August 2024

Friday favourites

Friday Favourites

Hey everyone! I’m so happy to welcome Friday back today—are you the same? It always feels like Friday is an eternity away when the alarm goes off on Monday morning, but then the week flies by so fast! And here we are again, ready to share a recap of the week and some favourites that make life más bueno. Thanks so much for being here! It’s always a great start to the week when our favourite casual teacher comes to work—and it’s not just because she brings us snacks! That super germ that took me down also hit two of our usual lovely staff members. Thankfully, we were all back by the end of the week. Our energy levels are still a bit low as we recover, but I think we’re all on the mend. I made our favourite guacamole for our Tuesday night burrito bowls. Along with some Mexican Street Corn Salad. My family loves some Mexican food on a Tuesday or any other day of the week too! Our preschool children went on a Book Week parade excursion to a local primary school. As expected, the kids were extra excited and couldn’t wait for the bus ride. I think that’s always the highlight of any excursion! It makes me wonder if we should just hire a bus and go round and round—maybe the kids would even fall asleep, haha. The school entrance was all colourfully decorated. The children watched as each grade took turns parading their costumes around the playground. When it was our turn they had a blast high-fiving the big school kids as they walked around. It was very cute! The school provided us with a delicious morning tea of sandwiches and cupcakes. We were famished and everything was so tasty—it was practically all gone in 60 seconds! As fun as excursions are for the kids, it’s always a relief when we’re all safely back on the bus and everyone is accounted for. My group was the first on the bus, so we got the back seats to ourselves. Hooray, we made it! I’ve discovered Oust, and I love the smell. It’s much nicer than Glen 20, which has such a strong scent that you can even taste it in the back of your throat after spraying. The only downside is that I can’t find Oust at the regular supermarket. I have to order it online from Officeworks and do click and collect to avoid paying postage, which costs as much as a can. Onto some cleaning products. I’ve found a simple way to cut down on plastic packaging: Bath and Shower refills. It’s a great way to reuse the bottles you already have instead of buying new ones all the time. Plus, it’s better for the planet and my wallet. Win-win! Same thing with this laundry refill. I never buy frozen yoghurt, but a few online shopping deliveries ago, I ended up with part of someone else’s order. They have great taste—we all tried it and loved it. Once we finish this small tub, we’ll definitely be buying it again. It’s perfect with pancakes because it’s lighter than ice cream and has a delicious, mild coconut flavour. If you love berries and coconut, this one’s a winner! It has been incredibly windy the last few days. The other day, when I was walking home from work, the wind was so strong it gave me a huge shove. I pushed on and got home safely, but there were branches and debris scattered everywhere. I was a bit freaked out about the possibility of a branch or tree falling on me, especially since a huge tree came down at the end of my street on a windy day a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully, no one was hurt and no property was damaged because that was one huge tree! CPR training on Thursday wasn’t exactly my favourite, especially after a long day at work. But the trainer was really nice, and we only had to do a one-hour yearly refresher course. So we were finished by 5 pm. And that was my week, thanks for catching up with me! I hope you have a fantastic weekend ahead, and I look forward to being back here on Monday. Linking up with Andrea and Erika  

