Hi, friends what a week we just had! It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions and now I’m beat!! It’s Friday afternoon and I am exhausted so I’m going to take the afternoon and evening to process this past week, get a grip and try and regroup. I don’t have a bunch of favourites this week. All I have is two big events that made a huge impact on me.
Queen Elizabeth II Funeral
Along with most of the world, I watched Her Majesty’s funeral on Monday. It was so beautifully done and I was so amazed at the precision and attention to every detail. It was a sad and solemn occasion and my heart goes out to her family during this very difficult time. Whether you are royalty or not it doesn’t matter when it comes to grief.
Last Times
This week has been all about the end of things and I’m struggling! Do you ever stop and think about the last time that you ever did something or something significant happened? I know that I have been doing a lot of wondering about this in the past few days.
I wonder when was the last time that I had to get up to comfort one of my boys during the night when they were little. When was the last time that they came bounding into our bedroom at some ungodly hour full of beans and jumped all over my sleepy head, When was the last time that I was actually able to lift them and carry them in my arms? When?? I just can’t remember.
But this week I do know that Thursday night was the last time that I had to wash Sam’s uniform. I also know that Thursday morning was the last time that I ever had to make him his school lunch. And it was the last time that I ever had to wake him up and maybe nag him just a little to get him out of bed.
Last times……I’m not very good when it comes to last times. sigh!
Sam’s Graduation
The morning just went by so fast and it was all a bit of a blur. I was making sure we were at school on time. And I didn’t even get a photo of Sam with Steve and me. I was just too busy snapping photos of Sam.
As soon as his year 12 class filed into the school auditorium for the last time I felt the tears welling up. My heart was just bursting with pride, joy, sadness, excitement, happiness, and more sadness. How did this little boy of mine grow up so fast?

We are so thankful for our little Sam as we affectionately call him. Our Sam is such a good egg! (that’s another one of his nicknames ‘the egg’ haha) I love that we have great chats together. He really values good conversations and sometimes we can spend ages talking about anything. He makes me laugh as he has such a wonderful sense of humour. He’s the type of guy that can be pretty quiet sometimes in social gatherings and then he will come out with a funny one-liner. And he has everyone practically everyone on the floor in stitches.
Sam is kind and helpful, always willing to lend a hand in any situation. He is also sweet and affectionate. This year has been tough for us and he is always so tuned in to how his loved ones around him are feeling. He can sense when I’m feeling sad because I’m missing my own mum. “Hey, mum” he will say ” Do you need a hug?”. He gives great big warm hugs.
The Future
We are happy for our little Sam. He is just so excited for his future and is keen and ready to get out there and do life. I on the other hand want to rewind the clock to 2004 when he was born. I remember holding him and cradling his little coconut-sized head in the hospital and wishing for that moment to last forever. Forever just isn’t long enough.
Sam still has to do his HSC exam which begins in a couple of weeks. Then the final event will be his school formal. So there are still some more school things to get done but today was the graduation ceremony. Where we all came together to celebrate the end of school life. Thankfully Sam has been offered early entry into university in a couple of courses. Now he just has to decide which one is best for him.

Never has this saying felt more true than it did today
“The days are long but the years are short”
Linking up with Andrea and Erika for today’s Friday Favourites post
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Congratulations to your handsome Sam on his graduation! I am not great at lasts either and I always wonder to myself when it will be the last time of something. I think that in doing that, it helps us to enjoy all of the moments in between. It’s hard, being a mom! Letting go is never for the faint of heart.
Thanks Jennifer. It sure is hard being a mum !!
Wow! It has been quite the week for you.
The Queens funeral was so sad but it was such a beautiful send off for an amazing lady.
It is sad that we do those things for the last time with our children without realising it was the last time. What a big day for Sam. You must have been so proud. Congratulations to him and his class. He sounds like a wonderful young man. x
Thanks so much Kim xx
Aw, what wonderful big emotions though! It’s pretty exciting to see the end of high school and the start of “adult” life. (My oldest son was also born in 2004 but with schooling here in the states graduation typically happens in June; though we are quite atypical since we homeschooled and he graduated early last December). Best of luck to your son in whatever he chooses to do.
Thank you so much Joanne 😊
“The days are long but the years are short”. This is so very true! I wish my boys would stop growing up so fast, it makes me sad.
Congratulations to Sam, he sounds like a lovely young man. Wishing him all the very best in whatever he chooses to do next.
Aw, Her Majesty’s funeral was so very emotional wasn’t it?! Very sad times.
Sending you lots of love and the biggest hug as you miss your mum. Hope you are OK. xx
Thank you so much Jayne xxx
Aw, you have me tearing up over here at your little boy being all grown up. I know it will all come so quickly for me too. I like that you call him a good egg, that is an apt description for my older son too.
Have a good week!
Thanks, Sarah. Sure is tough on the old heartstrings. Hope you have a great week too.
I have so many of those last moments now, sometimes I just want to grab them all back. But I always try to look at what is to come, life always has more to offer. I wish your Sam all the very best for his shiny new future.
Thank you so much, Anne xx 😊