hello Monday

Rainy Weekend

Hi friends and welcome back, I hope you all had an amazing weekend and are feeling relaxed and ready for a new week! Thanks so much for being here today! Here is a recap of my fun but rainy weekend!

We started the weekend with a nice sleep-in on Saturday morning. Followed by a quick trip to the farmers market. It was rainy and pretty miserable weather so we decided not to hang around and grab something to eat like we usually do.

Instead, we bought a few things and then headed home. We bought nuts, honey, sourdough, apples, dried fruit and mandarins (they weren’t as great as I was hoping-it must not be a good mandarin season).

rainy weekend-farmers market haul

We also got a delicious croissant we enjoyed at home with a nice cup of hot tea.

rainy weekend-croissant

It was May the 4th! So in the afternoon, I went to the movies with my cousin and her family to watch The empire Strikes Back.

The seats in the cinema were so comfy! We even had pouffes, wow!

rainy weekend-seats in the cinema

After the movie, we had dumpling soup in a small Chinese restaurant. It was perfect on such a cold and rainy day.

dumpling soup

After lunch, it was time for the next Star Wars movie – Return Of the Jedi. It was fun watching some of the original movies on the big screen, I felt like a big kid!

After that we hit Timezone and played a few arcade games.



I caught up with some of my girl cousins for a sweet treat in Brighton. We went to a place called Dine and Dezerts. I had some waffles on a stick with chocolate sauce and strawberries-so good!

dessert on a rainy weekend

My little cousin ordered this amazing milkshake and she finished it all with no problem! Then she sugar-crashed haha!

It was a fun weekend full of my favourite things like Star Wars and family time. Couldn’t get much better than that! I hope yours was a good one too! Time has gotten away from me and I have to run and get ready for our monthly dinner catch-up with some friends. So it’s a short and sweet recap today. I look forward to being back here on Wednesday.

See ya!

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Linking up with Holly and Sarah

hello Monday graphic




6 thoughts on “Rainy Weekend”

  1. It sounds like a really nice, relaxed weekend. Such a shame about the rain. That croissant looks so good!
    What fun to go to the cinema! Those pouffes are just brilliant! We need them here in the cinema, I always think I would like to put my feet up and get really comfy.
    What a lovely treat on Sunday. The dessert and milkshake looks so good. x

  2. Its been rainy here, too – half a world away. I am ready for the sunshine. Temps will climb into the high 80’s this week! Wish I had a farmer’s market near me that was opened during the week…

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