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What’s Up Wednesday

Hi friends! It’s time to link up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday! Can you believe how fast August flew by? Woah, but I’m excited because it means we’re heading into my favourite months of the year. I love September to December— the weather warms up, colourful flowers pop up everywhere, the days get longer, and there’s only one more term until the end of the school year. Right after Father’s Day this Sunday, Halloween and Christmas decorations will start appearing in the shops. Then, before we know it, the festive season will be here! Oops, maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but I love this time of year so much. Before I get too carried away, it’s time to share a little bit about what August looked like for us. Let’s go! WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK Monday – Chicken Schnitzel, Veggies, Baked Potato with Big Dollops of Sour Cream and Gravy Tuesday – Burrito Bowls Wednesday – Pasta Bolognese Thursday – Mango Chilli Chicken with Rice Friday – It’s a surprise for everyone, including me! WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT Today, our preschoolers went on an excursion to a local primary school, where they were celebrating Book Week with a “Dress Up as Your Favourite Book Character” parade. The school we visited is the same one my youngest son, Sam, attended from Kindy to Year 6. He’ll be turning 20 in October, so it sure has been a while since those school days. Anyway, while we were there, I couldn’t help but do a whole lot of reminiscing. I thought about his first day of Kindergarten with his lovely teacher, Miss Choi. I remembered the last day of Year 6 when the children from the younger grades created an arch of honour, forming a tunnel for all the students to walk through to the song the ‘Cup Song’ from Pitch Perfect. I also thought about all the school events, like the times I went to watch Sam at his own Book Week parades, and the day he won a big trophy for being Swimmer of the Year. Sigh, it all went by too fast. WHAT I’M LOVING The early warm spring weather! It felt more like summer than spring and not like all the other freezing cold Augusts I remember. WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO In August we enjoyed some lovely evening walks We connected with our cousins! celebrated Steve’s birthday and saw some pretty spring blooms appear. WHAT I’M DREADING Hmmmm I’m not sure if I’m dreading this-dreading sounds a bit strong. but I’m definitely not looking forward to it and I’m more than less than excited about it! Ok, maybe I am dreading it and I’m trying to convince myself I’m not. As part of the requirements for my Diploma course, I need to log a total of 80 hours of placement in a long daycare centre. This includes 40 hours working with children aged from birth to two years and 40 hours with children aged two to three years. I already work with three to five-year-olds, so that part of the requirement is already covered. I have no choice but to do this during our preschool Term 3 school holiday break, which is in four weeks. No holidays for me. Waaaaah! I could postpone it and do it during the summer break, but I’d rather get it over and done with now, rather than have it hanging over my head. It’s like eating your veggies first as a kid so you can get to the good stuff and truly enjoy it. The thing that really annoys me is that I’ve worked with this age group for years before landing my current preschool role, but it doesn’t count. I still have to cover these age groups during my enrollment period in the course. I’m sure I’ll enjoy working with all those babies and seeing how another children’s service operates. But sacrificing school holidays? That stings! WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT It’s Father’s Day on Sunday, so it’ll be fun to have Luke come over for lunch. We’re staying home and ordering Steve’s choice of takeaway. We also have Cousin Connect the following weekend and then I’m going to see my cousin perform with her dance group at Canterbury RSL on the 21st of September. Oh yes and I nearly forgot, we have our staff mid-term dinner next Friday night so that will be fun. WHAT I’M WATCHING I discovered a new Swedish series called Meaning of Life and it’s great! If you’re in Australia, you can watch it on SBS On Demand, and I thoroughly recommend it. It strikes the perfect balance of drama and humour. I’m also watching the latest season of The Block, where five (I think it’s five) couples compete in a massive home renovation challenge. So far, I don’t really like any of the couples much. They’re often rude to each other, and there’s so much drama and arguing. I can’t help but wonder how they feel when they watch themselves on screen once it’s aired. Cringe! WHAT I’M LISTENING TO The wind! It’s so windy today, and I can still hear it howling as I type. As I was walking home from work this afternoon, I felt like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. At one point, the wind pushed me back so hard that I thought my AirPods and sunglasses were going to fly off! Hahaha, it was kind of funny! There was a lady standing in her front garden who watched the whole spectacle, and we ended up laughing together as I walked past. WHAT I’M WEARING As usual, I forgot to take any photos of what I wore in August—I’ll try harder in September! But here’s today’s fancy ensemble for our preschool excursion. High-vis vests and all the name tags—just to make my identity ultra clear. All the staff had to wear them, hehe. WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH I’d usually say I’m

