
Hi friends! It’s time to link up with Jennifer from Overflowing With Thankfulness for the October edition of Currently. Can you believe it’s October already? Where has the time gone? Thanks so much for stopping by as I share what I’m currently loving, looking forward to, wearing, reading, and cooking.


I’ve been enjoying these delicious and refreshing cans of sugar-free soft drinks.

October edition of currently - soft drinks

I typically love sugary soft drinks because I don’t enjoy the aftertaste of artificial sweetness, but I can’t tell the difference with these!


I’m really looking forward to getting back to my usual routine! At my preschool job, I normally work 7.6-hour days, but for my placement at a daycare centre as part of my studies, I’m doing eight hours plus an extra hour to make up for losing a day due to the October long weekend—so that’s 9-hour days!

I have always felt very grateful to be working where I am, and I never took the shorter hours and school holiday breaks for granted. But now, after experiencing these longer days, I appreciate my usual routine even more and can’t wait to get back to it!


I’m back to wearing winter clothes again, and I’m not a fan. The weather tricked us, as it does every year, making us believe spring had finally arrived. Why do I fall for it every year?!


I’ve been trying to catch up on reading blogs, but with these long work hours, it’s been tough to find the time. I didn’t even get a chance to post on Monday!


Quick meals that don’t require too many steps have been the go lately. On Monday night, I made a chicken and spinach casserole that tasted great and was healthy and satisfying. I’ve been more exhausted than usual, so I’ve finally taken my husband up on his offer to cook.

His work week has changed since he returned after his operation, and now he has Wednesdays and Thursdays off. He’s always been more than happy to cook, but I guess I’m just used to doing things in the kitchen myself. But after coming home to a roast dinner and dessert tonight, I’m definitely happy to let him cook more often!

That’s a wrap for now. I just want to say I’ve been scrambling to stay afloat with everything lately. I absolutely love blogging and being part of this lovely blog community, but I just haven’t been able to find the time to blog or comment as much as I’d like.

I guess there’s a season for everything, and I’m trying not to get discouraged. Right now, I’m in a busy season, but hopefully, it won’t last forever—because blogging is my favourite!

Happy Wednesday, friends!

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6 thoughts on “Currently”

  1. Oh that is a long day! I am sure you will be so happy to have this experience behind you. Our weather has been all over the place which is making picking out clothes most days a real challenge; I never know how warm (or cold!) it’s going to get.

  2. Hey Ruth
    I’m so proud of how you give 110% once you have made up your mind! You have tackled your studies with great determination! I’m looking forward to the great celebrations when you are done!! Cheers 🍻

    1. Ruth(playworkeatrepeat)

      Thanks, Dori! I would never have done this without your encouragement and support. You are the best!!

  3. I have the same problem with finding time to write on my blog AND to read and comment on others. That’s why it’s taken me almost a week to visit! It can be tough to fit everything in that I want to do. So nice that your husband can help out some with the cooking!

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