hello Monday

Hello Monday

Hey there, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It’s great to be back on this warm and sunny Monday (hooray, it finally feels like spring again!) with a little weekend recap.


I didn’t have any big plans for Saturday, just catching up on a few things here and there. It was so nice not having to wake up to an alarm! I always sleep better when I know I don’t have to get up for work the next day. Lately, though, falling asleep has been a bit tricky. My brain just won’t switch off! I’m either thinking about my diploma course, planning our trip, singing new nursery rhymes on an endless loop, or stressing about why I’m not asleep yet—then panicking about how many hours I have left before the alarm goes off… ahhhh! But once I do drift off, not even an earthquake could wake me! (well, maybe an earthquake would).

Saturday afternoon, I got busy working on my trip planning. I’ve gone completely old-school, reviving my 80s teen self with a notebook, fluoro sticky notes, highlighters, and gel pens. If decorating notebooks had been a subject for the HSC, I would have blitzed it back then!

little weekend recap - trip planning book

My cousin, who we’re going on the trip with, must have been vibing on the same frequency. She called and asked if they could come over in the afternoon so we could book the accommodation for our three nights at Zion National Park and three nights at the Grand Canyon.

Saturday evening turned out to be so fun! I was happy that my cousins could stay for dinner. I made – ravioli with meatballs, salad and garlic bread. My cousins brought doughnuts, and we talked about the USA trip for hours.

Now that everything is booked, we’re all excited, ecstatic, over the moon, and every other word in the dictionary that describes elation! We’re also relieved to discover that booking most of our accommodation way back in June was a smart move, as prices have since increased significantly. Go us!!

little weekend recap - dinner and trip planning


On Sunday, Sam turned 20! Wow, that’s a big number, and I just don’t know how the years went by so fast. Luke came over, and Steve had to work in the afternoon and evening. We sang a quick ‘Happy Birthday’ before he left for work, but we didn’t cut the cake until hours later, after dinner. Sam had asked for his favourite cake- a cheesecake with blueberries and whipped cream (from a can) on the side. Haha, he loves canned cream!

Then Luke, Sam and I went to Sam’s favourite burger truck, Chebbo’s, and had some burgers with fries. They serve amazing burgers and fries! The fries are sprinkled with a delicious seasoning that I haven’t tasted anywhere else—yum! It was a sunny day, and I really loved spending time with my big boys, chatting and catching up. As they get older, it’s harder to find time together, so these moments are pure gold.

little weekend recap - Chebbos burgers and fries

We came home, and even though I was completely full, I made dinner because there was no way I’d feel like cooking later. Once dinner was done, we did what we always do—spend ages trying to find a movie that none of us had ever seen before. Not an easy task! In the end, we chose Gladiator because neither Sam nor Luke had seen it, and I watched it 24 years ago when it first came out in theatres. I assured them that I wanted to see it again, and I really couldn’t remember it very well. Twenty-four years is a long time!

Then, because it was a long weekend and we’re all night owls, Luke picked another movie called Role Models. It had a type of humour that made me want to block my ears many times, but I have to admit, it was funny—crude but funny, sort of. Then Luke went home, and we went to bed. It sure was a relief knowing that I could sleep in the next day!

And that was our weekend. What did you all get up to? I hope it was a good one! Thanks so much for being here, and I look forward to being back on Wednesday. Life is pretty busy at the moment with study, work placement, and everything else. I’m trying to keep up with blogging because I love it, but if I’m not here, it means I’ve been inundated with ‘all the things’! I’m giving myself a bit of grace on the days when I don’t get everything done—hello, pile of washing; I see you looking at me!

Happy Monday!

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Linking up with Holly and Sarah

hello Monday graphic

5 thoughts on “Hello Monday”

  1. Ahh! It is nice when there is no alarm clock to wake you up.
    I love your trip planning! The post it note with the “I ran out of room” did make me chuckle.
    Happy birthday to Sam!! That cake does look so good and the burgers too!
    Have a great week. x

  2. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! It sounds like your trip is really coming together. It looks like Sam had a wonderful little birthday celebration.

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