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Hello Monday

Hi friends! Welcome to this week’s Hello Monday link-up with Holly and Sarah, where we share a little bit about our weekend adventures. My weekend wasn’t exactly adventurous. I spent most of it recovering from a yucky cold and a dose of conjunctivitis. I had already taken three days off work last week. But the extra time over the weekend was exactly what I needed. By Sunday, I was finally feeling like my old self again. Yay! I realised how run down I’d been before getting sick and how I’d almost forgotten what it felt like to be truly well. Has that ever happened to you? Anyway, it’s great to be here on this gloriously sunny Monday feeling great! Thanks so much for stopping by. Saturday Strawberries and blueberries are back at reasonable prices again! It’s wonderful to see that we don’t need a bank loan to enjoy these delicious berries now that they’re in season. They were perfect to enjoy with our pancake breakfast on Saturday. I found a new Swedish comedy-drama called Meaning of Life on SBS. After loving Bonus Family so much I didn’t think I would find another one that grabbed me (I tried a couple). This one did and so I watched a couple of episodes on my iPad and now I’m addicted. The thing with foreign shows is that you have to sit and watch closely to catch the subtitles. But it’s a great excuse to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee too! I’m not sure why I love Swedish shows so much, but it might be because, according to Ancestry, I’m 1% Swedish—hehe. In the afternoon Steve hosed down the car on our front lawn and gave it a vacuum. He said it was a good way to water the garden at the same time. I’m not sure the grass appreciated getting squished. But I guess I could see his point, sort of. Anyway, it was good to see him being so mobile and doing everyday stuff. We enjoyed a short sunset walk on a warm evening. By the time we got home, it was time for dinner. I made steak sandwiches with mayo, mustard, and tomato sauce for me, and BBQ sauce for the guys. We might not share the same taste in sauces, but we all agree on one thing: a big slice of pickle in our sandwiches is a must! We spent the rest of Saturday night relaxing in front of the TV before calling it a day. Sunday I needed a couple of things from the supermarket and felt up to a big walk instead of driving. Steve joined me this time, and we walked about two kilometres there and back—something we wouldn’t have done before he got his new knee. Steve is still adjusting to enjoying walking since it used to be so painful. I can’t blame him for that! We made it home pain-free! I didn’t go to the supermarket for my favourite lollies, but they were half-price, so now my treat jar is full again! We also didn’t go for rosé, but we grabbed a bottle to celebrate the warm weather and toast to feeling well and a great weekend. We are having the best spring weather even though we haven’t quite hit September. But I’m still fully prepared for a change back to winter. So I won’t be storing away any of my warm jumpers just yet. For now, I’m loving the sunny blue skies, and on Wednesday, the forecast is a top of 28ºC—a heatwave in some parts of the world! I can’t wait!! Happy Monday!

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Friday Favourites

Hi friends! It’s time to link up with Andrea and Erika to share some favourites for the week! I only blogged on Monday, so it feels like I’ve been MIA for ages. But one of the things I love about Friday favourites is that it helps me look back on those not-so-favourite weeks and still find some highlights! So even during those less-than-ideal weeks (like this one), it’s amazing how you can still uncover a few bright spots. Yay! Monday On Monday I just felt off all day and I was tired from the get-go and couldn’t shake it off. Ugh, so annoying especially when you work with kids and you need to be energetic and engaged. Or at least engaged. I was neither! Dinner was good though. We had ravioli with meatballs-nothing wrong with my appetite! I went to bed later than I should have and when I walked into my room this was the time on the clock. I had my phone in my hand because I was about to set my alarm so I snapped a photo. What does this mean, is it a sign? Hehe Tuesday After my brisk morning walk, I made it to work thinking I’d be okay. But as the day went on, I started to go downhill fast. It was clear that the germs I’d managed to dodge nearly all winter had finally caught up with me. They took me down hard, and that was it for my working week. I spent the next three days at home, taking kids’ Dimetapp like tequila shots! I think that Kid’s Dimetapp is way more effective than adult cold and flu tablets. It tastes great too! Wednesday to Friday I’ve spent the last three days recovering and sipping on this delicious honey ginger tea. It’s so simple to make—just add a teaspoon to some boiling water. The tea is nice and sweet with a subtle lemon flavour and chunks of ginger that clear my nose when I munch on them. Definitely a favourite this week! A friend of ours (the same kind friend who replaced my bread basket) had invited us over for dinner on Wednesday, but unfortunately, we couldn’t make it—boo! Thankfully, she’s kindly rescheduled so we can get together in a couple of weeks. She surprised us by dropping in some goodies -Tompouces from Aldi and mandarins from the farmer’s market! Once a year, Aldi sells Dutch food, and these Tompouces (vanilla slices) are absolutely delicious. I have no idea how to pronounce the name, and neither does my husband, even though he’s Dutch. His parents spoke English at home, so none of his siblings learned Dutch. I had no clue about his Dutch heritage when I first met him because he has a true Aussie accent. When I met his parents for the first time, their thick Dutch accents completely blew me away! Anyway, I digress—back to the favourites for the week: mandarins from the farmer’s market. They were as sweet as ever! Another favourite that made us laugh was this belated birthday card Steve received. It was very appropriate—si! Drum roll, please… Steve got the all-clear from the surgeon on Thursday and can go back to work. Ta-da! After his knee replacement, he’s pain-free, and it’s been life-changing for him—and for all of us! It’s amazing to see him moving so comfortably now. He even says he feels good enough for the next Olympics in LA. Well, if Raygun made it, he might just have a chance! And that’s a wrap for a few favourites from this strange week! Thanks so much for being here. I’m looking forward to feeling better and being back next week. Happy Friday!  

