Friday Favourites

Hey there, friends! It’s great to be here sharing some Friday favourites on this sunny autumn day. I’m hanging out at Kings Cross Library, catching up on blogs as well as blogging while I wait for my husband to go into surgery. The library has these comfy nooks where you can work from and here I am!

kindness post-library nooks

kindness post - me

Well, Steve was supposed to go in for surgery an hour ago, but there’s been a delay. Not to worry, I’m sure it won’t be long now. But I sure am glad that I brought my laptop with me so I have something to do while I wait. I have two big favourites to share, and I’m happy to say that they are both related to one of my favourite topics–kindness!

Assessment Done and Dusted!

First up I’m ecstatic to say that I have finished the first part of what feels like a neverending study journey. It’s only been three months so maybe I’m exaggerating. It feels neverending though! As part of my course, I had to have a workplace assessment. And the assessor came to visit me at preschool on Tuesday and she couldn’t have been nicer. So that is a huge favourite!

When she first arrived she assured me that everything was going to be fine and I shouldn’t be nervous. She was so kind and almost made me feel relaxed (almost, haha). Anyway, she was lovely and sat in the classroom watching how I went about the morning. The kids must have sensed she was friendly because they kept coming to her and saying hi asking ‘Why are you here?’. I loved her response ‘to play!” She said, how sweet!

Afterwards, we headed to the staffroom where she had a stack of questions waiting for me. I had already completed numerous assessment tasks, and now I had to provide verbal responses while she took notes. What a process! After about two hours, we finally finished. Phew, and hooray! Once I said goodbye and escorted her out of the building, I returned to the staffroom and happily collapsed over a chair like a ragdoll. My coworker saw me and laughed.

Now I have to wait a few weeks for results (the kind assessor assured me I had nothing to worry about) and then I can get on to starting the next part of my study journey.

Surgery Day

Today is surgery day for Steve and I mentioned earlier that I was waiting for him to go in. He just sent me a text a few minutes ago – he’s prepped and ready. Today he will get a new knee and then begin a three-month recovery. He’s having the operation at East Sydney Private Hospital. And this morning we caught the train and got off at King Cross station, the nearest station to the hospital. Sam offered to drive us in but it was easier to catch the train.

Google Maps said it was a 10-minute walk to the hospital but when we got out of the station we were both unsure which way to go. So I stopped a lady to ask her for directions and she was also unsure. She pulled out her phone and started searching for the hospital. She found where it was and then offered to drive us there! I was speechless, Steve and I both were! She was so friendly and on the way she shared that her name was Hannah and she was from the U.K. but had lived in the area for 20 years.

We drove for at most five minutes. When we got out of the car, she wished us well and said she’d pray that Steve’s surgery would go well. It was such a pleasure meeting kind Hannah from the U.K. She was beautiful on the outside and the inside! Meeting kind people like her encourages me to remember to keep spreading kindness. When we got to the hospital and met with the nurse who took Steve’s details etc. He asked us how we got to the hospital and we shared that a kind stranger had given us a lift. He too was amazed and said ‘There’s hope for humanity’. Haha, I agree!

I guess this week has been all about kindness and I can’t think of a better favourite than that! The assessor was kind and reassuring, and my work colleagues have also been very kind, showering me with encouragement and confidence that I was going to nail assessment day.

Then there was kindness from a stranger this morning and of course so much kindness from you guys in the comments last week. Thank you so much, everybody! You all made this week so much better than I ever could have hoped for.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

name graphic

Update- It’s 7 pm Sydney time and the nurse finally called me to say that Steve is in recovery. I’m waiting to see him but it will be another 45 minutes until he’s moved to his room. He went into surgery at around 1 pm so it’s been a long day!

Linking up with Andrea and Erika

Friday favourites graphic


7 thoughts on “Friday Favourites”

  1. Aw, what kindness! Those are wonderful favorites. So glad to hear that everything went well with your husband’s surgery.

  2. I am glad Steve’s surgery went well and he has a speedy recovery. How lovely of that kind woman giving you a lift to the hospital. Sending love and hugs.
    I am so glad your assessment went well. I knew you would do great. The woman sounds lovely.

  3. I bet you are exhausted but also so happy to have two very big things over with. The recovery will be hard and I hope you have help and don’t take it all on yourself. I want to cry when strangers are nice to me. It really touches me.

  4. Love this! So glad that all went well with your assessment. I hear you about the never ending studying! I’m really feeling this at the minute as I’m about to start my dissertation for uni. I’m totally bricking it!

    I hope Steve is doing OK. Wishing him all the very best with his recovery. How lovely of the lady giving you both a lift. The world needs more people like her!

    Sending big hugs and love your way, after the past few weeks you’ve had. xxx

  5. That is the best story – about Hannah. How inspiring!! So thankful for the Hannahs in life…and might I be more like that! Praying all went well for your husband…and congrats on finishing that assessment!!

  6. Pingback: Exploring Kings Cross - PLAYWORKEATREPEAT

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