Hello Monday graphic

Hello Monday

Hi friends it’s great to be back for Hello Monday with Holly and Sarah. I’m excited to kick off a brand new week after a relaxing weekend. Last week, I must admit, wasn’t my favourite. So I was more than happy to say ‘Adios’ and see the end of it! That’s one of the things I love about Mondays – they bring us the opportunity for fresh beginnings!

Anyway, thanks so much for being here today as I update you on a couple of things. As well as share a bit about what I got up to over the weekend.

Appointment With The Orthopedic Surgeon

orthopedic surgeon-a new week post

Last Wednesday we went to see the orthopedic surgeon about Steve’s foot. We weren’t surprised when the surgeon recommended a bone fusion for Steve’s right foot. As I have shared with you guys before, poor Steve has been dealing with severe osteoarthritis for years, and the pain has been his constant companion.

While the surgeon’s recommendation wasn’t unexpected, it’s still a bit of a shock to have this reality looming on the horizon. It’s going to be a long recovery process and this means Steve will be off from work for months. On the plus side, the surgeon is confident that the surgery will finally relieve Steve from the constant pain he’s been enduring for years…Amen!!

Website Problems!!

My website is still experiencing issues and the images on the home page appear stretched and distorted. The good news is that at least I’ve regained access to my site. Last Friday I was locked out for security reasons ??? That meant that I was very late posting my Friday favourites, at one stage I thought that I wasn’t even going to be able to do that. The mysteries of the technical side of blogging…ugh!

On A Brighter Note

That’s a couple of updates and now onto some fun things that happened over the weekend. My aunt came home from her overseas trip on Friday morning. So I invited her and three of my cousins for a very last-minute dinner.

dinner-a new week post

I was so excited to see her and my cousins that I brushed off my Friday night fatigue.  I also threw my frustrations at my website not working aside and I raced home after work to prepare dinner. I made turkey bolognese, garlic bread and pizza. My aunt brought a big salad and my cousins brought some doughnuts for dessert.

donuts for a new week post

I laughed when I saw the name on the box. Mochi! Just like our new kitten. It was a total coincidence as none of my cousins knew about our new family member.


Saturday afternoon I went to pick up my new glasses from Specsavers. I’m so happy with both the reading glasses and the sunglasses for distance. They fitted perfectly and didn’t even need any adjusting. I also love the colour of the case for the reading glasses as I’m pretty sure I’ll have a hard time losing them with a bright yellow colour like that!


I went for a wander around the shops and even though I loved looking at the Christmas decorations in TK Maxx. I felt a real pang of sadness come over me as I remembered all the special times when my mum and I would go shopping to look at Christmas decorations. I miss my mumma.

Christmas decorations

In the evening I started watching Hallmark Christmas movies on Amazon Prime. They are all old ones but I don’t have the Hallmark channel and I don’t even know if I can access it over here at all. So far I’ve watched five Christmas movies, they are all so predictable but oh so good!

Christmas movies

I also hung out with this crazy girl.

kitten for a new week post

We both snuggled under a blanket because it was so cold! Don’t worry we have also been giving Sushi lots of extra attention and cuddles. We need to make sure she knows we love her and make up for the fact that Mochi is a total nutcase and won’t play nice yet.


Sunday I went to church in the morning and then when I came home I made granola.

granola for a new week post

Then all I did was plonk myself on the couch for the rest of the day to watch more Hallmark movies and a couple of other shows.

My friend sent me this and I am so excited to go!

Danish Christmas markets

In 2021 COVID ruined everything and the markets got cancelled. Last year we missed it because we had a fun wedding to go to. So this year we are excited to go and check out all the cute Danish Christmas ornaments and eat some traditional Danish food.

That just about wraps up some of my weekend highlights. Tomorrow it’s Halloween and I’m excited to go trick-or-treating with my younger cousins. I’ve got my costume all ready and I can hardly wait. I love this time of the year so much!

Have an amazing day and I look forward to being back here on Wednesday!

See ya!

name graphic


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11 thoughts on “Hello Monday”

  1. So sorry to hear he has to have surgery but yay for finally being pain free! That sounds like a delicious dinner you pulled together and a lovely way to kick off the weekend.

  2. Poor Steve, the surgery sounds worth it to free him from pain.
    Eek to the blog issues, what a worry to be locked out of your site. I think I would have cried.
    It sounds like you had a lovely time with your family. The food looks so good.
    I don’t think we get the Hallmark channel over here either but we do have a channel which shows lots of cheesy xmas movies. I am waiting until November to start watching.
    Here’s to a new week! I hope it’s a good one for you. x

  3. A Danish Christmas Market sounds like so much fun! I hope you’ll share lots of photos. Sorry to hear about your visit to the surgeon but sounds like the surgery will take care of the pain he’s had for so long. I know just you feel about missing your Mum. My Mum and I would browse around the decorations for ages and our holidays were always so special. Ugh, it never gets any easier. Hugs to you. xoxo

  4. I hope Steve’s surgery brings him some relief. It’s going to be hard dealing with the after op. care though. We don’t have Danish Markets here, it’s German Christmas Market! Ours start next week and I’m supposed to be meeting up with some friends. I haven’t been for years, the last time I was in my wheelchair six years ago and I was a little put off by the crowds. I love how close your family is and your get togethers sound like such fun. I don’t talk to any of my family apart from one of my brothers, it’s quite sad really because years ago we used to have big family get togethers too. I miss my Mum and My Nan they really knew how to celebrate xx

  5. Glad to hear Steve’s appointment went well. At least when the stress of the surgery is out of the way, he can look forward to being pain-free.
    Lovely to hear that you enjoyed some family time with your aunt and cousins, the food looks amazing!
    I’ve got so many Christmas movies lined up on my to-watch list haha! I love them all.
    I miss my nan and grandad who loved Christmas so much. Sending big hugs and lots of love as you remember your lovely mum. She will always be with you. xxx

  6. Hopefully the surgery will go well! I don’t celebrate Christmas but the markets sound so cool to check out. Too bad we don’t have any nearby!

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