everyday life updates

Everyday Life Updates

Hey, friends welcome back to this month’s edition of ‘What’s Up Wednesday’. I’m excited to be joining this monthly link-up with Shay where we are sharing some everyday life updates. We are going to chat about fun things like what we are eating, watching, wearing, and doing. As well as a whole lot of other bits and pieces of our everyday lives. So grab a cup of something delicious and let’s get going!


Monday- Dinner at my aunt’s house

Tuesday-Meatballs, mashed potato and veggies

Wednesday- leftovers for Sam. Steve and I are going out for dinner.

Thursday- Pan-fried fish with chips and salad

Friday- Dinner at my aunt’s house for our monthly ‘cousin connect’

Saturday-Roast lamb, potato wedges and salad

Sunday- Leftover lamb in wraps with salad


As the days have been getting shorter and the weather is starting to cool down, I find myself reminiscing about those long, lazy summer days. The days are still quite warm but I know that soon enough I will be looking for warm sunny spots to sit in the preschool yard during outdoor playtime.

But I have to remember that Australia doesn’t get unbearably cold in winter compared to other countries. So this means that there are still plenty of opportunities to get out and about. Having just typed this I still firmly believe that 14°C is freezing!!! I guess it just comes down to what your body is used to.


As a homebody, I love stepping through the door after a long day at work. There’s just nothing quite like the comfort of being at home. But before I can truly relax, I always do a few chores around the house. Then once I’m done and dinner is cooked, I can finally settle in and enjoy the cozy comforts of being at home.

candles for enjoying the little things and everday life updates

I love to light some candles and put on some soft music to create a relaxing atmosphere, and if I can manage to stay awake then I might even catch up on some TV shows. I always like to make sure that I complete some everyday household tasks first though. Because that way they won’t pile up for the weekend. And I have discovered that once I’ve taken care of my chores and feel like I’m on top of things then I can truly relax because these tasks are no longer playing on my mind.


Steve and I have been busy with work and Sam has been busy with work and studies. But we have also managed to sprinkle in a few fun events which is really nice. Because we don’t want to be all work and no play.

beautiful sunset for favourite moments of the week

In March we enjoyed beautiful views when we went out for dinner.

dinner with friends for everday life updates post

Fun times with friends enjoying yummy food.

summery cocktails for everyday life updates post

And some bright summery cocktails. It’s been a great month!


Nothing that’s coming up next month thankfully


The upcoming school holidays!  It’s been a challenging term working to settle some of the little ones into preschool. I honestly think that this year might just be one of the most challenging years ever and I have been doing this for a whole lot of years!

Anyway, I am so happy that the school holidays are just around the corner. And I’m looking forward to a well-deserved break and spending time with family and friends. I’m excited to come back to preschool with a fresh perspective and renewed energy. Yep, it’s been quite a term!


I’m still watching Blue Bloods at a snail’s pace. Steve and I always like to have a show that we watch together and we picked Blue Bloods. However, the trouble is Steve works such crazy long hours so this means that we don’t get many chances to watch it.

I started watching a Netflix mini-series called ‘Safe’ and I’m really enjoying it. I’m planning on watching the last episode tonight. After finishing ‘The Last Of us’ recently, Sam is now keen to watch ‘The Walking Dead’ with me. I didn’t think that I would ever enjoy watching shows about zombies. But the first episode was really good and I liked it way more than I thought I would.


Right, this minute I’m listening to the dryer. It’s been a bit rainy and humid this week so it’s almost impossible to get the washing to dry properly. I usually try to hang the washing on the line as much as possible when the weather is good.


I’m still wearing summer clothes and I’m loving it!


I’m really looking forward to our scheduled monthly family ‘ cousin connect’ dinner and this time my aunt is hosting. Apart from that, we have nothing else planned. I have been having so much trouble sleeping lately. And I seem to get hot and sweaty one minute then I’m freezing the next. Could be to do with you know…..ahem….hormones ugh! So I hope that I am able to get some good rest and sleep this weekend.


As I mentioned before, I’m excited that it will be the school holidays. So I’m looking forward to a few fun outings. We are also in the process of planning some Easter festivities as a family. Oh yes, I nearly forgot. Steve and I are planning to get away on a mini staycation to Manly. I’m excited to visit a few bars, cafes and restaurants in that lovely beachside suburb. Fingers crossed that the weather is still warm in a couple of weeks.

So I guess that wraps up a few everyday life updates. Thank you so much for joining me today and I really hope that you have the best Wednesday. I look forward to being back here tomorrow for ‘Monthly Musings’. See ya!

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Here is my Monday post in case you missed it.


10 thoughts on “Everyday Life Updates”

  1. Great meal plan! How lovely to be going out to eat so much.
    Ahh! We are just going into the longer days but no real sunshine yet. Hmmf. In fact it’s been raining for most of the week.
    You have to watch The Walking Dead, it is such a fantastic show. I am not a fan of anything gory but it really enjoyed it. x

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      I remember you saying that you really enjoyed it! That’s one of the reasons why I agreed to watch it 🙂

  2. Yay! Can’t wait to catch up with you during the Easter holiday break Ruth and you know what we’ll be doing right?! 😉

  3. I feel like 14C would be lovely right now! Of course, it’s snowing and -9C with wind chill right now. Brrrr. Where are you spring? And I love the idea of a “cousin connect” dinner. I should implement that.

  4. NIce that you have your little trip to Manly to look forward to. I’m sure it will be warm enough! “14 degrees is freezing,” hahah!! If only we could get up to 14 for our Spring weather 🙂

  5. Lovely life update Ruth. I can so relate to the candles at home and chilling out, I’m such a home bird too! I love it after a busy day.
    We’ve just finished The Last Of Us and we absolutely loved it! The Walking Dead is another good one so you will definitely like that.
    I hope you had a lovely time at your aunt’s house and enjoyed catching up with your family.
    Also hope you have the best time with your hubby in Manly. Sounds like a lovely break to look forward to. 🙂 xx

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