hello Monday

Relaxed Weekend Recap

Hey there, friends! Another Monday has rolled around, and I hope you’re all feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the week ahead. My weekend was a bit on the quiet side, and it was nice mainly staying at home. I think I’ve reached the point where I’m counting down to spring! I know we don’t get the harsh winters here, but it’s still cold, and I’m longing for warmer days and blooming flowers to lift my spirits. I’m not down or anything; I’m just getting impatient and a bit over having to wear so many layers! I can’t wait for longer, warmer days! Anyway, that’s enough whinging from me because it’s time to link up with Holly and Sarah to share a recap of our relaxed and very quiet weekend.


You know how you get so excited about Friday nights? I know that I sure do! After finishing my Friday Favourites post, which was all about my simple skincare routine, we had dinner in front of the TV because my husband is watching the Olympics 24/7. I had my headphones on while watching a Disney vlogger on my iPad. After dinner, I had plans to write down more details for our trip. I tidied up the kitchen, lay on the lounge for a second, and then it was lights out for me! The next thing I remember, it was around 1 am, and Steve was waking me up to go to bed. That’s how tired I was! I was almost annoyed at myself for wasting a good Friday evening asleep, but I guess I needed it. Hmph!


Moving on to Saturday, it was a really slow day with no plans. I took the opportunity to catch up on a few things around the house since my usual routine has gone a bit off track. With Steve home recovering, I haven’t been able to stick to my normal evening routine, which means some chores I’d usually tackle during the week are now getting pushed to the weekend. But that’s okay; I’m learning to go with the flow and embrace a bit of flexibility. Change and uncertainty can work two ways: you either hold on, become more stubborn, and freak out, or you let go. Now being post-menopause and minus a thyroid. I’m much more chilled. Phew!

Saturday’s highlight was our afternoon snack—halloumi cheese! I pan-fried it in olive oil, sprinkled some oregano and drizzled it with lemon juice. We love halloumi cheese; it’s a little on the salty side, and for someone like me who carries little salt sachets in my handbag for ‘just in case,’ it’s perfect!

A relaxed weekend recap - Halloumi cheese

Later on, we had turkey burgers for dinner. It was a relaxed Saturday all around!

A relaxed weekend recap - turkey burgers


On Sunday, we went to my aunt and uncle’s house for lunch, and I caught up with my cousin and her husband, whom I hadn’t seen for almost a year. We aren’t blood relatives, but our bond goes back several generations, so we’re like family. It seems like I have cousins everywhere! However, these cousins aren’t part of our cousin connect group, as it’s only me who has that generational bond with them.

When we came home, Steve and I went for a walk. We walk together now! Before his operation, walking was agony and not something we would just do for fun. We would only walk to get to places with many rest stops along the way. He still has a slight limp, but it’s nothing compared to the limp he had pre-operation. It’s much less pronounced than before the surgery, and I can see that he’s walking more naturally and with less hesitation.

After our walk, I snapped a photo of him outside our house doing the exercises the physiotherapist recommended. The man can bend his knee! Do you know what a miracle that is? I haven’t seen him bend his knee in forever!

knee exercises

On Sunday evening, Steve watched more of the Olympics while I got brave and tackled the task I had been dreading, which I mentioned in What’s Up Wednesday. I tackled the assessment questions that will determine whether I receive any credit toward the second part of my study journey. Fingers crossed that I do! I was extremely thorough and answered them as best as I could because I’d love to complete this course as soon as possible. It took me over four hours, and hitting that send button was such a relief! I can be a champion procrastinator sometimes—ugh!

I texted my lovely friend to tell her I had finished, and she replied in her usual kind and encouraging way. Everyone needs a friend like her; she’s always cheering me along and offering support. She even puts up with me when I’m saying, “Nooooo, I don’t want to, I can’t!” Haha!

And that was my relaxed weekend recap! I didn’t do a whole lot or take many photos, but I won a major procrastination battle, and I think that’s pretty good! How was yours? I hope you had a good one!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I look forward to being back here on Wednesday.

See ya!

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10 thoughts on “Relaxed Weekend Recap”

  1. That does sound like a lovely and relaxing weekend. We had a pretty quiet weekend too and I spent lots of time reading my books and working on small projects around the house.

  2. Ahh! I am looking forward to some cooler weather here, I don’t do well in the heat.
    Oh no! That is a shame you fell asleep on Friday evening but you must have needed it.
    It sounds like you had a lovely, relaxed weekend. How lovely that you and Steve can now go for a walk!
    Well done on doing the assessment questions. x

  3. Pingback: Friday Favourites - PLAYWORKEATREPEAT

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