fun favourites

Friday Favourites

Hi friends! It’s finally Friday and I couldn’t be happier! I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika to share some weekly favourites. Thanks for being here!

First up, I’m excited to share that on Tuesday, I got an email saying I’ve been granted credits for my course! Even better, I can complete it through the RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) program, which means I can use my previous experience to fast-track the rest of my studies. What a huge relief! Now, I’m one step closer to finishing this course way sooner than I expected!

Ha, and to think I was procrastinating on answering those assessment questions that got me this credit. Lesson learned— no more procrastinating on future tasks. I have a phone meeting with the course advisor next week, and she’ll be sending me my first assignment, which I plan on knocking off ASAP.

Backtracking to Monday, we had our monthly dinner with friends at Bexley RSL. I was starving by the time we got there around 7:30. It was such a busy day at work, and I hardly ate anything—which is so unlike me! I used to hear people say, “I was so busy I forgot to eat,” and I’d think, “No way!” But yes way, it happened to me on Monday. We were down a couple of staff, and it was a pretty manic, full-on day.

So I devoured this delicious plate of fish and chips in no time!

Fish and chips

We started watching the final season of our favourite series, Blue Bloods, this week. I have to admit, I wasn’t sure I wanted to start it because I’m not ready to say goodbye to the Reagan family. I’m going to miss them so much!

watching Blue Bloods

Many years ago, I bought a bread basket for myself and for a friend of mine. We both loved it and used it all the time. We’d pull it out every time we went over to each others’ houses for dinners. Then one day, I had the bright idea to keep the bread warm in the basket by putting it in the oven that was still warm but cooling down. Huge mistake! I hadn’t realised that inside the rim, there was plastic that held the basket up. So when I pulled the bread out, the plastic had melted, and the whole basket caved in and was ruined. Sigh!

So I lost my basket and I soon discovered that they didn’t even sell them anymore. Fast forward about 5 years, and the other day, my friend surprised me with the exact same basket. It turns out she’s been on the lookout for years and finally found one on eBay! How nice is that?

Bread basket

We had dinner together as a family a few times this week. If Steve gets the all-clear to go back to work on August 22nd, we won’t be having these dinners as often. On Wednesday night, I made my favourite spaghetti bolognese! Steve and Sam don’t like it, and the conversation always goes the same way when I make it. “It tastes great, Mum, but we just don’t like it.” To which I respond, “I just don’t get it. Other than you two, I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like it. Are there more of you spaghetti bolognese non-lovers out there? I’d love to know!

some weekly favourites - dinners

This tin of apple slices is perfect for making an easy apple crumble.

some weekly favourites - apple slices

We had it hot with vanilla ice cream, and it was so good!

some weekly favourites - apple crumble

I got some more of this R+Co shampoo because I ran out. I made it last five months, so I think I did pretty well!

some weekly favourites - shampoo

After I had a keratin treatment back in March, I started using it because it’s free of sulfates, parabens, and other harsh chemicals that can strip away the treatment’s benefits. It’s been great for maintaining my hair plus, it has a lovely scent.

I used to wash my hair every second day and couldn’t figure out why it was always so dry—probably because the shampoo I was using stripped away all the natural oils. Since I switched to R+Co and started washing my hair less often, it’s been so much healthier and more hydrated. The keratin treatment made a huge difference too, and this shampoo helps maintain those benefits.

The downside is the price compared to the shampoo I buy from the supermarket, but it’s worth it. I just keep it away from Sam in case he decides to use it—he tends to go through shampoo so fast. I want to make sure this one lasts as long as possible for me! Fortunately, I don’t have to worry about Steve using it—his hair care routine doesn’t include shampoo if you get my drift. Hehe!

There we have it—some of my favourites! It’s been quite a week, friends, and I’m so excited to welcome the weekend.

Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend, and I look forward to being back here on Monday!

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7 thoughts on “Friday Favourites”

  1. Congrats! That is great news that you have got the credits for your course! You are doing great!
    The fish & chips looks so good.
    Oh wow! What a great find from your friend, that basket is so cute!
    My lot would live on spaghetti Bolognese given the chance, me too but my dad loves the Bolognese part but not the spaghetti.
    I never think of using tinned apples to make pies or crumbles. Genius!
    I have expensive shampoo to try and keep the dye in my hair and my girls are banned from using it as they always use too much. hehehe

  2. Yay for getting credit for your course! That is so sweet that your friend was able to find you a replacement basket. All your food looks nice and yummy– including the bolognese (though admittedly it wouldn’t be a favorite of mine since I don’t typically like any sort of minced/ground meat).

  3. Yay for your course! That’s fab news. I wish mine finished sooner. I’m working on my dissertation now until January, arghhhhh! It’s so stressful.
    That fish and chips looks yummy! And so does your apple pie. Oh and we love bolognese in our house, I’d eat it every day! Haha.
    Have a lovely week. xx

  4. What a lovely collection of favourites! I chuckled at your comment on Steve’s non-use of shampoo!!
    I love Bolognese, but I suppose I can see how people wouldn’t like it, it can be a little boring 🙂

  5. I could eat spaghetti Bolognese every day for the rest of my life. What is it they don’t like about it? I like mine to be on the sweet side.

    Thanks for mentioning Blue Bloods. I’m all caught up with Yellowstone so I feel like I need a new family saga drama and that one sounds pretty good.

    That is a true friend for hunting down that bread basket for you!

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