Hi friends! It’s great to be back on this sunny yet chilly Monday. I’m still a bit croaky, but feeling a whole lot better than last week, that’s for sure! Thanks so much for stopping by as I share a few weekend snapshots.
Last week, I lay in bed without a single ounce of energy, and I remember thinking, ‘Will I ever feel like doing anything again!’ Haha, everything felt like such an effort! Thankfully, my energy levels began to climb back up again on Friday afternoon, and I got out of the land of the zombies and made dinner. Go me!!
It felt good to be up and doing everyday things like cooking. The creamy chicken and mushroom dish tasted great, and my tastebuds were back to normal. Food no longer tasted like tin, and I could enjoy my dinner.
We went to vote in the NSW local government elections, and voting was a no-brainer since our friend was running for re-election as an independent candidate. He’s a great guy and does incredible work for the community, including being a big part of getting our local pool rebuilt when the council wanted to turn the land into apartments. That campaign is actually how we met and became friends over ten years ago. He’s the guy on the right.
In the afternoon, I walked up to our local Westfields and met my lovely friend. It was so good to see her and finally get a chance to sit down and talk because it had been way too long between catch-ups!
We had sushi from a sushi train for lunch. There were so many choices that my fuzzy post-COVID brain needed a minute—or ten—to decide.
After sushi, we moved on to a cafe and had a strawberry and banana smoothie.
We left the café and walked over to the play and party centre, where our preschool was hosting a social event and fundraiser.
This area was completely packed full of kids and families. Everyone had a great time; tears were minimal, and everyone enjoyed the pizza dinner and juice box. There was only one vomit incident, so all in all, it was a huge success!
Sunday morning, Steve watched Songs of Praise on the ABC while our cat Sushi claimed my bean bag. Why do cats always seem to make it their mission to take over our favourite spots?
I didn’t bother fighting Sushi for the bean bag. I was happy to sit on a cushion by the coffee table and enjoy raisin toast with peanut butter and jam. It was so relaxing to look at my pretty books while I had my breakfast.
I can’t remember if I’ve shared these books here before, but my lovely bestie gave them to me earlier this year. They’re by Megan Hess, my favourite illustrator. Her work is so uniquely glamorous, and you can spot it instantly because of its stylish, elegant flair. I even have one of her illustrations as my phone wallpaper.
Around midday, I called my aunt in LA, and we had a wonderful conversation, as always. She’s the sweetest, and I surprised her with the news of our plans to visit in January. She was so excited and even said she’d join us at Disneyland! Woohoo!! Oh my gosh, I can hardly wait—112 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes, and 19 seconds to go!
In the late afternoon, Steve went to work, and Sam was still at work, so I had the house to myself again for the first time in months. I continued watching my favourite comedy-drama, Meaning of Life, and then I watched a movie called Tuesday Club. Both are Swedish and both are really good! I’m not quite sure where my obsession with all things Swedish things came from, but I’m sure IKEA played a huge part!
And that’s what I got up to over the weekend. How was yours? I hope it was a good one!
Have a wonderful day.
Linking up with Holly and Sarah
I’m so jealous that you got your house to yourself- ha! Oh that Japanese food looks so delish- sounds like a great little weekend and glad to read you are feeling better!
Hope you continue to get better quickly. That creamy chicken mushroom dish looks delicious.
Hope you’re feeling all better now!
I’m glad you’re feeling better. That creamy chicken looks delicious and is good for you. There is something about chicken when you feel bad, it makes things better. #MMBC
So glad you are feeling better! That sounds like a wonderful weekend, and I love that Disney countdown.
I am glad you are starting to feel better now. It’s so good when you can taste again properly after being unwell.
It makes voting so much easier when there is a good guy in the running.
You have just reminded me that we have raisin bread in the cupboard, that will be my breakfast in the morning!
That is great news that you will see your Aunt when you visit the US. x
It sounds like you are on the way to recovery. It feels so good to finally get back to normal. I really fancy some sushi now.