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Hello Monday graphic

Hello Monday

Hey everyone, I’m so excited to be back today! I’m joining Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday. It’s time to catch up on a super fun three-day weekend that just flew by way too quickly! Friday I had Friday off from work because I had accumulated enough time for a day off. It was amazing not having to get up so early and I spent most of the day enjoying my time at home. I even got a head start on a few weekend tasks and it felt like I was winning! We went for a walk and saw some beautiful spring blooms that I shared on Friday favourites. Spring is coming! Surprise Dinner Destination Then in the evening, we went out for dinner to celebrate Steve’s birthday. I kept the location a surprise and didn’t tell him I had booked a table at Mr Wong’s a famous modern Cantonese restaurant in Sydney that we’ve both been wanting to try. He was convinced we were going to Hungry Jack’s which is our version of Burger King. Hahaha!! I assured him we were definitely not and to wear something nice! We caught the train from Allawah station so by then he knew we were going to the city. While we were on the train, he kept trying to guess where! He was like a kid and he was making me laugh so much. In the end, when I wouldn’t give anything away, he made me promise that if we didn’t eat enough at the restaurant “could we please go to McDonald’s as well”…sheesh!! It was a good 10-minute walk from Martin Place station and Steve walked like a champ! Before his knee replacement, we would have taken it real slow or even caught an Uber. So that’s massive progress and it makes the whole surgery so worth it! When we turned into Bridge Lane, Steve still had no clue. The alleyway was dark and mysterious—exactly the kind of place where you’d expect something shady to happen. He was completely confused! But as we reached the end, there it was, tucked behind a wall—the famous Mr Wong’s. Steve’s expression was priceless and the surprise was worth every bit of the secrecy. Mr Wong’s Before we went, I had spent some time looking at the menu and decided that the best option for us was the Banquet menu. There were just too many delicious dishes with incredible ingredients to choose from. Steve felt relieved that we didn’t have to make any decisions and could just sit back and enjoy a variety of dishes. He was still in shock that we weren’t sitting at a fast food joint—such little faith! Just like all the reviews said, the food and service were amazing! It was definitely a feast, and we loved everything from the delicate kingfish sashimi to the Angus beef cubes that melted in your mouth. One of the standout dishes for us was the Balmain bugs. In case you’re not familiar, Balmain bugs are a type of Australian slipper lobster with sweet, delicate meat. They were so good! We enjoyed ten dishes in total, including dessert, and no, we didn’t need to hit McDonald’s afterwards! I loved the little touches, like how they brought out the dessert with ‘Happy Birthday’ written on it. Palmer & Co After dinner, we decided to continue the celebration and head to Palmer & Co. A prohibition-style bar where all the bartenders were dressed in 1920s attire-so cool! There was also a jazz band playing some contemporary tunes. Steve had a cider, and I sipped on a glass of bourbon that felt like it would have been perfect with a cigar. I’ve never had a cigar, but the whole atmosphere really got to my head! I also tried straight bourbon with ice for the first time and was surprised I enjoyed it (maybe a little too much!) Cousin Connect Saturday We were set to host Cousin Connect on the 10th, but Steve thought he had shingles (it turned out to be eczema) and Sam had a bad cold. So, we rescheduled for this past Saturday, which was also Steve’s actual birthday. It turned out great that we could all be together to celebrate! Cousin S put together another one of his amazing charcuterie boards. I made pulled pork that we enjoyed with bread rolls and coleslaw. Oh, and I also made rice for my little cousin E, who, apart from my mum, is the biggest rice lover I’ve ever met! Cousin T made pigs in blankets, and my aunt brought guacamole. We played our usual board game and laughed so hard at some of the things the cousins came up with. Cousin J even suggested making Cousin Connect T-shirts featuring some of the hilarious one-liners! I think it’s a great idea! Sunday Sunday was recovery day after all the eating and fun. We watched a couple of episodes of Blue Bloods and then thought we better get started on our “homework”.  As I shared in another post, we’re heading to L.A. next January. Along with Disneyland, we’re also planning a visit to Universal Studios, which I’ve heard has an incredible Harry Potter-themed area. The thing is, none of us have ever watched or read anything Harry Potter-related. So, we figured it was high time to start! We watched Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone and we loved it! I was surprised to see The Dowager from Downton Abbey in the film! We’ve also realised that we better get started on watching The Simpsons, as Springfield is also such a big part of the Universal Studios experience. I know, I know—clearly, we’ve been living under a rock because we must be the only ones who haven’t watched these two major pop culture hits! And that wraps up our very fun three-day weekend! Thanks so much for stopping by today, I’m jumping off the computer to go have dinner and catch up on some more homework! Happy Monday!

