
Birthday Week

Happy Friday friends! It’s that glorious time of the week again when we can take a deep breath and finally welcome the weekend. I am so excited that the weekend is finally here. Probably because It has felt like such an incredibly long week! We hit the ‘week three blues’ at preschool. The new children have now realised that saying goodbye to mum and staying to play is not as exciting as it was in week one. Sigh! Anyway, I decided to call this week ‘birthday week’ because it’s my birthday this Saturday. And to celebrate I decided to try and remember to treat myself every day. It’s been so good that I may carry ‘birthday week’ into next week!

Today I am linking up with Andrea and Erika to share a few highlights from ‘birthday week’. Thank you so much for stopping by today. And I really hope that you all had a great week. But I’m pretty sure that if you are like me. Then you are super thankful for the weekend. So let’s jump right in with my first favourite for birthday week.

Spend And Save

It was ‘Spend and Save’ at my favourite clothing store Country Road. This was a week-long promotion where if you spent over a certain amount then you saved by getting a discount. I’m pretty sure that if I hadn’t spent at all I would have definitely saved. But hey it was birthday week! So I just had to treat myself. I bought a chocolate-coloured top, a black sleeveless top, a pair of black pants and a cute cap. Can you tell I like dark colours?

Country Road clothes for birthday week


In my front garden, I noticed the flowers facing the sun that I planted in the spring blooming beautifully. While the ones that are in the shade are really struggling. It made me think of how important sunlight is and how we all need a bit of it to thrive!

flowers in the garden for birthday week

These look nice and healthy!

flowers in the garden for birthday week

flowers in the garden

Look at these poor guys. You would never think that they were planted at the same time as the others!

Fruit And Veggies!

I have been really excited about eating a wider variety of fruit and vegetables. I think that my visit to the farmers market on the weekend inspired me! On Monday, I roasted some capsicum and eggplant.


roast capsicum

I packed myself the most delicious sandwich with Turkish bread, ham, cheese, eggplant and capsicum. And I toasted it for lunch at work on Tuesday. It was so good!!

toasted sandwich for birthday week

Drivers’ License

Sam passed his driver’s license test on Wednesday!! So we can finally say bye-bye to these.

L plates

And hello to these!

P plates

Dinner Date

Steve and I went out for dinner on Wednesday and we had a fabulous dinner for birthday week. He’s working on Saturday when it’s my actual birthday. So Wednesday night was our own date night celebration.

We had Alaskan king crab and prawn stack as well as bruschetta for entrees.

crab and avocado mousse

bruschetta for birthday week

Then for mains, Steve had the steak and I had a huge half lobster mornay with chips and salad. It’s so funny how almost every time we go out I always end up with the biggest meal! Hehe.

steak for birthday week

lobster mornay for birthday week

A Dessert Bar

Afterwards, we went to a dessert bar where we saw a big strawberry chocolate fountain.

strawberry chocolate fountain for birthday week

We were so full from dinner but we still had some room for dessert. We decided to order a sharing plate because there was no way that either of us would be able to finish a whole dessert on our own.

dessert for birthday week


I was walking home on Thursday and I stopped off at 7-Eleven to buy myself a treat for birthday week. I bought a Coke in a glass bottle because I honestly think that it tastes better that way. We hardly ever buy coke and if we do we usually just get the bigger size that comes in a plastic bottle. But I’m convinced that Coke always tastes better from a glass bottle.

coke in a bottle for birthday week


My Friday birthday treat was some doughnuts with fun sprinkles! Strawberry-flavoured anything is my favourite!! It brings back all kinds of nostalgic memories from my childhood. My mum would sometimes treat me to a strawberry milkshake and I remember blowing into the straw to make bubbles until they almost spilled out down the sides of the cup. Ha! those were the days!!

doughnuts for birthday week

Valentine’s Card

Oh yes and I nearly forgot that it was Valentine’s Day on Tuesday. Valentine’s Day is not really a huge deal here in Australia but it was nice to get a sweet card from my husband.

In the end ‘birthday week’ has been a real blast. It’s amazing how taking the time to celebrate yourself can lift your spirits! I am really grateful for all the moments that made this week pretty special. I hope you all have an amazing weekend and I look forward to being back here on Monday!

Happy Friday!

name graphic

Previous Posts

In case you missed some posts from earlier this week.

On Monday we talked aboutΒ ‘House Rules’. And I shared some of our rules that give our family structure and stability so we can enjoy our home life.

On Tuesday it was all about ‘ Teaching Children About Sustainability‘. And how important it is to teach our future generation to care for our precious earth.


friday favourites graphic




17 thoughts on “Birthday Week”

  1. What a great birthday week! Happy birthday to you, my friend. I’m so glad you had a wonderful time celebrating…I like to do that same thing on my own birthday to stretch it out. Your dinner looked amazing, and so did that share plate for dessert. I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Ahh! Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! You do right celebrating every day and treating yourself.
    Your flowers are looking fab, one side of our garden gets no sun at all because of the tall fence which is a real shame.
    That sandwich looks amazing!
    Well done to Sam for passing his driving test. My eldest is still plodding on with her lessons.
    Coke does taste better from a glass bottle than plastic but we rarely get them as they’re so expensive. x

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday week! I’ve started making my birthday celebrations last a bit longer too and I’m often heard saying “but it’s my birthday!” long after it has passed. LOL. All that food looks so yummy. Congrats to your son on his license!

  4. I have never heard bell peppers referred to as “capsicum” before! That must truly be an Australian thing πŸ™‚ Not even the Brits call it that, do they?
    Your birthday treats all look so good, I am all for celebrating your birthday for longer than one day.

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Really! That’s so funny! Yeah, we call them capsicums. I’ll have to google what the Brits call them.

  5. Happy Birthday beautiful sexy Ruth!! It’s 21 all over again isn’t Ruth?! πŸ˜‰ Love the clothes you bought. I hope you will model it in your next post. Glad you spoiled yourself rotten cause you deserve it 😍

    Congratulations Sam on passing your driving test πŸŽ‰

      1. Happy birthday Lil Ruth!!! Looking forward to celebrating with you soon! Your meals always look so yummy! Think maybe the lobster dish should be my next to try. Congratulations to Sam on getting his Ps.

        1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

          Thank you Lil Dorianne. So good to see you today and I’m excited to continue celebrating. Hey, let’s just make the rest of this month-Birthday Month!πŸ˜‚

  6. What a lovely birthday week with so much delicious food. I Love lobster and your doughnuts looks tasty. Congrats to Sam for passing his driving test.

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