February Fun – What’s Up Wednesday

Hi friends and welcome to the February edition of What’s Up Wednesday. It’s time to share a little of what we have been up to during our fun February. It’s the last month of summer and we’ve soaked it up big time! So let’s jump right in shall we?


On the menu this week

Monday – Chicken casserole and rice

Tuesday – Spinach pie with leftovers from Monday night

Wednesday – Teriyaki salmon with Asian salad

Thursday – Chilli con carne

Friday – Spiced mango chicken with veggies

Saturday – Pesto pasta

Sunday –  Chicken schnitzel with roast potatoes, veggies and lots of gravy


I think that I’m reminiscing about how quickly time flies! It’s March next week and it only feels as if we had Christmas about five minutes ago! I can’t help but reflect on all the fun we had during the summer school holidays, and now here we are, already five weeks into the new school year.


I’m still loving the hot weather and I know it won’t be long before the seasons change and it will be our turn for some cold weather.


February has been all about getting back into routine. I went back to work after the long summer break, Sam started back at uni and he is now in his second year studying for a Bachelor of Nursing. Steve just kept ploughing through the busiest time in the hospitality industry. I guess you could say that we are well and truly back into the swing of things.

I’ve adjusted my meal planning routine and it’s working great. I meal plan and online grocery shop on a Saturday morning and I’m hoping that because I am enjoying this. I will keep it up and not fall off the meal-planning train halfway through the year as I usually tend to do. Goals!!

Along with the usual work-related stuff we have also enjoyed some fun times and I’m back to looking forward to the weekends. This is something I try not to do because I really want to be grateful and enjoy the little sprinkles of joy every day. But I still count down to Fridays! Can you see a big contradiction here? haha!

Some of the fun February moments we have been up to include-

Our monthly Cousin Connect dinner.

Family dinner-weekend birthday fun

Valentine’s Day treats

Prawns, oysters and Prosecco

Celebrating my birthday with a nice family lunch in the city at the old Fortune of War pub.

Fortune of War in The Rocks

fish and chip lunch

Dinner and games night with friends

fun busy weekend - Cranium game


Our preschool received the news that all the staff have been waiting for since last year. We are going to be assessed and rated next month. In NSW preschools, assessment and rating are all about ensuring top-notch quality! Preschools are evaluated on their educational programs, safety measures, staff qualifications, and management practices.

After the assessment, preschools receive ratings, ranging from ‘Exceeding National Quality Standard’ to ‘Significant Improvement Required’. We have always received an Exceeding Rating which is fantastic but it’s no fun being observed by the department for two whole days. So I’m already dreading it and feeling nervous knots in my stomach. All the team are, and we can’t wait until it’s over!


Do you remember the British boy band from the 90s called FIVE? They had fun hits like “When The Lights Go Out” and “Everybody Get Up”. Well, they are coming to Sydney to perform the second weekend in March and Steve and I are going to see them. Over the years the five band members have disbanded and then reunited. Now the band is made up of three members but it’s still called five. Which I think is kind of funny but maybe that’s just me. Anyway, I’m excited to go and see them perform and it should be a great night reliving my 30s.


I’ve been really getting into European shows lately. One of my recent finds on SBS Australia is ‘The Shift,’ a Danish series set in a maternity ward. It’s a great show full of interesting characters and engaging plots without too much drama. I used to love shows full of action, and adventure with a good dose of drama. But my preferences have shifted and lately, I prefer less drama and more good storytelling. I’m excited to hear they’re making another season and this time it will be set in a pediatric ward with new characters as well as some old favourites.  I think European shows offer a fresh perspective and they are different from what I’m used to so it’s been a nice change.


My older cat snoring! She is twelve years old and has had a hard time adjusting to our new kitten, Mochi who is just like a toddler who can’t keep her hands to herself. She is constantly invading Sushi’s space and loves to jump all over her and annoy her! I think Sushi gets exhausted from so much hyperactivity around her. So now she’s enjoying some quiet time here in the office/garage as I type away. She is peacefully sleeping and snoring so loudly!


I’m still wearing lots of summer clothes but I can feel that it’s beginning to cool down a little in the mornings and evenings. But having said that, tomorrow we have temperatures forecast to reach as high as 38ºC. We are definitely on the brink of transitioning into Autumn and the weather is going to be all over the place again until the cold weather sets in. Hmmm, I’m not a fan of the cold!

On the upside, I guess cooler weather means I get to wear my favourite pair of comfortable Levi’s jeans that I’ve had for 18 years!

February fun wearing Levi's jeans


We have been discussing the possibility of going on a big overseas trip with some from our cousin group. However, if we do decide to go, it won’t be until January next year so I don’t want to jinx anything by saying too much. If we do move forward with our big plan then I think we’ll start making concrete arrangements next month.

I get all giddy and excited when I think about it, along with a sick feeling in my stomach because it means I will have to get on a plane. Not just one plane but several planes! Shudder!! Anyway, pretend I never said anything just in case it doesn’t pan out (which it will because – positive vibes only!).


That just about wraps up some of the things we have been up to in our little corner of the world during February. I hope you guys had a great month and I hope March is even better! Thanks so much for being here today and I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.

name graphic

Linking up with Sheaffer and Shay



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5 thoughts on “February Fun – What’s Up Wednesday”

  1. Thinking of you as your observation happens at work. That’s so great that you’ve always had such an amazing rating! And I hope the cousins trip happens. That’s a REALLY fun thing to plan!!!

  2. I had to laugh at your back and forth in the last paragraph!

    The assessment does not sound like fun, but I’m sure you and your colleagues will excel. Plus the new white walls should give you extra points 😉

  3. Your meal plan sounds so good! I love the sound of the mango chicken.
    This year is flying over, despite January really dragging. It sounds like you have got back into a good routine.
    Good luck with the preschool assessment.
    Ahh! I remember Five!! I didn’t even know they had got back together, let alone touring. lol but saying that a lot of the 90’s boy and girl bands have got back together to tour over the last year.
    It is still feeling like winter here, we have the odd spring like day but today is just grey and gloomy. hmmf. x

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