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spring flowers

Friday Favourites

Hi friends! I can smell spring in the air today, and when you combine that with a Friday and a day off work, it’s looking like a pretty fantastic start to my three-day weekend! I’m just popping in quickly to say hi and share some photos I took recently that have me excited for spring. I’ve been counting down since the first day of winter and now there are only 15 more days until the 1st of September. Yippee! I snapped this photo at 5:45 when we went out for a walk on Tuesday. Look, it’s not completely dark at this time anymore! This gorgeous rose seemed to appear out of nowhere and I spotted it in our front garden when I came home from work the other day. We went for a walk in the sunshine and spotted even more colourful flowers along the way. Spring, I love you so much! Tonight, I’m taking Steve out to dinner at a surprise location. Tomorrow night, we’re having a combined Cousin Connect and birthday celebration for Steve since it’s his actual birthday. After some wonderfully low-key weekends, it’s time to celebrate and make the most of this one. I’m excited! Thanks so much for being here today and I hope you have an amazing weekend. I look forward to being back here on Monday! Happy Friday and happy weekend!! Linking up with Andrea and Erika  

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what's in my pantry

What’s In My Pantry

When we revamped our kitchen and added a pantry, it was like a dream come true. I’d never had a dedicated pantry before, so the idea of having all our pantry essentials in one spot—rather than crammed into different cupboards—was super exciting. Fast forward three years, and we haven’t done too bad at keeping it tidy. Go us! Most of our essentials manage to stay in their place. It’s amazing how much easier meal prep is when you can actually find what you need without digging through a mess of jars and cans. Believe me, we did plenty of digging around looking for stuff before we got our new kitchen! Our Pantry Essentials Our pantry is tall—our whole galley-style kitchen is pretty compact! Getting a photo that shows just how tall the pantry is was a bit tricky, so I snapped it from an angle to give you a better view. The pantry has some pretty great storage options, like drawers, shelves, and pull-out baskets. Our entire kitchen is from Ikea, and they really know how to make the most of every bit of space. The pantry might be on the smaller side, but it’s packed with all the essentials we need. Here’s a peek at what’s inside: Staples At the very top of the pantry, I keep passata, long-life milk, Krummies, coconut water, and a few other things I don’t need to reach for very often. It’s the perfect spot for those items I use less frequently, so they’re out of the way but still easy to access when I need them. We’ve got a stash of pasta, rice, and grains. Because these are pantry essentials we need for everyday meals. I also keep my Massel stock cubes in there because I use them all the time, they give meals an excellent flavour boost. Canned Goods We also usually have canned tomatoes, beans, and tuna. The cupboard’s a bit bare at the moment since my shopping order is coming tomorrow—canned Mutti tomatoes are definitely on the list. The pull-out baskets need some attention and I’m thinking I will buy some clear containers so that the random bits and pieces look more organised. I always keep a carton of long-life cream in the pantry. Cream is one of those ingredients that’s great to have “just in case.” Since we don’t use it very often, the fresh version tends to go off quickly. And I always feel bad wasting food. But when you need cream, you really need it! Long-life cream is the perfect solution for those times. Jars The first pull-out drawer is full of jars containing nuts, almond flour, seeds, coconut and other dry goods. Condiments and Other Bits In the next pull-out drawer, we have olive oil, vegetable oil, and a variety of vinegar. Sam also keeps his all-important protein powder in there. The lonely jar of peanut butter is there because…. I have no clue why but that’s where it lives. And the tall spaghetti jar doesn’t fit anywhere else. I spy a treat jar! My cousin made each of us a treat jar for Christmas one year. Mine’s usually filled with snakes, while Steve’s has licorice (bleh). But I think right now his jar has some Japanese snacks that Sam brought back from his trip. The last pull-out drawer is where we keep more containers of dry goods such as brown sugar, caster sugar and corn flour. There are also wooden boxes with onions, potatoes and fruit that needs to ripen. Once the fruit is ripe enough but not over ripe I transfer it to the fridge. Avocadoes are usually the trickiest and I check them regularly. One minute they are as hard as my head and then the next they’re ready to eat all at once! What I Love About Our Pantry I just love that we have a pantry after so many years without one! The solid pull-out drawers are wonderful because you can clearly see what’s inside right to the back. I love that I can fit almost all of my pantry essentials in one place. The tall shelves are perfect for storing those items I use less frequently. I get a kick out of seeing all the jars lined up neatly and clearly labelled. What I Don’t Love About Our Pantry I’m not sure how I feel about the pull-out baskets. Things tend to slide through the gaps, which can be a bit frustrating. On the flip side, if we had solid pull-out drawers, I wouldn’t be able to see what’s in them when they’re pulled out as I’m not tall enough. At least with the baskets, I can pull them out and see from underneath. But after writing this post and taking photos, I can see an obvious solution—get some clear containers ASAP, Ruth! The two top shelves are very deep, and sometimes things get pushed to the back. I need to remember to check what I have back there in the beyond before buying things unnecessarily. I’m 162 cm tall and can’t reach the two top shelves without my trusty $4.00 step stool from Kmart. It folds, so I can easily store it in a small gap beside the fridge—it’s the best! These are minor inconveniences, and I almost feel like I’m hurting my pantry’s feelings by criticising it in any way. Overall, I think it’s just totally amazing! Thanks so much for stopping by for this month’s edition of Let’s Look. I’m excited to take a peek at what everyone else has inside their pantries! Have a great day! Linking up with Erika and Shay    

