Then, on Thursday, we did something a bit different and went out for cocktails in the evening. There’s a nice rooftop bar not far from where we live called Above 8.

Soaking up the last of the hot weather—still feeling very much like summer over here.


Nice views as the sun went down and the city lights came on.

A couple of weeks ago, I picked up some T-shirts and a pair of shorts from Uniqlo. Perfect for work, and they were 50% off since it’s the end of the season. The shorts are just the right length—not too short—and I love the neutral colours. Neutrals are my favourite!


I wore the white T-shirt to work this week. Wearing white to work is always risky, but yay— no paint stains when I got home!

white t-shirt

Speaking of work, there’s always something to laugh about, even on the most unfunny days. I had the camera in my hand and managed to catch this little guy sticking half his body in our pretend pizza oven…..interesting.

And that sums up a few favourite and funny moments from my week. Never a dull moment! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and if you’re enjoying the last days of hot weather like me (it’s 32ºC today), keep cool. If it’s still cold where you are, stay cozy and remember—warmer weather is on its way!

Happy Friday!

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Friday favourites graphic

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