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My least favourite activities graphic

Least Favourite Activities

Hi friends, it’s time to link up with Adrienne, Dara, Jen, Joanne and Sarah for this month’s edition of Share Our Lives. The topic for August is our least favourite activities. Yep, it’s the perfect chance to get a few things off my chest, have a bit of a vent, and then find my Zen. I’m looking forward to sharing what really makes me groan. Thanks so much for stopping by! My Least Favourite Activities Filling The Car With Petrol I don’t have to deal with this much anymore since I walk everywhere now, and I’m absolutely loving it! But lining up to fill up the car really had a knack for ruining a good day. I know, it sounds a bit dramatic, but honestly, it’s one of my least favourite activities! I don’t like dealing with the fiddly fuel cap, and I get really stressed if the petrol pump isn’t on the right side of where my car is parked. Another thing that gets to me about the whole petrol station experience is when people seem to take forever to get back to their cars. They pick out snacks, sort out their indecisive kids, take ages to pay, examine their receipts, adjust their sunglasses, check their lipstick, and chat on their phones—all while the line of cars keeps growing. Aaaargh! I know everyone’s busy, but it can feel like forever! Taxes It’s tax time over here, and I tackled this yesterday – phew, now that’s over I don’t have to think about it for another year! Yay! Setting Passwords Just take my identity already because I’m done setting and remembering passwords! Unclogging Drains Any hair in the drain, even if it’s my own, just makes me gag…ugh! I’ve just turned green. Going To The Doctors I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I really dislike and have a strong aversion to seeing the doctor. If I have a health concern, I stress myself out, convincing myself that when I finally walk into the doctor’s office, they’re going to tell me I have three months to live. So what do I do? I put it off, Google (big mistake), and lie awake fearing the worst. Then, I make that dreaded appointment. Going To The Dentist I’m not scared…….ok, I’m scared. Cleaning The Oven We’ve got a self-cleaning oven… Hallelujah! But I still have to take out the racks, scrub them, and tackle the glass, so it still makes the list of my least favourite activities. The first time I cleaned this oven, I couldn’t remember how to put the glass back, and it just wouldn’t click into place. I may have ended up sitting on the kitchen floor and crying. Putting Flat-Packed Furniture Together I was totally ok with this and would knock together anything from Ikea. Until the dreaded Hemnes bed, we got for Sam. It had the most confusing instructions with a gazillion screws. I have never felt so overwhelmed and may have cried over this too. In the end, I MacGyvered a few things together and hoped for the best. So far, it’s still standing, but none of us can figure out what the aluminium stick that keeps falling off is actually for. We just put it back and don’t talk about it. Cleaning The Cat Litter Two cats double the…… fun. You thought I was going to say poop didn’t you? Taking Off Or Putting On The Sandpit Cover At Work Sometimes, I wonder how many times I have done this least favourite activity over all the years I have been working at preschool…lots! It’s a two-person job because it’s heavy, especially if it’s been raining and it always feels kind of icky, so I wear plastic gloves when I have to touch it. Many times, we hear parents say how lucky we are because we get to play all day long and how they wish they had our fun, relaxing jobs. Hmm, that’s not always the case. But I guess it’s the same when I wish I could wear lovely clothes and stylish shoes and sit in a relaxing air-conditioned office. I’m sure office jobs are stressful too. Packing Away Christmas Decorations Not only is packing away Christmas decorations one of my least favourite activities, but it’s also a bit of a downer! I absolutely love Christmas, and, like a kid, I look forward to it all year. Once Father’s Day is over in September, out come the decorations in the shops, and I get so excited! But even though I love decorating for Christmas, come January 1st, I usually pack everything away. Because when it’s over, it’s over, and you have to rip it off like a band-aid. Oof, that sounds a bit harsh, doesn’t it? Ironing I used to iron everything–even teatowels. Ha! I must have had rocks in my head. Now, I fold like a champ, and whenever something needs ironing, I pull out my steamer or my cheap Kmart iron and tiny Ikea ironing board. But the steamer usually wins because it’s quick and easy! I’m sure I’ve forgotten a whole bunch of other least favourite activities, but here are a few that come to mind and it sure feels great to share them. It’s almost like a therapy session! If you’d like to find out about a few other things that get me ruffled you can read all about my pet peeves and fashion pet peeves too. I hope you have an amazing week, and may your least favourite activities be few and far between!  

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Simple Tips for Addressing Common Pains

Your body works hard for you every day, and it deserves some love in return. When it comes to addressing common pains, paying attention to those little signals can make a world of difference. Whether it’s a minor ache or something that nags at you more often, being in tune with your body helps you stay healthy and happy. Let’s look at how you can tackle some of the common types of pain, so you can keep living your best life. Simple Tips for Addressing Common Pains: Headaches, Back Pain, Chest Discomfort, and Abdominal Sensations Headaches? Time to Take Action Headaches are a pain—literally! We all get them from time to time, usually from not drinking enough water, stress, or just a busy day. But if you notice they’re happening more often, it’s worth addressing these common pains before they slow you down. A quick chat with your healthcare provider can help you find the right fix, so you can get back to feeling good and enjoying your day. Overcome Back Pain and Restore Your Well-being Back pain is no fun, but it doesn’t have to stop you in your tracks. Addressing common pains like this early on can really help. If you’ve been dealing with back pain that just won’t quit, it might be time to see your doctor or check out a place like My Back Relief Clinic. They offer effective treatments to help you feel better and return to your everyday activities with ease. Don’t Ignore Chest Discomfort Chest discomfort is something you definitely shouldn’t ignore. Addressing it promptly can make a huge difference. If you ever feel any unusual sensations in your chest, especially if they come with symptoms like shortness of breath, don’t wait—get it checked out right away. It might turn out to be nothing, but it’s always best to be safe and keep your heart in top shape. Tackle Abdominal Sensations with Ease Feeling something weird in your abdomen? It’s not the most pleasant topic, but addressing common pains like this is important for your peace of mind. Whether it’s a cramp, bloating, or something that just doesn’t feel right, talking to your healthcare provider can help you sort it out. Knowing what’s going on helps you stay comfortable and confident, so you can keep enjoying life without distractions. Additional Tips for a Pain-Free Life While it’s important to address common pains when they arise, prevention is always better than cure. Here are a few simple lifestyle tips to keep you feeling your best: Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water can prevent headaches and keep your body functioning optimally. Move Regularly: Incorporate stretching and exercise into your daily routine to keep your muscles and joints in good shape. Mind Your Posture: Whether you’re sitting at a desk or lifting something heavy, good posture can prevent back pain and other discomforts. Eat a Balanced Diet: Proper nutrition supports your overall health and can help prevent various types of pain. Take Care and Stay Happy Addressing common pains isn’t just about getting rid of discomfort—it’s about taking charge of your well-being. By listening to your body and taking action when needed, you’re doing something positive for yourself. Simple steps like staying hydrated, stretching, and regular check-ups can go a long way in keeping you feeling good. Taking care of yourself means you’re ready to take on whatever life throws your way. Addressing common pains as soon as they pop up helps you stay on top of your game, so you can keep doing all the things that make you happy. After all, your health is your best asset, and a little extra care goes a long way.   Disclaimer: This content is intended for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional for any medical concerns or before making any changes to your health routine.

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fun favourites

Friday Favourites

Hi friends! It’s finally Friday and I couldn’t be happier! I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika to share some weekly favourites. Thanks for being here! First up, I’m excited to share that on Tuesday, I got an email saying I’ve been granted credits for my course! Even better, I can complete it through the RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) program, which means I can use my previous experience to fast-track the rest of my studies. What a huge relief! Now, I’m one step closer to finishing this course way sooner than I expected! Ha, and to think I was procrastinating on answering those assessment questions that got me this credit. Lesson learned— no more procrastinating on future tasks. I have a phone meeting with the course advisor next week, and she’ll be sending me my first assignment, which I plan on knocking off ASAP. Backtracking to Monday, we had our monthly dinner with friends at Bexley RSL. I was starving by the time we got there around 7:30. It was such a busy day at work, and I hardly ate anything—which is so unlike me! I used to hear people say, “I was so busy I forgot to eat,” and I’d think, “No way!” But yes way, it happened to me on Monday. We were down a couple of staff, and it was a pretty manic, full-on day. So I devoured this delicious plate of fish and chips in no time! We started watching the final season of our favourite series, Blue Bloods, this week. I have to admit, I wasn’t sure I wanted to start it because I’m not ready to say goodbye to the Reagan family. I’m going to miss them so much! Many years ago, I bought a bread basket for myself and for a friend of mine. We both loved it and used it all the time. We’d pull it out every time we went over to each others’ houses for dinners. Then one day, I had the bright idea to keep the bread warm in the basket by putting it in the oven that was still warm but cooling down. Huge mistake! I hadn’t realised that inside the rim, there was plastic that held the basket up. So when I pulled the bread out, the plastic had melted, and the whole basket caved in and was ruined. Sigh! So I lost my basket and I soon discovered that they didn’t even sell them anymore. Fast forward about 5 years, and the other day, my friend surprised me with the exact same basket. It turns out she’s been on the lookout for years and finally found one on eBay! How nice is that? We had dinner together as a family a few times this week. If Steve gets the all-clear to go back to work on August 22nd, we won’t be having these dinners as often. On Wednesday night, I made my favourite spaghetti bolognese! Steve and Sam don’t like it, and the conversation always goes the same way when I make it. “It tastes great, Mum, but we just don’t like it.” To which I respond, “I just don’t get it. Other than you two, I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like it. Are there more of you spaghetti bolognese non-lovers out there? I’d love to know! This tin of apple slices is perfect for making an easy apple crumble. We had it hot with vanilla ice cream, and it was so good! I got some more of this R+Co shampoo because I ran out. I made it last five months, so I think I did pretty well! After I had a keratin treatment back in March, I started using it because it’s free of sulfates, parabens, and other harsh chemicals that can strip away the treatment’s benefits. It’s been great for maintaining my hair plus, it has a lovely scent. I used to wash my hair every second day and couldn’t figure out why it was always so dry—probably because the shampoo I was using stripped away all the natural oils. Since I switched to R+Co and started washing my hair less often, it’s been so much healthier and more hydrated. The keratin treatment made a huge difference too, and this shampoo helps maintain those benefits. The downside is the price compared to the shampoo I buy from the supermarket, but it’s worth it. I just keep it away from Sam in case he decides to use it—he tends to go through shampoo so fast. I want to make sure this one lasts as long as possible for me! Fortunately, I don’t have to worry about Steve using it—his hair care routine doesn’t include shampoo if you get my drift. Hehe! There we have it—some of my favourites! It’s been quite a week, friends, and I’m so excited to welcome the weekend. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend, and I look forward to being back here on Monday!

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